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Chapter 21 Chapter 21 Don't Wait, Come Off

Infect 斯科特·西格勒 4621Words 2018-03-14
Perry curled up on the sofa, holding a bottle of Newcastle beer in one hand and the remote control in the other, changing channels boredly. He had this green and blue checkered sofa in his childhood memories, and his father bought it from the Salvation Army, which was a real surprise for his mother.The sofa was like new when I bought it, but that was 15 years ago.After his mother died, this sofa, together with some miscellaneous pots and pans, were all the belongings he took away from the old house.As far as he knew, the house still stood on a dirt road in Sheboygan, but it was nothing but ruins.When Perry was a child, his father's repeated repairs kept the house from collapsing.Perry knew no one would want a house in such dilapidated condition that it would either be worn away by the years, rot away, or end up under the bulldozers.

The sofa has been with him for years, first in college and then in his current apartment.After a long time, the sofa has fit his huge body very well, and it looks like it was specially made for him.But even lying on the sofa sipping beer and watching TV programs, he still couldn't get rid of the cloud that hung over his heart.He was ordered home early.Are you right?Is ordered to go home!It's no different from those undisciplined and lazy employees.The sense of loneliness was about to overwhelm him, but the brave seven dragons got worse. They also don't itch anymore.They hurt. The mange with thick and hard scabs was not only aching, but also some strange sensations came from inside him.This feeling seemed to be telling him quietly that the situation would soon be completely out of control.

Perry has long wondered whether cancer patients can sense what's going on inside them.Because people are often shocked when doctors tell them that "you're numbered" nonsense, but in fact some of them may have been aware of it, and more people have already known the pain they are suffering from this time Extraordinary.Just like his father. Father had noticed it a long time ago, but he didn't say a word, he just became more silent, more serious, and more violent.Yes, it wasn't until his father entered the hospital that Perry connected his abnormal behavior with his illness, but his father had long been aware of it.

Likewise, Perry feels similarly now.His stomach was very uncomfortable, nothing strong, but always slightly nauseous.Ever since the rash broke out on Monday morning, Perry couldn't help but think that this must be...something serious. He got up and walked into the bathroom, took off his shirt, and stared at the once soft and smooth skin.Apparently, his symptoms had resulted in extreme sleep deprivation (it's called a "symptom" now because he'd sensed something wasn't right), making him look pathetic.He always scratched his head when he was nervous, his hair was like a mess of grass, his skin was paler than usual, even worse than that of a country boy wandering on Michigan Avenue in the cold winter months, and his dark circles were particularly obvious.

he is sick. Another place caught his attention, though he didn't know if it was his hallucination.His muscles are firmer and he looks more chiseled.He turned his arms slowly, the bulging deltoid muscles ready to emerge from under the skin.Is he stronger than before? Perry unbuttoned his pants and kicked them into the corner.He opened the medicine cabinet and took out a pair of tweezers, then sat on the toilet.The cold touch couldn't help but make goose bumps all over his body. He often used the fine points of tweezers on rashes and other pustules.He flicked it lightly with the tweezers, and there was a hum.

The rash on his left thigh was the best place to start.Whether it was intentional or unintentional scratching while sleeping at night, that piece of skin has been made horrible by him.The rash was almost three inches in diameter, and was covered with hard, red scabs, old wounds and new ones.What a great place to start. He pinched the edge of the thick scab with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, and squeezed it fleshily.This action caused the edges of the scab to lift slightly.He grasped the edge of the scab with tweezers and tugged gently.A small piece of the scab was lifted, but it was still firmly adhered to the skin.

Perry leaned forward, his brows were determined, his eyes determined.Even if it hurts to death, he will grab this damn thing off him.He desperately squeezed the tweezers and yanked.Accompanied by a burst of terrible pain, the thick scab finally peeled off silently. He put the tweezers on the cabinet, tore off a strip of toilet paper, pressed it to the torn place, and gently wiped the bleeding wound.The bleeding stopped after a while, but the wound after peeling off the scab didn't look right.It should have been a bloody bright red, and you could even feel the tender flesh growing after the scar was removed.It should not be like this now.

