Home Categories historical fiction Beiyang Confucian General Wu Peifu: The Fifth of Beiyang War

Chapter 10 Chapter Eleven

When there was election bribery in Beijing, Luoyang was peaceful.Wu Peifu held banquets for celebrities, invited guests and friends during his tour of the mission, and also paid homage to corporals who went to the bottom and issued a declaration of "protecting laborers".In that year, the harsh winter in Luoyang seemed to be exceptionally warm, but there was a drizzle in the season of snowfall; until 1924 was approaching, the golden chrysanthemums in the flower garden of the patrol envoy were still in full bloom.One day, Wu Peifu approached the leaders of his "Eight Major Offices", discussed for a long time the things to be done, and once again clarified the scope of the division of labor - don't look at Luoyang is just a remote corner of China, it is just the location of a patrolling envoy However, Wu Peifu treats it like a capital city. Not only are there four offices for military staff, military supplies, ordnance, and adjutants, but there are also government affairs offices, law enforcement offices, education offices, and communication offices; there is also a consultation hall. If these offices The names of the officials were all changed to "Ministry 99, the director of the department was changed to the chief, and the conference hall was changed to the National Assembly. It is a head of state organization that cannot be perfected.By the time Wu Peifu's Eight Offices and One Office were in place, Luoyang already had 18 provincial governors and governor's representative organizations, and it seemed to call itself a capital.Therefore, people at that time called Luoyang "Xigong" (it is too blatant to call it Xijing, Wu Peifu knows benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, so he is not allowed to call it that way).The chief of the eighth department left, and Wu Peifu met with representatives of the warlords from several provinces.He felt tired, so he retreated into the inner house and the study, wanting to have a good rest.

It's time for him to rest.These days, from Beijing to Luoyang, there are endless worrying things: Cao Kun "reached the pole", and the big things should be over, but there is a "Sun Duanzhang electrification".Beijing couldn't come up with a countermeasure, so it still came to Luoyang. Wu Peifu was so angry that he complained: "I said that the top priority at the moment is unification, but he just wants to be president and reunify. The world is not unified, can your president be calm?" Therefore, the "power-on" had been on his desk for three days, but he still refused to take it.However, when he returned to the study and found that the manuscript on the desk was too thick, he still walked over to it, and although he didn't care, he continued to read it.When he found a document "Jing Han Workers Bleeding", he was surprised: "Who is scolding me again?"

--Speaking of Beijing-Hanzhou workers shedding blood, it naturally refers to the Beijing-Hanzhou railway workers' strike on February 7th.At the beginning, Wu Peifu issued a statement of "protecting labor" in Luoyang, but the bloodshed of Beijing-Han workers was actually caused by him, Wu Peifu.A Confucian general who claims to have a "national conscience" will turn his back on his words, cause bloodshed, and suppress workers. Even he himself is not at ease At the beginning, when the railway workers wanted to establish the Jinghan Road Federation of Trade Unions in Zhengzhou, they sent five representatives including Shi Wenbin to Luoyang to meet him.Wu Peifu said to them: "I have nothing against you workers." However, when the workers' representatives explained the specific meeting date and organization trade union program, he said: "Zhengzhou is a military area, how can the military area be opened?" What about such a meeting? Can't you do it without a meeting?"

