Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 39 Chapter Thirty-Nine

The leopard ate a piece of watermelon, soaked in water, took a sunbath, drank some cool beer, and then snuggled up to Su Ti. Seeing him staring at the edge of the West Mountain, he asked, "What are you worried about?" "Why don't they attack?" "It was an order from the Prime Minister, don't you remember?" "If Pazar comes, we..." "He won't come. The Prime Minister of Egypt has turned his back on you, and you are now a rebel. If you wait any longer, everyone's nerves are stretched to the limit, and there will be conflicts. The Libyans will soon If the Nubians are on board, and the desert police will return to their posts, then we will collapse without waiting for the Egyptian army to take action."

Su Ti stroked the leopard's hair and asked, "So what's your suggestion?" "Break the boat. While your subordinates are still willing to obey, make good use of this morale to win the battle." "We will be annihilated." "How do you know? Haven't we met enough miracles? If we win, Thebes will also surrender to you and me. Now, Coptos is too small for me, and you shouldn't It’s just so boring all day long.” Su Ti grabbed her thigh and hugged her up.Leopard's breasts soared in front of her lover's eyes, her head was thrown back, her blond hair was soaked in the sun, her arms were outstretched, and then she let out a contented sigh: "Love me well, I'm willing to die."

* * * The Nile had changed, and experienced people could see that the blue waters were no longer so bright, as if the first mud from the far south had darkened the waters.As soon as June arrives and the harvest is over, the villagers should be busy threshing. Under the protection of Kem and Fufu, Pazar slept in the open space outside the village.When he was a young judge, he often spent the night outdoors, enjoying the fragrance of the night and the bright colors of the dawn. "We're going to Coptos," he said to Cam, "and I'll talk Suti out of his crazy plans."

"What are you going to do?" "He will listen to me." "You know it's impossible." "We swore a blood oath that we can communicate without words." "Anyway, I won't let you meet him alone." "But it's the only way." When she came out of the palm grove, Pazar thought he was dreaming.Lithe and radiant, with a lotus crown on her forehead and a turquoise necklace around her neck, Nefiri walked slowly towards him. When he embraced her, Nefiri held back her tears and said: "I had a terrible dream. I dreamed that you died alone on the banks of the Nile, calling me before you died. Therefore, I have come to change fate. "

* * * The risk is indeed great, but the Devourer of Shadows has no choice.What better place to get your hands on than Coptos?In Memphis, Frame Zal was untouchable.Not only is he well guarded around him, but his luck is unbelievably good.Some people might say that Pazar was protected by a god, and even the Devourer of Shadows sometimes thought so, but he still didn't want to believe it.He can't be half-hearted, otherwise the final victory may belong to the opponent. The news still leaked out.In the market, everyone was talking about the rebel army that came out of the desert, saying that they had occupied Coptos and threatened Thebes. What is curious is how will the Prime Minister punish these rioters?The public praised the Prime Minister for his personal intervention to quell chaos and restore order. Pazar has never been a civil servant who guards his desk, but an out-and-out activist.

The Devourer of Shadows faintly felt numbness in his fingers, which reminded him of his first experience of killing for Meifeng and the others. So when he set foot on the ship for Coptos, he knew he had a sure chance of winning this time. * * * "The prime minister is here!" shouted a Nubian sentinel. The inhabitants of Coptos ran into the streets.Everyone said that the Egyptian army was about to attack, that there was an entire army of archers outside the city, several movable siege towers, and hundreds of chariots. Su Ti stood on the balcony of the mayor's mansion and asked everyone to be quiet.He said in a booming voice: "It is indeed Prime Minister Pazar. He is wearing official uniform and coming alone."

"Where's the army?" a woman asked anxiously. "There wasn't a single soldier around him." "So what are you going to do?" "Go out of Coptos City and meet him." The leopard tried to dissuade Su Ti from this idea: "This is a trap. As soon as you leave the city, the archers will attack you." "You don't know Pazar too well." "What if his army doesn't obey him?" "He will die with me." "You must not listen to him, you must not give in." "Reassure your people, Golden Goddess."

