Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

The leopard was roasting a hare, and Suti was busy making a simple bow and arrow out of acacia wood.His personality is actually the same as his favorite weapon: when fired in a straight line, the range is 60 meters, and when fired in a parabola, it can reach 150 meters.Since his teenage years, Suti has proved to be a gifted, always able to hit the long and small hearts. In this small oasis where clear water is abundant, sweet dates are at your fingertips, and prey often come to drink, Suti is really at home.He loves the desert, its power, its burning heat that can pull people's thoughts to eternity.He often stared blankly at the sunrise and sunset, at the indiscernible movement of the dunes, and the fine sand dancing with the wind.He was immersed in the silence alone, and this vast and scorching country that belonged to the sun in front of him had already connected with his soul.At this time, Suti seemed to have surpassed the gods and touched the limits of everything. Was it really necessary for him to leave this small piece of forgotten land? "When are we leaving?" Leopard asked, sitting down next to him.

"Maybe not." "You want to settle here?" "Why not?" "This is hell, Suti!" "But we don't want anything, do we?" "What about the gold?" "Aren't you happy now?" "This kind of happiness is not enough, I want to live a rich life in a big mansion, and have a large group of servants to serve me. I want you to pour fine wine for me, massage my legs with sesame oil, and listen to me sing love songs for you. " "What house is bigger than a desert?" "But there are no gardens, artificial lakes, bands, banquet halls..."

"It's all unnecessary stuff." "You're right! If you want me to live a miserable life, there is no way! I rescued you not to nest in this ghost place!" "We are here to be truly free. Look around: there are no annoying people, things, or things at all, and the desert presents the truest and most beautiful side. Why leave such a beautiful place?" "Poor Suti, you are really weak after these days of confinement." "Don't despise what I say, I'm in love with the desert." "What about me? What am I?" "You, you are a Libyan woman on the run, Egypt's old enemy."

"You have no heart! Overbearing!" She beat him with her fist while cursing, Su Ti grabbed her wrists back and pinned her to the ground.Although she resisted with all her strength, she was no match for her strength. "Either, you will be my slave in the desert, or I will abandon you." "You have no right to treat me like this. I would rather die than listen to your mercy." The two of them were naked all the time, and when the heat was unbearable, they hid in the shade of a palm tree to enjoy the coolness, but when their desire rose, they still enjoyed the passion again and again.

"You still think about that scumbag, your legal wife Tapini!" Leopard said angrily again. "Occasionally I do, I admit." "You are being unfaithful to me in your heart." "You're wrong! If Tapene is in my hands, I'll hand her over to the desert demon immediately." Hearing this, Leopard frowned suddenly, and asked worriedly, "Have you ever seen a demon?" "When you sleep at night, I'll look at the tops of the great sand dunes, and that's where they appear. One has the head of a sphinx, one has the head of a griffin and has wings, another has a sharp beak and big ears, and A forked tail (representations of these desert monsters, most famously engraved on tombstones in the noble cemetery in Beni Hassan, central Egypt). No arrows to shoot them, no ropes to let them go, and no dogs Follow them."

"You're kidding me." "These demons will protect us, for we are of their kind: vicious and untamed." "That's you dreaming, there are no demons at all." "Then why do you exist?" "Go away, you are so heavy!" "are you sure?" He stroked the leopard lightly, but he heard her shout: "No!" and pushed him aside forcefully. An ax grazed Su Ti's temple and hacked into the ground, only a few centimeters away from where the two of them had just been lying.Suti caught a glimpse of a burly Nubian attacking them, picked up the ax handle again, and sprang to face his quarry.

Their eyes met, and there was determination in their eyes to kill each other, so there was no need to talk nonsense. The Nubian swung his ax round and round, and with a smile on his face, confident in his strength and dexterity, he forced his opponent back step by step. Suti retreated to the end and bumped into an acacia tree.The Nubian raised his ax and was about to attack, but the leopard grabbed his neck, but he didn't pay attention to the woman, and he elbowed her back against her chest, trying to knock her away.Unexpectedly, the leopard couldn't bear the pain at all, so it went to pick the enemy's eyes.The Nubian screamed in pain, and immediately picked up the ax and swung it wildly, but the leopard had already let go, rolled over and rolled aside.

Seeing an opportunity, Su Ti rushed towards the Nubian with his head down, and knocked him to the ground. The leopard also quickly picked up the wooden stick and pressed it against his throat desperately.The Nubian waved his arms to push her away, but failed.Suti watched her lover complete the final victory alone.Their enemy finally died with a slit throat. "Is he alone?" Leopard asked worriedly. "Nubians usually live in groups." "Your beloved oasis is about to become a battlefield." "You are such a female devil. It was you who brought them here to break my peace."

