Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven

The baboon obediently asked Nefiri to wash its hands, disinfect and bandage its wounds.Although Nefiri had known for a long time that the killer's physical strength was different from that of ordinary people, she still found it inconceivable to see that it was only slightly injured after enduring such a violent impact.The killer's wound healed quickly, and it was always very pain-tolerant, so this time it could only rest for a day or two at most, but it couldn't calm down at all, and kept walking back and forth. "It's so delicate!" Kaim said after inspecting the flying stick, "Maybe it will be an important clue. Could it be that the Devourer of Shadows was merciful and wanted to point us out? It's a pity you didn't see him."

"I don't even have time to be afraid," Parrell admitted, "If it hadn't been for the little rascal..." While they were talking, Little Rascal had the audacity to run up to the baboon and touch its nose, but the killer didn't get angry.So the little naughty became more courageous, and it put its little hand on the baboon's thigh, but the killer still just looked at the little monkey with tender and loving eyes. "I will expand the protection scope of your assistant," said Kaim, "I will also personally interrogate the flying stick merchant. We finally have a chance to find out the true identity of this person."

* * * Sirix and her husband had a big quarrel, because although Meifeng loved his son who would inherit his career very much, he was still the head of the family and would not allow his wife and children to violate his wishes.However, Sirix was reluctant to scold his son, and especially tolerated her daughter's lying and insulting in every possible way. She felt that her husband's accusations against them were unfair at all, and she was so angry that she tore the cloth, threw the box, and threw expensive clothes on the ground.Meifeng had nothing to do with her, so she just cursed, "Crazy!"

Then he went out to the office. Crazy...Selix was intimidated by such an adjective.Isn't she a normal woman, a wife who loves and is controlled by her husband, a responsible mother?Participating in a treasonous conspiracy, distracting him by being naked in front of the Sphinx Guard Captain, what did she not listen to Mei Feng?She believed in him so much that they would govern Egypt together in the near future. But she began to have a lingering shadow in her heart.Ever since she was raped by the Shadow Devourer, she seemed to have fallen into a dark abyss and couldn't extricate herself.The helplessness at that time and the inexplicable pleasure after being raped tortured her again and again, and that pain even made her sadder than the crime she committed.Also, the break with Nefiri... Is it madness, a lie, or a perversion to want to continue to maintain a friendship with her?One nightmare after another, one sleepless night after another.

Now there is only one person who can save her, and that is the dream interpreter.Although the price he charged was ridiculously high, at least he was willing to listen to her and guide her. So before going out, she ordered the maid to bring her a veil to cover her haggard face, but she saw the maid was teary-eyed, and asked, "What's wrong with you?" "Oh my god...it's dead." The maid replied nonchalantly. "Who's dead?" "Come and see." She went to have a look, and found that there was only one dead branch left of the aloe vera that was covered with orange, yellow and red flowers and had dense branches and leaves.This aloe was a gift from Meifeng, not only rare, but also the source of Celix's daily medicine.In addition, apply aloe moss oil on the genitals slowly, which can not only avoid infection but also enhance the lubricating and comfortable feeling during sexual intercourse.The most important thing is the red sore on Meifeng's left leg, which can relieve the itching after rubbing it on.

Silix suddenly seemed to have lost the center of gravity to rely on, and her head couldn't help but hurt again.She will soon wither like an aloe. * * * The dream interpreter's consultation room is all painted black, and it is pitch black as soon as you walk in.Sirix lay on a mat with her eyes closed, waiting for the dream interpreter to ask her questions.The people who came to see this Syrian analyst were all rich and famous ladies, which is why he gave up being a worker and businessman, and decided to study magic books and dream books in order to appease these wealthy people. The emotions of idlers, and in exchange for generous rewards.In a safe and free country like Egypt, it is not easy to catch big fish, but once the fish is hooked, it will never run away again, because only continuous treatment can achieve the greatest curative effect, right?That being the case, every time a customer came to the door, he only needed to help them analyze the meaning of the dream and scare them a little.The noble ladies came full of uneasiness and left full of uneasiness. If they were allowed to stay in a less serious hesitation, then the money would roll in.Until now, the only enemies he had had were the tax authorities, so he always paid heavy taxes to keep the tax collectors out of trouble.However, it is not good news for him that Nefili became the Chief Physician. According to reliable sources, not only does she not accept bribes, but she also hates him, a charlatan who eats and cheats. , never lenient loan.

"Have you been dreaming a lot lately?" the dream interpreter asked Sirix. "Yeah, and it's scary. I keep dreaming that I'm taking a cock and stabbing a male in the neck." "How did the cow react?" "My knife broke, and the cow turned around and rushed towards me, trampling on me and hurting me all over." "Is your relationship with your husband . . . okay?" "He is very busy at work, and he always falls asleep when he comes home tired every day. Occasionally, when he has desires, he always resolves them quickly." "Sirix, you can't hide anything from me, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, I know." "Have you used a dagger recently?" "No." "And something like that?" "Probably not." "Where are the needles?" "Needle, yes." "A seashell needle?" "Of course! Because it's my favorite tailor's tool." "Have you ever hit someone with a needle?" "No, I can swear on that!" "An elderly man...he turned his back to you, and you quietly walked up behind him, and then pierced his neck with a shell needle..." Sirix couldn't help screaming when she heard this, she bit her finger, her whole body twitched and writhed on the straw mat.

