Home Categories historical fiction Beiyang Confucian General Wu Peifu: The Fifth of Beiyang War

Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Leaving Shu and Entering Gansu

July 16, 1931.Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province.A few gusts of southerly winds have added heat to this place known as the "Land of Abundance" and Furong City. This ancient city with a history of more than 2,300 years is still beautiful despite repeated military disasters; the hibiscus trees on both sides of the streets, Lush and green, forty miles are like Jinxiang. This morning, at Sima Bridge in the north of the city, a well-organized guard of honor had been waiting there since early in the morning. They were welcoming Wu Peifu, the "General Fuwei" who came here from Tongchuan.After Wu Peifu sent a telegram on May 22, "At Jiang's invitation to go east", he passed through Suiding and Liu Cunhou on May 23, via Qu County, and arrived in Guang'an on May 26.He originally wanted to keep going, but he couldn't walk anymore—how to go west? How difficult and dangerous is it? He had a lot in mind, and he wanted to wait for Yang Sen.He can rest assured only if he obeys Yang Sen.However, Yang Sen was unable to make the trip in Chongqing. Wu Peifu lived in Guang'an for 21 days in a hurry before he could implement Yang Sen's itinerary. On June 17, he arrived in Shunqing.Li Jiayu and Luo Zezhou gave him warm hospitality and asked him to stay for ten days.The beautiful mountains and rivers in the middle of Sichuan attracted this military general. On the way from Shunqing to Tongchuan, he was fascinated by the scenery of Pengxi and Shehong for many days, and he did not arrive in Tongchuan until July 8. Four days later, he left Tong and went to Baoguang Temple in Xindu.Admiral Fuwei's exuberance is really strong -- but, who understands the pain of his faltering: the future is uncertain, he has to be cautious and slow!

Sima Bridge, formerly known as Shengqian Bridge, is one of the five famous bridges in Chengdu.It is said that it was named after Sima Xiangru, a writer of Western and Han Dynasties: Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun passed this bridge when they entered Chang'an for the second time after they got married, and wrote "Don't take a four-horse high chariot" on the bridge headpost. , but this bridge" Zhuang language.Later, Sima Xiangru wrote articles such as "Zixu Fu" and "Shanglin Fu" and presented them to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. .The generals of the Sichuan Army greeted General Fuwei at the Sima Bridge. They didn’t know whether they wanted him to show his future ambition of "don’t take a high-carriage and four-horse horse, and never cross this bridge again", or congratulated him for having a high-grade chariot and four-horse horse.

At noon, Wu Peifu's chariots and horses arrived at the bridge. The two army commanders Deng Xihou and Tian Songyao who were waiting here hurried forward, saluted and shook hands with Wu Peifu.At the bridgehead, Wu Peifu took his wife and son together with Liu Siying, Director of the Administrative Affairs Department, Wu Rujian, Deputy Director of the Political Affairs Department, Zhang Fangyan, Chief of Staff, Zhang Zuoting, Deputy Chief of Staff, Bai Jianwu, Director of Succession, and Zhao Zibin, Director of Military Supplies. These people have been introduced to Deng and Tian one by one.Everyone: meet each other politely, and then drive through the guard of honor together, and send: Wu Peifu to Xingyuan of the Negotiation Office to stay, and his wife Zhang Peilan lives in the house of Luo Xingnong, Deputy Secretary-General of Yuquan Street.Wu Peifu had a place to stay in Chengdu, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

When Wu Peifu arrived in Chengdu, he put on a relaxed and happy appearance. He traveled all day long with his bureaucrats, literati and refined scholars, wrote books and paintings, and made poems and drinks for remuneration. He never talked about the current situation or military affairs.As if everything in China is peaceful, Wu Peifu is going to Nanjing for a few days to discuss with Mr. Jiang the plan of governing the country. Wu Peifu was called a Confucian general by the people at that time, but he was unfamiliar with Sichuan and Chengdu.He can't appear in front of Chengdu people with the face of "ignorance". In Suiding, he asked Luo Yunong for advice, and Luo Yunong only told him the history of Chengdu.He is very dissatisfied.He wants to know more and more detailed historical materials of this place. "A handsome man, I must not let people say that I am ignorant and ignorant." He is a general, he is a bachelor, he just wants others to appear ignorant in front of him, but he himself does not ask anyone for advice in public! Tong, he ordered people to buy a lot of historical materials about the Land of Abundance and Chengdu. Although he was in a hurry to march, he still read late at night by the lamp, and only put down the books when he felt that he would not be ashamed.

