Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 22 Chapter Twenty Two

On the morning of departure, Pazar received an invitation from Meifeng to a banquet. At the same time, dignitaries from the DPRK and China, senior officials, and several provincial governors will also be present.According to the custom, the president of the White House must hold a grand banquet at the end of winter and invite the Prime Minister to participate. "He's taunting us," Nefiri said. "He'll still bend to tradition as long as it's in his favor." "Do we have to attend this hypocritical banquet?" "I'm afraid so." "The fact that Sirix has been charged will certainly cause an uproar."

"I'll try to keep a low profile." "Has the illegal drug trade stopped?" "Cam's efficiency is amazing. Those Greek drug dealers and buyers were all arrested on the pier... except Sirix." "You can't touch her at the moment, can you?" "Mefeng's threats won't deter me." "The drug trafficking has come to an end, and that's the most important thing. Why do you have to put Meifeng's wife in jail now?" Nefeli asked puzzled. Under the avocado tree, Pazar hugged his wife and said softly, "For justice."

"But isn't the timing of the behavior just as important as the behavior itself?" "You mean to ask me to wait? But time passes day by day, and the deadline for Pharaoh to step down is coming." "Even if we fight to the last moment, we must stay awake." "It's so dark in front of me! Sometimes I really..." She didn't let him finish, but put her index finger on his lips and said, "The Prime Minister of Egypt will never back down." * * * Pazar has always loved the scenery in the middle, the white cliffs on the banks of the Nile, the vast green plains, and the sparsely forested hills full of noble tombs.There is neither the arrogance of Memphis nor the brilliance of Thebes, but there is a square of land passed down by the family from generation to generation, and the secrets sown by the tenant farmers when they bend over and work hard are preserved.

During the journey, the baboon did not issue any warning signs. The increasingly gentle spring breath seemed to make him feel at ease, but his eyes were still shining brightly. Jianling Province has always been proud of its perfect water source management. For hundreds of years, the lives of the people in the province have been safe, there is no distinction between rich and poor, and there has never been a water shortage.In years with less flooding, well-designed cisterns can function to provide water for irrigation.The canals, sluices and dams are regularly supervised and maintained by experts, especially after the water recedes, which is an important critical period. Many farmlands will continue to be submerged in the water, absorbing precious river mud, which is why Egypt is called "black land". .From the village on the top of the hill, there are songs from time to time, praising the energy hidden in the river that can make the land fertile.

Every ten days, Pazar receives a detailed report on the local water storage, and he often makes surprise inspections to make sure that the relevant units have indeed implemented the work.This time, he headed to the capital of the Antelope Province. Pazar was pleased by the sights he saw along the way. The dams were intact, the pools were densely covered, and the workers dredging the canal were working hard. All of this made people feel at ease. The arrival of the Prime Minister caused quite a stir, and everyone wanted to witness the celebrity's demeanor, make demands on him, and let him do justice for themselves.However, everyone's attitude was very gentle, and Pazar was deeply moved by the respect and trust of the people, which inspired a new force.For these people, he is more responsible to protect the integrity of the country.He prayed to the sky, the Nile River and the fertile land, and he prayed for the power of these creations to help him open his heart and complete the task of saving Pharaoh.

The Governor has summoned key cadres to his beautiful white mansion, including: Levee, Canal Overseer, Water Storage and Distribution Officer, Public Surveyor and Seasonal Worker Recruiter, and everyone looks grave.As soon as the prime minister arrived, everyone saluted and the governor quickly stood up and made way for the prime minister to preside over the meeting.The governor is in his sixties this year, and his ancestors settled here several generations ago.He is slightly fat and has an easy-going personality. He has an interesting name called Yawu, which means "fat cow".He first spoke to welcome the Prime Minister: "It is a great honor for the Prime Minister and the people of the province to be here."

"I have received some early warning reports, are these reports reliable?" Although the prime minister's straight-forward question was somewhat redundant, the governor was not surprised. It was the case with previous prime ministers. Due to their busy schedules, it was not fashionable to socialize. "I took the lead in writing it." "Several provinces are facing the same problem. I picked your province because it has been a model province for a long time." "Then I won't beat around the bush! The instructions of the central government are really puzzling." Yau began to complain, "I have always had great freedom to govern my province, and my achievements have never disappointed the Pharaoh But since the last flood, the central government has issued some very unreasonable orders!"

