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Chapter 18 Chapter Thirteen Punishment

Lying on her own narrow bed, Egwene frowned at the flickering lights on the wall.She wished she could come up with a plan that would work, or, at least, guess where things would go next, but nothing came to mind.The lonely oil lamp reflected complex and varied shadows on the wall, filling her thoughts.She couldn't even bring herself to worry about Mat now, and she wasn't ashamed of herself for having given up on herself. The walls around her had crushed her. It was a simple, windowless room, no different from any other novice room.The small square space was painted a pure white base color, with a few hooks nailed to one wall to hang her belongings, and the bed leaned against the other wall.There is a small shelf on the third wall.In the past, she would always put a few books borrowed from the White Tower Library on that shelf.A washstand and a three-legged stool constituted all the furniture in the room.The floor has faded and whitened from countless scrubbing.She did the same scrubbing, kneeling on the ground, holding a cloth in both hands.Every day, when there were no lessons and chores to do, she would be here.The life of a novice is very simple, whether she is the daughter of an innkeeper or the princess of Andor.

She put on her novice's pure white dress again, even the girdle and the pockets in it, but she was not glad to take off the hateful gray dress, and her room became a prison.If they want to keep me here, in this room, like a cell, a chain... She glanced at the door, and she knew that the dark-skinned trainee was standing outside the door, watching over her.So she turned over and leaned against the wall.Just a little above the top edge of the mattress, there is a small hole that is almost impossible to spot if one doesn't know it.It was drilled by the former novice, and it went into the next room.Egwene kept her voice as low as possible.

"Ilan?" There was no answer, "Ilan? Are you asleep?" "How can I sleep?" Elayne's thin whisper came from the other side of the wall. "I think we may be in trouble, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this. Egwene, what will they do?" us?" Egwene didn't answer, she didn't want to speak out her guess, she didn't even want to think about it. "I did think we'd be heroes, Elayne. We brought the Horn of Valer back safely, and we found out that Leahun belonged to the Black sect." She paused.The Aes Sedai had always denied the existence of the Black Ashram, a sect loyal to the Dark Emperor, and even a discussion of its authenticity would irritate the Aes Sedai.But we know it's true. "We should count as heroes, Elayne."

"'There is no bridge between should and shall,'" Elayne said. "I used to get angry, Light, when my mother said that to me, but it was true. Verin said we must never treat her and I don't think it's fair that anyone outside of the Amyrbor mentions the Horn, and Liashun. We've been through so much, and who can? unfair." "Said Vaelin, said Moiraine, I finally know why people think Aes Sedai are puppeteers, I can almost feel the ropes on their hands and feet. Whatever they do, it's for the White Tower decisions made in the interest of our interests, not our interests, our justice."

"But you still want to be an Aes Sedai, don't you?" Egwene hesitated, but it wasn't really a question she needed to answer. "Yes," she said, "I still want to be an Aes Sedai. It's the only way to keep us safe. I tell you, I will never allow myself to be silenced." , said it immediately, and she found herself not wanting to take it back.Give up touch with the Power?Even now, she could feel it was there, shining where she couldn't see it, its light and heat on her shoulders, and she resisted the urge to pounce on it.To give up the feeling of being filled with the body by the Power, to give up that feeling of being overflowing with life force?no way! "At least, they will fight me."

There was a long silence on both sides of the wall, "How can you stop them? Now, maybe you are as powerful as any of them, but neither of us knows much, an Aes Sedai If we tried to cut off our connection to the Source, maybe we wouldn't even know. And in this place, there are dozens of Aes Sedai." Egwen thought for a while, and finally, she said: "I can escape, and the real escape is at this moment." "They'll come after us, Egwene, I'm sure they will. Once you show any ability, they won't let you go until you've learned not to kill yourself, or until you're dead."

"I'm not just a country girl anymore, I've seen some things in this world. I can keep myself out of Aes Sedai's hands if I want to." These words were convincing Elayne, It is also convincing myself.What if I haven't seen enough?Do I know enough about the world?Do you know enough about the Supreme Force?What if channeling still kills me?She refused to think about it.Even though I still have a lot to learn, I won't let them stop me. "My mother might protect us," Elayne said, "and if what the whitecloaks say is true, she'll take us in. I never thought I'd want such a thing to be true. But if it Not really, Mother will probably send us back and bring us to justice. So, will you teach me how to live in the country?"

