Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 5 chapter Five

Mei Feng applied an ointment made of acacia flowers and egg whites on the erythema and surrounding blisters on his left foot, and drank a few drops of aloe vera juice, but he didn't have much hope for its curative effect.This important person in charge of the two hospitals has no time for treatment at all, and naturally he is unwilling to admit that his kidneys and liver are broken. With inexhaustible energy, utter self-confidence, and enough to exhaust his listeners, he was like a menacing torrent.In a few months, they will achieve their final goal and gain the highest power. How can a little illness stop him from winning.Yes, three companions died, but there were others!

People who fail halfway are not capable enough, or even stupid. Shouldn't such people be eliminated sooner or later?Look at himself, he has never made a mistake since the beginning of the plan.Everyone thought that he was a loyal subordinate of Pharaoh, that his efforts were all for Egypt ruled by Ramses, and that his hard work was comparable to the great sages who dedicated themselves to the temple in the past. He didn't feel bad at all about the death of Yalo, the clerk, because Yalo was almost useless. The pack of hyenas had relieved him of a great burden. Mei Feng couldn't help smiling when she remembered that she was able to weave such a strong net without everyone knowing it.

Even if he was as shrewd as Pazar, it would be too late to fight back now. After smashing the acacia medicine, he added butter and applied it on his fat toes, which can relieve pain and relieve fatigue.These days, Mei Feng has been constantly shuttling between the provincial capitals and the big cities of the provinces, contacting and reassuring his party members, convincing them that the revolution will soon break out, and that he will also give them wealth and power that they could not dream of.He targets the weakness of human greed with a three-inch tongue, and no one will be indifferent.

Meifeng was chewing two slices of candy to freshen the breath. It was made of frankincense, aromatic sedge, balsamic balsam and honey mixed with reed. It tasted very sweet.He looked contentedly at his luxurious home in Memphis.The spacious house stood in the middle of the garden and was surrounded by high walls; the lintels of the stone gate were decorated with palm leaves; sedge; the grandeur of the foyer and several reception rooms makes visitors stunned.In addition, there are cloakrooms with dozens of wardrobes, toilets made of stone, ten rooms, two kitchens, a bakery, a well, several barns, several stables, as for the pool in the large garden. Surrounded by palm trees, figs, jujubes, avocados, pomegranates and holy willows.

Only the rich can afford such a mansion.He is really proud of his success.He had been a mere clerk, a nouveau riche, who had been scorned by the dignitaries, and now they had to bow down to him.Only material wealth can create eternal happiness and supreme merit.Temples, gods, religious ceremonies are all empty talk.That's why Meifeng and his accomplices decided to make Egypt break away from the past and embark on a broad road with the economy as the main focus.In this regard, no one was stronger than him. Ramses and Pazar had no ability to fight back except for being beaten and admitting defeat.

Meifeng took out a wine vat sealed with river mud from the hole in the plank. Since the surface of the wine vat was covered with clay, it could better preserve the fresh flavor of the beer.After pulling out the dry mud plug, he inserted a catheter connected to a filter into the container. After filtering out impurities, it was a refreshing drink that aided digestion. At this time he suddenly wanted to see his wife.Didn't that clumsy, even ugly country girl transform into a noble lady of Memphis under his efforts?The jewelry she wore attracted a lot of envious and jealous eyes.It was true that those cosmetic surgeries did cost him a lot of money, but he was still very satisfied to see the transformation of Sirix's appearance and the disappearance of the fat on his body.Although his wife's emotions are volatile, and occasionally even hysterical to the point of needing the analysis and comfort of a dream interpreter, she is still childish and obeys him.From now on, he will bring this beautiful vase to all the banquets and official gatherings. She only needs to dress up in a gorgeous way, and she can't say a word at the meeting.