"What do you think." "The public surveyors, as in previous years, calculated the appropriate amount of fill to repair the embankment, but when they audited, they lowered these figures. If we accept the central correction, then the embankment will not be strong enough and will soon be closed. It was destroyed by the flood.” "Who ordered the modification?" "The General Survey Office in Memphis. And that's not all! Our Seasonal Worker Recruiter always knows exactly how many workers are needed when it comes to repairing and filling the levee, yet the Employment Office cuts the number in half for no reason. What's more serious is: the use of flooded irrigation areas. Who else knows better than us how to let the water in the upstream area flow to the downstream area in accordance with the seasons of crop cultivation? However, the technical department of the Shuangyuan just stuffed some water that cannot be coordinated with the solar terms. Give us the date. After the production increases, the taxes will also increase, not to mention this. I really don't understand, what are these officials in Memphis thinking?"

"Let me see those official documents." Pazar demanded. The governor ordered the documents to be brought.If the officials who signed the official document were not directly affiliated to the White House, they were people from departments directly controlled by Meifeng. "Help me prepare the writing tools." The clerk then handed over the stationery table with ink and reed pens.I saw Pazar quickly cancel the original order, stamped his personal seal on it, and said: "I have corrected these administrative mistakes, and you don't need to pay attention to these invalid orders in the future, and everything will continue as usual."

The officials of the provincial government were all dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. Finally, Yawu asked, "You mean us..." "In the future, any official documents that are not stamped with my seal will be deemed invalid." The problem was solved so quickly, and the officials were all overjoyed. After saluting to the Prime Minister and taking their leave, they returned to their jobs in a relaxed mood.However, the governor seemed to have concerns, so Pazar asked him, "Do you have any other questions?" "Wouldn't you be openly challenging Meifeng by doing this?"

"My ministers may have done something wrong, too." "Then why keep him in office?" Pazar was afraid of this question.So far, his battles with Meifeng have been carried out in secret, but this water incident has revealed that there is a huge difference between the prime minister and the president of the double academy. "Because Meifeng is very capable of working." He replied carefully. "Recently, Meifeng has been in constant contact with the governors of various provinces, trying to persuade everyone to accept his policies. Do you know about this? I and other governors can't help but ask: Is the prime minister you or him?" "Don't you already have the answer now?" "Yeah, I feel more at ease now... I'm really not interested in his proposal." "What did he say?" "You can take an important position in Memphis, have more attractive material comforts, and don't have so many troubles..." "Why did you refuse?" "Because I'm happy with the status quo. Meifeng doesn't believe in the limits of human ambition, but I really like this area. I hate the big cities. Here, everyone respects me. In Memphis, I am nothing. .” "If you refuse him, you are against him." "I have to admit, this man scares me, so I'd rather be ambiguous. The other premiers have agreed to support him as if you, the Prime Minister, didn't exist. Don't you think you're Are snakes a problem?" "If that's the case, it's up to me to remedy it." Yawu showed his inner anxiety and said, "Listen to what you said, I believe our country is facing a difficult dilemma. Since you have maintained the integrity of Jianlan Province, I will definitely support you to the end." Cam and the baboon were sitting on the threshold of Guanyang, the baboon was eating dates, and Cam was watching the people coming and going on the street.He always thought about the Eater of Shadows, and he believed that the assassin must also never forget him. When the Prime Minister walked out of the residence, Keim immediately got up and asked, "Is everything all right?" "Another disaster was avoided in time, which is really good. We have to go to several other provinces to see." On the way to the pier, Yawu suddenly chased after him: "There is something I almost forgot... a drinking water inspector came a few days ago, was it you who sent it?" "No. Describe him." "Aged about sixty, of medium build, with a bald head, and often scratched the red scalp. He has a rather violent temper, and speaks with a nasal and rough tone." "It's Mengmoxi," Cam whispered. "What did he do?" Pazar asked. "Just a simple tour around." "Take me to the reservoir at once." The best water to drink is that collected during the first few days of high tide, which contains minerals that help the bowels move and help women to conceive.After the muddy and dirty water is filtered, it is stored in large earthen jars, which can be kept for four or five years without deterioration.Occasionally in drought years, Jianlu Province will sell water to the south. Yawu asked people to pull out the heavy sun, and opened the largest reservoir.When he saw the situation inside, he was almost suffocated: the earthen pots were all unsealed, and the water flowed all over the floor.
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