The wound looked very strange. The flesh under the scar looked like a piece of orange peel, not only in color but also in texture.It smells a little bit of damp leaves.Moreover, the wound is slowly oozing out fine blood beads. A chill ran down his spine.He hurriedly stretched out his hands to the testicles, wanting to hold them in his hands and observe them carefully, silently praying in his heart that everything was normal. But this time, God didn't favor Perry. It was the scariest scene he had seen so far.The scrotum on the left is dark orange, and the body hair has almost completely fallen off, leaving only a few pubic hairs, which stick together pitifully.

Even when he was stepping into a terrifying world of death, he was not so nervous, it was his testicles!God, his lifeblood!He was sitting numbly, the toilet was still cold, and the sound of tumbling water in the sink suddenly sounded particularly harsh. It was a rare thing that he could fall asleep in this small and noisy space. His lips were pale and chapped.There was a dead silence around him, and he could hear his heavy breathing.Perry tried his best to suppress the flustered thoughts in his head, trying to find a reasonable explanation for all this. Nothing serious, just a weird rash.He will go to the doctor for treatment.Maybe a shot or two, but it shouldn't be any worse than getting tested for gonorrhea and syphilis in college.

After regaining his confidence, he tried to lightly touch the skin of the wound with his fingers.The wound was solid and felt weird to the touch.A shot of penicillin probably won't do much, since it doesn't appear to be just a superficial problem.He felt that there seemed to be something in his scrotum, inexplicable, hidden under the dark orange skin. When it suddenly became clear to him that he was slowly dying, Perry's spine began to shiver again.Whatever the hell it was, it would slowly invade his scrotum to his penis and slowly kill him.This sense of fear was about to swallow him up, and it inflated as the "Seven Brave Dragons" grew up, triggering a tremor of despair and helplessness in the depths of his soul.

