Home Categories historical fiction Egypt Trilogy III: The Prime Minister's Justice

Chapter 3 third chapter

When Pazar appeared in front of the palace gate, it had been nearly an hour since sunrise.Seeing the prime minister, the pharaoh's bodyguards all saluted. He entered a long corridor with elaborate frescoes of lotuses, papyrus, and poppies on both sides of the wall, then passed through a pillared hall decorated with fish ponds, and finally arrived at the Pharaoh's office.When Pharaoh's private secretary saw him, he greeted, "Pharaoh is waiting for you." The Prime Minister reports to the King every morning.The location of the report is very fresh and pleasant: a spacious and bright hall, the Nile River and the garden can be seen from the windows, the floor tiles have a blue lotus pattern, and a small gilded round table is decorated with a bunch of flowers.On another small table, there are spread out papers and writing utensils.

The king is facing the east and meditating.He was of medium build, very muscular, with almost red hair, and a hooked nose under his broad forehead, giving him a majestic appearance.King Seti I, who built the temples of Karnak and Abydos, passed the throne to Ramses very early, and Ramses also made the people enjoy peace and happiness because of the peace covenant with the Hittites. His life is the envy of all nations. "Parrell, you're finally here! What's the result of the trial?" "The criminals who died were all sentenced." "Where's Meifeng?"

"Very nervous, somewhat shocked inside, but acting very strong. I really want to say as usual: "Everything is under control, there is no problem. ' But I can't lie. " Ramses seemed a little uneasy.He is wearing a simple white loincloth, and the only accessories on his body are gold bracelets and lapis lazuli bracelets on his wrists. The front half of the bracelets is decorated with two mallard heads. "What is the conclusion, Pazar?" "There is no clear evidence of the murder of my mentor Blarney, but Cam should be able to help me find some clues."

"Where is Mrs. Sirix?" "She's the prime suspect." "Don't forget that there is a woman among the conspirators." "I have not forgotten, Your Majesty. Three people have died, and the identities of the remaining accomplices have yet to be confirmed." "It's obviously Mei Feng and Sirix." "Very likely, but no evidence." "Didn't Meifeng admit it himself?" "Yes, but he has a strong backing." "Have you discovered anything?" "I worked day and night with the heads of various administrative units. I read the written reports of dozens of staff members and listened to the oral reports of high-level clerks, heads of departments and small staff. The result was even more pessimistic than I imagined. .”

"What do you think." "Mafeng bought a lot of people. Threats, temptations, deceptions...everything is used. He and other accomplices have a very clear plan: to control the country's economy, challenge and destroy traditional values." "In what way?" "I don't know yet. Arresting Mei Feng now would be a strategic mistake, because I'm not yet sure that this monster will have no way out and no way out." "On the first day of the new year in July, when the star Sotis appears in Cancer, heralding the imminent flooding of the Nile River, if the United Nations cannot show the will of the gods to the people, it will be forced to give way to Meifeng. In just a few months, will you be able to destroy his power in time?"

"Only the gods know this." "Pazar, the gods created the monarchy, it is for the king to build temples to publicize his name, to make the people happy and happy, without jealousy. God has given us one of the most precious treasures, which is what I have and I have the responsibility to carry forward of: light. People are not born equal, so Pharaoh became the pillar of the weak people. As long as Egypt continues to build temples and store enough light energy, then the country will be rich and fertile, the country will prosper, and babies will be able to rest in their mother’s arms. The widow is safe, the canal is well-maintained, and justice is done. Our lives don't really matter, the important thing is to maintain this harmony."

"I have already put life and death aside." Ramses put his hands on Pazar's shoulders and said with a smile: "Although the Prime Minister has a heavy workload, I believe that I did not choose the wrong person. You are the only friend now. I remember a certain old king once wrote: "Don't trust anyone, you will never have any real close people. Usually, the one who betrays you is the person you gave the most for, and the one who sneaks up on you is the poor person who became rich because of you, And the ones who create the chaos are the ones you pulled out. Beware of your cronies and subordinates. You can only rely on yourself. When disaster strikes, no one will lend a helping hand.' (Excerpted from "Melika Ray Teachings Collection ")"

"Isn't the article also written: A monarch who can be supported can continue to carry forward the great light of himself and Egypt?" "You are familiar with the teachings of the sages! I didn't make you rich, I just put a burden on you that most people would not accept. You have to remember: Meifeng is more dangerous than the desert snake. He competes A cron who can make Lian unsuspecting, unsuspecting, and eats into the system like a moth. He can even pretend to be close to you in order to know yourself and your enemy. From now on, his hatred for you will grow day by day, and he will make you never safe Day. He will hide in the shadows and use those treacherous and rebellious man-made weapons to attack unexpectedly. Are you still willing to fight?"

"Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow." "If it fails, both you and Nefiri will be killed by Meifeng." "It would be cowardly to surrender now, but we will stick to it until the end." Sitting on a gilded wooden chair, facing the rising sun, Ramses the Great asked slowly, "So what's your plan?" "Wait." This answer obviously shocked the king. "Our time is running out." "In this way, Mei Feng will think that I have no way to do it, so that he can gradually take off other disguises, and I can make a proper counterattack. In order to convince him that I am going in the wrong direction, I decided to focus on secondary issues first."

"Very risky strategy," said the king hesitantly. "If I had an assistant, the risk would be much less." "Who are you talking about?" "My friend Suti." "Can he be trusted?" "He was sentenced to a one-year exile in Nubia for having an affair. This is a legal sentence." "Then there's nothing I can do." "If he escapes, will our soldiers be able to concentrate on guarding the border instead of chasing fugitives?" "In other words, you have to order the border guards to stand firm on the city wall to prevent the Nubians from invading."

"Your Majesty, people's hearts are unpredictable, especially those who are tempted by the wind. With His Majesty's wisdom, he must have intuitively felt that a rebellion is about to happen." "But if there is no betrayal by then..." "That's when the Nubians retreated timidly when they saw our army's tight defense." "You can lower the level for me, Prime Minister Pazar, but you must never take the initiative to help your friends escape." "He's left to his fate."
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