The worker representative said: "Since you agree with us establishing the Federation of Trade Unions, how can we establish it without holding a general meeting? The general meeting still needs to be held." Wu Peifu said again: "You say that the meeting is going to be held, and there is nothing wrong with having a meeting, and I know that. But if you have to hold a meeting, I have no choice." In fact, before this, Wu Peifu received telegrams from Baoding and Beijing, asking him to pay attention to "there is a major political conspiracy at the Jinghan Road Federation of Trade Unions meeting" and asking him to "take measures."The full text of one of the telegrams reads:

Recently, representatives of the All-Road Federation of Trade Unions gathered in Zhengzhou under the pretext of holding a meeting. It was reported that there was an insidious conspiracy, and the people in the market were panicked.Zhengzhou is the hub of the north and the south, and there are Shuyu, so the future troubles are unimaginable.It should be decisive and strictly stopped.And arrest the leading members of the department and bring them to justice in order to curb chaos.In addition to the telegram, Cao Kun also sent a special person to Luoyang, and brought several copies of the Beijing "Morning News" and Shanghai "Shenbao" in January. Immediately adjust defenses along Jinghan Road and take strict precautions."Wu and Cao's representatives decided after secret discussions that the 14th mixed brigade would send one brigade to Baoding station, two battalions to Changxindian, one battalion to Liulihe, two battalions each to Shijiazhuang, Anyang, Xuchang, and Xinyang, and one brigade to Hankou. , The entire railway line has deployed about 20,000 heavy troops.

After the railway representatives left Luoyang, Wu Peifu immediately called Huang Dianchen, the police chief of the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, and said to him: "The establishment of the Beijing-Hanzhou Railway Federation is not the work of the workers. At present, there are nearly a thousand representatives in Zhengzhou and Kaifeng. Revolutionaries from the south. The entire road must be under martial law immediately, more military police should be deployed, and workers' representatives should not be allowed to enter the venue." For many days, Wu Peifu couldn't sleep: Zhongzhou was his base. Although Zhongzhou was rich, it couldn't withstand years of wars. The treasury was empty and the people had no savings.How can Wu Peifu afford the unlimited and rapid increase of the army? Therefore, 800,000 yuan must be withheld by the Beijing-Hanzhou Railway every month to make up for the army's salary.If the trade union took over the power of the railway, his monthly allowance of 800,000 yuan would not be satisfied.Without soldiers, there is no territory. Wu Peifu's mask of "protecting labor" has been torn off, and he is going to kill the workers.

February 1st was the original date for the founding of the Beijing-Hanzhou Railway Federation of Trade Unions.As a result, Zhengzhou was under martial law and no one was allowed to gather.Representatives from all over the country forcibly rushed to the conference venue located in the "Puyuan Theater" and forcibly announced the establishment of the Federation of Trade Unions.As a result, some representatives were arrested by Wu Peifu, others were restricted, and plaques and gifts presented by various groups were destroyed and discarded by the roadside.After the workers' representatives were persecuted, the newly established Federation of Trade Unions ordered the All-Way Workers' Federation to go on strike!

The workers went on strike, and the railroad became a dead end.Cao Kun and Wu Peifu launched a murderous plan: starting from February 4th, the operation began at Changxindian at the northern end, and continued to extend southward. By February 7th, more than 40 people had been killed along the entire Jinghan Road, and more than 100 people entered the hospital. Prison, more than 500 people were injured, and thousands of people were left homeless.It caused the "February 7 tragedy" that shocked the world.Lin Xiangqian, Shi Yang, Zeng Yuliang and other workers died tragically under Wu Peifu's butcher's knife.Wu Peifu's body was covered with the blood of the railway workers! After the incident, Wu Peifu has no remorse.What's the point of bringing this up again today? He flipped through a bunch of notices, and among the notices was a notice from the General Strike Committee, which said: The headquarters has always known that the warlords are evil, and our industry is incompatible. The Zhengzhou incident is just the beginning. .Therefore, I express my sympathy for the purpose of the Jinghan workers' declaration to fight for freedom.What the Gai warlords can do to Beijing and Han today can be done to other places in the future. Just like we are crying and swallowing today, we will not compare with each other. Not only the national trade unions will be destroyed, and our labor circle may never have peace.As far as the vast Shenzhou, it has become a place haunted by warlords, bureaucrats and vagrants, and the holy laborers will sink into hell forever and cannot extricate themselves.I have been carrying forward and encouraging people in the working world over the years, like Dominic and righteous people. Seeing this tragic situation, how can you tolerate it? I still hope that the spirit of class struggle and practical assistance are the most important!