Egwene blinked at the wall: "Will you come with me? I mean, if it gets to that point?" There was another long silence, and the faint whisper came again: "I don't want to be silenced, Egwene, I don't want it, I don't want it!" The door was knocked open and slammed against the wall.Egwene sat up suddenly, and she heard the same slamming sound from the door next door.Fu Ruien walked into Egwene's room and looked at the small hole with a smile.In most Novice rooms, there are similar little holes, and all women who have been Novices know them. "Whispering with your friend, huh?" said the curly-haired trainee in a surprisingly warm tone, "Well, after all, it's hard to be lonely and a confidant is hard to find, you have a good talk, don't you?"

Egwene opened her mouth, but closed it immediately.She could answer the Aes Sedai's questions, Sheriam had said, but not the others.She looked at the trainee in front of her with unyielding eyes, waiting. The feigned sympathy slipped away from Frien's face, like water flowing through the eaves. "Stand up, Jade Tower won't wait for people like you, you're lucky, I didn't walk in in time to hear you talking, hurry up!" Novices were supposed to follow the apprentice's instructions as if they were Aes Sedai, but Egwene stood up very slowly and smoothed her clothes as long as she dared.She curtsied slightly to Fryen, and smiled even slightly.The anger on the trainee's face made Aiwen's smile suddenly brighter, but she couldn't restrain this expression in time.It is really unwise to overstimulate Fu Ruien like this.Aiwen straightened her body, pretending that her knees were not trembling, and left the room ahead of the trainees.

Elayne was waiting in the hallway with the apple-faced apprentice.It seemed that she had mustered up her courage and was determined to continue to be so brave. The trainees around her seemed to have become her maids.Egwene only wished she could do half as well as Elayne. A railed corridor surrounding the junior residence steps up to form a deep courtyard.They walked down the corridor for a long time and came to the courtyard of beginners. Even if all the beginners in the White Tower came here, they could not fill a quarter of the place.However, they did not see other women here.The four of them walked around the empty corridor and walked down the spiral staircase in silence. No one wanted to make a sound, and the small sound would only add to the heaviness of the emptiness.