In Chengdu, he arranged a tour schedule for himself. He had to go to Wuhou Temple first, then to Du Fu Thatched Cottage, then to Wangjiang Tower, and then to Wangjiang Tower. . On the day I went to Wuhou Temple, the sky was clear and the sun was shining, and the temperature in Chengdu suddenly increased a lot.Therefore, Wu Peifu and his wife decided to go by sedan chair.After the sedan chair left the south gate, Wu Peifu hesitated again: "Shall we go to Wuhou Temple?" Wu Peifu didn't have a good impression of Zhuge Liang. He always felt that this person was "too deified", a little fake and a little risky.He didn't believe that he knew three parts of the world before he was a fledgling.

The sedan chair stopped outside the gate of Wuhou Temple.Wu Peifu got out of the sedan chair and looked at this ancient building, feeling magnificent and majestic.When he walked up the stone steps outside the door, he raised his head again, but asked suspiciously: "Isn't this Wuhou Temple? Why do you write the words Han Zhaolie Temple?" Luo Yunong, who was by his side, hurriedly explained: "Zhaolie is the name of Liu Bei after his death and built a temple. The original temple is adjacent to Wuhou Temple. In the early Ming Dynasty, Shuxian King Zhu Chun merged Wuhou Temple into Zhaolie Temple, so the book These four characters."

"This Zhu Chun is too snobbish and flattering, why didn't he merge Zhaolie Temple into Wuhou Temple?" Wu Peifu was a little unhappy. "The Chinese have a kind of weakness. They always regard the kings and landlords as sacred and inviolable. Everything has to be based on them. Look, an ordinary ancestral hall is so nondescript!" At this moment, he unexpectedly I have a great sense of grievance for Zhuge Liang. It was probably just a disappointment at the entrance. While walking through this magnificent building with five layers and four courtyards, he was always depressed, didn't speak, and didn't look seriously.Later, when he came to the "Shu Prime Minister Zhuge Wuhou Ancestral Monument" on the right side of the front, he smiled.He looked at the body of the stele, looked at the inscription on the stele, commented on the calligraphy, and kept nodding and smiling.

After Wuhou Temple came out, they went to Du Fu Thatched Cottage.Although Wu Peifu admired Du's poems very much, he only came and went in a hurry because of his restlessness, and then turned back to his residence. While Wu Peifu was leisurely visiting scenic spots in Chengdu, the warlords in Chengdu were all thinking about his whereabouts very leisurely. Liu Wenhui, the commander of the Fourth Army, has already been invited by Liu Xiang to hold a meeting in Chongqing. No matter where Wu goes, it has nothing to do with him; Deng Xihou, commander of the 28th Army, and Tian Songyao, commander of the 29th Army, have double responsibilities They want to protect Wu so that he can travel eastward as scheduled in the future, and Nanjing will meet Jiang; but they already have a faint feeling that Wu's going west to Emei is definitely not to browse the mountains and rivers, but to have other plans. How to get rid of the responsibility in the future? Liu Cunhou, Yang Sen, Li Jiayu, and Luo Zezhou clearly told Wu: "Chiang Kai-shek is extremely insidious, and he must not be trusted." There is no way out. I can’t go. I must go to Shaanxi and Gansu immediately to appease the old troops, and Xu Tu goes north.”

One day, Wu Peifu came back from a trip to Huanhuaxi. He took You Xing and Jiu Xing to meet Deng Xihou and Tian Songyao.As soon as they met, he said straight to the point: "Thanks to the kindness of the two of you, Ziyu will be rewarded in the future. Although Liang Yuan is good, it is not a place of long-term love. I invite you to come here today to explain to you. Team up! I know you two will make it easier for me. Let's discuss the northbound route." Although Deng and Tian were not surprised by this remark, they felt that it came too soon when they said it today, so they wanted to keep it.

Deng Xihou said: "There are still some public groups, party organizations, and religious people in Chengdu who want to meet you and listen to your teachings. Should we delay for a few days?" "You can meet them." Wu Peifu said brightly: "Just don't make too much noise. In any case, don't make too much noise." "This is inevitable." Deng Xihou said: "Would you think about it again for the grand plan of going north." "No need." Wu Peifu said confidently: "The current situation is a once-in-a-lifetime situation: Yu Xuezhong has controlled Beijing and Tianjin, Feng Yanjun is willing to cooperate with me again, as long as Shaanxi, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, and Qing Dynasty can unite as one Together, great things can be done!"

