Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 43 Chapter Forty-Three

From the end of May, the water of the Nile turns green, and by the end of June, it turns chestnut-colored due to the entrainment of river sand and silt.All work in the fields ceased, and the threshing was followed by a long fallow period.Some people wanted to save more money, so they went to work at large construction sites, because it was much easier to transport boulders by boat because of flooding. Everyone is worried, wondering if the amount of water this time will be enough to replenish the water and nutrients needed by the land. In order to pray for God's blessing, the residents of both villages and cities will throw a kind of little native man made by pottery or glazed into the river. This man is fat, with drooping breasts and decorated with plants on his head. The natives symbolize the "harpy", that is, the vitality of the flooding of the river and the magical power that makes the farmland flourish.

In another twenty days, that is, around July 20, Habi will swell to the point of submerging all the land, leaving Egypt in a state of water, and all communication between villages will have to be maintained by boats.Twenty days later, it will be time for Ramses to give way to Meifeng. * * * Pazar gently petted his dog, who was busy digging out a previously hidden bone from a hidden place.In fact, the Warriors also felt that this period of time was indeed full of fear and uncertainty.Pazar was most worried about his loyal companions. If he was arrested and exiled in the future, who would take care of his dogs and donkeys?The north wind, who has long been accustomed to a leisurely life, may have to carry heavy loads again and travel on the dusty trails.These two partners have been with him for so long, but they may not escape the fate of dying of depression.

"Nefeli, you must go, get out of Egypt before it's too late." "You want me to leave you alone?" "Mei Feng is too cold. Greed and ambition have made him ruthless. Nothing can move him." "Didn't you know before?" "I thought the sound of the pyramid might awaken his conscience...but instead it fueled his desire for power. I beg you, save yourself, save the warrior and Beifeng." "As the Prime Minister, can you allow the Chief Physician to abandon his post when the country is seriously ill? No matter what the future will be, we will face it together. You can ask the Warriors and Beifeng, they will definitely not Willing to leave."

So Pazar and Nefiri held hands and gazed at the garden around the house, while the green monkey, Rascal, was still playing and looking for sweets in the garden without any worries.On the eve of the disaster, the two of them enjoyed the last moment of peace in this safe haven away from disputes.In the early morning, after they soaked in the pool, they walked together under the shade of the trees. "My lord, the guests have arrived." The servant came to report. * * * After Cam and the baboon greeted the guards, they settled on the Tamarix Trail.They meditated for a while in front of the ancestral chapel, washed their hands and feet at the door of the house, and then walked through the side corridor to the four-poster hall, where the prime minister and his wife were already waiting.Then Queen Mother Tuya, former Prime Minister Baji, Karnak High Priest Karni and Suti also arrived in turn.

"With the permission of the Pharaoh," Pazar said, "I would like to announce to you that the Great Pyramid of Cheaps, which only the Pharaohs have been allowed to enter, has been looted recently. The thieves include Meifeng, his wife and three other colleagues Party transporter Dennis, dentist Kadashi and chemist Xie Qi. Although the latter three are dead, their conspiracy has succeeded. Beetles, lapis lazuli amulets, divine iron chisels, and golden elbows. Some of these treasures have been recovered, but the most important thing is missing: the will of the gods in the leather case, that is, the pharaoh during the rebirth ceremony A treasure that must be held in the right hand and then displayed to all the people and priests. This document passed down from generation to generation by the emperor can prove the legitimacy of the kingship.

Who would have guessed that someone would be so bold as to desecrate and steal sacred objects?My master Blarney was slain because he was in the way of these thieves.Even the mummy craftsman Xiyi was bought by Mei Feng to become the Eater of Shadows, but Keim and Fufu have already stepped forward to put an end to all his crimes.However, these are only trivial results, because we have not found the murderer of Blarney, and we have not been able to recover the will of the gods.As soon as the new year came, Ramses had to give up the throne to Meifeng.And Meifeng will also close all temples, promote currency circulation, and make interests the only rule. "

After Pazar explained, everyone was silent for a long time, and the atmosphere was very dignified.All the members who participated in the secret meeting were stunned, as if the ancient prophecy had been fulfilled, the sky just fell down (the myth says that the sky is supported by four pillars. will collapse and crush anyone who creates chaos). The first person to respond was Su Ti: "No matter how precious this document is, it is not enough to make Mei Feng a wise monarch admired by all people." "That's why he spends so much time corrupting the country's administration, corrupting the country's economy, and building a network that works in his favor."

