Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 34 Chapter Thirty-Four

The bank manager hopefully introduces the prime minister, who is accompanied by the killer, to all those responsible for importing illegal currency, managing customer accounts, setting interest rates on purchases, and doing other banking operations to boost revenue.They all keep emphasizing the benefits of banks. Just like a powerful country, wouldn’t they also use the money handed in by the people for profit?While these people were enlightening the prime minister, Keim's subordinates also took off their Libyan and Greek attire under the command of the chief, and blocked the entrance of the small town amid the protests of a large crowd.Three men attempted to escape by climbing the wall, but were arrested for being overweight and slow.When they were brought before the chief of police, one of them protested passionately: "Let us go immediately!"

"You are all guilty of harboring currency." "You have no right to judge us." "But I have to take you to court." When the three prisoners saw the Prime Minister and heard him say their titles, their anger disappeared, but they began to cry: "Please forgive us...it is our fault, we really shouldn't make such a mistake. We're all honest businessmen, we..." "Report your names and occupations." These three people are Egyptians from the Delta region, engaged in furniture manufacturing, and they always smuggle some of their products to this city.

"It seems that you are harming your compatriots through illegal profit-making activities. Do you still deny it?" The three of them no longer defended themselves, but only begged: "Please, Prime Minister, be merciful... We are temporarily greedy for profit." "I will only act in accordance with the law." Pazar convened a court in the main square, and the jury included Kem and five Egyptian farmers whom Kem had brought from the nearest farming area. Many of the defendants, mainly Greeks, did not object to the reasons and results of the verdict, and the jury unanimously passed the prime minister's decision to immediately deport the defendants and never set foot on Egyptian soil again.The coins seized were all melted down, and all the metals obtained were confiscated and provided to the temple to make artifacts.As for the small city, foreign businessmen can continue to trade here as long as they abide by the economic regulations of Egypt.

After thanking the prime minister, the head of the bank confessed: "I thought there would be a harsher punishment. I have heard repeatedly that the Kaji labor camp is a hell on earth." "I've been there." "you?" "Mommy would have liked me to be a pile of dry bones in there." "If it were me, I would never underestimate him. He is too cunning and dangerous." "I know." "Did you know that by hindering the implementation of the monetary system, you will attract a terrible enemy? This is a major way of making money for Meifeng, but you have cut it off."

"Fortunately, I cut it off." "How long do you think you'll be Prime Minister?" "I will serve as long as Pharaoh lets me." * * * Pazar, Kem and Baboon took a fast boat and sailed to the coastal city of Lakotis.Pazar wholeheartedly admired the verdant scenery of the delta and the spectacular weather of the waterways.The farther you go north, the wider the distribution of the water area. The Nile River expands outwards and gradually blends with the dreamlike gentle sea water. The irregular land at the end is intoxicated in this river and sea.The land is hidden in the blue ocean, but there are waves of waves.

The main activity of the inhabitants of La Cortis is handling raw fish.Many of the delta's fisheries are headquartered on the outskirts of this small, richly fished port.In the open air, in the market or in the warehouse, there are experts who are responsible for scraping fish scales and cleaning fish maws.The fish is then flattened and either hung on wooden racks to dry in the sun, or buried in hot sand or disinfecting mud.The last step is the marinating process. The best parts are soaked in oil, while the mullet roe is treated separately as caviar.The common people only eat dried fish, which is as important as bread, and only those who are particular about food enjoy grilled fresh fish, served with a sauce made of kudzu, oregano, coriander and pepper.Usually a mullet is worth a can of beer, and a basket of Nile perch is worth a pretty talisman.

What surprised Pazar was that the commercial city was so quiet. There was no singing, no crowds gathering, no loud bargaining, and no donkey caravans coming and going.Fufu also became a little irritable. On the pier, several people were lying on fishing nets and sleeping. There was not a single ship in sight at the port, only a large low flat-roofed house, which was the administrative center for registering the entry and exit of ship cargo. They went in. The office is empty.Not a single document, as if there was never any file left, not even a pen, not a written draft.It doesn't look like a clerk has ever worked here.