The dream interpreter was taken aback and was about to ask for help, but Sirix had regained his composure.She sat up sweating profusely, and said in a faint and hoarse voice: "I didn't kill people, I don't have the courage. However, if Mei Feng asks me to kill people in the future, in order to keep his people, I will Will do so." "You are cured, Lady Sirix." "You... what did you say?" "You no longer need my treatment." * * * When the dream interpreter put all his luggage on the back of the donkey and was about to set off for the pier, Kaim came and asked, "Is everything packed?"

"The boat is waiting for me at the pier. I'm going to Greece, and no one will trouble me there." "It's a wise choice." "You promised me: Customs officers won't be too hard on you." "That depends on how you perform." "I have asked Mrs. Sirix as you ordered." "Did you ask all the questions I asked you to?" "Although I don't understand a single word, I did ask everything." "The results of it?" "She didn't kill." "Are you sure?" "Absolutely. It's true that I'm a quack, but I've seen a lot of this kind of woman. If you saw the situation at that time, you would believe what she said."

"Well, forget about her and Egypt!" * * * Tapene was on the verge of tears, but Mei Feng was sitting at a low table piled with paper scrolls, staring at her angrily.She hurriedly defended: "I've asked all over Memphis, I didn't lie to you!" "Dear Tapene, it would be unforgivable for you to return without success this time." "But Pazar has neither cheated nor spent money, has no debts, and has not been involved in any illegal transactions. I really can't believe it, he is completely short of dollars!" "I told you beforehand: he's the Prime Minister." "I thought whether it was Prime Minister or not..." "Ms. Tapene, your greed has completely distorted your thinking. After all, Egypt is still a special country. Those justices, especially the chief justice in the country, still regard integrity as the only code of conduct. I admit that , They are indeed ridiculously pedantic, but this is the truth after all. Pazar is the best example. He firmly believes that he is performing a sacred job, so he is full of ambition and enthusiasm." Tapene just feels nervous now, and doesn't know what attitude to take at all, so she can only say hesitantly: "I misread him." "I don't like people who do wrong things. Anyone who does things for me is only allowed to succeed and not to fail." "Don't worry, as long as he has a weakness, I will definitely find it!" "And what if there isn't one?" "Then...you have to make one for him." "Good idea. Do you have any plans?" "I'll think about it, I..." "No, I've already thought about it. The plan is very simple, using special items as bait. I wonder if you are still willing to help me?" "I'm at your disposal." So Meifeng explained the plan and assigned the work that Tapeni should do.Tapene's ineffectiveness this time deepened Meifeng's resentment towards women. The Greeks regarded women as inferior animals, and it was true at all!Egyptian law gave them too much status and too many rights.Like this Tapeni who has done more than fail, he must get rid of it quickly, so as not to get in the way in the future, and by the way, he can prove to Pazar that the justice he believes in does not work at all. * * * In the open-air workshop, five workers are using acacia wood, fig wood, and willow wood to make flying sticks. The finished products are all quite strong, and the price is not cheap.Cam found the boss with deep facial features and violent temperament, and asked him: "Who are these people who come to buy flying sticks from you?" "Fowler or hunter. What are you asking for? Is it important?" "Very important." "why?" "You didn't do anything wrong, did you?" At this time, a worker whispered a few words in the boss's ear, and the boss' face changed drastically immediately. "You are the Chief of Police! Are you looking for someone?" "I wonder if this flying stick was made here." After carefully inspecting the hidden weapon that almost killed Pazar, the boss said: "The workmanship is very ingenious... It is very delicately made, and it can hit even the farthest target." "answer my question." "No, we didn't do it here." "So which workshop can make flying sticks of this quality?" "I have no idea." "Really?" "Sorry, I hope I can help you next time." Seeing the chief of police walk out of the workshop, the boss finally heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he is not as difficult to deal with as the legend says. However, when the sky darkened and the workshop stopped, the boss knew that he had put Kim's thick palm on his shoulder, and said coldly, "You're lying." "No, I'm..." "Don't lie to me again. Haven't you heard that I am more vicious than my baboon?" "The business of my workshop is normal, and the workers are very serious...Why do you have to find me?" "Tell me about the flying stick." "Okay, I said, that's what I did, that's right." "Who is the buyer?" "No one bought it, it was stolen." "When was it stolen?" "The day before yesterday." "Then why didn't you tell the truth just now?" "Because the things are in your hands, I am worried that I will be involved in some suspicious cases... If it were you, you would not say it." "Do you know who might have stolen it?" "I have no idea at all. The price of this flying stick is not cheap...can you return it to me?" "I don't bother you, you should be thankful, and want to get the throwing stick back?" The clue to track down the Devourer of Shadows has been broken again. * * * Although Nefili is the Chief Physician and the administrative affairs are extremely heavy, she never refuses to provide assistance when encountering emergencies, intractable diseases or major operations. On this day, she was very surprised to see Shabab in the hospital suddenly.Shababu claims to be in her thirties, with a