Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 41 Chapter Forty-One

On the boat back to Memphis, Suti took Pazar's shoulders and tried to walk a few steps.Nefiri watched, pleased with his recovery, and the leopard looked at her hero with admiration, dreaming of a mighty river that would soon be her own.They will take a big ship full of gold, from north to south, and then from south to north, and disperse the gold to the residents of the coastal villages.Since the empire cannot be conquered by force, it is also possible to buy it with gifts.When the gold in the Lost City runs out, it will be the time when the people of the whole country will praise Leopard and Suti loudly.She was lying on the roof of the cabin, and her bronze-colored body was exposed to the summer sun.

Nefiri asked as she helped Suti change her dressing, "The wound is healing well. How do you feel?" "There's no way to fight yet, but I can stand upright." "Can I beg you to rest more? Otherwise, the skin tissue will not be easy to regenerate." So Su Ti went to lie down on the straw mat under the cloth canopy supported by four pillars and have a good sleep.Your stamina should recover soon. Nefiri was staring at the river in a daze, when Pazar suddenly hugged her from behind and asked, "Do you think the river will flood early?" "The water is getting stronger, but the color is changing very slowly. Maybe we will have a few more days."

"When the star Sotis appears in the sky, the god Isis will start to cry, and the regenerated energy will also give new vitality to the river of the underworld, and the god of death will still be defeated as in previous years. But the Egypt left by our ancestors will disappear." "I pray to the spirit of my mentor every night, and I believe it must be by our side." "Nefeli, I have failed utterly. I have found neither the murderer nor the will of the gods." At this point Cam approached them both and said, "Sorry to bother you, but I would like to ask the Prime Minister for a promotion."

Pazar felt incredible: "Kam? You care about promotion now?" "Killer cops do deserve rewards." "Actually, I should have thought of it a long time ago. If it weren't for it, I would not be alive." "Not only did it save your life, but it also helped us find out the identity of the Devourer of Shadows. Isn't this credit worthy of promotion and salary?" "How's it going to be found, Cam?" "Let the killer handle the case in its own way, and I will assist." "Who is most suspected?" "I still have to do some verification work before I know who the suspect is. In any case, he can't escape."

"How long will your investigation take?" "At least one day, at most a week. As long as he appears, the killer will recognize him." "Don't let the killer hurt him, I want him to stand trial." "The Eater of Shadows has committed multiple murders." "If you can't stop the killer, I'll have to get him out of this investigation" The Shadow Eater had used another baboon.If you want to get rid of the killer, how can it forget this hatred?It would be very unfair to it not to complete this task. " "But we have to find out whether Blaney killed him, and who is behind the scenes."

"You can rest assured about this. As for the others, I can't guarantee it. If the killer's life is threatened, how can I stop it? Between the brave and the devil, I don't need to talk about my choice." "Then you and the killer must be very careful." * * * When Mei Feng returned to the gate of the villa, no one came to greet her.He called to the steward angrily, but saw a gardener rushing over. "Where's the manager?" "He left with Miss, Master and two maids." "Aren't you drunk?" "No, what I said is true."

Mei Feng rushed into the house in a rage, and bumped into Sirix's personal maid head-on. "Where's my child?" "To the house in Delta." "Who told them to go?" "It's Madam." "Where is she?" "In her room, but..." "talk!" "She's so depressed. She's been crying since she came back from Piramses." Meifeng immediately took a big step, and after passing through several halls, she came to the room exclusively for his wife.She curled up like a baby, and wailed. "Sick again?" He shook vigorously, but she didn't respond.He asked again: "Why did you send your child to the countryside? Answer me!"

He twisted his wife's wrist to make her sit upright. "I command you to speak!" "They...are in danger." "What nonsense are you talking about?" "Me too, I'm in danger too." "What happened?" Sirix then wept, telling the story of her conversation with the Queen Mother, and finally added: "This woman is terrible, she really makes me exhausted." Meifeng didn't dare to ignore his wife's words, he wanted her to repeat the accusation made by the queen mother against him, and then comforted him: "Cheer up, dear."

"Trap! She actually designed to frame me." "Don't worry, she will soon become powerless." "You still don't understand? It's impossible for me to become the empress. My every move will be questioned, my attitude will be criticized, and even a little action will be slandered... Who can bear this kind of torture?" "Calm down." "My reputation was ruined by Tuya, and you still told me to calm down!" Sirix's emotions lost control in the rage, she yelled some incomprehensible sentences, and she was a dream interpreter, a shadow devourer, a son and daughter, and an unattainable throne at the same time. She kept complaining about the unbearable pain in her stomach.

