Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 15 Chapter fifteen

Pazar woke up suddenly.He dreamed of a hundred-headed monster with countless sharp claws, desperately trying to overthrow the Great Pyramid.There is a face in the belly of the monster, which is Meifeng.Although the February night was quite cool, Pazar was still sweating from fright.He groped for the edge of the bed. The frame of this wooden bed was made of plants weaved into ropes, and the foot of the bed was carved with the shape of a lion's head. He turned to look at Nefiri's bed. is empty. So he lifted the mosquito net, got up, put on a coat, and opened the window facing the garden.The soft winter sun has awakened the flowers and trees, and the chickadees have begun to sing.He saw his wife, standing barefoot in the dew, wrapped in a thick blanket.

Her whole body melted into the morning light, surrounded by halos.When Nefiri put the lotus flower on the altar of the ancestors, suddenly two falcons rushed out of Ra's boat and flew around her.After the falcon soaring through the sky united Egypt to the ship of the sky, it flew back to the prow invisible to mortal eyes. When the ceremony was over, Pazar put his arms around his wife and said: "You are like the sun at the dawn of a happy day, radiant and incomparable, and your eyes are as soft as your lips. How can you be so beautiful? And your hair shines with the light of Hador.

I love you Nefiri, I love you more than anyone else. " At the dawn of love, they are one again. * * * Pazar stood at the prow of the ship sailing towards Karnak, admiring the magnificent Egypt where the sun meets the river. There are farmers dredging irrigation canals along the river, and a team of experts working on the canals—the lifeblood of Egypt.The crown of the palm tree provides shade to those who toil in the fertile black soil.Seeing the Prime Minister's boat passing by, the children ran to the river bank and the fiber-pulling path, cheering enthusiastically and waving their arms.

Baboons stood on the roof of the main cabin, watching over Pazar.Cam brought some fresh onions. "No news of the assassin?" Pazar asked. "No." Cam replied. "Is Tapene doing anything?" "She went to see Meifeng." "Mei Feng has another accomplice..." "We have to beware of her, her destructive power cannot be ignored." "We have another enemy." "Are you afraid?" "Thank the gods, my insensitivity is a form of courage." "It would be more accurate to say that you have no choice." "Is there any accident in the hospital?"

"Your wife can work with peace of mind." "She should reform the public health policy as soon as possible. Due to the negligence of the former chief physician, there have been major shortcomings. Sometimes, Nefiri and I have a really heavy responsibility, which is really what we didn't expect at the beginning .” "How could I have imagined that I would be the head of the police? These people were also the ones who cut off my nose." The wind was blowing so hard that the current was ignored, and occasionally the sailors paddled with their hands, without removing the mast or lowering the long narrow sail.The captain who has been driving the Nile all year round is well aware of all the traps in the river, and knows how to use the wind to quickly carry important passengers on board to their destinations.The shape of the boat is a footless rooster, with the two ends of the boat slightly raised. This is the shape of the boat that was carefully developed by the court carpenter and is most conducive to sailing.

"When do you think the assassin will strike again?" "You don't have to worry about that, Cam." "It's about my personal honor and disgrace. How can I not care? My reputation has been ruined by that demon." "Have you heard from Suti?" "The order of full alert has been issued to Charu, and all the soldiers are hiding in the fortress, waiting for the next order." "Then he escaped?" "According to reports, the prisoners are still there, but I got a strange message. It is said that a brave man was chained to a big rock in the middle of the Nile River as bait to lure the Nubians."

"That must be him." "That's not too optimistic." "He will escape. Su Ti won't just enter the nether world." Pazar's thoughts suddenly flew to his best friend, and then he was brought back to reality by the wonderful scene of Thebes.The narrow strip along the banks of the Nile is the largest and most prosperous farming area in the valley region.There are nearly 70 villages working for the huge temple of Karnak, with a population of more than 80,000 people, including priests, craftsmen and farmers.Immediately afterwards came the square for offering sacrifices to Mengshen. The outer brick walls undulated like waves, and the majestic and majestic atmosphere overshadowed the surrounding affluent scenery.

The head of personnel, the head of temple affairs, and the servants of the temple were all on the pier to welcome the arrival of the prime minister.After saluting, they proposed to take Pazar to meet their old friend Kani, the vegetable farmer who was promoted to the high priest of Egypt's first temple city overnight.After walking for a while.Pazar asked the stewards to stop, and just walked up the central aisle of the pillar hall alone. This hall cannot be entered unless someone who can penetrate the mystery.Cam and the baboon waited outside the double golden gate.Whenever there are major festivals, the temple will open these two doors so that the Amon Godship can leave the temple and flood the earth with light.

