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Chapter 28 Chapter 23 Seal

Egwene stepped out of the Silver Arches, cold and stiff with rage, but she wanted the ice of rage to counteract the searing pain of the memory.She could still feel the heat of the fire in her flesh, and other memories had been seared deeper in her heart.Anger exudes the coldness of death. "Is that all I got?" she asked. "Giving him up, betraying him, failing him, over and over again? Is that what I deserve?" Suddenly, she realized that nothing seemed normal.The Amyrbor appeared in the room, followed by shawl-wearing Aes Sedai, each representing a sect.Egwene knew that, according to the procedure, they should appear at this time, but they all stared at her worriedly.The Aes Sedai sitting on the ground around the ter'angular tools changed from three to three pairs, six, and sweat dripped down their cheeks.The ter'angarian resonated hummingly, and the naked eye could almost see it vibrating, and the flickering bands of colored light tore apart the white light cluster in the archway.

Xue Rui'an reached out and touched Ai Wen's forehead, and the halo of Yin power flickered around her for an instant.A chill ran through her body. "She's fine." There was a sense of relaxation in the voice of the novice master, "She's not hurt." Judging from Sherian's tone, she seemed to think that Aiwen would definitely be hurt. The tension seemed to leave the other Aes Sedai too, and Elaida let out a long breath before running to the last silver cup.Only the Aes Sedai around the ter'angan did not relax.The trembling noises began to weaken, and the light cluster gradually became thinner, showing that the activity of the ter'angular device was being suppressed.But the look of those Aes Sedai showed that every bit of progress in their engagement with the ter'angan weapon would be difficult.

"What... what happened?" Egwene asked. "Be quiet," Sheriam's voice was an order, but very gentle, "Now, keep quiet. You are safe and sound, that is the most important thing. We must complete the ceremony." Elaida almost ran to them , and handed the last silver cup to Yuzuo. Egwene hesitated before kneeling down.What happened? Jade Throne slowly poured the clean water over Egwene's head. "Egwene Ewell, of Emond's Village, with the waters, and all the world's bonds with you are gone. You come to us, pure in body, pure in heart, pure in soul. You are Egwene Eywell Will, apprentice of the White Tower." The last drop of water fell on Egwene's hair. "Now, you and we are one."

The last sentence seemed to have a special meaning, a meaning that existed only between Egwene and Jade Throne.Jade Throne handed the silver cup to another Aes Sedai, and picked up a gold ring in the shape of a snake biting its own tail.Despite her best efforts, Egwene was still shaking when she raised her left hand.She shuddered again as Amy placed the Serpent Ring on her ring finger.When she becomes an Aes Sedai, she may wear the Serpent Ring on any finger of her choice, or she may keep it hidden if necessary; but the Novice must wear it in this place . Yu Zuo pulled her up with a serious expression. "Welcome, daughter." She kissed Egwene on the cheek.Egwene felt a shudder of terror, not a "child" anymore, but a "daughter"; and she had been only a child before.At this time, Yuzuo kissed her other cheek: "Welcome."

Yuzuo took a step back, looked at Aiwen, and was still talking to Sheruian: "Let her dry her body, put on her clothes, and make sure she is safe and well. Make sure, you understand what I mean." "I've confirmed it, my mother." Sheruian's voice seemed surprised, "You watched me examine her." Jade Zuo responded casually, and turned her gaze to the ter'angular weapon: "I want to know what went wrong tonight." She turned around and strode away, her skirt swinging back and forth with her steps.Most of the Aes Sedai around the ter'angan had followed her, and now the ter'an was just three silver arches on a silver ring.

"Yu Zuo is very worried about you." Sheruian pulled Ai Wen into a corner and handed her a big towel. There were other things Ai Wen needed in this place. "Why should she worry?" Egwene asked.Amy just didn't want her hounds to be in trouble before the deer was downed. Xue Rui'an didn't answer, but frowned slightly.After Egwene dried her body, she handed over a set of white dresses with seven-color trim. Egwene felt a tinge of disappointment as she put on the suit.She is now a trainee.She wore a giant snake ring on her finger, and her clothes were trimmed with seven colors.Why don't I feel any difference?

