Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty-Five

The wind and sand tourists stood next to each other, each with long hair, messy beards, cloth wrapped around their heads, and colorful striped robes on their bodies.Several of them had high collarbones and sunken shoulders due to long-term hunger, and their ribs could be seen clearly.They carried rolled up straw mats on their slightly hunched backs. The tourists bent their bows and shot arrows together, but none of the Nubians were hurt.Because of Su Ti's order not to fight back, the Bedumos became more daring. Amidst the roars, they slowly approached. When the enemy got close to a certain distance, the Nubian archers began to show their superb skills, hitting with every shot.

Coupled with their fast speed and good stamina, with one against ten, it soon became an evenly matched situation.The Bedouins who survived the disaster retreated quickly, letting some chariots clear the way.The bottoms of these carriages were made of interlaced belts covered with hyena skins, and the outer fenders were painted with a malevolent deity on horseback. One of them pulls the reins while the other throws a gun. They all have a small goatee and bronze complexion. "It's Libyan," Suti said. "Impossible." Leopard retorted angrily. "The Libyans join hands with the Sand Tourists. Remember what you promised."

"I'll talk to them, they won't attack us." "You are dreaming." "Just let me try." "Why did you take the risk?" The Libyan's war horse was pumping its front hooves, ready to go.Each gun thrower protects his chest with a shield, and when he gets close to the enemy, he has to throw his gun with all his might. At this time, the leopard suddenly stood up and walked out of the hiding place.She crossed the defense line made of rocks and walked a few steps towards the chariot. "Get down!" Suti yelled. I saw a flying gun shot over, fierce and accurate.

Su Ti had sharp eyes and quick hands. After the shooter threw the gun, he shot through the throat with an arrow before he could retract his hand. Fortunately, the leopard reacted quickly enough and rolled sideways to avoid the fatal blow.She didn't dare to push it any further, so she turned around and wanted to crawl back to the cave. The enemy started to attack.Seeing the goddess being attacked, the Nubians were furious and shot arrows as fast as arrows. The carriage rushed forward quickly, and when the person controlling the reins saw the pothole in the sand, it was too late. Some people avoided it in a dangerous way, some overturned the car, but most of them fell down with the car. into the hole.The axle was broken, the body of the car was torn apart, and everyone in the car was thrown out of the car.Seeing an opportunity, the Nubians rushed forward immediately, killed the enemy mercilessly, and brought back horses and guns from the battlefield.

At the end of the first round of fighting, Suti lost only three Nubian fighters, while the Bedouin and Libyan coalition forces suffered heavy losses.The Nubians couldn't help shouting the name of the Golden Goddess loudly, and the elders also made a hymn for her. Although there was no brown wine, everyone felt indescribably intoxicated, and Su Ti almost broke his throat before letting the soldiers return to their posts.Now, each of them is fighting high, hoping to single-handedly destroy the remaining enemies. Suddenly, a red carriage sprang out of the dusty sky.A man got out of the car empty-handed. This man had a haughty look, and his head was so big and square that it was out of proportion to his body.His hoarse voice came from afar: "Tell your leader to come out and talk to me."

Su Ti came out and said, "I'm here." "What's your name?" "What's your name again?" "My name is Edda Fei." "My name is Suti, an officer in the Egyptian army." "Let's talk a little closer, there's nothing constructive to come out of this yelling." So the two each took a few steps forward.Suti said first, "So you are Eddafi, the sworn enemy of Egypt, and the one who instigated rioters to cause trouble." "Did you kill my friend Asher?" "It's my honor, but it's a pity that this traitor died too easily."

"The Egyptian officer leads a group of Nubian vagrants... Aren't you a traitor yourself?" "You stole my gold." "The gold is mine, and it is the price I have negotiated with the general to allow him to spend the rest of his life in my domain." "I said what's mine is mine." "Why?" "Because that's the spoils I got on the battlefield." "Young man, you have a thick skin." "I just ask for my share." "How much do you know about the deal between me and the miners?" "Your men and horses have been wiped out, and now you have no backup in Egypt. I advise you to disappear as soon as possible and hide in your barbaric and backward lair. Maybe Pharaoh won't take his anger on you."

"If you want to get the gold back, you have to have some skills." "Is the gold here?" "In my tent." Adafei suddenly changed his tone, "Since you have killed Asher and I have buried his bones, why don't we turn enemies into friends? After the peace talks, I will share half of you gold." "I don't want half, I want the whole." "You are too greedy." "Don't forget that you have lost a lot of people. My men are much better than yours." "Perhaps, but I have seen through your trap, and we are much larger."

"My Nubian warriors will persevere to the end." "Who's that blonde?" "It is their Golden Goddess. Because of her presence, they have no fear." "I cut off her head with a sword, to see if you are still superstitious." "Then you have to save your life." "If you refuse to cooperate, I will have to get rid of you." "You can't escape, Adafei, I will definitely make you my proudest trophy." "You really let pride go to your head." "If you want someone else to live, fight me." Ada Fei looked at Su Ti. "Challenge me, you have no chance."

"That's for me to judge." "It's a pity that you died at such a young age." "If I win, I get my gold back." "What if you lose?" "Then my gold is yours." "Your gold... what do you mean?" "My Nubian men are transporting a great load of precious metal." "So you've replaced the general and made the deal yourself?" Suti didn't answer.Adafei frowned and said, "You are looking for death." "What weapons do we use?" "Choose yourself." "I'm going to formally sign an agreement and have people from both camps testify."

