Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

The Devourer of Shadows has a floor plan of the prime minister's residence.Always cautious, he had already found out that at this time, the servants were all in the kitchen looking for food for the gardener. In addition, Baboon and Kem also accompanied Pazar into the city, and the operation at this time can be said to be the least risky. Although this assassin didn't have a special fondness for nature, he couldn't help being fascinated by the sight of the flowers and trees in the garden.In the garden with a length of 100 cubits and a width of 200 cubits (approximately 5,400 square meters), there are several terraced fields, several square fields separated by irrigation canals, a vegetable garden, a well, a paddling pool, and a shelter from the wind , a row of trimmed and tapered bushes next to the Nile, double rows of palm trees, a tree-lined path, a trellis, several flower beds dominated by cornflowers and mandrakes, a vineyard, several There are fig trees, Egyptian fig trees, willow trees, date palms, avocado trees, and some rare species imported from Asia that are pleasing to the eye and fragrant.However, the assassin didn't stay for too long, he squatted down and slowly approached the house along the blue lotus pond.

After a while, he stopped and listened: the dog and the donkey were eating on the other side of the house, and he heard no one approaching.According to the picture, where he is now is outside the guest room.He stepped through a low window and slipped into a rectangular room containing a bed and several storage boxes.In his left hand he gripped tightly the handle of a basket in which a black adder was moving violently. After leaving the room, there is indeed a beautiful four-poster hall. The walls are painted with scenes of more than a dozen colorful birds playing in the garden.The Eater of Shadows decided that in the future his house would also be decorated in the same way.

Suddenly, he froze. He heard faint sounds from the bathroom on his right, as a maid was running Nefiri's shower. Nefiri listened to the servants nagging about the family's problems, and occasionally spoke to her to comfort her.The Devourer of Shadows really hopes to meet this beautiful and charming mistress, but the task is still important.So he went back, and opened the door of a large room, in which stood vases full of hollyhocks, cornflowers, and lilies on small round tables.Both beds had gilded wooden nightstands at the headboards, where Pazar and Nefiri slept. When the work was done, the Eater of Shadows walked across the four-poster hall, past the bathroom, and into a long room filled with bottles and jars of various sizes.

This is Nefiri's private laboratory. Each jar is marked with her name and the relevant indications.He quickly found his target. The woman's voice and the sound of flushing water came again from the adjoining bathroom.At this time, he found an unfilled hole in the upper left corner of the wall. Unable to hold back his heart, he climbed on a low stool and poked his head to look. He saw her. Nefiri stood upright, while the maid stood on a long raised brick chair, showering the mistress with just the right temperature of water.After the shower, the hostess who has a well-adjusted body will relax on the long stone chair covered with straw mats.

While complaining about her husband and children, the maid gently massaged her back with balm.The Devourer of Shadows watched the scene with satisfaction.The last woman he raped was the plump Sirix, who was a world away from Nefiri.Suddenly a thought flashed across him, he wanted to rush into the bathroom, strangle the maid and rape the alluring wife of the prime minister, but time was too tight. The maid used her index finger to dig out a little cream from the box designed in the shape of a naked swimming girl pushing a duck with both hands, and spread it on Nefiri's lower waist to relieve muscle fatigue and tension.The Devourer of Shadows finally suppressed his desire and left the mansion.

* * * In the evening, when Pazar came back to his house, he saw the manager running in a hurry and said, "Master, I was murdered! When the itinerant vendors passed by this morning, there was a cheese seller among them. At first I was a little wary because I didn’t know him, but his product was really good, but as soon as I got off my guard, I was knocked unconscious by him.” "Did you tell Nefiri?" "I didn't want to alarm Madam, so I checked it myself." "What did you find?" "It's nothing to worry about. No one at home saw him. He sneaked up on me and left. He probably wanted to steal something, but later found it difficult to succeed, so he retreated."

"How do you feel now?" "My head is still a little dizzy." "Go and rest." Pazar was not as optimistic as the steward.If the person who attacked the general manager was the mysterious killer who had repeatedly failed to assassinate him (see "Desert Law"), then he probably entered the house.What does he want to do?Pazar, who was still out of breath after a long day of exhaustion, just wanted to see Nefiri as soon as possible.He walked briskly along the main path in the garden, the thick branches of figs and palm trees above his head rustling pleasantly in the wind.In this garden, well water, dates and figs are so sweet, and the puffing of fig treetops is often reminiscent of the sweet taste of honey, and the shape of avocado is as beautiful as a heart.How God favored him!

Not only did he give him all these wonderful things, but he also let his wife who fell in love at first sight and loved him deeply to share it together. Nefiri was sitting under a pomegranate tree, playing the harp; like herself, the tree had beautiful branches all the year round, and when one flower fell, another was born. bloom.In her shrill voice she sang an old song about a pair of lovers who were ever faithful and happy.Pazar walked up to her and kissed her on the most sensitive part of her neck.Trembling slightly, she said, "I love you, Pazar." "I love you more."

"Then you are wrong." After finishing speaking, the two embraced passionately. "Your complexion is not very good." Nefiri suddenly noticed. "The cold and cough symptoms started again." "That's because you work under too much pressure and are overworked." "The recent situation is really bad, and the two catastrophes have finally survived without any danger." "Is it Meifeng?" "Who else but him?" Pazar said with a sigh. "He raised prices to create panic among the people, and he also stopped the salt trade."