flirtatious and gorgeous appearance. Now she is the proprietress of the most famous beer hall in Memphis, and she has a cloud of beauties under her command.She has always only suffered from rheumatism, but she doesn't know what to do in the hospital today. "Has your physical condition deteriorated?" "No, I have been recuperating according to your instructions, and there is no problem. I came to you today for another reason." Shababu once had a shoulder inflammation that almost disabled her entire arm. Thanks to Nefiri, she was cured, so she has always been very grateful to this skilled female doctor.Although she is still rolling in the wind and dust, she has an indescribable admiration for the prime minister and his wife. Seeing their deep love, she has to believe that there is indeed a life-and-death love in this world, but in her life Can't experience it.With exquisite makeup on her face and perfume that is so strong that she can hardly melt away, she always knows how to show her charm to attract men, and she doesn't care about the worldly etiquette.However, Shabab never saw hostility or contempt in Nefiri's eyes, all she had was enthusiasm for healing the sick. When Shabab saw Nefiri, he handed over a glazed clay vase and said, "Break it." "But this bottle is so beautiful..." "Please break it." So Nefiri threw the bottle on the floor, and among the fragments of the pottery bottle, a stone in the shape of a male genitalia and a lapis lazuli in the shape of a female genitalia appeared, and densely packed Babylonian characters were written on them. "I found out about this business by accident," Shabab explained, "but if I didn't, I would have known sooner or later. This kind of carving is mainly used to rekindle desire in tired men and make infertile women are able to give birth. These are illegal to import undeclared, and some bottles contain alum, a drug that is known to enhance libido and combat impotence. But I hate this most It is a thing that treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and distorts the essence of love. You must try to stop this transaction to preserve Egypt's reputation." Although Shababu's occupation is not noble, it still has a sense of honor. "Do you know who the suspects are?" Nefiri asked. "I don't know, I only know that the goods are delivered to the West Wharf at night." "By the way, is your shoulder okay?" "It doesn't hurt at all." "If it hurts any more, you must come to me immediately." "I will. You won't stand by what I just said, will you?" "I'll leave it to the prime minister." * * * The waves of the river slapped on the rocks by the pier and broke into waves. There was no one on the pier, but a ship without sails was coming in this direction.Under the skillful command of the captain, the ship docked lightly, and immediately after that, more than a dozen people rushed to help the crew members unload the cargo. After unloading, when the workers were collecting some amulets from a woman as a reward, Keim happened to arrive with his men and arrested all the thousand suspects without much effort. During the arrest, only the woman struggled and tried to escape.The men under Kaim picked up the torches and just shone them on her face, and Kaim was really taken aback: "Ms. Tapene!" "let me go!" "I'm afraid I have to lock you up. Don't you know that what you are doing is an illegal transaction?" "I have a backer." "Who is it?" "If you don't let me go now, don't regret it later." "Take her away." Seeing that Kaim was unmoved, Tapeni was even more angry. While struggling, she reduced: "I followed Meifeng's orders." * * * Due to the solid evidence, Pazar gave priority to hearing the case, but before opening the court, he asked Tapeni and Meifeng to confront each other first. Tapene had already lost control of her emotions. As soon as she saw Meifeng approaching, she rushed forward, yelling, "Tell them to let me go, Meifeng!" "If this woman doesn't calm down, I'm leaving. What's the matter you sent me?" Mei Feng said coldly. "Ms. Tapene accuses you of directing her to carry out an illegal transaction." "absurd!" "What are you talking about? Ridiculous?" Tapene yelled hysterically. "You want me to sell these things to some powerful people in order to blow their reputation." "Prime Minister Pazar, I think Ms Tapene has lost her mind." "Mei Feng, I warn you not to speak in this tone again, or I will expose you." "Please go ahead." "You...you're crazy! Do you know..." "It's up to you how you like to fantasize, I'm not interested in accompanying you." "Okay, you just abandon me like this! Then don't blame me." Tapene then turned to the Prime Minister and said, "Among those powerful people, the first target is you! You two famous couples have this unhealthy attitude Once the news of the hobby gets out, what a sensational scandal it will be! Isn’t it a brilliant move to ruin your reputation in this way? This is the method that Mei Feng came up with, and I am only responsible for implementing it.” "What nonsense!" "Everything I say is true." "Can you produce evidence?" "I say it's true, it's true, no evidence is needed." "The mastermind of this whole thing is you, and no one will suspect it. You were caught on the spot, Tapene! Your grudge against the Prime Minister is too deep. Fortunately, I suspected you very early. I also thank the gods for giving me the courage to stand up and report your evil deeds." "Report me..." "That's right." Pazar nodded, "Meifeng wrote a warning letter to report your illegal activities. The whistleblower letter was submitted to the chief of police yesterday and filed as a testimony." "My determination to cooperate with the judiciary couldn't be more obvious." Mei Feng said, "I hope Tapene will be severely punished. It is an unforgivable crime to affect the public order and good morals of society, isn't it?"
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