Meifeng had no choice but to leave her and come out with a serious expression on her face.Tuya is a clear-headed woman, and Sirix is ​​always so insane that she really cannot become a member of the Egyptian dynasty. * * * Leopard is fantasizing about the future.On this trip to the Nile, she was accompanied by the Prime Minister and Nefeli, and the police were well guarded, allowing her to enjoy a rare time of peace.She had always dreamed of a garden house, but never told Suti, because she felt it would be shameful to give up the desire to conquer, even if only for a few hours.But the appearance of Nefiri finally cooled the raging fire in her body that was burning for survival, and made her realize the benefits of gentleness, which she has always regarded as a fatal disease.Egypt, the land she once hated so much, is now her safe haven.

"I want to talk to you," she said solemnly to the cross-legged Pazar. Pazar is drafting an animal protection law, stipulating that each province must strictly prohibit the killing and eating of a certain type of animal. "Go ahead." "Let's go to the stern. I like to watch the Nile." Pazar and Leopard leaned against the side of the boat and chatted along the water, like two travelers fascinated by the scenery. On the dirt road at the top of the hill, a donkey laden with grain was walking forward step by step, and a group of children circled the docile donkey, chirping and chattering endlessly.Under the palm trees in the village, the women are busy making beer, and the farmers in the fields are threshing the grain to the sound of ancient flutes.Everyone is waiting for the river to be full. "Prime Minister, I give you my gold." "Since Suti and you discovered this abandoned mine, it is your property." "Leave this wealth to the gods. They should know how to use it better than ordinary people. However, I want to ask you to let me stay, and forget about the past." "I can't hide it from you: In a month's time, the country will change color. She will suffer a series of upheavals beyond recognition." "A month of peace is enough." "At that time, my friends around me will be tracked down, arrested, and may even be executed. If you help me, you will be reported in the future." "I won't change my mind. Take the gold and don't conflict with Asia." Then she was back on the roof of the cabin, loving the hot sun she had tamed. After she left, Suti took her place: "I can walk and shake my left arm. It hurts a bit, but it's okay. Your wife is a real magician." "The same goes for leopards." "She is a real witch! The fact that I still can't live without her is the best proof." "She gave Egypt your gold to keep Asia from conflict with us." "I have to obey." "She wishes to live happily ever after with you. I think Egypt has conquered her." "What a terrible future! Do I have to kill a large group of Libyans to restore her previous arrogance?" Suti paused, then said, "Forget it, don't think about her, now I care about her most It's you." "You already know the facts." "It's only part of it. However, I found that your biggest obstacle is also your biggest weakness: too much respect for others." "This is Maat's law." "Nonsense! You are fighting now, Pazar, you have endured too many blows for nothing. Thanks to Nefiri's magic, I will be able to take the offensive again in a week. You let me do it, At that time, the enemy must be confused." "You're not doing something illegal, are you?" "Once war is declared, you must make your own way, otherwise you will fall into the enemy's trap. Mei Fengzhu's other enemies are no different." "No, Suti, he holds a key weapon in his hand, and neither you nor I can do anything about it." "What weapon?" "I can't tell." "You don't have much time left." "As soon as the river floods, Ramses will have to step aside. He will not be able to perform the ritual of regeneration." "Your attitude is starting to get a little ridiculous. Yes, up to this point, you may have had reason to doubt anyone. But now, you have to combine your trusted people, tell them what weapon Mei Feng has, and let them Know the real reason why Ramses lost his power. Together we can always find a solution." "I have to ask Pharaoh first, and only with his consent can I agree to your request. When you arrive at Memphis, you disembark first, and I will continue to Piramses." * * * Nefeli offered lotus flowers, cornflowers and lilies in the small chapel open for the memory of the living, so as to communicate with the soul of the teacher.Blarney's light body was called by the gods in the Osiris resurrection ceremony, and now it is safe in a sarcophagus under the earth. She looked at the statue of En Shuai through a crack in the tomb wall.He stood upright as if walking, with his eyes looking up at the sky. It seemed brighter in the tomb today than usual, and what surprised her even more was that Blarney seemed to be staring at her with a very unusual look.Those are no longer the eyes of the dead, but the living eyes of a person who returned from the underworld. He wants to convey some information that cannot be expressed by human words and thoughts. After being shocked, she immediately put away all distracting thoughts, hoping to experience the unspeakable facts with her heart.Then Blarney began speaking to her in his usual low, steady voice.He speaks of the radiance that radiates from the righteous, and of the beauty of heaven that invites the mind to travel among the stars. When he stopped talking, Nefiri knew that the teacher had opened a way for Pazar.The triumph of evil is not inevitable. When leaving the Saqqara Necropolis, Neferi met Xiyi, a pale mummy worker with extremely long fingers and slender feet, who was going to the workshop. "I have tidied Blarney's grave as you ordered." "Thank you, Xie." "You seem emotional." "nothing." "Do you want some water?" "No, I have to go back to the hospital. See you another day." Under the merciless sun, Xi Yi returned to the room with many small windows with tired steps. There were several sarcophagi of different