After massaging her body with fenugreek oil and powdered alabaster, she applies a face cream that contains honey, red natural soda and northern salt.On the lips, red ocher paint was applied, and green eyeshadow was applied around the eyes.Meifeng couldn't help admiring: "Honey, you are so beautiful." "Bring me my best wig, will you?" Meifeng then twisted the shell button, opened the ancient box made of Lebanese cedar, and took out a wig made of human hair, while Sirix pushed open the sliding lid of the cosmetic box, and took out a pearl Bracelet and an acacia comb.

"How do you feel this morning?" Meifeng asked while helping her adjust her wig. "I'm still sick to my stomach. I'm still drinking carob pod beer and a potion of honey." "If it gets worse, see a doctor." "Neferi will heal me." "Stop talking about Nefiri!" "She's a very good doctor." "She is as much our enemy as Pazar, and neither of them will die well." "Can't you let her go? Even if it's for me." "Let's talk. Guess what I brought you." "It was a surprise!"

"Juniper oil for your delicate skin." She was so happy that she hugged her husband's neck and kissed non-stop, and then asked, "Are you going to stay at home today?" "Unfortunately not." "If you can talk to your sons and daughters, they will be very happy." "The most important thing is for them to listen to their governess. They will soon become an important pillar of the court." "Aren't you afraid..." "Don't be afraid, Sirix, I'm not afraid of anything, because no one can touch me, and no one knows what my most powerful weapon is."

A servant came in and interrupted their conversation. "Master, someone is looking for you." "Who?" "Mommy." Monmothy, the ex-police chief, now replaced by Keim; Momothy, who had framed him for murder in order to get rid of Pazar and sent him to a hard labor camp. Although he did not participate in the conspiracy, he helped these ambitious people a lot.Meifeng thought he would be trapped forever in Bibro, Lebanon, working as a shipbuilder, but he didn't expect to show up here.He ordered his servants: "Ask him to the Lotus Hall next to the garden and serve beer. I will come right away."

Sirix asked a little worriedly: "What is he trying to do? I don't like him." "Do not worry." "Tomorrow, you still have to go out?" "I have to go." "then what do I do?" "Continue to dress up and don't talk to anyone without my permission." "I want to have another baby with you." "you will." * * * Yu Moxi, who is in his fifties, has a bald and red head and a sharp nose. When he gets angry, his thick nasal voice will become extremely sharp.With a fat body, he has a very cunning personality. Although his official career was very popular in the past few years, he always stepped on others to get there.He worked hard and did not dare to be careless at all, but unexpectedly he ended up in such a miserable end.Pazar not only dismantled his network, but exposed his incompetence.Now that enemy number one is sitting on the prime minister's seat, the chances of Mengmoxi regaining his former glory are even slimmer.Now he has only the last hope of Meifeng. "Aren't you deprived of your residency in Egypt?" "I did enter illegally." "Why take such a risk?" "I'm here to help you." Mei Feng was a little puzzled, and Meng Moxi reminded: "When Pazar was arrested, he repeatedly denied killing Blarney. I never thought he was guilty, and I also found that I was used by others, but The situation was in my favour. Someone tipped me off before it happened, so I was able to arrest Pazar in good time on the spot. I thought about it later, if the whistleblower wasn't you or your accomplice, who else would it be? ? Kadashi, Dennis and Xieqi are all dead, but you are fine." "How do you know they're with me?" "Some people have slipped their tongues and said that you are the future master of the country. I hate Pazar as much as you do, and I may have some not so favorable evidence." "What evidence?" "Pazar insisted that he got to the teacher's house because he received a note saying 'Blarney is in danger. Come quickly'. Assuming I didn't destroy the evidence and someone recognized the note What about the handwriting on it? Suppose I still keep the murder weapon, and this shell needle happens to belong to someone dear to you, what should I do?" Mei Feng thought for a while, "What do you want?" "Rent a house for me in the city so that I can deal with Pazar. After you form your own government in the future, set up a place for me." "that's it?" "I believe you are my future." "Your request is quite reasonable." Meng Moxi bowed deeply to Meifeng.Now he just had to concentrate on revenge.
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