Egwene had never entered this part of the White Tower before, and the rooms here belonged entirely to the Jade Throne.The corridor here is wide enough for a carriage to pass easily, and its height exceeds its width.Colorful brocades hang on the walls with more than a dozen patterns, ranging from flower patterns and forest scenes to heroic deeds and intricate geometric figures.Some of the tapestry was so old that it looked like it would crumble to pieces if removed.The argyle floor was in the colors of the Aes Sedai colors, and their shoes clattered loudly on the tiles. There were hardly any people to be seen here, and the occasional Aes Sedai stalked with dignity, paying no attention to the novices and novices.Five or six trainees hurried past them full of worries.There are also maids with dishes in their hands, mops, or piles of quilts and towels.A few novices trotted off to do what they were told, faster than the servants. They were joined by Nynaeve and her thin-necked overseer Cedrin.No one said a word, and Nynaeve was now in her novice clothes—a white dress with seven-color trim, though she still had her belt and bag on her.She gave Egwene and Elayne a reassuring smile and a hug respectively.Seeing another friendly face, Egwene's nervousness relaxed a lot, and she vigorously responded to Nynaeve's hug, hardly expecting that Nynaeve's behavior was more like comforting an ignorant child.But when they started walking again, Nynaeve kept pulling at her thick braids. Very few men entered this part of the Tower, and Egwene saw only two.They are two protectors, talking while walking.One hung a sword at his waist, and the other stuck it in his back; one was short and thin, almost frail, and the other was very tall.But the two walk with the same dangerous elegance.The ever-changing colors of the guardian cloaks make their figures sway, and there will always be a part of their bodies that seems to blend into the wall. Looking at them for a long time, the eyes will become tired.Then Egwene saw Nynaeve watching them too, and shook her head at the same time.She must have thought of Lan.I don't know if after today, who among us can think of such a person again? The reception room of the Jade Throne Study is grand enough to rival any palace, but it is scattered around, and the chairs prepared for those summoned are not gorgeous.Here, Egwene saw only Aes Sedai Liane.The historian wore a formal narrow scarf with a blue background that suggested she belonged to the Lan sect, and her face seemed to be carved from smooth brown jade.There was no one else in the room. "Did they cause trouble?" There was no trace of anger or sympathy in the clear words of the historian. "No, Aes Sedai," Cedarine said together with the apple-faced novice. "This guy should have her chained and dragged around, Aes Sedai," said Frien, pointing at Egwene, the apprentice's voice full of annoyance, "She seems to have forgotten all about the White Tower." discipline." "Guide her," Liane said, "not push, and not drag. Go to Aes Sedai Marius, Frien, and ask her to allow you to think about it while you tidy the Spring Gardens." She didn't repeat it. Look at Frien and the other two trainees, and the three of them curtsy deeply to her.While lowering her forehead, Frien cast a furious look at Egwene. Until those trainees left, the historian didn't look at them again.She kept sizing up the girls left in front of her while tapping her lips with a finger until Egwene felt like she had measured every inch of herself and weighed every pound of her .Nynaeve's eyes began to sparkle dangerously, her braid taut in her hands like a sail in a strong wind. In the end, Lian raised a hand towards the door of Yu Zuo's study room. The ebony door was inlaid with a pattern of a giant snake biting her own tail. The diameter of the ring-shaped giant snake was almost three feet wide. "Come in." A woman's voice came from the room. Nynaeve stepped forward quickly and pushed open a door.Aiwen also raised her legs hastily, and Elan, who was standing beside her, held her hand tightly, and she shook it back with the same force.Liane followed them into the room.After the three girls stood still, Lian took a few steps forward and stood sideways beside the girl, roughly equal distance from the girl and the table in the center of the room. Yu Zuo sat behind the desk, reviewing some documents.She didn't look up.Nynaeve opened her mouth, and the chronicler's piercing gaze fixed her on her, keeping her from uttering a word.The three of them stood in a row in front of the table in the jade seat, waiting quietly, Egwene trying not to look flustered.After a long time, what felt like hours, Amy finally looked up, but as those blue eyes looked at them in turn, Egwene felt that she would rather wait longer.Yuzuo's eyes were like two icicles, piercing into her heart, the room became cold, but a stream of sweat appeared behind her. "Finally," Yuzuo said, "our fugitive has returned." "We didn't run away, mother." Nynaeve was clearly trying to maintain her composure, but her voice was still trembling with emotion.Egwene knew that such intense feelings were often accompanied by fiery rage. "Liashun asked us to go with her, and then—" Nynaeve interrupted Nynaeve's defense with a loud slap of Aster's palm on the table. "Don't mention Leahun's name here, child!" Ayuzuo said sternly, and Liane glared at them silently and fiercely. "My mother, Leahorn is an Aes Sedai of the Black sect," Elayne said suddenly. "We already know that, at least, she has serious suspicions, so serious that the case can almost be settled. Leahun left the White Tower a few months ago and took twelve...women with her. Since then, They were never seen again. Before they left, an attempt was made to break into the storage room where the occult and supercrylic were kept. Also, they entered the storage room of the small ter'angral items and stole some of them. Several Stolen ter'angular devices, we don't know what they're for." Nynaeve stared at Amy in amazement, and Elayne rubbed her arms suddenly, as if feeling cold.Egwene knew that she was shivering too.Many times she had pictured herself returning to the White Tower, accusing Liahorn to her face, seeing her accused and punished.It was just that she had never figured out what kind of punishment would be suitable for the baby-faced Aes Sedai.It had even occurred to her that Liahorn had fled