After Wu Peifu read it, he waved his hand and threw the proclamation on the ground.He said angrily: "How is it? Do you still want to fight with me to the end?" At this time, Beijing called, and President Cao Da promoted him to be the "Passing Envoy of Zhilu and Henan", and removed the original word "Deputy".That is to say, the Southwest area was completely handed over to Wu Peifu, and "Luoyang West Palace" became China's "other capital". Wu Peifu finally took a breath of relief: "The old man has not forgotten our solidarity!"

Wu Peifu's mood is still not calm, he is bored in the study, often sitting for half a day, he thought: Why do you still do it like the suppression of railway workers in spring? It is very happy.However, he has weighed that he has lost a lot, and his orthodox face is doubtful! The newspaper once accused him, saying that he "pointed a black gun at the unarmed and He himself admits that he is a worker who created everything in society!" Said that he "lost the basic conscience of the Chinese people in the tide of republicanism and democracy".People's words are terrible, he must endure it, and never do that unless it is absolutely necessary.What Wu Peifu wants to do is to be the master of one side. He has the southwestern half of the rivers and mountains, and he wants to stabilize this position.How to be stable? He remembered the lesson of the predecessors: "He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, and those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world!" It is very important to have the hearts of the people.Wu Peifu wants to win people's hearts.

After the suppression of the railway workers, Wu Peifu knew that people were against him, and the prominent people in the provinces also criticized him.He wants to reverse this tragedy.He consulted Chief of Staff Zhang Fangyan, but Zhang Fangyan had no other option but to ask him to "exchange virtue with prestige."Wu Peifu was very angry: "What is the exchange of power for virtue? Don't you persuade me to use force again! I only know how to use force! You must know that people's hearts cannot be conquered by guns and guns. Wufu!" After scolding Wufu for a while, he went to the Secretary-General Chen Tingjie .Chen Tingjie was silent for a long time, and only said the words "hard to return", and then closed his mouth.In a fit of anger, Wu Peifu waved his hands and said, "Go, go! Let me be quiet for a while." Wu Peifu closed the door and stayed alone in the room, pacing slowly, swimming around. Finally, the big stone behind the door was gone.Only then did he stop, rub his hands lightly, and then lightly hit that stone.Wu Peifu has developed a habit since he was in Changchun. Before making major decisions, he always hits the stone with his hand. With the soft sound of the stone, he can make an ideal decision.Therefore, a big stone must be set behind the door of his own office in his inner house.The rhythm of Wu Peifu's strike is also regular: at first, when he uses his palm forcefully, the stone will make a clear "buzzing" sound, showing a nervous and anxious feeling; Clear becomes humble.When the exhaustion disappears, there is already a solution.He slapped the last palm vigorously, let out a wild cry of "ha", and then said: "Everyone says there is no way, but I say Wu has a way!" Wu Peifu's knock-out sound is quite special today, it is always high and clear, and never weakens! "Om--! Om--! Om--" came out, lingering around the courtyard. The sound alarmed Mrs. Zhang Peilan. Shaking her fatter body, she hurried towards the office located in a quiet place, pushed open the door, and said, "What is this for? What's the matter?" , or who is against you? Wouldn’t it be better if you smashed it like this? "Zhang Peilan has long been a veritable wife, and her waist is much stronger than when she was the daughter-in-law of the Zhangjia Inn in Changchun fifteen years ago. up.At that time, everything was up to my elder brother, even "punishment" was up to my elder brother.Now, even the tone has changed.She became like an "undefended mouth" old woman, not only accusing a lot, but also nagging endlessly. When Wu Peifu heard his wife came in, he really wanted to lose his temper: "Go ahead, there are women in everything! What do women know?" But he didn't say that: one is that there is no such thing as "men discipline women" in his family rules, Pei Lan has long been the head