Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 8 chapter eight

Suti, who was chained to a stone in the middle of the Nile, looked at the bushes on the river bank, where a Nubian was hiding and spying on him.Su Ti's bait was too tempting, so the Nubian was naturally more careful, fearing that there would be a trap, so he dared not move at all. After a while, the Nubian moved, and he decided to act anyway.Like the rest of his tribe, he is very watery, so he intends to surprise his prey from the water. Feeling a desperate rage, Suti yanked at the chain, which creaked but did not break.He was about to die here so uselessly, without even the ability to defend himself.He turned around, wondering where the enemy would emerge, but there was nothing to be seen from the river in the darkness of night.

Suddenly a slender figure appeared beside him.He lowered his head and rushed over with all his might, tightening the entire chain.The man dodged his attack, but slipped and fell into the water.When the person surfaced again, he cursed in a low voice: "Don't move, idiot!" This voice... Su Ti will never forget it even in the underworld! "Is that you... a leopard?" "Who else will come to save you?" She leaned towards him, naked, with long golden hair hanging down her shoulders. Soaked in the moonlight, she looks even more delicate and sexy.She embraced Su Ti with both hands, kissed his lips and said, "I miss you so much, Su Ti."

"I'm locked up." "At least you're not messing around behind my back." As soon as she finished speaking, she rushed towards her lover. Of course, Su Ti couldn't resist this sudden enthusiasm.Under the Nubian skies, to the wild rush of the Nile, they made love again. After the passion, she sat on Suti contentedly, and Suti stroked her blond hair. "Fortunately, your masculinity has not diminished in the slightest, otherwise, I might not want you." "How did you get here?" "Take a boat, take a car, walk a path, ride a donkey... I knew it would be successful."

"Have you had trouble along the way?" "Occasionally, I encounter some rapists and robbers. But there is no serious danger. Egypt is still a peaceful country." "We need to get out of here as soon as possible." "I think it's good to be here." "You wouldn't say that if a bunch of Nubians were rushing at us right now." The leopard stood up and jumped into the water. When he came back, he had two sharp stones in his hand.She cut through the chain links hard and precisely, while Suti thumped the links fastened to her wrist. After some hard work, they finally cut the chain.Su Ti, who had regained his freedom, was so happy that he hugged the leopard. The leopard's feet were wrapped around his lover's waist, which aroused his desire again.When they were mating, they unexpectedly slipped and fell into the river, and the two couldn't help laughing out loud.

Rolling onto the river bank, their bodies were still tightly bound together.While embracing each other, the yearning desire couldn't help arousing a new force in the body. Lingering all night, it was not until the chill at dawn that they calmed down. "It's time to go." Su Ti suddenly said seriously. "Where are you going?" "Go south." "It was a strange place, with beasts and Nubians..." "We want to stay away from this fort and the Egyptian soldiers. If they find out that I have escaped, they will definitely send out patrols and notify their spies. We must hide first to avoid the limelight."

"What about our gold?" "Don't worry, I'll take it back." "I'm afraid it won't be easy." "As long as we work together, we will succeed." "If you fool around with that Tapene again behind my back, I'll kill you." "Kill her first, then I will be free." "You have to take full responsibility for this marriage! Who told you to listen to the words of that ungrateful Pazar, and we have fallen to this point!" "I'll settle the account." "Then you have to escape out of the desert."

"I'm not afraid. Do you have water?" "There are two big bags hanging on a strange willow." They entered a narrow path lined with blackened rocks and steep cliffs on either side.The leopard walked along the river bed, where a few clumps of grass grew, just enough to eat.Along the way, the sand and stones under the feet were hot, and there were several white-necked vultures circling overhead. After walking for two days, no one was seen. At noon on the third day, there was a sound of horseshoes, and the two quickly hid behind a pile of granite that had been eroded into a spherical shape by the wind.At this time, two Nubian knights appeared, and a naked boy was dragged by a rope by the tail of one of the horses. He was already out of breath from running.

The two knights stopped their horses and raised red sand all over the sky.Then, one of them cut the boy's throat, and the other cut off the boy's testicles, and then happily dropped the body and walked towards the camp. Leopard's eyes widened, and he only heard Suti say, "Honey, look at how difficult our future is. These Nubian bandits have no sympathy at all." "As long as you don't get caught by them." "It's really not safe to hide here, let's go further away." There were a few scattered palm trees in the wilderness between the black rocks. After they ate some brown tree tenders indiscriminately, they suddenly saw a strong wind blowing in the distance, and the wind and sand quickly blocked their sight.They lost their way and had to squat on the ground, leaning on each other, waiting for the storm to subside.

