Home Categories historical fiction Beiyang Confucian General Wu Peifu: The Fifth of Beiyang War

Chapter 25 Chapter 26 The Seduction of the Japanese and Puppet Traitors

After the "September 18th" Incident, Chiang Kai-shek adopted the non-resistance principle of "to fight against the outside world, we must first settle down at home", hoping to oppress Japan through the "League of Nations" and return the Northeast.Shi Zhaoji, the Chinese representative to the League of Nations, said in front of the world that "China completely obeys the League of Nations, and there is no room for reservation." The Chinese people have a completely different view on this. The solemn call of "United Anti-Japanese War"; Feng Yuxiang issued an anti-Japanese telegram in Fenyang, Shanxi.

The Japanese aggressors did not give up their invasion of China because of what the "League of Nations" wanted to do and what the Chinese people called for. They still stepped up their actions step by step according to their own plan of aggression.Because second and second Chiang Kai-shek was busy with "Annei", the Japanese soon approached Pingjin.Following Chiang Kai-shek's instructions, He Yingqin, director of the Beiping Military Branch, and Huang Yu, chairman of the Beiping Political Affairs Committee, signed the Armistice Agreement with Japanese representative Neiji Okamura on May 31, 1933.According to this agreement, the Kuomintang government actually recognized Japan's occupation of the three northeastern provinces and Rehe province; and placed the entire North China under the surveillance of the Japanese army, which prepared the conditions for Japan to further control North China and instigate the specialization of North China.In May 1935, Sakai, the chief of staff of the Tianjin Garrison of Japan, and Takahashi, the military attache of the Japanese embassy, ​​demanded from the Kuomintang government the right to rule North China on the pretext of aiding the Northeast Volunteer Sun Yongqin to invade the armed areas and destroy the Tanggu Agreement. A large army was dispatched from the northeast to enter the pass, threatening Pingjin. On June 9, Yoshijiro Umezu, the commander of the Japanese Garrison in North China, formally proposed a tough "Letter of Enlightenment" to He Yingqin, acting chairman of the Peking Army Branch.This "Book of Jue" stipulates that the Kuomintang Party Headquarters in the two cities of Pingjin, Hebei Province will be abolished, the Central Gendarmerie, the Central Army and the Northeast Army stationed in Hebei Province will be withdrawn, the chairman of Hebei Province and the mayor of Pingjin and Tianjin will be replaced, and the political training of the Beiping Army Branch will be revoked. Office, canceled anti-Japanese activities in Hebei Province.He Yingqin replied to Meijin on July 6 according to the telegram from the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, accepting all Japan's requests.This is the well-known, infamous "Ho May Agreement".

The vast areas of Northeast China and North China gradually fell under the iron heel of the Japanese.The Japanese felt that it would be better for the Chinese to rule China than the Japanese. At that time, they only need to grab a few puppets and everything will be fine.Seiichi Kita, the head of the Japanese secret service stationed in North China, used to be a military attache at the Japanese embassy in China. He was not only familiar with China's political and economic conditions, but also had many contacts with Chinese bureaucratic warlords.The Japanese government entrusted Seiichi Kita with the task of organizing the puppet regime in North China.Xi Duo thought hard and set the standards for the members of the puppet government.The standard is: among the bureaucratic warlords in China, find a first-class person who has served as president and prime minister to serve as the head of the puppet government in North China, and use a person who has served as prime minister and chief executive as the head of the puppet government in North China; Those who have no anti-Japanese words and deeds and are not from the 29th Army (the 29th Army defended the Great Wall and dealt heavy blows to the Japanese invasion), have the qualifications to resist the Kuomintang.

In those few days, Xi Duo traveled day and night, and finally determined that the best candidates for the head of government were Jin Yunpeng, Wu Peifu, and Cao Rulin.Take Jin and Wu as the candidates for the president of the puppet government. If both are willing to come to power, one will be the principal and the other will be the deputy, and Cao will be the prime minister.After Xi Duo's candidate plan was approved by his government, he went to invite them one by one without hesitation. After Jin Yunpeng's warm reception, he softly said eight words: "There is a year to worship the Buddha, and Wuxin came out", and refused Xi Duocheng at the door.