"Didn't you try to break it up?" "It's a pity that every time this multi-headed monster is beheaded, a new one will grow immediately." "You're too pessimistic," Baji said. "There are many civil servants who won't follow Mei Feng's orders." "No," Pazar retorted, "Egypt's administrative system has always attached great importance to class dignity, and no one would dare to defy the words of the Pharaoh." "Then let's organize a resistance movement." Su Ti suggested, "We have already controlled many departments, and the prime minister can make good use of these powers."

That's when Carney asked to speak.The wrinkled high priest who once worked as a vegetable farmer said bluntly: "The temple will never accept the economic subversion carried out by the US front, because these policies will only bring our country to misery and even lead to civil war. A pharaoh is a spiritual follower of the temple, and if he fails to fulfill this first duty, he is nothing more than an unconvincing political leader." "In this way, the entire administrative system will no longer be restrained. Because what they swore allegiance to was the king who maintained the harmony between heaven and earth, not a dictatorial tyrant." Baji also echoed.

"The health department will also cease operations." Nefeli said firmly, "The health unit has always had a close relationship with the temple and will never accept the new regime." "With a few of you, we're not considered a loser." Queen Mother Tuya seemed very excited, "You also know that the harem has always been hostile to Meifeng, and of course it is even more impossible to accept Sirix who behaved despicably." "Great!" Su Gao exclaimed, "Has the Empress Dowager finally made this hateful couple estranged?" "I don't know either, but this naive but cruel and perverted woman is not very stable mentally. If I'm not mistaken, Meifeng will definitely abandon her, otherwise she will betray Meifeng. When Sirix When Piramses came to ask me to cooperate with them, she seemed to be full of confidence, but when she left, her mind was not clear. By the way, Prime Minister Pazar, I have a question: why is the Pharaoh's "special friend" 'None of them attended?"