of the family; besides, despite the fact that this woman is not very capable, sooner or later she said some useful words; as if she had no beauty, her face occasionally revealed a seductive look.Therefore, Wu Peifu still briefly expressed his thoughts to her.After talking about the matter, he said: "The most urgent thing is to use some reason to gather more people and make a scene in a big way, so that others can say good things for me. But I can't think of a reason. You say Don't be in a hurry!" Zhang Peilan thinks things are simple, she just knows how to go straight;She didn't even think about it and said: "I said that the sky has collapsed, or the tide swallowed the house, so it's still such a shit!" "What? Shit?" Wu Peifu got impatient. "You! When will knowledge grow like hair?" "What is the length, I don't know. I know you are talking about a small thing." "Okay, okay," Wu Peifu said according to her: "Please find a way now. If you have a good way, I will reward you heavily." "How to reward?" Zhang Peilan "stretched the bow". "You scholars have a lot of eyes, and those who are officials have never told the truth. I will not be fooled by this." "Oh!" Wu Peifu was anxious. "If you don't make a cross, I've already figured out a way to do it this time. You don't have the skills, and you still make a cross. Isn't this sincerely adding to the trouble!" "Hey! I'm a troublemaker? Don't you pat your heart and think about it. Since I married you, when have I made trouble? It's not always to help you when you are in trouble. I don't repay you, but For revenge. You are handsome, fart!" Zhang Peilan turned around angrily, and while walking outside, she said: "You knock on your pot, and I will guard my pot. From now on, we will not violate the river water." ." When Wu Peifu saw that Zhang Peilan had withdrawn her charm, she hurriedly smiled and said, "Don't be angry, madam, don't be angry, madam, Xiaosheng is polite, the ancients said that if a good wife is close, he is far away, and there is no door to good fortune." Harmony is the most beautiful thing, and there is nothing more to blame than alienation. When will I not hold you on top of my head! When I have difficulties, I always ask you to resolve them. I respect you as a wife!" Zhang Peilan smiled. "I'm not a golden branch and jade leaf. It's rare that you don't forget about Amitabha Buddha." "Okay," Wu Peifu said, "then tell me quickly, what can you do?" Zhang Peilan said: "What's the problem? Isn't it your fiftieth birthday this year? Make a public announcement and post some posts asking him to come to Luoyang to celebrate your birthday. I don't think he would dare to come? Even the current president, I think He won't lose face either." "Oh, good idea, good idea! Why can't I think of such a brilliant idea?" Wu Peifu smiled, bowed deeply, and said: "Although Ling is lonely, Han also rewards virtue! Zi Yuyong Do not forget Mrs. Dade." In the early summer of 1923 AD, the biggest event that happened in southern China was that Luoyang celebrated the birthday of Wu Peifu, the tour envoy of Zhiluyu. Luoyang, the ancient capital, is in April when the flowers are blooming like brocades. The peonies known as "the best under heaven" are in full bloom all over the city, Yao Huang Wei Zi, complementing each other; Military and political officials celebrating the birthday of the visiting envoy.The man of the hour made Luoyang city even more beautiful and famous! Wu Peifu's patrolling envoy had a colorful shed outside the door and red lights on the lintel. Cars and carriages ready to welcome guests are tied with ribbons and garlands, and the attendants also wear red silk on their shoulders and flower scarves on their heads. The table is used to entertain ordinary guests; in the large living room, there are carved round tables and emerald-inlaid chairs.In addition to the inspection office, a colorful shed was set up beside the peony garden in Wangcheng Park in the city for guests to watch peonies.In order to make the birthday banquet more joyful, Wu Peifu also invited more than ten famous theater troupes from Henan, Hubei, Shandong and other neighboring provinces to set up stages at main streets and famous gardens and sing in turn. The main hall of the patrol mission is the birthday hall.There are five steps at the entrance of the hall, which are made of aragonite, and the steps are made of Taihu stone, with flowers