* * * Su Ti felt tickled and woke up.He cleared the sand that had filled his nose and ears, but the leopard didn't budge. "Get up, the storm is over." She still doesn't move. "Leopard!" Su Ti hugged her in a panic, but she was still limp. "Wake up, I beg you!" "Should you still love me a little bit?" She suddenly asked with a sudden change of spirit. "You actually made fun of me!" "When we are slaves to love, and the lover may be unfaithful, we have to test each other." "There's no water." So the leopard walked forward, hoping to find some wetness in the sand.In the evening, she finally killed a rodent.She inserted two palm leaf veins on the ground, then fixed them with her knees on both sides, and rubbed a very dry wooden stick between the veins with both hands.After this action is repeated several times, the falling sawdust can be used to start a fire.

Although the amount of cooked meat is not much, it is enough for them to regain their strength a little. But as soon as the sun came up, the humble meal and the cool comfort of the night were soon forgotten, and they must find the well as soon as possible, or they must die.But where to start?There is no shadow of an oasis in front of my eyes, not even a few grasses or bushes of thorns, so where is the water coming from? "There is only one thing that can save us now," said the leopard. "Sit down and wait quietly. It is useless to go any further." Suti nodded in agreement.He is not afraid of the desert, nor the sun, nor is he afraid of dying in this sea of ​​fire, at least he is free.The sun is jumping on the rocks, time is dissolved in the heat, and this hot and unbearable moment seems to be frozen into eternity.Isn't being accompanied by a blonde beauty by your side the same rare happiness as getting gold from the mountains? "Over there, on your right." Leopard whispered.

Su Ti turned his head slowly.There it was, peeping from the top of a hill, proud yet timid. It was a male sword gazelle, weighing at least two hundred kilograms, and the pair of long horns on its head were more than enough to pierce a lion.Antelopes that grow in the desert have always been able to withstand the extreme heat, even in the middle of the day, they can swim leisurely in the sand. "Follow it." Leopard made a decision. A gust of wind gently lifted the black antelope's tail.This kind of long-horned antelope represents the god Seto who dominates the storm, and is also the embodiment of the excess energy of nature; their breathing speed will gradually increase with the increase of the ambient temperature, and they can breathe well no matter how thin the air is. Make the best use of it to facilitate blood metabolism.After the tall antelope drew a shape of a cross on the sand with its hooves, it left along the ridgeline.The two of Su Ti followed the same route and followed far behind. The sword antelope painted on the ground is a "×" mark, which means "pass" in pictographs. Is it pointing them to the way to leave this desert?The antelope that had left the team stepped on firm steps, avoided a circle of quicksand, and headed south. Su Ti really had to admire the leopard.She doesn't complain or complain, she just strives for survival with the willpower of a beast. When the sun was about to set, the sword antelope suddenly quickened its pace and disappeared behind a huge sand dune.Suti helped the leopard climb up the slope of the sand dune, but the sand began to slide and collapse when he stepped hard.She fell, he helped her up, and fell again himself.In this way, full of anger and sore limbs, the two slumped up to the top of the hill. The desert was ocher red, and the heat no longer came from the sky, but radiated from the sand.The lukewarm wind makes the lips and throat feel hotter. The saberbuck was gone. "The saberbuck doesn't get tired," said the leopard. "It's impossible for us to catch up with it. If it finds traces of grass and trees, it can even go on for days without sleep." Su Ti stared at a certain point in the distance, and said suspiciously: "I seem to see... no, it must be an illusion." The leopard followed his line of sight and his eyes lit up. "Come on, let's go." Despite the pain in both legs, he still walked forward obediently.If Su Ti was wrong, they would have to drink their own urine before dying of thirst. "It's the footprint of the sword antelope!" After a series of jumps, the sword antelope slowed down again, and walked step by step towards the mirage Su Ti saw. This time it was Leopard's turn to start to hope, because she seemed to see a dark green dot. So they forgot their tiredness and followed the footsteps of the sword antelope.The green dot grew bigger and bigger until it became a small acacia grove. The sword antelope found the biggest shade tree to enjoy the shade.It eyed the comer, and they admired its fawn fur and black and white face.Suti knew that it would never back down from danger, and if they threatened it, it would immediately pierce them with its horns. "Look at the sheep's whiskers... it's wet!" The sword antelope just drank water.It is chewing the pods of the acacia, and some of the fruits are not digested and will be excreted intact from the sheep, so wherever it goes, new plants can grow again. "The soil is very soft." Su Ti noticed. They walked very slowly in front of the sword antelope and entered the woods, but they didn't expect that the inside was much wider than the outside. Just between two date palms, several flat stones neatly surrounded a well. Su Ti and the leopard embraced each other excitedly for a while before taking water to quench their thirst. "It's really heaven." Su Ti exclaimed.
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