Cao Rulin and Kita are old acquaintances, and another Japanese spy chief, Doihara, is also an old acquaintance. It is inconvenient for him to refuse Japan's "hospitality".However, this old treacherous warlord, once he considered his past traitorous behavior, did not dare to add another layer of crime to himself. He said to Xi Duo ambiguously: "I am willing to support the establishment of a new regime as an outlaw." ." Wu Peifu was "willing" to leave the mountain, and his conditions were very simple. He said to Kita: "I cannot cooperate with the Kuomintang, but I cannot govern the country under the protection of Japan. If I must go out of the mountain, Japan must withdraw its troops and I will restore the rule of law!" When Xi Duo heard that Wu Peifu met these conditions, he sighed, shook his head and retreated.

In the end, the North China puppet government manipulated by the Japanese was established, but it did not have a head of state, but only three committees of administration, political affairs, and justice. The chairmen of these three committees were Wang Kemin, Tang Erhe, and Dong Kang. Wu Peifu, who lives in Shijin Garden Private Apartment, wants to live his old age quietly.He calmly thought that in the first half of his life, he had to be regarded as a sinner no matter whether he was against the country or the common people. He wanted to use the late festival to redeem his previous reputation. foreigners.

However, he: I don’t know, most of his colleagues, even the people around him, were bought by Japanese officials and money Not long after the "July 7th" Incident, Jiang Chaozong, a senior Beiyang warlord who had been awarded to General Guowei, suddenly came to see Wu Peifu, led by Wu Peifu's secretary-general Chen Tingjie.Wu Peifu never admired Jiang's character, and thought he was just a snob. He heard that he had been fighting with the Japanese recently, and suspected him of being a traitor.Still, he received him warmly.After exchanging pleasantries, Jiang Chaozong smiled and said, "Yushuai, I have something important to discuss with you."

"Living in a deep house and not paying attention to things for a long time, what else can I do." Wu Peifu shook his head, thinking in his heart: "I'm afraid I'm going to be a Japanese again." "The country is in crisis, and the people are in dire straits. We must rely on the influence of Yushuai to save the people of the country!" "I understand your reason for coming, and you want me to come out of the mountain." "It's for the nation." "I can go out of the mountain." Wu Peifu said solemnly: "There must be conditions. I have already discussed my conditions with Kita and Doihara. They agreed, and I naturally did not break my word."

"Yu Shuai," Jiang Chaozong felt that there was hope, and went further: "The overall situation in North China is really beyond the control of Yu Shuai, can you go out of the mountain first and then negotiate terms? Naturally, I will guarantee that the Japanese will not let Yu Shuai too much." Impossible." "If that's the case, I have no choice but to see off the guests." He turned his face and shouted to the outside of the living room: "Come on, see off the guests!" Seeing that Wu Peifu had turned his back, Jiang Chaozong became impatient, so he couldn't hold back and said, "Yu Shuai, calm down, your secretary-general and even Mrs. Zun are not going with you anymore. Ask them all What to do!" After saying that, he stood up resentfully.

Wu Peifu angrily closed the door of the living room to death, and cursed fiercely: "Things that are old and never die!" After Jiang Chaozong left, Wu Peifu called Chen Tingjie.He originally wanted to seriously ask him what bad things he did with Jiang, and then scold him severely.However, when Chen Tingjie appeared in front of him, he changed his attitude and talked with him about etiquette, justice and shame and discussed "University". When he arrived in Beijing, even his own guards were replaced, and the economy was finally cut off. They only had 8 silver dollars a month for pocket expenses. He felt that his backing had fallen; "Wolong" has long since become a bug, a traitor who works for the Japanese.With the support of Japan, Chen Tingjie's back was naturally hardened. Instead of answering Wu's question, he actually asked Wu a question that the Japanese had confessed.

