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Chapter 7 Chapter Six

dune savior 弗兰克·赫伯特 6833Words 2018-03-14
Alia observed the reception hall below through the viewing window, and a group of members of the Astronautics Guild appeared. The silver-white light of noon fell from the skylight to the floor.Green, blue and pale yellow tiles are chiseled to symbolize a river overgrown with aquatic plants.There are strange colors flashing on the stars, representing various birds or animals. Men from the Guild stepped across a tiled pattern depicting hunters stalking their prey through unfamiliar jungles.They were dressed in gray, black and orange robes, and they looked beautiful when they moved around.The visitors seemed to be nonchalantly circling a transparent box in which the navigator ambassador was floating in the orange gas.The box slid on a levitation field, dragged by two squires in gray robes, like a rectangular ship being dragged into a port.

Directly below her, Paul sat firmly on the lion-shaped throne on the high platform.He wears a brand new official crown with a fish and fist emblem on it.His entire body is covered in a jewel-encrusted golden robe, surrounded by a shimmering protective shield.Two teams of bodyguards stood on both sides of the high platform, extending to the bottom of the steps.Stilgar stood two steps down to Paul's right, wearing a white robe with a yellow sash. Telepathy from her siblings told her that Paul was as restless as she was at the moment.But he concealed it so well that no one but her could see it.He stared intently at a squire in an orange robe.The squire's hollow metal eyes stared straight ahead without looking sideways.He walked at the right front of the ambassador's line, like an officer of the bodyguard.Beneath curly black hair was a flat face.Even wrapped in orange robes, the man was clearly recognizable, and his every movement called out a familiar name.

Duncan Idaho. It couldn't be Duncan Idaho, but he was Duncan Idaho. Alia recognized the man, and Rihani's deciphering technique saw through all disguises.She inhaled the man's message in her mother's womb.She knew Paul was looking at him too, with a past that couldn't be erased, endless gratitude, and fond memories of her youth. It is Duncan. Alia shuddered.There is only one answer: it is a Trealax necromancer, a thing formed by reshaping the body of the dead.That flesh had saved Paul's life.But it can only be the product of the regeneration box. The Necromancer walked valiantly, with the agility of a top swordsman.The ambassador's box stopped about ten steps away from the high platform, and the undead also stopped.

Bee Geist's mind has already penetrated into her bone marrow, so Alia saw Paul's uneasiness.He no longer looked at the man from his past.The eyes stopped looking, but his whole body and mind still watched it, and the tense muscles twisted a little. Paul nodded to the ambassador of the Space Guild, and said, "They told Lian that your name is Adrey. K. You are welcome to the palace, and I hope this meeting will enhance our understanding." Reclining comfortably in the orange gas, the astronaut popped a spice pill into his mouth and met Paul's gaze.The small voice converter hovering in the corner of the box let out a cough, followed by a series of hoarse and flat voices: "It is my great honor to be received by Your Majesty. In order to show my sincerity, I specially present a small gift."

An assistant presented Stilgar with a scroll.He frowned, looked carefully, and nodded to Paul.Stilgar and Paul's eyes turned to the undead standing respectfully under the high platform at the same time. "In fact, His Majesty the Emperor recognizes this gift," Edric said. "I am very happy to accept your sincerity." Paul said, "Tell me why you gave him to Lian." Edric turned around in the box and looked at the undead, "This is a man named Height." He spelled out the name while speaking, "According to our investigation, his experience is very strange. He was killed on Arrakis...the head was badly wounded, and it took many months to heal again. Because it was a master swordsman, a master of Jines, the body was sold to Treya Lax. Later we found out that it might be Duncan Idaho, a vassal deeply trusted by your family. So we bought it and presented it to His Majesty the Emperor as a gift." Edric looked at Paul, "It's Isn't it Idaho, Your Majesty?"

Paul's voice was restrained and cautious, "It's a bit like Idaho." Did Paul see something that I couldn't?Alia couldn't believe it.No!It is Duncan! The man named Heit stood there expressionless, his metal eyes staring straight ahead, his posture relaxed.There is no indication that it knew it was the target of discussions. "According to our reliable information, it is Idaho," Edric said. "It's called Haight now," said Paul. "Strange name." "Your Majesty, we can't speculate why Trealax gave it such a name," Edric said, "but the name can be changed. Trealax's name is not important."

