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Chapter 8 Chapter VII

dune savior 弗兰克·赫伯特 4006Words 2018-03-14
"Holy Mother, I am shocked by your situation." Irulan said. She stood at the door of the cell, and Bee Geist's training allowed her to measure the size of the room at a glance.It's only three cubic meters, and it's a hole dug with a cutter in the brown-veined rock just below Paul's castle.There was a poorly made rocking chair, on which Our Lady Keith Helen Mohiam sat; There was a spigot to adjust the water; a Freeman's lavatory that was vapor-tight.All furniture is simple and primitive.Four spherical lamps were fixed on the four corners of the ceiling, emitting a dim yellow light.

"Have you brought a message to Mrs. Jessica?" asked the Virgin. "I did. But I don't think she would put a finger on her eldest son." Yirulan said.She glanced at the cards. The stories on the cards told how the powerful had turned their backs on the pleas of the victims. Under the "Desolate Sandland" card is "Holy Sandworm". The meaning of this arrangement is to ask people to wait patiently.She thought to herself, everyone knows this truth, so there is no need for the teaching of Tarot cards. Irulan knew that guards outside were watching them through the windows in the door, and that there were other monitors monitoring the visit.Before coming, she had to think for a long time and plan for a long time.But not coming is also dangerous.

The Virgin has fallen into prajna meditation, occasionally checking the Tarot cards.She had a feeling that it was impossible for her to leave Arrakis alive, but even so, through meditation, she calmed down to a certain extent.Her prophetic powers may be minimal, but she may still be able to muddy the waters and interfere with Paul's spiritual vision.Besides, there is Bee Geist's prayer against fear. The sequence of events that had finally led to her being thrown into this small cell was important, but she had not had time to fully appreciate its significance.Black suspicions simmered in her heart, lingering (the tarot cards also hinted at this).Could it be that all of this was deliberately arranged by the Space Guild?

That day, a chizara in yellow robes was waiting for her on the bridge of the giant transport ship.His head was clean-shaven and hooded; his round, lifeless face was set with small, round, bright blue eyes; his skin had weathered the sand and sun of Dune Star.He looked up from a spherical coffee cup as a respectful entourage was pouring him spiced coffee, studied her carefully for a moment, then put it down. "Are you the Virgin Keith Helen Mohiam?" At this moment, she still remembers this sentence clearly, and the scene of that day is vivid in her memory.At that moment, she felt a spasm of fear in her throat.How did the emperor's men know she was on the transport ship?

"We know you're on board," Chizara said. "Have you forgotten that you're never allowed to set foot on a sacred planet?" "I'm not on Arrakis," she said. "I'm just a passenger on a Guild transport, in free space." "There is no such thing as free space, ma'am." There was hatred and deep suspicion in the voice. "Muhadi's rule is omnipresent," he said. "My destination is not Arrakis," she insisted. "Everyone's destination is Arrakis," he said.For a moment, she worried that he would go on and on about the pilgrimage of the pilgrims (thousands were loaded on each boat).

Kezzara took a golden amulet from under her robes, kissed it, touched it with her forehead, and put it to her right ear and listened.After a while, put the amulet back in its original place and hide it. "I have an order to pack your luggage and follow me to Arrakis." "But I'm going somewhere else!" She suspects that the Guild has betrayed her...or that the supernatural abilities of the Emperor and his sister have discovered her.Perhaps it was the navigator who leaked their plot.That blasphemous Aria, she sure has the magic of Our Lady of Bee Geist.What happens when this magical power is combined with his brother's power?

"Hurry up!" Kizara urged sharply. Every cell in her body was screaming not to set foot on that damned desert planet again.It is here that Lady Jessica betrays the sorority.It was here, too, that they lost Paul Atreides, the Kwizaki Hadenatch whom they had sought and brought up through the centuries. "Okay," she agreed. "Time is short," Chizala said. "The emperor's orders must be obeyed by all subjects." So, the order came from Paul! She wanted to protest to the captain of the transport ship, but gave up again.Protesting won't do any good.What can the Space Guild do?

"The emperor said that if I set foot on the land of the dunes, I would surely die," she said, trying to make a last ditch effort. "You said that yourself just now. If you insist on taking me there, it will be tantamount to a death sentence for me." "Stop shivering," Chizara ordered. "It was bound to happen, it was meant to be." She knew that they always said the emperor's order like this.destiny!The Holy Emperor himself said the same, because his eyes could see the future.What is coming will come.He has seen it, hasn't he? The thought of being entangled in a net that she had woven with her own hands made her extremely depressed.She gave in.

The net is now a prison that Irulan can visit.Compared with the meeting on Wallach IX, Irulan was a little older, and there were some worry lines around his eyes.Well...now it's time to see if the Bee Geist sister keeps her word. "I've lived in worse places," said the Virgin. "Have you come from the Emperor?" She moved her fingers a few times, as if involuntary in a moment of panic. Yirulan understood the meaning of the fingers, moved her fingers, and answered, "I came here as soon as I heard you were here." "Isn't the Emperor angry?" asked the Virgin.The fingers moved again: imperious, urgent, demanding.