before she returned to the White Tower, and had fled out of fear of the triumphant hero, which was a reasonable ending.But she never imagined that things would turn out like this.If Liahorn and others (she really didn't want to believe it, there would be others) stole those legendary treasures, no one could know what they would do with them.Thanks to the light, they didn't get the magic weapon, she thought.The situation is bad enough. Like a magic weapon, a supercharm can help an Aes Sedai channel the One Power beyond the limit of her ability, but its ability far exceeds that of a magic weapon, and its quantity is extremely rare.Ter'arreal implements are different from the first two magical implements. There are far more of them than magical implements and super magical implements, but they are also rare treasures. They will not help users guide the Supreme Force, but they can Use the Supreme Power.No one can really understand them anymore. There are many ter'arreal implements that only work in the hands of those who can channel them; others can work on anyone.All the implements and implements Egwene knew were small, but ter'angular implements could come in all shapes and sizes.The Aes Sedai created these artifacts three thousand years ago, and each ter'angan seems to have been made for a specific purpose.Subsequent Aes Sedai devoted themselves to their secrets. They either died of exhaustion or were burned to death by the over-channeled Power. Many Brown sisters spent their lives studying these ter'arreal artifacts. Some ter'angreals are still used by Aes Sedai today, but they are used for different purposes.When an apprentice takes the oath of the Three to become an Aes Sedai, the short white staff she holds is a ter'angral implement, which seeps the oaths of the bearer down to the marrow of her bones.Another ter'angan is used for final testing of novices who become apprentices.There are many other ter'arreal artifacts hidden in the White Tower, some of which no one can make them work at all, and some of which do not seem to have any use. Why would they take something no one knows how to use?Egwene found it odd, or maybe these Black Aes Sedai knew how to use them?The possibility made her stomach twitch.Those fell into the hands of the Darkfriends, perhaps as badly as the Arcana. "Theft," continued Amyros, her voice as icy as her gaze, "was their least crime. Three sisters and two Wardens died that night, along with seven guards and nine The purpose of murder is to cover their theft and escape, these may not be enough to prove that they belong to... the Black sect." The last word came out through her gritted teeth, "but almost no one believed it It could be otherwise, in fact I don't believe it. When there's fish heads and blood floating in the water, you don't have to see a silver pike to know they're there." "Then why are we treated like criminals?" Nynaeve asked. "We were tricked...by the Black Ancestors, and that should forgive us for our mistakes." Yuzuo smiled sullenly: "What do you think, child? Now there are only Weilin, Lian and I in the White Tower who think you were deceived by Liasun. That little trick in front of the robes is completely trivial. Don't look at me so surprised, Vaelin told me everything. If it is known that you left with Leahorn, the Council will probably be in the During the time you exhale, all three of you will be silenced by the passage." "It's not fair!" Nynaeve yelled.Liane tried to stop her excitedly, but she continued, "That's not right! This—!" Amyrth rose to her feet, the only movement she could make, but it shut Nynaeve. Egwene thought it was wise for her to keep quiet all the time, and she always believed that Nynaeve had a strong will not to lose, until she met the woman in the seven-color scarf in front of her.Please, control your temper, Nynaeve.We're like children, like babies to a mother who's going to do something to us that could be far more horrific than a spanking. Ai Wen had a feeling that Yuzuo's cold words were pointing out a clear path for them, but she was still not sure what kind of path it was. "My mother, please forgive me for talking too much, but what do you want to do with us?" "What to do with you, children? I will punish you and Elayne for leaving the White Tower without permission, and Nynaeve for leaving the city without permission. First, you will be called to Aes Sedai's study, I've told her she'll whip you till you want to sit on cushions for the next week. And I'm going to tell all the novices and novices about it." Egwene blinked in horror, Elayne's throat was gurgling, she straightened her back stiffly, and muttered something in her mouth.Nynaeve was the only one who showed no signs of panic.Punishment, whether it is extra labor or anything else, is only a matter between the novice master and the punished.Those who receive punishment are generally novices, and occasionally there will be trainees who go too far.Sheriam always keeps these punishments a secret between her and the punished.Egwene thought gloomily, she couldn't tell anyone else about it, but it was better than being imprisoned, silenced! "Of course, this public statement is part of the punishment," Amyrne continued, as if she had read Egwene's thoughts, "and I will also publicly announce that you are all going to help in the kitchen and work with the servants until the new Announcement. I will spread the word that the 'new announcement' may never be made. Is there any objection?" "No, my mother," Egwene said immediately.Nynaeve hated washing dishes more than anything.Things could get worse, Nynaeve, Light, could be much more dire.Nynaeve lifted her nose, but she finally shook her head vigorously. "What about you, Elayne?" Azalea asked, "Princesses of Andor are usually used to being treated tenderly." "I want to be an Aes Sedai, my mother," Elayne said firmly. Yu Zuo picked up a document on the table in front of him with his fingers, and seemed to be reading the contents carefully.After a while, she raised her head and smiled without the slightest bit of joy: "If you had any other stupid answers, I would have added something to your punishment and made you curse your father for stealing your mother's first kiss." That day. How can you leave the White Tower like ignorant children, even a baby, will not fall into such a trap. I will teach you to think before acting, otherwise, I will use