"The gods can also testify." Then they immediately held a ceremony, attended by three Libyans and three Nubian representatives, including Nubian elders.They prayed to the gods of fire, wind, water and earth to show their spirits to punish those who violated their vows, and then agreed to rest for one night and fight the next day. Then the Nubians formed a circle around the golden goddess, and everyone sincerely prayed to the goddess to bless their heroes with final victory.They then painted symbols of war on Suti's body using some brittle red stones. "Don't make us captives." Everyone begged with one voice. Suti sat facing the sun, under the light of the desert, absorbing the strength of the giants who moved stones and built temples in the past.Although he was unwilling to walk the path of clerks and priests, he could still feel a wave of energy hidden between heaven and earth.He took a deep breath, sucked the energy into his body, and then concentrated in meditation to condense the energy in his body. The leopard knelt beside him and said worryingly: "You are really crazy, you can never defeat Edda Fei if you fight alone." "What is his best weapon?" "gun." "Then my arrows will be much faster." "I really don't want to lose you." "Since you want to make a fortune, I have to take some risks. Believe me, this is the only solution. I really don't want to see these Nubians killed." "You'd rather see me a widow." "You are the Goddess of Gold, you will bless me." "When Adafei kills you, I will stab him in the stomach too." "If you do this, your compatriots will not let you go." "Anyway, the Nubians will protect me... and then a massacre will inevitably happen. Isn't this what you are most worried about?" "As long as I win, there's nothing to worry about." "When you're dead, I'll bury you in the desert, go find Tapene, and burn her alive." "When the time comes, can I light the fire?" "When you are dreaming, I love you so much. I love you because you have dreams." Leopard said quietly. * * * Fog once again enveloped the desert, covering the clear dawn.Su Ti walked forward barefoot, and the grains rustled under his feet.In his right hand he held a medium-range bow, which was also his best, and in his left he held only one arrow, for he would not have time to shoot a second.Edda Fly is known as the "Warrior of All Victories", and he has never encountered an opponent of comparable strength. Moreover, his whereabouts are erratic, and the desert police have nothing to do with him.His greatest pleasure was providing weapons to the rebels and bandits who would wreak havoc in the provinces west of the Delta.Perhaps, he dreamed of ruling the whole of Northern Egypt. A ray of light penetrated the haze.Eddafi was wearing a red and green robe, with his hair hidden in a black turban, standing majestically more than fifty meters away from his opponent. Su Ti found that he suffered a big loss. Because what Ada Fei is holding is not a gun, but his favorite bow that Su Ti left behind in the cave.This bow is made of high-quality acacia wood, with excellent texture, and its direct shooting range can reach more than sixty meters.In comparison, the bow in Su Ti's hand is insignificant. Even if the aim is good enough, it can only hurt the opponent at most, but cannot defeat him.If he tried to approach, Adafei would definitely strike first, leaving him no chance to fight back. At this moment, the expression on Eddafi's face completely changed: cold, gloomy, completely devoid of humanity.There was a murderous intent in his heart, and his whole person became murderous.He waited coldly to see the trembling appearance of the opponent in front of him. But Su Ti finally understood why Edda Fei always won the duel.Just behind a small hill on the left, a Libyan archer crouched there, secretly protecting Eddafi.Will he strike first, or will he cooperate with his master's gestures?Su Ti couldn't help scolding himself for being stupid.What is an open and fair contest, what is a word that is hard to follow... Ada Fei doesn't believe in this at all.And his first battlefield mentor had warned him that Bedouins and Libyans would often stab people in the back.He actually forgot!And at the cost of life. Adafei, Suti, and the Libyans who were in ambush opened their bowstrings at the same time, and Suti gradually exerted more force to make the bow tighter and tighter.Su Ti's attitude made Eddafei quite interesting. He thought that the opponent would first deal with the man hiding on the left side, and then shoot him a second arrow, but he imagined that he only brought one arrow. In this imminent situation, Suti caught a glimpse of a fast and violent scene out of the corner of his eye.It turned out that the leopard had quietly crawled behind the Libyan squatting behind the mountain, and cut his throat with a knife.Seeing this unexpected scene, Eddafei aimed his bow and arrow at the leopard half flat on the sand without thinking.Seeing that the opportunity was not lost, Su Ti immediately stretched the bow to the extreme, allowing himself to become one with the bow and arrow, and focused on aiming at the target.At this time, Adafei also realized that he had made a mistake, and quickly turned around and fired an arrow. His arrow passed Su Ti's right cheek, but Su Ti's arrow hit his right eye.He immediately fell to the ground and died. When the Nubians rejoiced, Suti cut off Eddafi's right hand and waved his bow skyward. * * * The Sand Tourist and the Libyan threw down their weapons one by one, and bowed down in front of Suti and the leopard who had already hugged each other tightly. Leopard's face is filled with happiness.With money, happiness, and a crew at her beck and call, and Libyan soldiers at her disposal, the most unlikely dreams were now realized. "You are free to leave, otherwise you will listen to me." Suti said to everyone, "If you follow me, you can get gold. But if you disobey a little, I will personally punish you." Everyone stayed where they were, and the rewards and rewards were too generous, no matter how suspicious they were, they couldn't help being tempted.Su Ti checked the carriage and horses, and they were all in good condition.Now he has a few well-trained riders and Nubian archers whose skills are unmatched, which is equivalent to having an elite army. "You are the Lord of Gold now." Leopard said happily. "You saved my life again." "I told you a long time ago: You can't do anything big without me." After Su Ti issued the first bounty, everyone's hostility towards him immediately dissipated.The Libyans invited the Nubians to drink palm wine, and during the chat, singing, drinking and merrymaking, friendship gradually became established. But their new leader preferred to enjoy the silence of the desert and retreated alone.Leopard walked up to him and asked, "Will you forget me in your dream?" "Isn't it because of you that I have dreams?" "You have done Egypt a great favor today: killing Eddafi is equivalent to getting rid of a serious problem for Egypt." "How should we celebrate this victory?"
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