"Mommy must be nearby," Cam said. "The killer will sense it." The baboon circled the building, then headed for the port, followed by Kem and Pazar.When the baboons approached a dilapidated boat, they immediately awakened five bearded, fetid, fish-slicing knives. "Go away, you are not from here." "Is there only a few of you left in Lacoutis?" "Go away." "I'm Police Chief Cam, if you don't want trouble, tell the truth." "There are only black people in the south, but not here. Go back to your hometown." "The prime minister is here, how dare you disobey the order?"

"The prime minister is still enjoying his life in his office in Memphis." A fisherman laughed. "In La Cortis, we only mean what we say." "I want to know what's going on here," Pazar said seriously. But the man turned to his companion and said, "Did you hear that? He thought he was a judge! He thought he was bringing a gorilla and we would be scared." Although the killer has many advantages, it also has a big disadvantage: sensitive and irritable. As a policeman, it doesn't like people mocking power. It jumped forward unexpectedly, bit the fisherman's wrist, and also bit off the weapon in his hand. Another companion was about to rescue him, but he was hit by the back of the neck and passed out.The baboon then poked the third man in the leg, biting the weapon out of his hand as well, and another companion was about to come to the rescue, but was hit by it on the back of the neck and passed out.

Fufu then poked the third person's leg, causing him to fall to the ground immediately.As for the other two, it was settled by Kaim in twos and threes. Cam supported the only fisherman who could speak, and asked, "Why is there no one in the city?" "Because the Prime Minister ordered it." "Who sent the order?" "His exclusive herald, Meng Moxi." "You met him?" "Everyone here knows him. He seemed to have been a bit of a problem, but that got sorted out. Ever since he came back into the judiciary, he's been very close with the Port Authority. I'm told he gave them some Greek coins made of metal. , will make them great in the future, so everyone obeys him."