"Yushuai, Doi originally wanted to visit you, and asked when you could meet him?" "No!" Wu Peifu said decisively. "Doihara said that he came under the order of the imperial government." Chen Tingjie said, "Isn't it appropriate?" "What about the imperial government?" Wu Peifu put the copper pipe on the table and made a "boom" sound. "Isn't Osako Tongzhen also sent by the imperial government! And my old friend Okano Masujiro, what did they do to me?" Wu Peifu stood up and made an awe-inspiring look. "Some people in China are so unbelievable! Japanese bayonets can conquer them; Japanese money can conquer them; Japanese can conquer them with a few stinky bitches. Shameful! Really shameful!" He was angry Chong Chong, staring straight at Chen Tingjie. Chen Tingjie's heart brightened. He knew that Wu Peifu was scolding him for taking refuge in the Japanese.But what about taking refuge with the Japanese? Chen Tingjie felt that he neither set a precedent nor was he the leader.At the same time, he felt that by doing this, he could also provide Wu Peifu with convenience.Therefore, he just smiled frankly and continued speaking according to his own ideas. "Commander, I heard that the Japanese side has made a decision to hold a press conference for Chinese and foreign press in Beijing recently. Most of this conference is about you. I think it's better to know in advance than to deal with it impromptu and be caught off guard. , it would be better to have a safe entertainment measure. It seems better to do so." Chen Tingjie's "considerate" and "caring" tone seems to be doing everything for Wu Peifu.While talking, he brought Wu Peifu's hookah, filled it with cigarettes and handed it back to him, and was busy lighting the fire for him. Although Wu Peifu is self-willed and arrogant, he often calmly thinks about practical issues in the midst of upheavals. Several years of wandering life made him deeply aware of the pain of powerlessness. He is nostalgic for power and dreams of power. In North China, there is a condition for showing oneself. He has spent his brains on whether to cooperate with the Japanese. .Therefore, he still decided not to cooperate with the Japanese. Wu Peifu has been in a very bad mood lately, his door, which was closed for thanking guests, is always not tightly closed; some news he doesn't want to hear, but it just happens to come in time-- After Wang Kemin took refuge in the Japanese, he did not forget Wu Peifu. He spent a lot of effort to win over the people around Wu, and Chen Tingjie was just one of them.This Wang Kemin is a very shrewd person. He knows that under the current situation, it is impossible to directly win over Wu Peifu. Doing so will only backfire.People around him must be pulled first, including his wife Zhang Peilan.Therefore, Wang Kemin reached an ambiguous "agreement" with Zhang Peilan through Chen Tingjie, and Chen Tingjie would hand over 5,000 yuan of transportation expenses every month, only letting her know that there was a big hat of "Chairman of the Appeasement Committee" waiting for Wu to wear it.Zhang Peilan was willing to do that, and she did it without telling Wu Peifu. One more thing, a few days ago, Doihara, a veteran spy, forged Wu Peifu's call for "China-Japan peace negotiation" and published it in newspapers in Japan and the occupied areas of China, in an attempt to cause "Wu Peifu has accepted the Japanese to give him He took on the heavy responsibility of Xingya, the false impression.Wu Peifu scolded, "This is a rumor, it's blackmail!" He couldn't find a chance to clarify and clean up the bad smell.Now, it was an opportunity for Doihara to come to see him.Therefore, he expressed his attitude to Chen Tingjie clearly and said: "Okay, I can see Doihara. I welcome him whenever he comes!" After Chen Tingjie left, Wu Peifu immediately sent someone to invite his wife to the living room. After coming to Beijing, Zhang Peilan changed the most. Not only did she dress more plainly and she tended to age, but her character became more cheerful and assertive; function and cannot be changed by others.The content of the family has changed, and it is no longer a major national or military event. The status of the housewife has naturally risen to the point where she has to "make the decisions".Therefore, as soon as Zhang Peilan entered the living room, she said