"Make him angry. You are my teacher in the sorority, or his mother's teacher. Does he think I will betray you like her?" Yirulan's sign language showed various excuses, begging her forgiveness. Our Lady sighed.It is ostensibly a prisoner bemoaning his fate.But in her heart, this sigh reflected her opinion of Yirulan.It seemed wishful thinking to preserve the precious genetic patterns of Emperor Atreides through this thing.No matter how beautiful her looks, the flaws of a princess are obvious.Under this vainly sexy appearance, there lives a little mouse who hums, willing to talk, but afraid to take action.But despite this, Irulan is a bee Geist after all, and the sisterhood has a special way to deal with these weak-willed believers to ensure that they carry out the orders they received.

They made some false claims, such as softer mattresses, better food, and so on.But secretly, the Holy Mother told Irulan half persuasion and half order: the brother and sister must be allowed to have incest. (Irulan almost collapsed after hearing this order.) "At least give me a chance!" Yirulan begged in sign language. "You had a chance," retorted the Virgin.Her instructions are very clear: the emperor will always be dissatisfied with his concubine, right?His one-of-a-kind magic must have left him alone.To whom would he speak his mind in order to be understood?Obviously his sister.Because his sister was as lonely as he was.The communication between them will gradually become closer, and the chances of being together in private will also increase.There must be a way to bring them into closer contact, and there must be a way to get rid of his concubine.Grief pushes one beyond all conventional boundaries. Irulan protested.If they killed Jani, they would immediately suspect her as the princess lady.In addition, there are other problems.Jani is on a paleo Freeman diet, which is said to improve fertility.The point is that this diet renders all birth control pills ineffective.The loss of inhibition would greatly increase the likelihood that Jani would become pregnant. The Virgin's fingers flicked rapidly, and it was hard to hide her fury.Why didn't they talk about it when they first met?How could Yirulan be so stupid?If Jia Ni is pregnant and has a son, the emperor will definitely declare the child as the heir! Irulan retorted that she knew it was dangerous, but that way his genes might not be completely lost. Damn, so stupid!Our Lady was furious.Who knew what kind of mess would come from Jani's savage Freeman blood?A sorority must have pure blood!The heir must have Paul's ambitions and inspire him to consolidate his empire.Conspiracies cannot suffer from such setbacks. Irulan argued that she couldn't stop Jani from eating that Freeman diet. But the Holy Mother did not mean to forgive.Irulan's clear instructions were to find a way to deal with this new threat.If Chani becomes pregnant, abortion pills must be placed in her food or drink.Or kill her.In short, she must be prevented from giving birth to an heir to the throne at all costs. Putting abortion pills on and blatantly killing this concubine are the most dangerous things.Yirulan didn't want to do it.She couldn't help shaking at the thought of killing Chani. Yirulan was frightened by the danger?Our Lady would love to know.Her sign language conveyed a deep contempt.Yirulan was enraged, and gestured to say that she is a royal family and has special value.Wouldn't the conspirators want to take advantage of such a valuable spy?Do you want to get rid of her?Apart from her, how else could they get so close to the emperor and spy on his every move?Or have they already sent someone else to beat up the royal family?Is that true?She was desperate, was she being used, and was she being used for the last time? Our Lady retorts in sign language that in an engagement all values ​​are re-examined.The greatest danger they face is that House Atreides has an heir who does not approve of the Sisterhood and uses this heir to secure the throne.Sororities cannot take such risks.This is far from a question of the genetic patterns of the Atreides family.If the Paul family is firmly seated on the throne, the breeding program that the sisterhood has hoped for many centuries will be dead. Yirulan understood what this meant, but she still couldn't help wondering whether they had already made a decision to abandon her as the princess wife in order to obtain some greater value.Should she know something about that undead?Yirulan asked presumptuously. Our Lady pointed out whether Irulan thought the Sisters were fools.When did they hide from Yirulan what she should have known? That wasn't exactly an answer, but Yirulan could see that the Sisterhood wasn't being honest with her, telling her what she needed to know. How can they be sure that this undead can destroy the emperor?Irulan asked. You might as well just ask a simpler question, like are the spices damaging.Our Lady retorted. Irulan found that the Holy Mother's rebuke had other meanings.Bee Geist has a tradition of "conveying instruction by reprimand".It seems that I should have figured out the similarities between spices and undead long ago.Spices are valuable, but users must pay the price—addiction; spices can prolong life, and some people can even live for decades, but in the end they still inevitably die. Necromancers are also something very valuable. Apparently, the best way to prevent someone from being born is to kill the potentially pregnant mother.The Virgin gestured and turned the conversation back to murder. That's natural, Irulan thought, just like spending money must first save enough money. The Madonna's spice-addicted eyes gleamed dark blue as she stared straight at Iruran.She was speculating, waiting, observing minutiae. She sees through me, Irulan thought dejectedly.She trained me and guessed me the way she trained me.She knew I understood what this decision meant.All she wants to know now is how I will react to this.Well, just do what a Bee Geist and Princess should do. Irulan squeezed out a smile, straightened her body, and silently recited the opening paragraph of the "Prayer Against Fear": "I must not be afraid. Fear kills the ability to think, is a lurking god of death, and will completely destroy a person..." After calming down, she thought: Just let them get rid of me.I want to prove how much a princess is worth, and maybe I will win back something unexpected for them. After another silent exchange, Yirulan left. After she was gone, the Virgin continued to play with the tarot cards, arranging them in a flaming swirl pattern.She immediately got a "Kovizaki Hadenaki", paired with another "Eight Ships", which means: the witch's deceit and betrayal.This was not a good sign, indicating that his enemy still had some kind of hidden resource. She dropped the cards, anxious, wondering if Irulan would lead to their destruction.
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