Tian Songyao said with a heavy heart: "Has the commander-in-chief's route to the north been decided?" "It has been decided." "How to go?" "There is no need to go round and round," Wu Peifu said as if deploying a battle plan: "Just take Mianyang, Guangyuan, and Jiange in northern Sichuan, break into Qinzhong, and then transfer to Tianshui, and everything will be fine." Deng Xihou nodded. "It's a path. There's no shortcut to it." "I don't think this road is smooth." Tian Songyao said. "It may not be peaceful." Wu Peifu immediately asked, "Why can't we go north?" Tian shook his head and said after a long time: "There is a problem with the safety of the trap." Deng Xihou and Wu Peifu took a deep breath together, and neither of them spoke anymore.But they all know it clearly: this is Tian Songyao shirking responsibility-- Tian Songyao had his concerns: Chiang Kai-shek asked Wu to meet in Nanjing, and Wu also publicly stated that Yu Wandong would leave after visiting Chengdu.Sure enough, when Wu ran away, he passed through Tian's northern Sichuan defense line and ran north from the Qinling Mountains. Chiang Kai-shek would be very angry, and this pot of anger would inevitably be poured on his head, Tian Songyao.Rather than shouldering that responsibility in the future, it is better to reject false teaching today.Wu Peifu saw through Tian Songyao's mind and said, "That's fine too. Let's choose another way. Let's all think about it, think it over, and then talk about it. " The next day, Army Commanders Deng and Tian held a grand garden party in "Wangjiang Tower" to see Wu Peifu off, and had a feast in Chongli Pavilion, where famous chef Huang Jingning was invited to cook a feast; Went to Wolong Bridge: /Watched a Sichuan opera in the hall. Wu Peifu came to this historic site on the south bank of the Jinjiang River in a mule and horse car with light clothes.Tian Songyao greeted him and walked towards the park holding his arm. "Chengdu is indeed an ancient cultural city worthy of its reputation!" Wu Peifu has visited many places of interest. He is no longer a conceptual imagination of Chengdu, but a real experience. What he sees with his own eyes makes him feel refreshed everywhere. "One day, the country will be safe and peaceful, and I would like to move here forever!" "I will also be disarmed," Tian Songyao said. "Okay, okay! Let's plant flowers, raise fish, write poems, paint paintings, and we can hang poles for three days on the Jinjiang River!" Wu Peifu did not have a serious understanding of Wangjiang Tower, but only thought that it was built along the river to meet the occasion.It wasn't until he was about to enter the courtyard with Tian Songyao's support, and suddenly found a strange couplet outside the door, that he stopped to meditate.The joint text is: The ancient well is cold and the sun is setting, ask how many loquat trees, where is the Xiaoshumen Lane? The river crosses the curved sill, occupying the first floor of Yanyue, and the thatched cottage of the Ministry of Industry must be divided equally. "A pair of good work pairs?" Wu Peifu couldn't help himself. "Who is this school letter referring to?" Tian Songyao was stunned for a moment, - he only knew about guns, and he only knew that Chengdu was an important place for military strategists; but he didn't care to understand the history and culture, he thought it was something for literati.No, among the soldiers, there are also literati like Wu Ziyu.He turned his face anxiously and said to the old literati Luo Yunong who was accompanying him, "Hey, Mr. Luo, I'd better invite you to criticize and criticize." Luo Yunong smiled.Said: "The school book does not really refer to the school book man, but a false reference to a female music prostitute Xue Tao?" "Xue Tao?" Wu Peifu seemed to remember it, but couldn't remember it very well for a while. "It was familiar, but strange." "A female poet in the Tang Dynasty." Luo Yunong said: "I was originally from Chang'an, and I went to Shu with my father. When my father died and the family fell, I became a member of Le Ji. She is famous for her poetic talent, and she was the same as Yuan Zhen, Du Mu, Bai Juyi, Pei Du, Liu Yuxi and others sang together. It was called girls' school book at that time." "Why is it buried here?" "In his later years, he built a poem reciting building in Bijifang, which was nearby, and was buried here after his death. The old site has been abandoned, and the Qing Dynasty began to build this building." Wu Peifu nodded and said, "I should read her works carefully. In terms of life experience, this woman is very similar to Li Qingzhao. Thinking about it, her poems are probably quite miserable." "Xue Tao's character is Hongdu, and there is a "Hongdu Collection" in history, with a sad mood. But later generations have not seen his collection." "Sichuan people should love Xue Tao," Wu said, "we should sort out and collect her poems." That Sichuan