* * * Nefiri, Kaim, and the baboon who were forcibly left behind watched Pazar leave from the bow of the warship.Nefiri was terrified, and Kaim kept scolding himself: "Pazar made a promise, that's why he's so stubborn... I should really lock him up!" "Suti won't hurt him." "No one knows what he has become now. Perhaps his desire for power has overwhelmed him. What kind of person will the prime minister face when he returns?" "Pazar knows how to persuade him." "I can't stay here quietly. I'm going with him." "No, Cam, we're going to keep the promise for him."

"If something happens to him, I will burn the city to the ground." Pazar stopped about ten meters away from the main gate of the Nile River. He came from the pier along the small stone road, and there were some small altars along the way, where the priests would place offerings during the sacrifice ceremony. Pazar was wearing a hard and heavy robe, with his hands hanging down naturally, his style was naturally different.He saw Su Ti from a distance. He still had long hair and dark skin, but his features were darker than before, and he wore a gold necklace around his neck, and a dagger with a round head and a gold handle stuck in the belt of his loincloth.

"Who should go to whom?" "Do you still respect that I am the Prime Minister?" Su Ti walked forward. The two finally came face to face. "You abandoned me, Pazar." "there has never been." "Should I trust you?" "Have I lied to you? As the Prime Minister, I cannot unlawfully revoke your sentence. After you escaped from Charu, the garrison did not retreat afterward. It was because I ordered them to stay in the fort. Later, although I did not Your news, but I know you will come back. And when you come back, I will definitely show up, so I will come. If you come back quietly, it will save me a lot of trouble, but I will see you again this time , I'm still very happy."