carelessly, "What's the rush? You don't eat the cake you made in the morning, and you don't drink milk tea. Do you want to live?" Although Wu Peifu had commanded thousands of troops, Those who have experienced the Southern and Northern Wars are all things of the past. Today, they can only be prestige in the small world of Assorted Garden.However, he still wanted to maintain a certain authority in front of his wife. "You're always eating and drinking! Big things make you mess up, you know?" When Wu Peifu yelled like this, Zhang Peilan was startled. "Huh? What's the matter with the general, Fuwei is here in his room. What big things can I do wrong?" "Let me ask you," Wu Peifu said, "Did you accept the fare sent by Doihara?" "Accepted." Zhang Peilan said unequivocally. "I don't know who gave it." "There are also consultant fees and nutrition fees, and you also accepted it? "I've accepted it, I've accepted it all." Zhang Peilan said, "Not only these, but also flower expenses, repair expenses, and meal expenses. I've accepted them all." "You, you" Wu Peifu jumped violently, spinning around on the spot, and said, "You are too confused, you are ignorant! You are too ignorant" Zhang Peilan understood.She said a little bit reluctantly: "Why am I so confused? Since I came back from the northwest, there have been only things coming out but not coming in. You still have a cornucopia at home! You can sit and eat the mountain! You can close the door and be your commander-in-chief. Your general, what about me? What should I do? I have to live with silver dollars. Silver dollars are silver dollars, why are you confused? There is no penny, and today I will not be able to open the pot." "Don't say it, don't say it!" Wu Peifu was angry: "Do you know where those fees come from? What are those fees used for?" "I can't ask that much." "Stupid!" Wu Peifu said: "Then: these fees are all used to buy my reputation. You received money from the Japanese, and the Japanese published newspapers in their occupied areas in my name, saying that I cooperated with them." I am willing to take on the responsibility of co-prosperity in Greater East Asia. Who have I become?" "Yo, so it's still the case!" Zhang Peilan smiled calmly. "What are you laughing at?" Wu Peifu was still furious. "What a big deal." Zhang Peilan shook her head. "I've seen a lot, and you understand. Don't blow your beard and stare. What kind of reputation is it? What is a reputation worth? Yuan Shikai married his daughter to Duan Qirui. Isn't Duan Qirui against Yuan Shikai; Li Yuanhong is the one you pushed him to be the president Yes, it’s not that you pulled him down again; let’s just say that Cao Zhongshan and Zhang Zuolin are so good today, and tomorrow they will kill with real swords and guns; Wasn't the President arrested by Feng Yuxiang? "Don't pretend that I don't know anything. I understand everything about you. Which one cherishes reputation?" "The more shameful you are!" Wu Peifu felt that it was too humiliating for his wife to compare himself with those people; he also felt that his wife's knowledge was too shallow.Then he said: "You know what a fart! You can make trouble like that, whoever has the most fists is the brother! Cooperating with the Japanese is two different things." "What about the two things? Zhang Peilan knew it well, smiled coldly, and pretended to be well-informed, and said: "Don't pretend that I don't know anything, I know! Japan didn't just buy yourself, and Chiang Kai-shek of the Revolutionary Party also relied on Did you go to Japan? " "Which one said that?" "You said it yourself." Zhang Peilan said: "It's really a nobleman who forgets things! When you returned to Beijing from Gansu, what did Zhang Xueliang say to you? You asked him why he didn't resist the Shenyang Incident? He didn't tell you that there was Lao Jiang. An order? You said it to me yourself, but you forgot again." Zhang Xueliang's words were indeed spoken by Wu Peifu to his wife.That day, he was out of breath and blurted out.Now that Madame uncovered it, he was a little bit tongue-tied.After a long time, I regretted and said: "They are them, and I am definitely not a traitor!" Zhang Peilan, who was also in her fifties, had followed Wu Peifu around for many years, knew a lot about official affairs, and had assisted Wu Peifu in a few things, and they did it