Elaida approached, her arms wrapped around Egwene's novice dress, shoes, belt, and the papers Vaelin had given her. Egwene forced herself to wait, for the Red Aes Sedai to hand her all these things instead of taking them. "Thank you, Aes Sedai." She glanced furtively at the papers, but couldn't tell if they had been looked at.The ropes that held the documents were still tied together.How can I know if she has seen these things?Squeezing the lower pocket of the novice's coat, she felt the ring, the ter'angan implement.At least, it's still there.Light, she could have taken it away.I don't know if I would mind if she took this.Well, I will, I think I will.

Elaida's expression was as cold as her voice: "Tonight, I don't want you to pass the test. It's not because I'm afraid of what will happen in the future, no one can predict the future, but because of your identity, a wild man " Egwene wanted to refute, but Elaida didn't give her a chance to speak, the voice of the Red Aes Sedai was as unresistable as an iceberg: "Oh, I know you learned to channel under the guidance of the Aes Sedai , but you're still a savage, both in spirit and in deed. You've got enormous potential, or you'd never survive tonight, but potential can be reduced to nothing. I don't believe you can be A member of the White Tower, you won't join us, it doesn't matter which finger you wear the ring on. You should learn how to save your life and go back to your boring little mountain village, that's the best for you Yes, it's much better than now." After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked out the door.

Even if she wasn't the Black Ancestor, Egwene thought unhappily, that's about it.She muttered loudly to Sheriam, "You should have said something, you should have helped me." "I'll help a novice, child." Sheriam's calm answer made Egwene feel a little embarrassed, and she used the word "child" again. "I will try my best to protect the novice students when they need it, because they cannot protect themselves. You are a trainee now, and you should learn to protect yourself." Egwen looked into Sheriam's eyes, wondering if she had deliberately emphasized the tone of the last sentence.Sheriam, like Elaida, had had a chance to read the document, and identified Egwene as having something to do with the Black Ancestor.Light, you are doubting everyone.Instead of this, it would be better to die, or be caught by thirteen of them, and... Egwene cut off this thought in a panic, she didn't want this thought to remain in her mind. "Sherian, what happened tonight?" She asked, "Don't hide it from me." Sherian raised her eyebrows.Egwene hastily apologized for her rash question: "Aes Sedai Sheriam, I... excuse me, Aes Sedai Sheriam."

"Remember, you're not an Aes Sedai, child." Despite the sternness of her voice, Egwene saw a smile on Sheriam's lips, but the smile quickly disappeared with her words. "I don't know what happened, I'm just very scared, you almost died." "Who knows what will happen to those who don't get out of the ter'angular device?" Alana said as she walked beside them.The Green Aes Sedai is known for her moodiness and sense of humor, and some even say she can go from beaming to rage, and before you can blink, she's smiling again.But her impression of Egwene was completely different from these accounts. "Son, if it had been me, I would have rejected this test. I had this thought the first time I noticed that... vibe. That vibe came back, and that's the problem, it ends in Thousands and tens of thousands of times stronger and pushed back. The ter'angarian seems desperate to cut off the flow of saidar or it will melt itself into a puddle of water. Please accept my apology, but words are not enough Apologies are not enough to compensate for the danger you have encountered. I say this, and by the first oath, you know I think so. To express my apologies, I will ask Amy to let me share your work in the kitchen. And, yes, you're still going to see Sheriam, and if I've done my duty, you shouldn't have put your life in danger during this test, and I'll do my best to make amends."