and grass, and branches and leaves.The door is made of wood, the oblique door is Xiangfei bamboo, and the two rooms are made of wooden spring stickers, engraved with couplets sent by the governor of Hunan: March flowers in Luoyang are like a brocade, and the South Pole is a starlit candle sky. In the hall, the four walls are covered with birthday couplets, which are colorful and fragrant with ink; on the front of the hall, there is a birthday tent sent by Kang Youwei, on which is a long couplet written by Kang himself. : Makino Yingyang, who has only half a century of meritorious deeds at the age of a hundred; Luoyang Huju, the wind and rain in all directions will meet Zhongzhou.On the purple-red table under the birthday tent, 80 Wanmin umbrellas sent by Shaanxi Governor Liu Zhenhua are neatly arranged; on the four Eight Immortals tables lined up in front of the table, there are full of gold and silver longevity peaches, birthday cakes, birthday On the opposite floor, erected by two ladders, there are hung a million firecrackers sent by Hubei Governor Xiao Yaonan with a height of £ floors; The birthday presents for guests, friends and officials - Jinshan Yinhai, colorful silk and satin, ceramic jade, birthday basket and clothing, countless! Before the birthday ceremony, Wu Peifu talked with warlords, governors or their representatives from Beijing and 18 provinces in the living room, talking about "Heluo culture".He beamed and said: "It is said in "Yi": Rivers produce pictures, Luo produces books, and sages follow them. What do you think is this "Luoshu"?" Without waiting for others to answer, he said: ""Luoshu" is the nine palaces, It is the magic square or Rubik's cube that foreigners call, but it is actually the originator of combinatorics: Dayu obtained the "Luoshu" and deduced it to form the "Hongfan" Jiuku, which was included in the "Shangshu" and was regarded as the great law of governing the country for three generations. "Still no one answered him.He also said: "Luoyang is in the middle of the world. This is what King Wu of Zhou said. After King Wu of Zhou conquered Shang, he intended to build Luoyi; after the rebellion of Wu Geng was put down, he officially built the Eastern Capital and established a city for the Zhou Dynasty. The center of finance, economy, politics and military affairs." He saw people laughing and said nothing; then he asked Chen Tingjie, the secretary-general beside him: "Mr. Chen, you should know how many dynasties Luoyang was the ancient capital of?" Probably the secretary-general felt that Wu Peifu's "one-man show" was too monotonous, so he quickly diverted it with words. "Marshal, today is your birthday celebration, the house is full of friends and guests, you should have a stronger poetic interest! Why don't you sing with you and increase the excitement." Wu Peifu is a very self-willed person. He is not happy if anyone hinders him from doing whatever he wants, so he still said: "Poems must be written, and you have to answer my questions." Chen Tingjie suddenly realized, and he was even less willing to let His birthday was not happy, so he said: "Luoyang is the ancient capital of the Nine Dynasties. It is the place where the rise and fall of China are most concentrated. Sima Guang wrote a poem saying: If you ask about the rise and fall of the past and the present, please only look at Luoyang City. Wu Peifu smiled and shook his head. "I always feel that the conclusion of the ancient capital of the Nine Dynasties is too biased." "Please enlighten me, Commander!" "The Tang Dynasty and the Wu Zhou Dynasty established Luoyang as their capital, so they should be treated separately." Wu Peifu said: "The later Jin Dynasty of the Five Dynasties also established Luoyang as their capital. Because of the short period of time, it was not included. The former capital of the Xia and Shang Dynasties has not been clarified, so it can be ignored. Included.. There are rumors of the ruins of the Shang City near Luoyang, and we have to believe it. In this way, Luoyang should actually be said to be Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han, Wei, Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, Wuzhou, Houliang, Houtang, It was the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties such as the Later Jin Dynasty. I dare not say whether it will be in Chengdu in the future. People finally understood that Wu