Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen

The oasis is completely destroyed. The palm trees have lost their heads, the acacia branches and leaves are broken, the trunks are split, the branches are broken, the springs are blocked, the sand dunes are full of scars, and the sand piles obliterate the path...there is only desolation everywhere. Su Ti opened his eyes slightly, and the originally peaceful haven had disappeared without a trace, the sky was covered by yellow sand, and the light seemed to be in a dark hell. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the left shoulder, which was caused by the wound from the ax cut just now.He tried to straighten his foot, but it hurt as if it broke, but fortunately it was only a slight scratch.Two Nubians beside him were crushed by a fallen palm tree, and one of them was lightly crushed and was still waving a dagger in his hand.

Leopard... where did the leopard go?Although his consciousness is a little fuzzy, Suti still vaguely remembers the Nubians attacking, and remembers that the storm swept down the maddened desert.The leopard had been leaning against him all the time, but when a gust of wind blew, the two separated.Yu Shi knelt down on the ground, gasped for breath, and dug up. Still no sign of the leopard.Suti still didn't give up, and he would never leave this damned place until he found the woman who set him free again. He searched every hidden corner, pushed away the corpses of other Nubians, and finally picked up a huge palm tree.

The leopard is like a girl in a sweet dream, lying there with her eyes closed, her naked body has no scars, only a large lump on the back of her neck.Su Ti gently massaged her eyeballs, and she woke up. "You... are you still alive?" "Don't worry, you were just frightened." Suti said softly. "My hands, my feet" "There is no injury at all, it's just temporary numbness." She stretched out her arms to hug him, acting childishly. "Let's leave quickly!" "You have to find water first." It took them several hours to finally dredge the well. Although the water they dug out was red with mud, they still filled two bags full.Then Suti made a new bow and more than fifty arrows.After a good night's sleep, they stripped off the gorgeous clothes on the corpse for shelter from the cold at night, and then walked north under the starlight.

* * * The resilience of the leopard really surprised Su Ti.After escaping death, she grew stronger and more persistent.Now all she wants is to get her gold back and become a wealthy, respected dame who can do whatever she wants.She only believes in the destiny she created bit by bit.She tried her best to tear off all the cloaks that wrapped her life and present her soul naked without feeling ashamed.She is not afraid of anything, but she is afraid that she will not be able to suppress the fear in her heart. Along the way, she only took short breaks, strictly controlled drinking water, and chose the direction and path of the two of them among the rocks and sand dunes.Su Ti followed her obediently, but the whole person seemed to be possessed, obsessed with the surrounding scenery.He couldn't resist this temptation, he loved everything in this country made up of wind, sun and heat.

The leopard has always been on guard, and she immediately raised her vigilance as soon as an Egyptian patrol approached.But Suti became a little irritable, because he was stepping away from true freedom and the vast desert where he hoped to be with the noble sword antelope. Just as they were filling a well with water, suddenly more than fifty Nubian warriors formed a circle and approached them.These people came quietly with short sticks, short swords, bows and slingshots in their hands, and neither Leopard nor Su Ti heard any sound. Leopard clenched his fists angrily, and she was really unwilling to fail like this.She whispered, "Try to get out of trouble."

"There's no hope at all." "Then what are your plans?" Su Ti slowly turned around and looked around: there was indeed no hope of escape.He didn't even have time to draw his bow. "The gods don't allow suicide. If you want, I can strangle you before they smash my head, otherwise they will use cruel and inhumane methods to gang rape you." "I'll kill them all." The enemy began to reduce the scope of the encirclement. Su Ti decided to rush towards the two giants advancing side by side, at least he could be regarded as an honorable death in battle.Suddenly, a Nubian elder asked loudly, "Did you kill our brother?"

"I joined forces with the desert." "They're all warriors." "me too." "How did you do it?" "Use my bow." "You are lying." "If you don't believe me, let me try." "Who are you?" "Suti." "Are you Egyptian?" "yes." "What are you doing in our country?" "I just escaped from Fort Charu" "Escape?" "I'm a prisoner." "You're lying again." "They chained me to a great rock in the middle of the Nile to entice you people."

"I don't believe it, you are a spy." "I was hiding in the oasis, and your people came to attack me." "You wouldn't have won if it hadn't been for a strong wind." "But they're dead, and I'm still alive." "You are very proud." "If I can fight the two of you, you'll know that I'm not without reason." The Nubian looked at the other companions, and said, "What's the use of your challenge? You killed our leader in the oasis, and that's why I, an old man, have to be the patriarch."