Sheriam let out a disgusted laugh: "She would never grant such a request, Alana, an Aes Sedai going to work in the kitchen, boring... never heard of such a thing before. It's not Possibly! You did what you believed to be right, and you were not wrong." "It's not your fault, Aes Sedai Alana," Egwene said.Why is Alana doing this?Maybe she just wants me to believe that she has nothing to do with what's going wrong this time.Maybe by doing that, she'll be able to spy on me for a long time.Egwene's mind now had this image of a haughty Aes Sedai with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, washing countless greasy dishes three times a day just to keep an eye on some nobodies.Aiwen felt that her cranky thinking was too strong.But if Alana can do what she says, it will be an incredible thing.In any case, the Green Aes Sedai certainly never had a chance to see that document, and her energy had been tied to the ter'angreal.But if Nynaeve is right, if she belongs to the Black Clan, she doesn't need to see those papers to have enough reason to kill me.Don't think so! "Really, it's not your fault." "If I had done my job," Elana insisted, "this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. The only time in my experience that was similar to today was when we tried to use Two pieces of ter'angar that may have been related in some way to each other, such two pieces of ter'angry are very rare, but they melted, and the sister who was within a hundred steps of them at the time had a headache for a week, and couldn't even get a spark Guide. What's the matter, kid?" Egwene's hands clenched her waist pockets until the kink of the stone ring pressed through the thick material against her palm.is it hotLight, it turned out to be my own problem. "It's all right, Aes Sedai Alana. Aes Sedai, you have done nothing wrong, and you have no reason to share my punishment. There is no need, no need at all." "A little out of control," Sheriam said, "but overall it's not a big problem." Alana just shook her head. "Aes Sedai," Egwene said slowly, "what does it mean to be a Green Aes Sedai?" Sheriam's eyes widened with a playful expression, while Alana laughed outright. . "Just put on the ring," said the Green Aes Sedai, "and start choosing a sect? First, you have to love men, and I don't mean love them, but love all men. Unlike the Blues, they just I like men, build understanding with them, and won't let them hinder our career. Of course, we are completely different from the Red Sect, they despise men, as if all men are responsible for the collapse of the world." At this time, walked over with Yu Zuo Ovalin, the Aes Sedai of the Baizong, gave them a cold look and walked out of the room. "It's not like Bai Zong," Alana laughed again, "their hearts are all cold, without a trace of enthusiasm." "That's not what I want to say, Aes Sedai Alanna, I want to know what it means to be a Green Aes Sedai." She wasn't sure that Alanna would understand her meaning, because she couldn't Sure she wanted to know, but Alana nodded slowly, as if understanding what she meant. "Brown Aes Sedai seek knowledge, Blue Aes Sedai care about worldly affairs, and White Aes Sedai devote themselves to using rigorous logic to deduce questions of truth. Of course, we participate in all these things, but as a Green Aes Sedai, means ready." A sense of pride came into Alana's voice, "During the Trolloc Wars, we were often called Battle Aes Sedai. All Aes Sedai All the Masters are fighting for this war, but only the Green Aes Sedai always act with the army, and we are present on almost all battlefields. We are the opponents of the Dreadlords - the Battle Aes Sedai. Now, we Ready for the Trollocs' southward invasion again, ready for the final war, and we'll be where the war breaks out, that's what Green Aes Sedai is all about." "Thank you, Aes Sedai," Egwene said.This is my identity just now?Or is it my future identity?Light, wish I knew if that was true, and what I should do now. Yu Zuo appeared next to them, and everyone hurriedly curtseyed to her. "Daughter, are you feeling all right?" she asked Egwene.Her gaze swept across Ai Wen's hand, and a corner of the document was exposed from under the junior student's dress, her eyes blinked slightly.Afterwards, she looked at Ai Wen's face again, "I will definitely find out the cause and effect of everything tonight." Ai Wen felt her cheeks flushed, "I'm fine, my mother." At this time, Elana asked Yu Zuo to go to the kitchen to share Egwene's labor, which really surprised Egwene. "I've never heard of such a thing," Azalea said in amazement, "Even if the captain sails the boat to the mudflat, he won't work with the bilge handyman." She glanced at Egwene, tensed Concern and anger appeared in the tight eyes. "I understand you, Alana, no matter what this child has done, she should not be punished so harshly. Very well, if it makes you