opera, "The Bridegroom of Three Difficulties" performed by the famous fancier Zhang Zhiqing, is an elegant and interesting story between Qin Shaoyou and Su Xiaomei.That Zhang Zhitao's singing is very skillful. Although Wu Peifu is from Lu, he is not satisfied with the "squeaky" and strong Sichuan accent in Sichuan opera singing, but his skill fascinates him.He felt the beauty of Kunqiang and Gaoqiang.So, give it your all.During the play, he was surprised by the discussion about the plot from left to right-- Someone jokingly said: "Isn't this play a perfect portrayal of Wu Yushuai! Yushuai entered Sichuan and was trapped in Baidi City, which is one difficulty; later he was wanted and fled to Yunwu Mountain, which was another difficulty; the Eastern Expedition failed, and he was blocked by Liangfengya , it is the three difficulties. It can be said that Tianfu Kingdom is a handsome man of the three difficulties!" Wu Peifu heard it in his ears and felt it in his heart. He panicked and thought: "I, Wu Ziyu, really went through such tribulations when I entered Sichuan. Could it be that the people in Sichuan really intend to use the joke to mock me?" After that, his energy was not on the show. up. It was already late at night when I returned from the theater at Wolong Bridge.Wu Peifu was drunk, drunk with wine, drunk with drama.He lay down on the bed, and soon snored like thunder—he seldom snored, and his wife often praised him for his peaceful sleep, saying that he "sleeped more peacefully than a cat".Today, there was a sudden thunderous snoring, which made everyone feel uneasy.Sure enough, just after midnight, he was fully awake. "Come on!" "Master," the man replied. "Please Commander Deng, I have something urgent." "Yes!" Before the man left, he ordered: "Prepare the car, I will visit Commander Deng." Deng Xihou heard about Wu Peifu's visit late at night, and knew that there must be something urgent.Busy dressing and welcoming to the small living room. "Marshal, there is something urgent, why don't you give me an order?" Deng Xihou said, "Why did you come in person in the middle of the night?" "It's urgent, we have to talk face to face." Wu Peifu sat down, picked up the fragrant tea Deng Xihou handed over, and said, "It's not feasible. Tian Songyao has his difficulties, let's be considerate of him, don't force it." "I want to talk to him again, how about it?" Deng Xihou was still hopeful. "No need," Wu Peifu said, "That person is rather stubborn. He has made up his mind, and it is not easy to change. We should not force others to do what is difficult for us." Wu Peifu said "we", obviously, he expressed a "closer" attitude to Deng Xihou.Deng Xihou also felt that Wu Peifu came late at night, and this action was unusual.So he said: "Marshal, today, the big event is a foregone conclusion. It is absolutely impossible to go east. No matter how difficult it is to go north, there is only one way. Go on." "We have to go on!" Wu Peifu said: "As the saying goes, it is better to ask for yourself than to ask for others. I thought about it, and the only way to go is Guanxian County. Westward travel in Guanxian County can be said to be a scenic spot in Qingcheng. In fact, I You can cross the desolate virgin forest and quickly enter Gannan. Although the road is difficult and dangerous, no one notices it, and the road is close. Besides, Guan County to Gannan Wudu and Wen County are all your defense lines, and they are very safe." Deng Xihou smiled lightly. "I've thought of this one too, but it's too desolate, and there's a section of primeval forest, I'm afraid you and your family won't be able to get used to it." "Don't think too much about it, let's make it like this. You can make the arrangements." "Chongqing" "With the secretary-general there, he will deal with it." Wu Peifu said: "As soon as we arrive in Gannan, just tell him. By then, no matter how Liu Xiang attacks, it will be too late." "My Gong (Weiqing) lives in Guan County, which is extremely reliable. He will take care of you with all his strength." "The matter is too urgent, so be careful. I won't see you alone before I leave." After breaking up with Deng at Midnight, Wu Peifu immediately called together several of his new division commanders and various entourages, explained the situation and actions, and then said: "This is a desperate move. Go to Gansu and Qing. The future is bright; go out of Sichuan Dong, we will never be born again! May everyone help each other and be united in times of trouble!" The grand mass meeting to bid farewell to Wu Peifu was held in the Wenshu Monastery in the north of the city, presided over by Yin Changheng, the former governor of Sichuan; this grand meeting was organized by the Chengdu Chinese Civilian Promotion Association, the Sichuan Branch of the Red Cross Society of China, the Chengdu Young Men and Women Association, the Chengdu Chinese and Western Combination Charity Association