It's a Trey Lax product, Paul thought, and that's the problem.To the Trealax, all that the senses can perceive is insignificant.In their philosophy, the meanings of good and evil are different from what ordinary people understand.Who knew what they had put into Idaho's body—by some scheme or whim? Glancing at Stilgar, Paul saw that the Fremen had been overwhelmed by superstitious dread, the same emotion that permeated his Fremen guards.Stilgar's mind must be thinking about this hateful space guild, as well as the Trealax, and the necromancers. Paul turned to the ghost again, and asked, "Heyt, is that your only name?"

There was a serene smile on the necromancer's dark face.The metal eyes moved and stared at Paul, but only mechanically. "Your Majesty, this is my name: Haight." Alia shuddered as she gazed through the dark peephole.Yes, it was Idaho's voice, exactly his voice, and every cell of her body recognized it. "I like to speak with this voice," continued the Necromancer, "and may His Majesty like it as much. The Trealax say it is a sign that I have heard this voice... before." "But you can't be absolutely sure about that," Paul said. "I don't know anything about my past, Your Majesty. They explained to me that I can't keep memories of past life. All that's left is the genetic pattern. But there are still some small gaps in my mind where old familiar things remain. The few traces left behind, such as voice, location, food, sound, movement - and this sword in my hand, the controller of the orthopter, etc..."

Noticing that the Guild's visitor was listening intently to the conversation, Paul asked, "Do you realize that you are a gift?" "It was explained to me, Sire." Paul leaned back, his hands resting on the armrests of the throne. What do I owe Duncan?he thought.The man died to save me.But it's not Idaho, it's just a necromancer.However, it was this body and mind standing here that taught Paul to fly the orthopter, and it felt like wings had grown from his shoulders.Paul also knew that without Idaho's rigorous training, he would never have learned to use a sword.undead.This body makes it difficult for people to produce many illusions involuntarily.Old impressions are hard to erase.Duncan Idaho.But in the final analysis, the appearance of this undead is still just a mask, which can be used to hide and can be thrown away at any time, no different from other masks used by the Trealax people to hide.

"How will you serve the Union?" Paul asked. "I will do my best to satisfy any request of His Majesty." Alia, who was watching from a hiding place, was deeply moved by the humility of the undead.She couldn't see any pretense in it.Absolute innocence shone about this new Duncan Idaho.The original Idaho was careless and nonchalant.But these defects can no longer be found on this undead, it is like a blank sheet of paper, but what did the Trealax people write on it... what? She sensed the danger hidden beneath this gift.This is a Trey Lax product.There is a disconcerting lack of restraint in anything the Trealax make, their actions driven only by their curiosity, which is completely unchecked.They boast that they have the ability to transform human beings into anything, from saints to devils.They once created a killer Mentat, a murder doctor who could overcome the psychological stereotype of the Suk school.Their products also include honest and hardworking servants, submissive sex dolls that can satisfy any sexual desire, soldiers, generals, philosophers, and sometimes even moralists.