Peifu wanted Luoyang to become the capital of China again.They smiled and nodded together, but they didn't speak. "The commander is very knowledgeable, we have learned it." Chen Tingjie said, took out the four treasures of the study, and asked everyone to compose poems impromptu. Although the warlords are mighty and mighty, many people have no "culture" in their stomachs; Wu Peifu talks about the past and the present, but they can't tell the truth from the fake.But Wu Peifu can tell that those guys from the army are already speechless.Now they are asked to write poems and lyrics, but they dare to be presumptuous! Therefore, no one dares to come forward when they look at each other face to face. Wu Peifu was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.He stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "I'll throw bricks to attract jade first. You're laughing at me!" As he spoke, he wrote a poem: The situation in Europe and Asia is ever-changing, and the heroic cause is the same from ancient to modern.Flowers: Qianshangyuan spring in March, people are in the first peak of Fenglai.Everyone said hello in unison. "The handsome Confucian general has a demeanor, and his shots are really extraordinary. It can be called Penglai Generations of famous generals!" People report, birthday celebration begins.Everyone got up in a hurry and saluted Wu Peifu's birthday one by one.Outside the hall, the sound of gongs and drums was loud, and the firecrackers shook the sky.Wisps of smoke rose into the sky.The guard of honor from the front hall to the outside of the office and the officers and soldiers lined up on the main street sang the military song written by Wu Peifu for his own army in unison at this moment, and the singing of the whole city shook the heavens! This is a grand birthday party, and it is also a military review! At this time, Wu Peifu had five divisions and a mixed brigade in the army directly under him, with a total strength of more than 100,000. He controlled Henan, Hubei, Li and Shaanxi and other provinces gradually extended their power to the south, attempting to collude with Guangdong warlord Chen Jiongming to oppose Sun Yat-sen's Northern Expedition policy, and command Sun Chuanfang, Shen Hongying, Yang Sen and other warlords to attack Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan and Hunan.For a time, Luoyang became the center of travel in China.Wu Peifu is so proud! Just when Wu Peifu was shaking, people reported: "Cao Kun sent a special envoy to celebrate his birthday!" Wu Peifu turned back to the main hall and warmly received the guests from the capital. On behalf of Cao Kun, it was his secretary-general Wang Yuzhi (Lanting) who came to Luoyang to celebrate his birthday. Wang Lanting put a pair of pure gold longevity peaches on the altar, bowed respectfully three times to Wu Peifu, and said, "I wish the commander in chief good luck and good health, and all the best!" Wu Peifu hurriedly returned the gift. "Thank you, old man, and everyone for your kindness, and I wish you all the best in everything!" Wang Lanting said: "Everything in Beijing is complicated, and it is difficult for the president to get out. In the past few days, a birthday case has been set up in the inner house to celebrate the commander-in-chief's birthday. Lanting was specially sent to Luoyang. However, because the traffic was blocked on the way, I was late for a day, and I still hope Forgive me, Marshal." "The grand meeting has just been held, and your Excellency came at the right time. I will wait for Ziyu to clean up the dust for Your Excellency." Wu Peifu asked again: "The old man, his wife, and concubines are all well?" "Everything is fine!" Wang Yuzhi said: "The old man is very concerned about his health, and asked his wife's health!".After Wu Peifu's entertainment, he sent someone to lead Wang Yuzhi to rest.Only then did he take a closer look at the Jinshou Tao sent by Cao Kun.But his expression was not very happy: "It's two pieces of pure gold. But, it's much lighter than the transportation expenses for Wu Datou, Speaker of the National Assembly!" Just when Wu Peifu's mind was fluctuating, someone reported, "General Feng Yuxiang is here!"Being able to send a representative is considered Feng Huanzhang's kindness to him.Since he came in person, Wu Peifu decided to welcome him outside the office. Feng Yuxiang was the governor of Henan.Wearing a