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Chapter 143 Shame - see Wang Zhuhe, see Feng Yanzhan, see Jiang and Zhan are good

Very Tao 余世存 1824Words 2018-03-14
Tao Xisheng is gloomy and good at observing words and expressions.People classify him as a literati. He "sees Wang Zhuhe, sees Feng Yanzhan, and sees Generalissimo Jiang and Zhan. Both are good. When he meets the country, he criticizes the Communist Party. At the beginning of 1932, Yang Zhouxi, a student of the sixth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy (who was the captain of the Transportation Research Institute run by the Ministry of Military Affairs at the time), wrote a book titled "The Fascistization of the Three People's Principles" and gave it to Chiang Kai-shek.Jiang handed over to Kang Ze for review and assessed the author.Kang Ze called Yang and asked him why he wrote such a book.Yang said bluntly, "I heard that there is a movement now, which is fascism, so I will write this book as soon as possible, otherwise, I will fall behind!" Kang Ze replied to Chiang Kai-shek, saying that Yang speculated.Chiang changed the title of the book from "Fascism" to "Renaissance Movement", and the content remained the same.

In 1932, Zhang Shunian, the son of Zhang Yuanji, returned from studying in the United States and wanted to enter the Commercial Press. Zhang objected, saying: "I have always advocated that the children of senior employees are not allowed to enter the company. I should set an example and be consistent with my words and deeds." In the summer of 1932, Liu Xiang convened an educational conference in the 21st Military District in Chongqing, which was presided over by Liu. You can get rich without relying on science, and you can keep yourself in retreat.” He Lushi, the dean of the Science Department of Chongqing University, stood up and said: “The prosperity of a country must rely on science. If you don’t rely on science, why is the supervisor wearing a suit today?” Liu Deng immediately blushed and withdrew from the meeting.

Dai Jitao, the dean of the Examination Institute of the National Government, promoted talents only, giving people the feeling that "all the talents in the world are in the net".Once, because a student who had reached the score line was not admitted, Dai demanded that he be severely punished at the National Assembly. Chiang Kai-shek had no choice but to deduct his salary for three months. In 1934, proposed by Xiong Shihui and Yang Yongtai, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "New Life Movement" in Nanchang to "restore China's inherent morality" and seek "national rejuvenation".Advocate "propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame, the four dimensions of the country, if the four dimensions are not open, the country will perish", and "loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, love, faith, justice and peace".At that time, some people ridiculed this matter and wrote couplets: Shanglian: 1234567 (meaning "forget eight"); Xialian: Loyalty, filial piety, love, propriety, justice and honesty (meaning "shameless").

After Wang Jingwei took refuge in Japan, he convened talks with various forces in order to establish a political power as soon as possible.Both Wang Kemin and Liang Hongzhi had the mission to the Japanese side to deliberately delay the establishment of the Wang Puppet regime by expanding the special authority in North China. When it comes to jurisdiction and other issues, they all argue with Wang red-faced.He also ridiculed Wang and said: "You should ask me for advice. When dealing with the Japanese, you should be hypocritical and obedient. The Japanese are difficult to deal with. No matter how good you negotiate with him, he will turn his face and deny it when a certain period of time comes." Wang also agreed. Zhou Fohai said privately: "We are over 60 years old and died within a few years of being traitors. Why should Wang drag some young people into the water!" Wang therefore hated Wang Kemin extremely.

Cheng Shewo runs the World Daily in Chongqing, and implements a high degree of oppression and exploitation of all measures within the newspaper.Using the pretext of the arduous war of resistance to adopt a low salary system for employees, increase working hours arbitrarily, and strictly impose punishment methods.It is even stipulated that employees are only allowed to eat brown rice for meals, and no oil is used for cooking.Due to fatigue and poor nutrition, the employees repeatedly asked for better food, but Cheng never allowed it. On April 12, 1945, President Roosevelt of the United States passed away. The news reached Chongqing at noon that day. The newspaper staff were having lunch. Cheng Shewo went to the cafeteria to announce the news and said: "Look, Roosevelt is the president of the Jinyuan Kingdom. It should be very good, but he is also dead, so it can be seen that nutrition has little to do with it." Before he could finish speaking, the whole room burst into laughter.

After the outbreak of the Southern Anhui Incident in early 1941, Xu En, the head of the Central Unification Secret Service, used his years of relationship with Zou Taofen in Nanyang Public School to invite him to a banquet.Zou Taofen immediately questioned: Based on your profession, do you know if I am a Communist Party or not?Xu En once replied: I have been monitoring you for several years, and no evidence of being a Communist Party has been found, but in today's world, "if you don't join the Kuomintang, you will be a Communist Party."Zou Taofen was angry and only said one sentence: "I am like this, let's see what you do!"

Zhang Guotao was young and talented. In Beijing's youth student circles and in the early CCP, Zhang Zhiying did not let others.His revolutionary spirit led him to participate in the creation of the Communist Party of China.But once he leaves the party, the hero's life will come to an end.In Wuhan, he met Chiang Kai-shek and said: "Chairman, my brother has been confused for many years." After Sheng Shicai turned against the Soviet Union and the Communist Party, he made great efforts to slander others and the Communist Party.He personally interrogated Ding Weici and asked how many rubles he had taken.Ding couldn't stand the torture, and said to Sheng Shicai, you can take as much as you say, and I admit it.But Sheng Shicai must be falsely accused.Ding had no choice but to start with 50,000 rubles, and there were few accusations. Under the severe beating, the number of rubles rose from 50,000 to 100,000, 200,000, and 300,000, and he was still punished.Ding Suo had falsely taken a million dollars, but Sheng Shicai found it too much.So Ding went down from 900,000, 800,000, 700,000, and 600,000.It wasn't until Ding gave out 500,000 yuan when he was beaten so badly that Sheng Shi thought it was in line with his "belly case" and stopped with a smile.Sheng Shicai's conclusion was: "Ding Weici! If you had told the truth earlier, wouldn't you have suffered so much less?"

Chen Gongbo defended the behavior of the traitors and said: "I think the war of resistance should be done, but peace is a last resort. Think about it calmly. When Mr. Wang came to Beijing that day, dozens of provinces were occupied, and there was only rescue for the people, and there was no country to sell. For several years in Nanjing, in order to preserve the vitality of the country and the people, he was devastated every day, endured insults and scolding, and had no choice but to suffer personally, let alone glory. Today, we should remember Mr. Wang’s meritorious service in founding the Republic of China and his history and personality."

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