Paul stood up and looked at Edric. "What training did this gift have?" he asked. "The intention of the Trealax people is to train this undead to become a Mentat and a true Sunni philosopher. After these trainings, they hope that his sword skills will go a step further on the original basis." Edley "I hope His Majesty likes it," said K. "Did they do it?" "I don't know that, Your Majesty." Paul pondered the answer carefully.His ability to see clearly told him that Edric believed in his heart that this necromancer was Idaho.But it's much more than that.Time flows to the future, and this navigator with the ability to foresee is in it. His movements hide danger. As for what this danger is, he can't see clearly for a while.Hight.There is something dangerous about the name Trealax.Paul felt an impulse to refuse the gift.But he knew that he couldn't really do that.The shell owes much to Atrei's family—and their enemies know it all too well. "What a Sunny philosopher," said Paul thoughtfully.He looked at the undead again, "Do you understand your role and mission?" "I will humbly serve His Majesty. My mind has been washed, and all the burdens and concerns I once had as a human are gone." "Would you rather the United called you Haight or Duncan Idaho?" Paul asked. "Your Majesty can call me whatever you want, because I am not a name." "Do you like the name Duncan Idaho?" "I think that was once my name, Your Majesty. My body responds to it, and it suits me. But...it evokes a strange response. I think a man's name is While arousing pleasure, it will inevitably be accompanied by a lot of unhappiness." "So, what's the thing that brings you the most joy?" Paul asked. Undead laughed unexpectedly, "Look for traces on other people that can reveal my previous life." "Do you see any traces of this kind here?" "Oh, I see, Your Majesty. For example, your subordinate Stilgar standing there is full of doubts and awe. He used to be a friend of my predecessor, but now, this undead body makes him very disgusted. And you, Your Majesty, you used to respect my predecessor...and trust him." "A brain that's been cleaned out," Paul said, "but how can a brain that's been cleaned out work for me?" "Efficacy, Your Majesty? When everything in the future is an unknown, this washed-out mind can make decisive decisions without any scruples or regrets. How is this effect?" Paul scowled.It was a really Sunny response, quick and ambiguous.The teachings of this necromantic do not recognize any kind of mental activity: without scruple and without remorse!It is impossible for a normal human mind to accept such an idea.unknown?Any decision involves the unknown, even those involving prescient visions. "Would you like to call you Duncan Idaho?" Paul asked. "We cannot live without being different from others. Your Majesty can just choose a name for me at will." "Just use your Treylax name," said Paul. "Heyt—that's a name that will put people off guard." Hayter bowed deeply and took a step back. Alia was puzzled: how did he know the interview was over?I know because I know my brother well.But the brother did not send any signal to the stranger.Could it be that the Duncan Idaho inside him sensed it? Paul turned to the ambassador and said, "Your accommodation is ready, and I would like to have a private conversation with you as soon as possible. The Federation will send someone to invite you. You must also be notified officially—in case you learn through inaccurate sources. This news - Our Lady Keith Helen Mohiam of the Bee Geist Sisterhood has been taken off your giant transport ship. This is my order. When we meet again, we will have a good talk about her why Appeared on this ship." With a wave of his left hand, Paul made the ambassador and his entourage back down. "Height," said Paul, "you stay." The ambassador's entourage dispersed with their boxes.Edric in the orange-red gas fluttered, including eyes, lips, and slightly undulating limbs. Paul watched them until the last Guild member walked away and the gate slammed shut behind them. Here it goes, Paul thought, and I've got this necromancer.This Trey Lax product is bait, there's no doubting it.The old hag of the Virgin was probably playing the same role.He had foreseen this tarot card a long time ago, and now, it has finally been played out.What a cursed card!It muddles the ever-flowing waters of time, so that the best efforts of the foresight can see only a moment later, instead of an hour later.He reminded himself that more than one fish had both taken the bait and escaped.Then again, although this card is not good for him, it is not all good.He couldn't see the future, but neither could anyone else. The undead stood there, tilting its head, waiting quietly. Stilgar stepped up the steps, blocking Paul's view, and said in Chicobusa, the burrow-hunting language, "The creature in that box disgusts me, Your Majesty. And this present! Throw it away!" " Paul said in the same language, "I cannot." "Idaho is dead," Stilgar retorted. "This thing is not Idaho. We take the water from it to the tribe and throw it away." "This undead is my problem, Stilgar. Your problem is that prisoner. Keep the Holy Mother under strict watch. Send those I have personally trained. Only they can resist her magic sound." "I don't like this fellow, Your Majesty." "I'll be careful, Stilgar. You, too." "Okay, Your Majesty." Shi Dijia stepped down the steps, sniffed and sniffed as he passed by Heite, and walked out quickly. Evil smells, Paul thought.Although Stilgar had planted the green and white Atreides banner on many worlds, he was still a superstitious Fremen, always simple and stubborn. Paul studied the gift carefully. "Duncan, Duncan," he whispered, "what have they done to you?" "They gave me life, my lord," said Hayter. "But why did they retrain you and send you to the United?" Paul asked. Hait curled his lips, "They