and Five groups, including the Sichuan Buddhist Association, jointly came forward. The former governor of Yin put on his reading glasses and recited the eulogy in his hand, and there were occasional "crackling" applause on the field.After reading the eulogy, Mrs. Yin held the speech manuscript in front of Wu Peifu with both hands, bowed deeply, and said: "Wu Yushuai, you are here in Sichuan. It's a blessing for the Sichuan people! The Sichuan people are very reluctant to leave Sichuan! May the commander accept the sincerity of the Sichuan people." , I wish you all the best and success in everything!" Amid the applause, Wu Peifu also said words of thanks: "Peifu has been in Sichuan for five years, and he has received the attention and love of his fathers and villagers in Sichuan everywhere and all the time. Mr. Shi has been repeatedly invited by telegram, and he needs to go to Nanjing to discuss the state affairs urgently, so he has to leave you for a while. After visiting Qingcheng, he will go east to Jinling. After the state affairs are over, Peifu is still willing to return to Sichuan. At that time, we You can also rejoice in Tianfu and climb the Golden Summit of Emei together!" Wu Peifu still sang the tune of "Going to Jinling in the East".In fact, it was just to make the pro-Chiang faction clear up its doubts. On July 27, Wu Peifu left Chengdu for Guan County.Deng Xihou personally escorted him to Guanxian County and generously donated travel expenses.When saying goodbye, Deng said to Wu: "Yushuai, you just go with confidence, Gong Weiqing is a very reliable person." Wu Peifu said with great nostalgia: "Over the past few months, Ziyu has received so much love, and Ziyu will always remember it in his heart. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay it!" "Why talk about newspapers." Deng Xihou said: "There are still many people who depend on each other, let's take care of each other." Deng said: "Gannan still has my five Liu Zhou departments. I have telegraphed them and they will take care of Yushuai." Wu Peifu arrived Qingcheng, just like in Chengdu, was leisurely, wandering around mountains and rivers, meeting literati and scholars every day, writing calligraphy and painting, and reciprocating poetry and wine, but he secretly found Wang Chengbo, the former head of his office in Gansu, and explained carefully, Send him to Tianshui and Lanzhou for activities first, and win support there.After Wu Peifu left Suiding, it was Liu Xiang who was most disturbed.He did not believe Wu's pre-departure call.He knew Wu Peifu well, and knew that this person was lazy about landscapes. "The current situation is chaotic, the future is uncertain, and a person who is obsessed with power, how can he have the mood to visit old friends and view famous mountains?" Liu Xiang telegraphed this idea Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek urged Wu to "come to Nanjing quickly".After leaving Chengdu, I received urging telegrams from Jiang almost every day.After staying in Qingcheng, he immediately called Ma Fuxiang in Shanghai, asking him to meet Chiang Kai-shek as his representative, and told Chiang that "the excursions in Qingcheng were still strong, and he was late to go east, and he felt a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable to travel far After a while, you can go east." Ma received Wu Dian and knew a thing or two. In addition to saying "go to see Chiang Kai-shek immediately, he also said to Wu: "Knowing each other is the most important thing, and it doesn't care about appearance. "Ma had predicted that Wu would not go to Nanjing. Wu Peifu lingered in Qingcheng for twelve days. After everything was arranged, it was already August 8. He went out to visit Longchi at the junction of Guan (county) and Wen (Chuan County). Wenchuan, Maoxian, and Songpan crossed the primeval forest area and went straight to Gannan. Chen Tingjie, who lives in Chongqing, went to Liu Xiang's office on August 7 to inquire about the "arrangement of the eastbound ships" because Liu Xiang was not serious enough. The ship is not secure enough." He also said a lot of complaining words; on the evening of August, he hurriedly went to Liu Xiang again, and said to him calmly: "Commander Liu, there is an urgent matter, and I have been ordered by Yushuai to report it." "What's the matter?" Liu Xiang felt that the situation was not good. "Yushuai asked me to tell the general that during my stay in Sichuan, I was grateful for the great love, and I would like to thank you in person, but because I was in a hurry, let me apologize on my behalf, and I will make up for it later! "Where did he, your Yushuai go?" Liu Xiang was terrified and incoherent. "Yushuai left Qingcheng three days ago and went to Gannan via Wenchuan, Maoxian, and Songpan." "Going to Gannan?" Chen Tingjie nodded.Liu Xiang fell limply on the Taishi chair.
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