decently.Her criticism of the sophistication of the world is often praised by Wu Peifu.Although Madam said something harsh today, it is not unreasonable. Wu Peifu wants to get angry, but he can't get angry.However, the Japanese issued a statement on his behalf in the newspaper. Now, that Doihara is going to visit again. How should we deal with this? Wu Peifu is at a loss.He sighed softly, frowned, and walked slowly on the spot. When Zhang Peilan saw that Wu Peifu's anger had calmed down, she smiled--thought to herself: "I'm still a commander-in-chief, a small river blocks the way, how can I break into the world!" She picked up the teacup on the table, poured a cup of fragrant tea, and put it In front of Wu Peifu, he still casually said: "Didn't the Japanese issue a statement on your behalf? They issued it in Japan and the occupied areas, so you can't issue it to the whole world. There is nothing to worry about." "Who will make a statement to the world for me?" Wu Peifu is still a liar -- he has not been a member of the board for several years, and always thinks of "closing the door and relaxing", with nothing to do, nothing to tell, and really few ideas. "Isn't there an American reporter coming to interview you, you just have to tell him that you don't." Wu Peifu patted his bald head and scolded himself "foolish!" He turned to his wife and said with a smile, "I forgot that Vikir is a reporter from the United Press Agency! I, I welcome him to visit!" Just when Doihara was about to "visit" Wu Peifu, the United Press News Agency of the United States sent an important and brief news to the world: Wu Peifu solemnly declares: The so-called accepting the heavy responsibility from Japan is a pure forgery! The news agency also added a few short comments: The Japanese played tricks in an attempt to force Wu to submit.Self-defeating, self-deception. When Doihara received this news, he was furious and scolded Wu Peifu: "You have sent me to a dead end, and I can only apologize to the Emperor!" Doihara's work of wooing Wu Peifu failed, and he was punished by the Japanese military.As a result, La Wu's job was transferred to Doihara's most capable assistant, Dasa Tongzhen. Dali Tongzhen, a small man in his early forties, with a surprisingly small face, with a small crew cut, speaks fluent Chinese Beijing dialect.He has a lot of research on Chinese culture, and he talks about Chinese history with eloquence; he is also quite familiar with contemporary Chinese military and political figures.The Japanese call him "China Hand", and he is the most clever and adaptable among the secret personnel dispatched by Japan.In the past, he had been active behind the scenes, and he only came out publicly after the Japanese occupied North China.If Wu Peifu was not such a special character, the Japanese would not use his "big cart". One day, Dapu Tongzhen's Weifu Jian Cong came to the Assorted Garden, and respectfully handed in a name card.Wu Peifu had contacted him a few times, and it was nothing more than talking about "Japanese-Chinese friendship", "Xingya" and other clichés. Wu Peifu was already tired of him and didn't want to see him very much.But can't.He hung his long gown down to the ground, his long sleeves fluttering lightly, and he came out to greet him like a fairy. Da Zong sat down in Wu Peifu's small living room, Wu ordered someone to bring a glass of water, and said with a grin: "Mr. Da Zong, Buddhism is based on purity, so I have to use water instead of tea." "Okay, good! Use one of your As the saying goes, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water!" Dapu had already heard that Wu Peifu was concentrating on passing on the scriptures, so he had to socialize like this. "General Fuwei has really become a god! Admiration, admiration!" He took Qingshui respectfully and bowed again. Wu Peifu laughed "hahaha". "Mr. Dapo, you are a well-known Chinese hand. China and Japan have the same cultural traditions, so you must know the truth that Tai Chi produces two rituals, two rituals produce four phenomena, and four phenomena produce gossip. Today, let's take a good look at it." Let’s talk about it, let’s see if it’s better for me as a Chinese, or for you as a Japanese?” After finishing speaking, he brought a thick book and carefully flipped through it page by page. The task of Dali Tongzhen is to win over