feel better, you can go see Sheriam. But you What happens between the two must never be known. I cannot make an Aes Sedai a laughing stock, not even in the White Tower." Egwene opened her mouth, wanting to tell the truth and let them take the ring.I don't want that damn thing anymore, really.But Alana spoke before her. "What about other requests, my mother?" "Don't look for boredom, daughter." Yu Zuo was obviously angry, "You will be the joke of the entire White Tower in one day, and those who won't laugh at you will only because they think you are crazy. Don't think that the situation I said Won't happen, those rumors are winged. You can find all sorts of mean Aes Sedai stories from Tire to Marlandon, and they could involve every sister. So, no, if you Can't take some guilt like a mature woman, and if you have to get rid of it, I already told you that you can go to Sheriam and spend the night with her, which will give you some time to decide what is right Will you be of any help. Wait until tomorrow, when you start investigating what went wrong tonight!" "Yes, my mother." Alana said without emotion in her voice. The desire to confess dissipated in Egwene.When Ailana understood that Amy would not allow her to work in the kitchen with Egwene, there was only a momentary look of disappointment on her face.Like any reasonable person, she didn't want to be punished, but she did want a reason to be by my side.Light, it is impossible for her to purposely let this ter'angular weapon go out of control, it is because of me.Could she be a Black Aes Sedai? Thoughtful, Egwene heard a throat clear, and then another, only louder.She stared intently.Yu Zuo was staring at her.When Yuzuo spoke, she forced every word out. "You look like you could fall asleep standing up, child, and I think you should go to bed right now." At one point, her eyes flicked over the papers that Egwene had hidden under her clothes. "You've got a lot of work to do tomorrow, and for many days to come." Her eyes lingered on Egwene for another moment, and then, before anyone else had time to curtsy, she strode away. Sheriam began to berate Alana once the Amyrne was too far to hear them, and the Green Aes Sedai just glared at her silently. "You're crazy, Elana! Fool, you're a fool if you think I'm going to let you off just because we were both novice students. Have you been caught by a dragon, to—?" Suddenly , Sheriam noticed Egwene's existence, and she immediately diverted her anger to the target. "Didn't you hear Amy ordered you to go to bed and go to sleep, trainee? If you dare to say another word, you will want me to use you as fertilizer and bury you alive in the field. Tomorrow morning, I will see you in my study , not even an instant later than the first ringing of the bell. Now, hurry up!" Egwene stepped away.She shook her head, is there anyone I can trust?Jade seat?She told me to track down thirteen Black Aes Sedai, but didn't tell me that it took thirteen to force a woman with the ability to channel into the shadows.Who else can I trust? She didn't want to be alone, she couldn't even bear the thought.She ran to the trainee's residence, thinking that she would be able to move here tomorrow.She had only knocked once before rushing into Nynaeve's room, where she could trust Nynaeve and Elayne completely. Nynaeve was sitting in one of the two chairs, Elayne's head in her lap, her shoulders trembling and sobbing.It was the sob after the exhausted howl.Yilan's spirit is still unable to calm down.Tears glistened on Nynaeve's cheeks as well, and Elayne's hair was smoothed by the hand that wore the Serpent Ring; Yilan raised her face that was a little red and swollen from crying for a long time, looked at Aiwen, and sniffed: "It can't be any more scary, Aiwen, it's impossible!" Egwene had been terrified that anyone would read the documents Verin had given her while she was being tested with the ter'angular device, and she suspected everyone who was in that room at the time.The fear was bad, but it did cut in a brutal way the pain she'd suffered in the ter'angular vessel, and now Elayne's words suddenly re-touched the sore spot in Egwene's heart.In an instant, it seemed that the ceiling also fell on Egwene's head: her husband Rand, her daughter Jierya; Royal Rand. When Egwen regained her senses again, she had already knelt beside Elan, and the tears that should have been welling up now fell like autumn rain. "I can't help him, Nynaeve," she choked out. "I left him." Nynaeve flinched, as if hit by the same blow, but in the next instant her arms were around Egwene and Elayne at the same time, and she was holding them, shaking them. "Don't cry." She seemed to be singing a lullaby softly, "Time will heal all pain, a little bit, a little bit. One day, we will make them pay back the price we paid. Don't cry ,do not Cry."
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