intend to let me destroy you." The frankness of the statement surprised Paul.But what other answer could a true Sunnymentat have?Even in Necromancer form, Mentat speaks only the truth, and with true Sunni peace of mind.This is a human computer, with a brain and nervous system performing tasks that were performed by machines long ago.Training him to be a true Sunni would mean being doubly honest...unless the Trealax had done some weirdest thing to do with the body. Also, why make a pair of mechanical eyes?The Trealax boast that their metal eyes are more advanced than the native eyes.Strangely enough, not many Trealax choose it. Paul glanced into Alia's peephole, hoping to see her and get her advice.Her advice will be objective, free from responsibility and guilt. He looked at the Necromancer again.It's not a frivolous gift, it's an honest answer to a dangerous question. They don't care if I know it's a weapon against me, Paul thought. "So how can I protect myself from you?" Paul asked.The language he used was also very frank, he didn't use the emperor's "link", it was the tone used when asking questions to the past Duncan Idaho. "Get rid of me, Your Majesty." Paul shook his head: "How are you going to destroy me?" Hayter looked around at the guards.With Stilgar gone, they got closer to Paul.He turned around, looked around the hall, then fixed his metal eyes on Paul, and nodded. "It's a good place, a place where you can stand above the crowd," Hayter said. "It's a place of supreme power. Only when you think that everything is passing, that everything in the world will eventually die, people have the ability to take it seriously." Ponder this power. Was it your Majesty's foreknowledge that brought you to this place?" Paul's fingers tapped on the armrest of the throne.Mentat scoured the data, but his question made him uneasy. "It was my determination...not always my other...competence that got me to power." "Strong determination." Heite said, "These things can temper a person. Metals can also be forged in this way. A piece of high-quality metal is heated without quenching and allowed to cool naturally. This is called forging." "You're trying to amuse me with some real Sunni allegorical nonsense?" Paul asked. "Your Majesty, true Sunnis have other virtues besides entertainment." Paul licked his lips, took a deep breath, and put his mind-set into Mentat's counterattack.The words of counterattack immediately surfaced.Could it be that the enemy just wanted him to confront this Mentat with all his strength and forget about state affairs?No, it won't be like this.Why bother to create a true Sunni mentat?Philosophy...discourse...meditation...introspection...data are scarce. "I need more data," he murmured. "Mentat needs data, but data doesn't fall on his head casually, like pollen on his body when he walks through a flowerbed." Heite said, "One must collect pollen, carefully screen it, and put it in Put it under a high-power magnifying glass and inspect it." "You've got to teach me this really Sunny rhetoric," Paul said. The metal eyes blinked at him a few times, and then said, "Maybe that's why they sent me here, Your Majesty." To paralyze my will with novel words and ideas?Paul wasn't sure. "There is nothing scarier than an idea that can be translated into action," Paul said. "Get rid of me, Your Majesty," said Hayter.This is the voice of Duncan Idaho, full of infinite concern for the young master back then. Paul felt himself held captive by the voice.He couldn't shake the voice, even if it came from a necromancer. "You stay," he said, "and we both have to be careful." Hayter bowed obediently. Paul looked through the peep window, imploring Alia with his eyes to take the gift out of his hands and discover its hidden motives.Necrons are ghosts that scare children.It never occurred to him to understand such a thing.Now, in order to understand it, he had to overcome his pity...but he couldn't promise it.Duncan... Duncan... where is Idaho in this tailor-made body?No, it's not a body...just the form of flesh!Idaho died forever, in the caves of Araken.His spirit was peering out from metal eyes.Inside this body are two beings, one very dangerous, whose power and true nature are hidden behind this one-of-a-kind mask. Paul closed his eyes, allowing visions from his past to emerge from his consciousness.Spirits of love and hate spring forth from the churning sea.There were no rocks to be seen above the tumult, no safe place to seek from the waves. Why wasn't this brand new Duncan Idaho seen today in the visions of the past?he asked himself.What obscured time so that even his spiritual eyes could not see it?Obviously, someone else is using his precognition ability to make trouble. Paul opened his eyes and asked, "Hait, do you have magical powers of prediction?" "No, Your Majesty." The voice is very sincere.Of course, this undead may not know that he has this ability, but without this information, his Mentat function will be disturbed.What is the motive behind all this? Visions of the past swirl around Paul.Does he have to choose the most dire path?Time is warped, hinting at a dire future connected to this necromancer.Could it be that no matter what he did, he would inevitably embark on this path? let go...let go...let go... The thought kept ringing in his head. Above Paul, Alia sat in her place, resting her chin on her left hand, staring at the undead motionless.This Hite held her like a magnet.Rejuvenated by the rejuvenation of the Trealax, he seemed to be calling her pure and fervent.In fact, she fully understood Paul's silent plea.When foresight fails, people turn to spies and real power.As for herself, the urge to approach it bewildered her.She longed to be close to this strange man, even to touch his body. He was a threat to both of us, she thought.
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