"Because neither Pharaoh nor I can confirm the identities of the rest of Meifeng's party. At the beginning, Pharaoh decided to conceal the truth in order to prevent the enemy from knowing our situation and buy more time." "Your actions have dealt a big blow to Meifeng." "It's a pity that they didn't hit the nail on the head. It is not an easy task to fully resist, because the influence of Meifeng has penetrated into the military and transportation circles." "The police will be on your side," Cam said, "and Suti's reputation is so high now, it should be no problem for him to mobilize the SWAT team." "Didn't the pharaoh have a group of troops in Piramses?" Su asked. "That's why he's been there." "The troops stationed in Thebes will listen to me," Carney said. "Appoint me as the general of the Memphis army, and I will have my own way to make the soldiers obey." Suti's proposal was unanimously supported by others. "What is left now is the water transport controlled by the White House," Pazar reminded, "and the irrigation department and canal officer who have been in operation for several months. As for the governors of the provinces, some People are falling away from him, but there are still people who believe in his promises. I'm worried that there will be internal conflicts that will hurt the majority." "Is there any other way?" said the Queen Mother, "Either, we will surrender to Meifeng and let the Egypt of the goddess Maat perish, or we will fight against tyranny together and preserve a glimmer of hope for the future, even if we sacrifice our lives." No borrowing." * * * In the end, Budge persuaded his wife to take over the onerous job entrusted to him by the Prime Minister.With his assistance, Pazar drafted a decree on land reclamation after flooding and restoration of irrigation and drainage ponds, and planned to carry out various major civil and religious projects within three years.These official documents show that the Prime Minister intends to make a difference during this period, and any turmoil will not be able to shake Ramses' regime. The scene of the resurrection ceremony must be very grand, and the governors of various provinces have arrived in Memphis successively with the local statues of gods.The palace had already arranged residences according to their official ranks, and the provincial governors also took this opportunity to talk to the majestic yet humble Prime Minister Pazar.Inside the walls of the Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, the priests were extremely busy. Ramses, wearing a double crown, will soon symbolically unite North and South Egypt in this compound; He will also communicate with every kind of divine power in this magical space, so as to regain his power to govern the country. Suti's legend was well known, so when the Prime Minister appointed him general, the soldiers in the Memphis camp were all excited.As soon as the general arrived in office, he gathered all the troops and announced that the crisis with Asia had been lifted, and everyone could get a large bonus.At the celebration held that night, the reputation of the young general reached its peak.Who but Ramses could bring the everlasting peace the soldiers crave?As for the police team, they also have growing admiration for Cam, who is known to be loyal to the Prime Minister until death.Kaim was able to gather the centripetal force of his subordinates without much effort. After obtaining the consent of the pharaoh and the prime minister, Carney issued an early warning to the major temples, and the temple officials also prepared for the worst.However, the rituals of the experts of the sacred energy from morning to night are not affected at all. From the first dynasty to the present, the three worships in the morning, afternoon and evening are still held as usual. The Empress Dowager's reception hall was always empty. She kept talking with the most influential people in the court, high-level officials of the administrative agency, the special attendants of the royal family, the clerk in charge of talent training, as well as the officials' wives, ceremonies, etc. Officials and so on to exchange views.Meifeng and Sirix, who were regarded by everyone as overly anxious, actually tried to get into the circle of the emperor. This was nothing more than their crazy talk, and it was fine to laugh it off. * * * But Meifeng couldn't laugh. The large-scale offensive led by Pazar has indeed yielded some gains.Disobedience had begun in the administrative units he oversaw, and he lost his temper with inattentive subordinates more and more often.Now everyone is rumoring that the prime minister will appoint a new president of the two houses after Ramses' rebirth ceremony, and Mei Feng, who is too ambitious, too radical, and always wears vulgar and ill-fitting clothes, They will also be sent back to the papyrus growing areas of the Delta.Some people don't know where they got the news. They heard that the Empress Dowager was going to the Prime Minister's Court to sue Meifeng for illegally selling the "Book of the Dead", so they said it to everyone on the street.Meifeng climbed really fast, who can say he won't fall even faster?In addition to these ups and downs, there is also the suspicion that Sirix has been hiding at home for a long time. It is said that she has an incurable disease, so she can no longer attend her favorite banquets. While cursing, Mei Feng was also preparing for revenge, no matter what obstacles he encountered, he would definitely be able to clear them away. To be a pharaoh is to have divine power, and all the people will submit to him.Rebelling against the emperor is a felony, and naturally it must be punished by death. Therefore, those who are indecisive will eventually return to him, and those who support Pazar will eventually abandon him. Meifeng does not believe that these people will keep their promises to help Pazar Er, because he himself has never kept his promises and oaths.He firmly believes that as long as the strength is displayed, some people will naturally be timid and shrink back. In fact, Pazar has the ability to be a leader, but it is a pity that he lost his way in order to abide by the outdated laws.There is no need for a pedant who is full of tradition and unable to understand the needs of the future.Since the Shadow Eater can't kill him, Mei Feng intends to use his own method to get rid of him. Isn't he against the country's necessary reform and transformation?Then sue him for dereliction of duty and treason as a prime minister. As long as you wait patiently for another fifteen days, you will be done in another fifteen days, and the stubborn Prime Minister will step down in another fifteen days... Mei Feng simply didn't go home because he was getting more and more irritable.Sirix's rapidly deformed appearance is really unbearable. Now that the divorce papers are in force, he doesn't want to see this ugly woman again. After the staff got off work, Meifeng stayed in the office alone, thinking carefully about his plan and the many decisions to be made in such a short period of time.His attack must be fast and fierce. Four smokeless oil lamps shone brightly in all directions.The insomniac Mei Feng spent the night repeatedly testing the details of his economic strategy.Although he suffered a lot of blows before, he still has the backing of bankers and Greek businessmen. With their influence, his ideas will soon be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, not to mention that he has a powerful secret weapon, It will have a great effect, and he will not easily use this weapon until the last moment. Meifeng was suddenly startled by a sound.It was so late, there was no one in the office, he stood up in surprise, and asked, "Who is it?" no answer.He suddenly thought that there would often be personnel patrolling at night, so he felt relieved.He sat down again, compiling and reviewing the budget of the new regime in the future. "Don't make a sound, or I'll stab you with a knife." He didn't hear this person's voice, so he asked, "What do you want to do?" "Ask you a question, and if you answer obediently, I won't hurt your life." "Who are you?" "Knowing it won't do you any good." "I will not be blackmailed." "You're not that brave." "I know who you are...Suti!" "It's General Suti." "You won't hurt me." "Then you are wrong." "If you dare to touch me, you will have to accept the sanctions of the prime minister's court." "Pazar didn't know I was coming, and I will not soften my heart to torture a scum like you. If you have to pay such a price to learn the truth, I will admit it." Mei Feng felt that Su Ti was not joking. "What do you want to ask?" "Where is the will of the gods?" "I do not……" "Enough, Meifeng, you are not allowed to lie now." "Let go of me, I said yes." Su Ti let go, Mei Feng rubbed his neck, and glanced at the dagger in his hand: "Even if you stab me to death, you still won't get anything." "Let's try." As he spoke, he stabbed Mei Feng's muscle with the blade, but the smile on Mei Feng's face was surprising, and he couldn't help asking: "You are going to die, and you still laugh?" "Killing me won't help, I don't know where the will of the gods is hidden." "You are lying." "Stab again, and your crimes will be worthless." Su Ti hesitated, Mei Feng's confident expression really confused him. It stands to reason that Meifeng should be trembling with fright, and his sudden action will make him fail, and he should also collapse. "Come on, General Suti, it's useless for you to do this."
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