Breathe, he told himself.Take a breath and get yourself under control.Be self-disciplined.He forced himself to ignore the disgusting lumps and thick orange-peel skin, but his mind went blank again.He stared at the wall with a blank expression. Without realizing it, he grabbed the tweezers and stabbed furiously at the side of his thigh.The fine tips of the tweezers sank effortlessly deep into the buttocks and out over the orange peel wound.The hard jab elicited a scream of pain from Perry, pulling him back into the real world—what was he doing?Action must be taken! He pulled the tweezers out, and blood spattered and splashed onto the linoleum floor like shiny red (and purple, blood isn't purple) threads.Some spilled onto the scale, the crimson (and dark purple) liquid glistening on that rough surface. Blood (and purple blood) trickled down his legs.He put the tweezers on the cabinet, grabbed another stack of toilet paper and pressed it tightly on the wound.The paper was immediately dyed red, and the bleeding stopped. Perry gently removed the bloody stack of papers.The sharp tweezers tore apart the orange-shaped skin, and the skin at the point where the fine point pierced was turned outwards, raised high in the very center of the wound. Right now!To hell with the damn thing! Grit your teeth and stick to it! Perry clamped the raised piece of skin with tweezers, squeezed it hard, and pulled it hard.There was a tearing pain in his thigh, but he smiled with satisfaction as he tore off the orange skin whole.Blood spattered the linoleum floor. He raised the tweezers and brought them under the lamp.This piece of meat is very thick, it is no exaggeration to say that it resembles the peel of an orange, as thick as those round, grapefruit-sized orange peels.Thin white whiskers stick out from the edge of the skin like countless jellyfish tentacles.The piece of meat had been scarred before, but it was still intact when Perry grabbed it. He threw the skin aside, tore off some toilet paper and wiped the wound lightly.It hurt, but he felt amazing, as if he was finally in control of the situation.The new wound is extremely sensitive, and even a gentle touch will cause unbearable pain.Tiny drops of blood slowly bubbled from the edge of the wound. But still something is not quite right.He stared at the bloody thigh, and the satisfaction that had just risen evaporated in an instant-this is not over yet, and he is not in control of the situation.In the very center of the wound, there is a white spot the size of a coin, which is different from the normal skin color around it. It appears to be a perfect circle, but the edges appear to be covered by bulges of normal muscle.Perry poked it with the tip of the tweezers—it was firm and springy. Panic hit him again, and he didn't really feel the tweezers poke, which made him shudder.He can't feel it because the white patch doesn't belong to him at all! With a light pinch, the muscles on the edge of the small white block were peeled off.This white thing...is a separate piece of...his skin.It was like a round plastic button growing out of nowhere in the muscle of his thigh. Gently he pushed the rotten flesh away from the edge of the small, firm white mass.It was a thick, glossy white that gave it the sheen of bone china. Is this what cancer is like?maybe.But he was very convinced that the cancerous muscle could not form such a perfect circle, and the symptoms could not suddenly break out within a few days. Cancer or not, that milky-white nub aroused deep fear in him.It's as if the heart is caught in a hunting trap, and it keeps contracting, making the heartbeat stagnant.He tried to control his breathing, to calm himself down. He carefully poked the tweezers under the white patch.It hurts, but I can't manage that much.He gently lifted the tweezers - the hard thing was slightly tilted, but it was still firmly rooted in his leg.He bled profusely every time he twisted the tweezers. He carefully pushed the edges of the flesh away as much as possible with the tweezers, probing under the white nub.Like reaching into his pocket to feel around, Perry felt the presence of a stalk—a slender stalk that held the white mass in place and extended deep into his thigh. Need to see a doctor. Definitely going to see a doctor. But first, he had to get that thing off his lap, the damn thing had to go now!He had to get rid of it, he couldn't stand the goddamn thing for a second. Perry took the stem with tweezers and slowly pulled it away.During the dragging, he could guess the length of the stem from the feeling of the thigh muscles and the resistance encountered by the tweezers.With a snap, the white nub was pulled out, but the stem was still buried deep in the thigh.Streams of blood spurted out from the wound in an instant, splashing on the legs and the worn floor tiles.Severe pain engulfed his leg, but he tried his best not to think about it, pulling the pain out of his self-awareness. He has to.It's time for the damn "Seven Brave Dragons" to become "Six Samurai". Gripping the strange stem tightly with tweezers, he pulled up with all his might, as if a condemned man were making a last-ditch effort to stay alive. The tough, springy stem was stretched, elongated, until the tweezed end was almost 2 feet away from his thigh.It was torn like a thin syrup, and the original milky white was covered by mottled blood and transparent mucus. The speed of stretching became slower and slower, and then I couldn't pull anymore. Perry growled and tugged harder. The white support was finally pulled out, popped out of his leg like a rubber band, and hit his wrist, feeling wet. He looked down at his thigh, where there was a closing hole, smaller than a pencil, looking like a tiny black hole in the flesh.The muscles around the thin hole quickly closed, causing another gust of blood to pour out from the thin hole, like squeezing toothpaste. A smile spread across Perry's face.Victory in the first battle gave him a glimmer of hope.He turned his gaze to the strange white growth, the round head still glued firmly to the tweezers, the stem - or tail - whatever it was - wrapped around his wrist wet and bloody of slime. He moved his hand under the lamp to get a better look at the growth.As Perry twisted his wrist, admiring the strange creature, he felt a subtle itch, as if a tiny mosquito had landed quietly on his skin. Suddenly, Perry's eyes widened in horror, his stomach churns, and his adrenaline surged... This white tail is wriggling like a small snake caught by a hunter.Perry screamed and threw the tweezers into the tub.The stainless steel tweezers made a crisp sound when they collided with the white porcelain, and they landed next to the drain with a clang.The wet thing was still wrapped around his wrist, writhing, its tail scratching his skin lightly, its round head drooping, shaking wildly with Perry's movements. Repulsed by what he saw, Perry let out another horrified scream, flailing his wrists desperately as if to shake the mud off his hands.The white thing was slapped against the mirror, looking like a stalk of cooked spaghetti hanging loosely from the glass, still writhing.The dying struggle made it slide slowly, leaving a wet trail on the glass. That thing is inside me!That thing is alive!It's still alive! Instinctively, Perry thumped the mirror, and there was a loud bang on the glass with his huge hands.The wriggling growth was cracked like a medium-boiled egg, and the mirror was splashed with purple goo.Perry jerked his hand back.A soft and sagging mass of white flesh, with a small mass of purple goo, stuck to his palm.Panicked, Perry, mouth parted, reached for the towel hanging from the shower curtain—too fast, his sudden movement causing him to trip over his trousers that had fallen to his ankles.Perry lost his center of gravity and fell forward. He reached out to support his fallen body, but he couldn't catch anything, so he let his forehead hit the toilet.A crisp crackling sound filled the small bathroom, and Perry passed out.
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