you to plug the cracks in the sluice !" Egwene found herself grateful, and a sting ran through her skin as Jade continued. "Now, I still have something to ask you. It seems that your ability to channel has improved significantly during the time you have left the White Tower. You have learned a lot, including some," her tone suddenly became severe , "I don't want you to learn!" Egwene was taken aback by Nynaeve's answer: "I know we did...something...that was our fault, my mother, and I assure you, we will do our best to correct ourselves and make the best of everything, As if we have sworn three oaths." Yuzuo said in a deep voice: "It depends on your performance." Her tone was without any emotion, "If I could, I would put the stick of oath in your hands tonight, but that is only about to come. Only those who become Aes Sedai can take it. I must trust your good intentions, and if you still have good intentions, you can follow your words and deeds. Therefore, Egwene, and you, Elayne, you will be promoted to apprentices. " Yilan gasped, and Egwene opened her mouth, and it took a long time before she could speak: "Thank you, my mother." Lian stood there and shrugged, Egwene didn't think that the historian There is an element of joy in the expression.Don't be surprised - the historian obviously knew there would be such a sentence - but don't be happy either, her expression is conveying such a message to the three girls. "Don't thank me, your abilities are far beyond the level of novice students. Some people will think that you don't deserve the giant snake ring, especially after you have done these things, but wait until you have to hug all day No one will say anything when you are running back and forth with a pile of greasy dishes. Don't think this is some kind of reward for your bravery, remember that the first few weeks of being an apprentice are just to put you in Whether it is a good fish or a rotten fish that needs to be thrown out is still an open question. The worst days of your novice days will be compared with the best days in the next few weeks. Will be like a dream Evocative as well. I suspect that some sisters will test you more severely than they are accustomed to when they teach you, but I don't think you will complain, do you?" I can learn, Egwene thought.I will choose what I will learn, I can learn to understand those dreams, learn to now— Her thoughts were interrupted by Amy's smile, a smile that told her that the Aes Sedai would not do too much to them, but whether they would survive was still a question.Nynaeve was already an apprentice, and now she looked at Egwene and Elayne with memories of deep sympathy and fear.The look made Egwene's throat dry. "Yes, mother." She said weakly.Elayne's answer was a hoarse whisper. "That's it, then. Elayne, your mother is quite upset about your disappearance." "She knows?" Elayne screamed. Lian snorted, and Yuzuo raised one eyebrow and said, "It's hard for me to keep this matter a secret from her. As long as she doesn't hear from you for a month, she won't accept any of our arguments. Maybe you think It's nothing, but if you don't handle it well, maybe you won't live long enough to meet her next time. She's even crazy enough to destroy you alone, destroy me, and destroy the entire White Tower." "I can imagine, my mother," Elayne said in a voice that was almost choking. "I don't think you can imagine, boy, that you might end a tradition that existed before that land was named Andor, a custom stronger than most laws. Morg Ruth refused to return Elaida to her. This is the first time that the queen of Andor no longer has an Aes Sedai advisor. She wants you to return to Caemlyn as soon as you are found. I can finally convince her that , it will be more beneficial for your safety if you get more training here. She is also planning to cancel the Dharma training of your two elder brothers. They used their own methods to persuade her to let themselves stay. what method." Elayne's eyes were not on anyone in the room, maybe she was looking at Morgase in the distance with all her anger.She was shaking. "Gawin is my brother," she said absently, "but Garald is not." "Don't be so childish," Amyrtle said to her, "Galald has the same father as you, and he's your brother of course, it doesn't matter if you like him or not. I won't allow you to be childish, boy, novice A certain level of stupidity is ok, but not a trainee." "Yes, mother," Elayne said darkly. "The queen wrote a letter to Sheriam for you. Apart from scolding you, I believe she also tried her best to express her intention to take you home to ensure your safety. She is sure that at most one more time In two months, you will be able to channel the One Power without risk." "But I want to study, mother." Iron Will returned in Elayne's voice. "I want to be an Aes Sedai." Amy's smile became even harsher than before: "Don't worry, child, I don't want Morgase to take you either, your potential can take you beyond all Aes Sedai in the past millennia. I won't let you go unless you Got the shawl and the ring. Even if I grind you up and make you into sausages, I'll keep you, I won't let you go. Have I made it clear?" "Yes, my mother." Elayne's voice sounded disturbed.Egwene didn't want to blame her, and being caught between Morgase and the White Tower was like a towel held by two dogs.These two dogs, one is Queen Andor and the other is Jade Tower.If Egwene had ever envied Elayne's wealth, and the throne she would one day sit on, at this moment she was sure she would never think so again. Yuzuo said briskly: "Liane, take Yilan to Xue Rui'an's study, I still have something to say to these two children, although I don't think they are willing to hear these words." Egwene and Nynaeve exchanged a startled look, and worry washed over the tension between them for the moment.What is she going to say to us that Elayne can't hear?Egwene thought to herself, I don't care, as long as she doesn't interrupt my studies.But why couldn't Elayne hear it? Yilan's expression twisted when she heard that she was going to the novice master's study.But when Lian came to her side, she still moved. "As you wish, my mother." She said politely, and at the same time performed a standard curtsy, and unfolded the skirt beautifully. "I will obey." Then, she raised her head high and followed Lian out of the room.
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