"Should we break camp as soon as possible?" "What if he's alone?" "You said it was impossible. Sober up, let's go." "Where are you going?" "Go north." "It will be captured by Egyptian soldiers. They must have laid a net." "If you follow me, you can avoid them and get back the gold." Speaking of gold, the leopard could not help hugging his lover tightly excitedly, and continued: "They will think you are lost in the desert, or even dead, and will soon forget you. At that time, we will be able to Pass the border, bypass the fort, and become rich!"

Leopard's excitement turns to excitement at the thought of her upcoming adventure, and now only her lover's arms can calm her down.Su Ti originally planned to respond, but accidentally caught sight of a figure swaying on the top of the sand dune. "Here comes his companion," he whispered at once. "how many people?" "Don't know. They're crawling this way." "Let's follow the route of the sword antelope." After finishing speaking, the leopard found several Nubians hiding behind the big rock on the top of the round hill, so he had to say disappointedly, "Then go south! "

But the south is also out of the question, because the enemy has surrounded the oasis. "I made twenty arrows, but it's not enough." Su Ti suddenly thought. Leopard didn't answer, but said with a sullen face, "I don't want to die." He took her into his arms and told her his plan: "I will climb to the top of the tallest tree and kill as many as I can. However, I will let a man in, and you will kill him with an axe, and then Bring me his quiver." "Impossible." "I believe in you." Su Ti was condescending and could see the enemy's formation clearly. There were about 50 people who came, some with wooden sticks, and some with bows and arrows.It is impossible to escape, but he will persist until the last moment, and if he can't hold on, he will also save the last arrow to kill the leopard, so as to prevent her from being raped and humiliated. Behind the Nubians on the top of the sand dunes in the distance, the saberbuck that had led them to the oasis was fighting the increasingly violent wind.Xiaoqiu spat out a few tongues of sand, and swept away towards the sky.In an instant, the antelope was gone. The three Nubian warriors roared and rushed forward.Su Ti instinctively drew his bow fully and shot three arrows in succession.Each arrow pierced the enemy's chest, and the three fell immediately. Then three more people followed. Suti shot two more of them, and the other ran into the oasis in a rage.He shot an arrow at the top of the tree, but didn't even touch Suti's side. At this moment, the leopard swooped up, and the two rolled out of Suti's sight together.Nobody made any noise. There was a sudden movement of the tree trunk, and someone was climbing up.Su Ti bent his bow and waited. I saw a hand protruding from the branches and leaves of the acacia, holding a quiver full of arrows.Followed by the leopard's trembling cry: "I got it!" Su Ti reached out and pulled her to his side, and asked, "Are you not injured?" "I'm much faster than him." Before they both had time to congratulate each other, another attack began.Although Su Ti's bow was poorly made, it did not affect his aim.On one occasion, however, it took two arrows to hit the archer who was aiming at him.He thought, "It's because of the wind." The newly generated storm has caused the branches to bend and deform, the sky has turned to red copper, and the air is also filled with dust.A white cork was caught in the storm and was almost stuck to the ground. "Let's go down," Suti said. The trees all creaked and snapped as if groaning in pain, and a few palm trees were swept up in a yellow whirlwind and uprooted. As soon as Su Ti touched the ground, a Nubian raised an ax and slashed at him. However, the power of the desert whirlwind was astonishing, and the man was located by the wind after only being cut in half.However, the sharp ax blade still scratched Su Ti's left shoulder, while Su Ti clenched his fists and swung vigorously towards the enemy's nose.Suddenly, a gust of wind separated the two of them, and the Nubian disappeared in an instant. Su Ti held Leopard's hand firmly.Even if they escaped the Nubian attack, they would probably die in the desert fury storm. Blasts of violent and unusually violent sandstorms stung their eyes and held them in place.Leopard put down his axe, and Su Ti put down his bow. They squatted under a palm tree, but the trunk in front of them was already blurred.Whether it is the two of them or the enemy, they are now unable to move. The wind whizzed past, but the sand below gradually sank, and looking up at the sky was also hazy.Su Ti and the leopard were close together, and the sand hit them, as if covering them with a layer of golden shroud.At this moment, the two only felt that they had been caught in a raging sea of ​​anger. Suti closed his eyes, thinking of Pazar, his soulmate.Why didn't he come to rescue him?
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