uniform of the military governor, he got off the car outside Wu's patrol envoy, and the entourage was carrying the "birthday gift" from the car.Wu Peifu hurriedly walked towards him. "General Huanzhang, General Huanzhang!" As he said, he stretched out his hands. Feng Yuxiang gave a military salute to Wu Peifu respectfully, and then said: "Feng Yuxiang wishes the Marshal a long and boundless life!" "Thank you, thank you! General Huanzhang is in good health!" After saying that, the two walked towards the office arm in arm. --Wu Peifu and Feng Yuxiang, although both are the backbone of the immediate family, the relationship is like ice and fire, and it is getting more and more uncoordinated.Feng Yuxiang is also an old man from Beiyang. He was originally attached to Yuan Shikai and was once the backbone of the Anhui warlords; because he had a bad relationship with Duan Qirui's "little fan military adviser" Xu Shuzheng, Xu Shuzheng wanted to reorganize his team, withhold his salary, and even "Exile" him to the frontier.In a rage, he left Duan Qirui and voted under Cao Kun's name; however, Wu Peifu became disgusted with him.One is that he is "unfaithful to his master, the wind is blowing east and west, and he cannot be reused", and the other is that he knows that he is a famous general with a simple and honest temperament, brave and good at fighting, and he is afraid of winning his favor.So, I tried to squeeze him out. After the first Zhifeng War, Feng Yuxiang made a great contribution, and Cao Kun condescended to bow down and said, "The victory of the war depends entirely on the general; until today, the general made the first contribution!" The letter of appointment was handed over to Feng Yuxiang.Wu Peifu was unhappy, but he couldn't say it out, so he announced in advance that his confidant Bao Dequan was "Henan Military Affairs Assistant! Bao Dequan's monitoring of Feng Yuxiang did not start today. Before the first direct battle, when Feng Yuxiang and Zhao Ti fought in Henan, Bao sent an army to attack Feng's rear in the north of Zhengzhou at the same time. Feng Yuxiang had to withdraw from Henan.This is such a person, how could Feng Yuxiang accept him as his "assistant"! As a result, Bao Dequan was shot dead by Feng Yuxiang as soon as he arrived in Kaifeng when he went to serve as the assistant of military affairs. Wu Peifu investigated and pursued the matter urgently. Feng Yuxiang called back and said: "The Baobang was killed by the rebels on the way before he took office."Wu Pei was so angry that the Yixing Zisha hand pot, which Wu Pei regarded as a treasure, also smashed to pieces, and vowed to "dispose of" Feng Yuxiang.When Feng Yuxiang went to Henan to take up the position of military governor, he found that Wu Peifu had arranged all the important positions of the military governor's office for his own people, leaving him only one vacant secretary-general.Feng Yuxiang was so angry that he cursed: "Wu Ziyu's heart is too evil, and he wants to put me under house arrest. With this arrangement of personnel, what else can I do as a warlord? How can I do it?" So he rejected all the people Wu arranged, which further deepened Wu's decision. , Feng conflicts. Now that Feng Yuxiang came to Luoyang to celebrate Wu Peifu's birthday, Wu Peifu was naturally surprised. Sitting down in the living room, Feng Yuxiang cupped his hands and said, "It's the commander's birthday, Huanzhang is late!" Wu Peifu hurriedly said: "General Huanzhang is here, and Ziyu is full of splendor! Today, you and I, brothers, let's get drunk!" Feng Yuxiang nodded in agreement.But he still said: "Commander, Huanzhang is a poor soldier, and my position is very desolate. I should have come to congratulate you with a generous gift, but I can't do it. Today I have to clear a jar of water and express my wishes." Wu Peifu also suspected that Feng Yuxiang's words were modest.He hurriedly said: "Ziyu admires General Feng's straightforwardness very much! As the saying goes, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water! General Huanzhang can give Ziyu with clear water, and Ziyu is absolutely irresistible! I would like to recommend you to all the guests and friends here! " However, when Wu Peifu ordered someone to open Feng Yuxiang's wine jar and proved that it was indeed a jar of clear water, his face immediately became cloudy.
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