Pazar meditated for a long time before the majestic statue of the god Thoth, whose outstretched arm was the standard used by the craftsmen for measurement.Pazar silently recited the hieroglyphs on the pillar, and interpreted the message conveyed by the God of Knowledge: the God instructed believers to abide by the constant ratio of life. It is this harmony which the Prime Minister strives to maintain every day, so that Egypt can present the bliss of Paradise; and it is this harmony which the Conspirators seek to destroy, so that they may have the opportunity to inflict cruelty upon the people, and to make their private desires Get greater satisfaction.Isn't something like Meifeng and his accomplices more terrifying than brutal invaders?Pazar walked out of the hall of pillars, admiring the pure blue sky above Karnak in the small open-air atrium.In the center of the courtyard is a granite altar bearing the date the temple was completed many years ago.Because the altar is so sacred, it is often filled with flowers.Pazar felt a little regretful, why did he have to leave this deep peace outside of time and space? "Nice to see you again, Prime Minister." Carney, who shaved his head, bowed to Pazar with a golden staff in his hand.

"I should have saluted you." "I should also pay tribute to you. Doesn't the Prime Minister represent the eyes and ears of the Dharma?" "May these eyes and ears be as keen as ever." "You seem to have something on your mind." "I'm here to ask the High Priest for help." "I was also thinking of asking the Prime Minister for help." "what happened?" "I'm afraid it's a big trouble. I'll take you to see the part of the temple that has just been renovated." Kani and Pazar walked into a gate of the Amun God Square, walked along the wall to the chapel of Goddess Maat, and greeted the busy painters and sculptors along the way.

There are two long stone chairs in the chapel built of sandstone, which are the seats where the prime minister judges high-ranking religious figures. "I am a very simple person." Carney said, "I have never forgotten that the position of high priest should belong to your mentor Blarney." "But Blarney was killed, and the pharaoh appointed you to be in charge." "Pharaoh may have chosen the wrong man." Pazar had never seen Carney so depressed. Although he was originally just a person who struggled with the vagaries of nature, he eventually won the respect of his subordinates and everyone in the Priest Academy. "I am not worthy to be the high priest, but I will not shirk my responsibility. Soon, I will be judged by you here." "It's too hasty to open the court like this! Can you let me conduct an investigation?" Carney sat on the stone chair and said, "It won't be too much trouble, you just need to look at the latest accounting records. It's only been a few months, and Karnak is almost destroyed by my hands. "How to say?" "Just look at the stockpiling of cereals, dairy products, fruit, etc. . . . No matter what kind of food, it proves that my management has indeed failed completely." Pazar really didn't understand: "Perhaps your subordinates did something wrong." "No, the report is very reliable." "Is it the climate?" "The amount of water is sufficient, and the farmland is free from pests." "Then what is the reason?" "Because I am incompetent. I am notifying you in the hope that you will tell the king." "Not urgent." "The truth will eventually be revealed. As you can see, I can't help you much. Soon, I'll be just a despised old man." * * * Pazar was locked in the archives of the Karnak Temple alone, comparing the assets and liabilities of Karni and the previous high priests.The difference is really surprising. He firmly believes that someone must want to destroy Carney's reputation and force him to take the blame and resign.And the person who replaced him must have been a nobleman who was hostile to Ramses.Without the support of Kanak, it would be impossible to control the whole of Egypt, but who would have thought that Mei Feng and his confidants would dare to attack this impeccable high priest?Kani will surely be blamed as Karnak, Luxor and other temples in Hesi will soon be out of offerings.The sacrificial ceremony will not be carried out smoothly, and there will be voices of condemnation everywhere: Carney, the great sinner! Pazar fell into despair.He came to seek help from his friends.But he didn't expect to have to judge him here. "Stop researching the data, let's go to the scene." Cam suggested. They first inspected several villages near the temple.The villagers are still living a peaceful life in accordance with the seasons. After asking the village head and the land clerk, nothing unusual was found.After three days of fruitless investigation, Pazar had to bow to the facts.He must return to Memphis, report the situation to the king truthfully, and hold a court trial for the high priest Carney. Because the wind was too strong for navigation, Kem was given another day to continue his investigation.This time, the two of them took the baboons and their entourage to a village on the provincial border of Coptos, farther from the temple.Here, as elsewhere, the farmers are busy farming while their wives stay home to take care of the children and prepare meals.A bleacher washes laundry on the banks of the Nile, and a country doctor consults under a fig tree. Suddenly, the baboon became restless, its nostrils trembled slightly, and its sharp claws kept pawing the ground. "Did it find anything?" Pazar asked. "There are unusual fluctuations, we have no traffic this trip."
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