"In your eyes, I'm just a traitor." "I have not received any such allegations." "But I have captured Coptos." "But there were no casualties, and there were no conflicts." "Where's the mayor?" "He appealed to the troops who were drilling nearby, but I don't think any irreparable harm has been done yet." "You forget that by law I must be Tapene's slave." "Ta Penny has been expropriated. This is the result of her conspiracy with Meifeng. She didn't expect him to hate women so much." "That is to say..." Su Ti couldn't believe it. "That means you can declare a divorce at any time. You can even claim part of her property, but I don't recommend you do this, because the litigation process is likely to drag on for a long time." "I despise her little property." "Did your golden goddess give you more?" "The leopard saved me in Nubia, and the laws of Egypt drove her away forever." "Wrong, since she received this sentence because of you, it is of course invalid now. Besides, the heroic behavior she showed for an Egyptian is enough for me to re-sentence her. From today, the leopard can be in the Egypt is free to move." "What you said is true?" "I am the prime minister and of course I cannot lie. These decisions are completely legal and I will formally announce them in court." "I do not believe." "You can't believe it, because I am not only a brother who has made a blood alliance with you, but also the Prime Minister of Egypt." "Wouldn't you be doing this a disservice to your position?" "It doesn't matter. When the river floods, I'll be deposed and imprisoned. Mei Feng and his party will win after all, and war may break out at any time." "An Asian?" "Mei Feng gave them bad gold, and blamed the Pharaoh. In order to make up for this mistake, we must pay them double the gold, and the national treasury has already been emptied by Mei Feng, and I can't raise it for a while Such a large sum. There are traps everywhere I turn. But at least I will save you and the leopard, enjoy all that Egypt has to offer while Ramesses abdicates for a few weeks, and then You can leave now. This is going to be a hell soon, a hell that only lives on Greek money, profit and the cruelest materialism." "I have gold." "You're talking about the gold that General Asher stole and you took back?" "Probably enough to pay off Egypt's debts." "If we can avoid the fate of being invaded, it will be your credit." "You should be more curious." "Don't you want to help?" "You didn't understand, I found the Golden City abandoned in the desert. There are countless real objects there! I am willing to give Coptos a cart of gold bars and pay off Egypt's debts." "Will Leopard agree?" "I'm afraid you will have to exhaust your lips. Now is the best time to prove your ability." At this point, the two finally let go of their previous suspicions and hugged each other tightly. * * * During the festival of Minshen, the patron saint, Coptos will be immersed in a carnival atmosphere that is rarely seen elsewhere. Because Minshen not only dominates the reproduction of all things in the world, but also inspires men and women, making them unite in the desire of mutual affection.And when the peace agreement was announced, the joy and joy of the whole city was no less than this traditional festival. According to the Prime Minister's decision, the citizens of Colombo can receive Suti's gold and are exempted from taxation.The Libyans were incorporated into the infantry regiment of the Thebes garrison, the Nubians were incorporated into the archers, and the desert police continued to protect caravans and miners without penalty. The soldiers of the regular army had never been so relaxed and happy. On a hot June night, under the shroud of moonlight, there were endless laughter everywhere.Suti and Leopard received Pazar and Nefiri at the mayor's mansion, which had been officially handed over to the prime minister. Although the leopard was shining with golden light, his face was full of displeasure: "I will not leave here. This city has been conquered by us, and it is ours." "Stop dreaming," Suti said. "Our army has been disbanded." "But our gold is enough to buy the whole of Egypt!" "Then use it to save her first," Pazar suggested. "What? You want me to save my sworn enemy!" "It won't do you any good if the Asians invade. If there is a real war, your treasures will probably be worthless." Leopard looked at Nefili, hoping she would support him, but Nefili said: "I agree with the Prime Minister. What's the use of having a treasure that you can't use? " Leopard has always respected Nefiri.Because she couldn't make a choice, she stood up anxiously, and strode back and forth in the spacious banquet hall. "Do you have any conditions?" Pazar asked her. "We can save Egypt," Leopard replied proudly. "Of course there will be many conditions. Since the prime minister is here, I might as well be direct. What do you plan to repay us?" "Nothing." Leopard was taken aback, "What? Nothing?" "The two of you will be cleared of all crimes and have no criminal record, because you have never committed a crime. And the mayor of Coptos will also accept your apology and the gold you gave to the citizens. Are you still not satisfied? ?” Su Ti couldn't help laughing out loud. "My good brother is really amazing! Not only does he not speak out of reason, but he also speaks in a smooth and decent manner. It seems that you really look like a prime minister." "I'm working very hard." "Rameses chose you. You're really smart. I'm lucky to be your friend, and I'm so angry:" Suti, what kingdom can you give me now? " "Is it not enough to entrust my life to you, Golden Goddess?" The leopard rushed to Su Ti immediately, raised his fist and beat him on the chest, and said bitterly, "I should have killed you if I knew it earlier!" "Don't despair." Su Ti held her hands and pulled her into his arms. This time it was the leopard who laughed loudly: "Do you think you are some high-ranking official?" After she broke free, she grabbed a jug of wine and drank it.When she was about to pass the wine to Su Ti, she suddenly saw him covering his eyes with his hands. "He became blind after being bitten by a poisonous scorpion!" Leopard screamed, and the wine jar fell to the ground. Nefeli comforted her and said, "Don't worry, night blindness is indeed a rare disease, but I know this disease, and I can cure him." Their worries were soon allayed, as Coptos' medical department had the necessary medicines.Nefeli mixed the eye drops extracted from the pig's eyes with galena, yellow ochre, and fermented honey, ground and condensed it into a dense lump, and asked Suti to take it. In addition, I also prescribed a decoction made from Zhonggan, which must be taken every day for three months to recover. * * * Leopard let go of the stone in his heart and fell into a deep sleep. Nefiri just fell asleep because she was too tired.Su Ti looked at the stars and felt the light of the night to his heart's content.Then Pazar accompanied him again, shuttling through the quiet streets. "Great! Nefiri cured me." "You've always had good luck." "What is the state of the country now?" "Even with your help, I'm not sure I can save Egypt." "Just arrest Meifeng and put him in jail." "I often have this urge too, but doing so doesn't eradicate the problem." "If there is really no other way, don't sacrifice yourself." "As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, I will try my best to complete the task entrusted by Pharaoh." "You have a lot of shortcomings, and stubbornness is one of them. Why do you have to bang your head against the wall? Just listen to me once, and I can make your life better." The two of them passed a tavern, and a group of Libyans fell drunk outside the door, and the sound was loud. Su Ti looked up at the sky again, and was very happy to see the moon and stars again.Suddenly, at the same time as the baboon police who were following far behind were screaming in warning, Suti also found one standing on the roof, and the arrow was already on the string and was about to shoot. He immediately stepped in front of Pazar. When Su Ti fell down from the arrow, the Devourer of Shadows had already jumped into the prepared carriage and fled without a trace.
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