the "head of state" of a puppet government. How can he have the heart to play Zhouyi and gossip with him? He smiled and said, "General, I want to talk to you about another matter." "Don't gossip?" Wu Peifu pretended to be confused.Dako nodded. "That's good." Wu Peifu said: "If we don't talk about gossip, then let's talk about "Yao Dian"." Then, he dropped the book and went to get another book.There are words in his mouth: "It is said in the "Yao Dian" that Keming Junde is a relative of the nine clans, and the nine clans are harmonious and peaceful. How do you Japanese understand this question? We haha, we have our views. Ours The opinions are definitely better than yours. Do you believe it or not? Let's discuss if you don't believe it." "This, this..." Daza Tongzhen couldn't help shaking his head. Wu Peifu smiled secretly, and thought to himself: "This is how I deal with you. If you're not happy, please go." He stood up and said with dignity, "Mr. There is a lot of knowledge in China that you don’t understand. I understand! Let me tell you about causality. Anyone in the world, as long as he does something bad, God will definitely repay him. This is called good will be rewarded with good, evil will be evil Report;: It’s not that you don’t report, the time is not up; when the time comes, everything will be reported. Believe it or not? This requires self-cultivation. It can't hurt me. As long as I recite the mantra, there will be balls of twine in the sky. These twines can entangle your plane. Hee, really!" Da Po Tongzhen looked at Wu Peifu's crazy look.Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he got up and wanted to leave. Wu Peifu held him back, smiled brightly, and said, "Mr. Dapo, don't go. I still have a baby. I am the greatest calligrapher in contemporary China. I have to give you a calligraphy to show the friendship between China and Japan. Come on People, take the four treasures of the study." Seeing Wu Peifu's seriousness, he felt moved: "Could it be that he wants to use poetry to express his feelings and wishes--such a person who has been fighting for power and hegemony all his life, how can he not be tempted by power!" At the same time, he also wanted to have a piece of Wu Peifu's Calligraphy, in order to show off on certain occasions.So, he stopped. Wu Peifu stretched out the paper and picked up the pen, and without thinking about it, he recorded Lu You's Qijue "Shower": When I die, I know that everything is empty, but I am sad that I don’t see Kyushu.Put down the pen and smile.Huoji: Fusheng, what do you think of my handwriting? I dare say that in your Japan, no one dares not to say yes!" The words are in hand.Looking at the black mark first, I feel that the writing is very bold and chic enough, and it is a rare calligraphy.He wanted to express his gratitude to Wu Peifu.He read again.I also feel that the poems are very "familiar".Suddenly I remembered that it was a poem of "exhortations" written by Lu You and Fang Weng, the great poets of the Song Dynasty in China, to their sons.His heart skipped a beat: "Wu Peifu regards me as his son? Want me in the future?" He saw the sentence "Beiding Central Plains" in the poem, and he was a little excited Wu Peifu waved his hand and said, "You go. Your goal has been achieved, you can go." Dali Tongzhen seemed to understand, nodded and retreated, and left Wu Peifu's Assorted Garden angrily.one After Da Zuo left, Wu Peifu's half-foolish demeanor immediately disappeared, and his complexion became extremely serious. "The Japanese have taken a fancy to me, and they won't give up until they get me!" Wu Peifu originally wanted to pretend to be deaf and crazy to get through this disaster, but he seemed desperate.However, he resolutely thought: "During my lifetime, I will never let the Japanese be at the mercy of them, and I will never be their puppet." He paced around the room, planning one deal in his mind, one after another. overthrow.Walking around, he suddenly stared at the portrait of Guan Yu on the wall - one of the figures he admired most in his life.He stopped in his footsteps, and his eyes shot out a stern and determined light! "I want to learn from Guan Yu, and I want to be an upright Chinese three-foot man! No matter what methods the Japanese change, I will stand up to it!"
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