textures beside the wall.The place where the workshop is located is extremely desolate, with the Jinyu Pagoda and the cemetery in the distance, and a hill covered with gravel separates the palm forest and farmland on the edge of the desert. Xi Yi pushed in, and the door creaked open.He put on his goatskin apron stained with brown stains again, and stared blankly at the corpse that had just arrived.The family of the deceased paid the price of a secondary mummy, so oils and balsams had to be used.Xi Yi lazily took the iron hook, inserted it into the dead man's nostrils, and began to dig out the brains. Suddenly someone threw an obsidian knife at his feet and said, "You dropped this on Coptos." Xie turned around very slowly. Police Chief Keim stood at the door of the workshop. "You are mistaken." "That's the kind of knife you use to cut up dead bodies." "I'm not the only mummy craftsman..." "But you've been the only one running around these few months." "Isn't it okay to travel around?" "You have to report every time you leave your job, otherwise other people will complain. Coincidentally, every time you leave the house, it happens to be the same time as the prime minister, Pazar, whom you tried and failed to kill many times." "The job is so stressful that I often need to go out and relax." "People in this industry are used to living alone, and they will not leave their posts without authorization. Besides, you have no relatives in Thebes." "That country is beautiful. I have the same freedom to travel as anyone else." "And you are very familiar with poison." "how do you know?" "I checked your service history. Before becoming a mummy craftsman, you worked as an assistant in the hospital's laboratory. It is because you know the hospital well that you can easily steal medicine." "It's not illegal to change jobs." "Besides, you are also a master at throwing sticks, and your first career was hunting birds." "Is that against the law?" "All the clues are very consistent. You are the Shadow Devourer who tried to assassinate Prime Minister Pazar." "It's clearly a malicious slander." "I have real evidence. It is this obsidian knife that is not cheap. On the handle, there are engraved marks unique to mummification workers, and there is also a serial number of Sakala's work. You shouldn't lose the knife, Xie Yi, you and the knife are inseparable. This time it was your love of work and your love of death that made you vent." "It's not enough to have the knife as evidence in court." "Of course not only that, I believe the last key piece of evidence is hidden here." "You want to search?" "Of course." "I disagree because I am innocent." "Since you are innocent, what is there to be afraid of?" "This is my place, and no one has the right to infringe upon it." "But I'm the Chief Constable. Before you lead me through your cellar, drop the hook. I don't want to see you with a weapon." Xi Yi complied. "Let's go." Xie went down the slippery old stairs.Two casually lit torches illuminate the huge cellar filled with coffins, and in the depths there are more than two dozen jars used to hold the livers, lungs, and stomachs of the dead. "Open the jar." "It would be disrespectful to the dead to do so." "I will bear any risk." So Cam opened the first lid in the shape of a baboon's head, the second lid in the shape of a dog's head, and the third lid in the shape of an eagle's head, which contained only viscera.When the fourth human head-shaped cover was opened, a very thick piece of gold was found.Cam continued to search and found three more pieces. "This is your reward for killing people." Xi Yi crossed her arms in front of her chest, with a nonchalant look, she asked, "How much do you want, Cam?" "How much do you want to give me?" "Since you didn't bring the baboons and the Prime Minister here, it means that you are willing to negotiate terms. Is half of my salary enough?" "You still have to satisfy my curiosity: who paid for it?" "Mafeng and his cronies. Most of them were eliminated by you and the Prime Minister, and now only Meifeng and his wife Sirix continue to fight against you. Seriously, she is really a beauty Son. Every time someone wants to kill someone to prove their identity, she is the one who conveys the order." "Did you kill Blaney?" "I keep a record of my successes so that I can recall them when I'm old. However, Blarney is not on my list. To be honest, I would be happy to take this task, but they didn't come looking for it I." "Then who did it?" "I don't know, and I don't care. Cam, your actions are all within my expectations. I knew that if you found out my identity, you would never tell the Prime Minister, and would come to ask me for money." "You won't harass Pazar anymore, will you?" "He'll be my only failure...unless you give me a helping hand." Cam weighed in on the gold bar and said, "Fine gold." "Life is short, you must know how to grasp it well." "Xi Yi, you made two mistakes." "The past is in the past, let's talk about the future." "First, you misjudged my real value." "Don't you want it all?" "Even if you give me the whole mountain of gold, it's not enough." "You are joking?" "Second, you got another baboon to wreak havoc on the killer, and you thought he would forgive you so easily. Others might sympathize with you, but I'm just a savage black person, and he's a sensitive baboon. The vengeful baboons again. The killer is my friend, it almost died because of you, if it decides to take revenge, I have to listen to it.You should also be grateful for it, because you will never need to devour shadows again. " Before he finished speaking, the baboon had already appeared at the bottom of the building. Cam had never seen it so angry.The blood in its eyes became even brighter, its hair stood on end, and it bared its teeth and let out a roar that made all the blood in its body freeze.The crime of attacking Iraq is beyond doubt. He stepped back step by step, but only for a moment, the killer rushed forward.
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