"Let me fight your best warrior, and if I win, set me free." "You're going to duel them all." "You coward." Su Ti scolded. At this time, someone shot a stone with a slingshot, and Su Ti passed out after being hit in the temple.The original two giants walked slowly towards the leopard.She glared.Not moving at all.They tore off her clothes and the rags that covered her head. The two were taken aback and took a few steps back. I saw the leopard's arms hanging naturally on the sides, not covering the golden curly hair on the chest and private parts, and walking forward boldly.

All the Nubians present saluted. * * * All night long the worship was held in honor of the Golden Goddess, and the warriors recognized her as the mighty and dreadful being whom their ancestors had spoken of.The goddess came from far away Libya, and because of her dissatisfaction, she spread epidemics, various catastrophes and famines everywhere.To appease the goddess, the Nubians offered date wine, charcoal-grilled snakes, and fresh garlic, which is very effective against snake bites.The crowd danced around the leopard wearing a palm crown and smeared with sesame oil, and silently recited the prayers passed down by their ancestors from generation to generation.

Everyone forgot about Suti, who, like everyone else, served the Golden Goddess.The leopard played the part of the goddess perfectly, and after the ceremony she led the small procession around the fortress of Charu and headed north by a path.To their surprise, Egyptian soldiers had been hiding within the city walls for several days and stopped patrolling. A group of people came to the foot of a rocky mountain wall, and they stopped for a rest because they could shelter from the wind and sun.Su Ti walked towards the leopard, who had just got off the sedan chair after four men were happily grabbing her. "I really dare not look up at you." Suti said. "This is the best, otherwise you will be torn to pieces by them." "The situation is just unbearable." "Everything is going well." "But the method is wrong." "You have to be patient." "That's not my personality." "You'll get used to being a slave for a few days." "Don't think about it." "You have to know that no one can escape the divine power of the Golden Goddess." Suti had to practice playing slingshot with his new friends full of anger.Because of his skill, he immediately won the admiration of others.Then he won several rubber wrestling and archery competitions, and won the favor of the Nubians.So these warriors all became sympathetic to each other. After supper, the Nubians told how the Golden Goddess had come to teach them music, dance and lovemaking.While the storytelling was going on, two men built a fire nearby, and the pots that were heated over the fire contained a gum made from antelope oil.When it was heated to a certain temperature, the substance in the jar melted into a liquid. One of them picked up a brush and dipped it in glue, and the other put a belt buckle made of ebony in front of him. The first person then carefully applied the glue.Feeling bored, Su Ti yawned, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a gleam of light flashing in the darkness.Curious, he went back to the two men and saw that the gluer was very intently installing a metal leaf on the buckle. Su Ti leaned over to take a closer look, and sure enough, it was a piece of gold leaf, so he asked, "Where did you find this thing?" "Sent by the patriarch." "And who gave it to him?" "Every time he comes back from the Lost City, he brings some jewels and belt buckles." "Do you know the location?" "I don't know, but the elders do." Su Ti immediately woke up the elder and asked him to draw a map on the sand. Then he gathered all the people around the fire and said, "Listen everyone! I was originally a chariot captain in the army, so I am very good at using Great Bow. I have killed dozens of Bedouins and eliminated traitorous generals, but my country does not appreciate what I have done. So, now I'm going to become a rich and powerful man.Your clan needs a person who has experienced many battles and won many battles to be the patriarch, and I am the most suitable candidate.If you follow me, you will definitely not regret it in the future. " Suti's enthusiastic expression, long hair, broad shoulders and mighty appearance deeply touched the hearts of the Nubians, but the elder said: "But you killed our leader." "That's because I'm stronger than him. The law of the desert is the law of the jungle." "Our future patriarch will be appointed by ourselves." "I will take you to the lost city, and we will destroy the enemy together. You have no right to keep this secret. Before long, we will become the most respected clan in Nubia." "Our patriarch has always traveled alone." "Let's go together, and you can get gold too." Those who supported and opposed Suti began to argue, but the influence of the previous patriarch was too great, and Suti's chance of success was naturally very slim.So he pulled Leopard over and ripped off her clothes.The firelight illuminates her golden carcass. "Look, she doesn't resist me! Only I can be her lover here. If you don't agree to push me to be the leader, she will launch another fury and sandstorm, and none of you will survive." At this time, Suti's fate was in the hands of the leopard. If she refused him, the Nubians would know that he was only bragging and would kill him immediately.And Leopard is now on the throne of the goddess, who knows if she will be dazzled by vanity?Sure enough, she broke free from Suti's hand, and the Nubian warriors immediately aimed their spears and heads at Suti. He really shouldn't trust the Libyan woman so easily.However, at least he can admire the perfect and unreasonable female body before his death. The leopard walked to the fire, lay down limp and boneless, then stretched out his arms to him, and said with a smile, "Come here."
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