"That's why the manager has been unable to buy pickled goose and dried fish?" "Memphis is out of stock." "Everyone will hold you accountable." "Of course." "What are you going to do?" "Get everything back to normal right now." "As for the price, the next decree will do... But what about the salt?" "Not all the salt stored in the store is damp, and soon the donkey team from the oasis will start again. In addition, I also opened the pharaoh's granary in the delta, Memphis and Thebes. The pickled products are out of stock It won't be short for too long, but to appease the hearts of the people, I've asked the royal granary officials to distribute food for free in the same way as disaster relief in famine years."

"Where are the merchants?" "They'll get cloth as compensation." "So it's safe and sound." "It's fine until Meifeng's next move. But he won't let it go." "Has he done nothing wrong?" "He can say that it is for the benefit of the two courts, that is, the pharaoh's benefit, because raising the price of food and forcing merchants to lower the price of salt can benefit the treasury." "But the people have suffered." "Meifeng doesn't care. He would rather collude with rich people, so that when he seizes power, he will add many powerful backers. In my opinion, these are just small episodes. I want to take the opportunity to test my reaction ability. Since he has With a stronger financial backing than mine, the next attack may not be so simple." "Don't be so pessimistic. You are only too tired to feel hopeless for a while. A good doctor can make you well." "Do you have any recipe?" "Go to the massage room." Pazar obediently followed, as if it was his first time.After washing his hands and feet, taking off his goggles and loincloth, he lay down on the stone chair.Nefiri's hand massaged gently, relieving the soreness in his back and the stiffness in his neck. After turning sideways, Pazar looked at his wife steadfastly: her thin linen long dress couldn't hide her exquisite curves, and her whole body exuded fragrance.He couldn't help pulling her into his arms and said, "I can't lie to you, and I can't hide anything. This morning, the manager was attacked by a fake cheese seller. Afterwards, the manager couldn't find him, and no one at home saw him." he." "Is it the person who once assassinated you, and Cam has never been able to find his whereabouts?" "Very likely." Nefeli remembered that the mysterious assassin had poisoned the fish in an attempt to kill Pazar (see "Desert Law"), and immediately decided: "Tonight's menu will be changed." Seeing his wife so calm, Pazar was deeply impressed. The desire that rose from the bottom of his heart made him forget his worries and dangers.He deliberately asked, "Have you changed the flowers in our room?" "Would you like to see it?" "I can't ask for more." They entered the room directly from the massage room through the aisle in the middle, Pazar slowly undressed Nefiri, and kissed countless times.Every time they make love, he always pays close attention to her soft lips, slender neck, pointed and round breasts, elegant buttocks and slender legs, how can he not thank God for giving him such a beautiful wife ?Nefiri responded to his enthusiasm, and the two shared the joy that Hador, the god of love, bestowed on the faithful. There was silence in the big room.Pazar and Nefiri held hands and rested on the bed.Suddenly, Pazar seemed to hear a strange sound, and asked, "It seems that there is a sound of a wooden stick being knocked. Didn't you hear it?" Nefiri listened attentively, the voice rang for a moment, and then fell silent again.As she pondered, some distant memories slowly came to mind. "On my right," Pazar said. Nefiri lit up the oil lamp, looked at the place Pazar said, and saw a suitcase with a loincloth in it. Just when Pazar was about to open the lid of the box, that scene clearly flashed through Nefiri's mind.She immediately grabbed her husband with her right hand and pulled him back. "Send a servant, and ask him to bring a stick and a knife, by the way. I know what the imposter is doing." She recalled every episode of her ordeal: She had to catch a snake and extract its venom to concoct a recipe (see "The Pyramid of Murder").The snake's tail struck the basket, making the sound she had just heard and Pazar described. After a while, Pazar arrived with the steward and a gardener. "Be careful," she warned, "there's an angry snake in the box." The manager lifted the lid of the box with the end of a long stick, and sure enough, a black adder poked its head out, making a hissing sound.The gardener, who is always good at dealing with this kind of uninvited guest, cut it in two with a single knife. * * * Seeing that Pazar sneezed several times and kept coughing, Nefiri said, "I'll get you the medicine." The cook prepared a very sumptuous supper, but neither of them touched it, but the brave ate a solid meal of roast lamb chops.Satisfied, it lies at the feet of its owner, with its chin resting on its crossed front paws, resting quietly. In Nefeli's laboratory, there are all kinds of medicine bottles, made of wood, ivory, stained glass and alabaster, and there are countless shapes, such as pomegranate, lotus, papyrus, duck, etc. Wait.The purge root potion she took could relieve Pazar's chronic congestion symptoms. "From tomorrow," Pazar said, "I will ask Kaim to send some reliable people to guard our house. Such accidents will not happen again." Nefiri poured a few drops of the potion into the cup, diluted it with water, and said, "Drink this cup, and drink another cup in an hour." Pazar took the cup thoughtfully and said, "This assassin must be employed by Meifeng. Could he be one of the conspirators in the potential Jinyu Tower? I don't think so. It should be outside the conspiracy plan. So, there should be others..." At this moment, the warrior suddenly bared his teeth and roared. The couple couldn't help being surprised, the Warriors had never been so presumptuous in front of them.Pazar yelled: "Stop barking." But the warrior stood up instead, and shouted louder. "What's wrong with you?" The warrior jumped up and bit Pazar's wrist.Pazar was extremely surprised, he quickly let go of the cup, and was about to swing his fist, but Nefiri stopped him immediately.She said with a bloodless face: "Don't hit it! I think I understand..." The warrior licked his master's feet, his eyes were full of love for his master. Nefiri said in a trembling voice, "This is not the smell of purge root potion. The assassin replaced your usual potion with a poison he stole from the hospital. I take medicine to heal you, but it may kill you instead. "
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