"What does he want them to do?" "He said that an epidemic was about to break out, and told them to throw all the smoked fish in the sea and leave Lacoutis immediately. The clerk was the first to leave, and then the residents and workers followed." "Why didn't you leave?" "The few of us have nowhere to go." The baboon stomped again.So Cam said, "You were bought by Momosh, weren't you?" "No, we..." Without waiting for him to explain, the baboon squeezed his throat even tighter. With a fierce look in his eyes, the man immediately changed his words: "Yes, yes, we are waiting for him!" "Where is he hiding?" "In the swamp to the west." "Why did he do this?" "He's going to destroy the boards and papers we brought out of the office." "When did he leave?" "Shortly after sunrise. When he comes back, we'll take him to the Grand Canal and go back to Memphis with him. He promised us a house and an acre of land." "What if he forgets you?" The fisherman looked up at Cam in alarm. "Impossible, he has already given such a promise..." "Meng Moxi is a born liar, he doesn't care about promises. He has never worked for Prime Minister Pazar. Get on board and take us to him. As long as you help us, we will punish you lightly." * * * The four of them entered a swamp overgrown with water and grass. Without the fisherman leading the way, Kem and Pazar would never be able to recognize the direction.The black magpies were disturbed and flew towards the small white clouds that were blowing in the wind.Occasionally, a few water snakes as green as green water will swim by the side of the boat. In this desolate labyrinth, the fisherman still advances quickly, without feeling hindered."I took a short cut," he said. "Although he was far ahead, we were able to catch him before he reached the main river and got on the traffic boat." So Cam helped the fisherman with the oars, Pazar gazed at the sky, and the baboon dozed off.Time flies by so fast, so fast.Pazar couldn't help wondering if the fisherman was playing tricks on them, but seeing the killer so calm, he felt relieved. Finally, when it straightened up suddenly, the other three people also began to believe that this trip was not in vain.Sure enough, a few minutes later, less than a kilometer away from the Grand Canal, they spotted another ship. There was only one person on board, and that person had a big bald head, and his red scalp looked shiny in the sun. "Mommy!" Cam yelled. "Stop it, Mommy!" Meng Moxi accelerated the speed instead, but the distance between the two ships was still getting closer. Meng Moxi knew that he could not escape, so he turned to face the approaching boat, picked up a spear and threw it at the fisherman's chest.The poor fisherman staggered and fell into the pond. "Stand behind me." Kaim hurriedly said to Pazar. The baboons jumped into the water. Moxey fired a second shot, this time aiming at Cam, who ducked just in time to avoid the blow. Pazar struggled to row the oars, but the boat was stuck in the water lily pond and could barely move. After finally getting out of the trap, he was able to move on. At this time, Meng Moxi had picked up the third gun, but he hesitated in his heart whether to kill the baboon or Cam first. While he was hesitating, the baboon suddenly came out of the water, grabbed Meng Moshi's boat and shook it vigorously, trying to make him capsize, but he picked up the anchor stone and threw it on the baboon's claws, and tried to shake it. The palms are nailed through the planks. Just as the wounded baboon let go, Cam jumped into Momosh's boat. Although Meng Moxi was bloated and inexperienced, the intensity of his resistance was unexpected.Cam's foot became unsteady, and he fell down on the deck. Meng Moxi took the opportunity to make another shot, but fortunately he blocked it with his arm in time, and the gun was inserted between two planks, but his cheek was shot scratched.At this time, Pazar had already rolled the boat close, and when Meng Moxi was trying to push the opponent's boat away, Kaim grabbed his right foot and lifted it up, and he fell into the water. "You have been arrested, don't resist anymore." Pazar ordered. But Meng Moxi did not let go of his arms.When he threatened the prime minister with a gun, he suddenly let out a scream and covered the back of his neck with his hands. After a while, he obviously failed and sank into the green pool.Pazar also immediately saw a six-bearded catfish get into the reeds beside the canal, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.This kind of fish is not common in the Nile River, but if someone is hit hard by them in the water, they will immediately faint and cause a drowning event (this electrically charged catfish emits about 200 volts when it hits a swimmer electricity). Kem searched anxiously for the baboon, and finally found it struggling against the current, so he jumped into the water to help it get on the boat.The baboon held out his injured hand cautiously, as if he felt guilty that he could not arrest the prisoner with his own hands.Cam said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Meng Moxi can't speak anymore." * * * Pazar was frustrated and shocked. He didn't speak all the way back to Memphis. Although he once again damaged Meifeng's underground kingdom, he also killed a fisherman. After all, it is a human life. The killer suffered only minor trauma, and Cam helped it a little bit to bandage it, and Nefiri would naturally let it heal when it got back to Memphis.Noticing Pazar's silence, Kem said, "I'm not at all sad that Meng Moxi has ended up like this. This guy is like a fruit that has been rotten by moths." "Why do the Mei Feng gang commit so many atrocities? Their ambition can only bring misfortune." "You are the bulwark against these devils, you have to persevere." "I thought my job was to make people abide by the law. I didn't expect to come to investigate the death of my teacher and go through so many misfortunes. 'The prime minister's job is more bitter than bile.' When I took office, the pharaoh was already I was warned." The baboon put his wounded hand on Pazar's shoulder and didn't let go until Memphis. * * * Pazar, with Kym's assistance, wrote a detailed report of recent events. One of the clerks brought a sealed roll of paper.This is an official document submitted by Lacoutis to the prime minister, and the words "urgent" and "confidential document" are also marked on it. After the seal was unsealed, Pazar read aloud the astonishing content: "I, Meng Mosi, was once the police chief and was framed and sentenced, and now I want to punish the incompetent, law-abiding and irresponsible Prime Minister Pazar. In the presence of countless witnesses, he sent his stockpiles of dried fish into the sea, depriving the people of the delta for weeks of basic food. I bring this charge against him himself, and he must bring himself to justice.” "So that's why Meng Moxi wants to destroy all the documents of the fishing ground, so that there is no evidence to refute his statement." "He was right," Pazar said. "Even though he told a shameless lie, I still have to prove my innocence in court. We have to trace the facts, call witnesses, and prove the tactics and tricks. And during this period of time, Meifeng can do whatever he wants.” Cam scratched his wooden nose and said, "Sending this letter to you is not enough. Meng Moxi will also file a complaint through the US front or other high-level officials, forcing you to face up to his allegations." "Of course it is." "But now there is only this document left." "True, but as long as the proceedings are initiated, they have achieved their purpose." "If the letter doesn't exist, where's the legal process?" "I can't destroy it on my own." "I can." Kem snatched the paper from Pazar's hand and tore it to shreds, leaving only shreds flying in the wind.
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