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Chapter 6 Kong Qiu is passionate

death of kings 柏杨 998Words 2018-03-14
There are only two kings in Chinese history who received torrents of praise. One of them is Mr. Yao Chonghua (Emperor Shun) whom we will introduce, and the other is Yi Fangxun, the hero of this article.In the 23rd century BC, the head of state known as the "Lord of the World" was just a powerful tribal chief.His lax political organization seems to be nothing more than a rudimentary government, just a big courtyard in a big village.However, he is more auspicious than any king. As the saying goes: "It is better to come early than to be lucky." Mr. Yi Fangxun came early and coincidentally. You can't lift tofu at all.Unexpectedly, 1,500 years later, times have changed. In the eighth century BC, Mr. Kong Qiu, the founder of Confucianism, witnessed the chaotic and chaotic society at that time, and felt very anxious. Although he did not have the ability to create a world like Mr. Jesus Brand-new and forward-looking ideals, but he devoted all his energy to "restructuring the ancient system".Western academia always looks forward, but China is just the opposite. "I am reluctant to part with it, and I look back at every step." "To grow old together, to live and die together.

Then, all of a sudden, Mr. Yi Fangxun and Mr. Yao Chonghua were grandly selected. A stiff and cold dead insect, after Mr. Kong Qiu exhaled the fairy air, it immediately turned into a butterfly. ——Quotations from Mr. Kong Qiu, to Mr. Yi Fangxun, an overlord will force his bow, and he can't help but say: great, Yao is the king.It is so majestic that only the sky is the greatest, and only Yao is the greatest.Dangdang seems to be incompetent among the people, it is so towering that it has success, and it is so bright that it has articles.Translated into vernacular, it is: "Great, Master Yi Fangxun became the king! High above you, no one is as big as the 'sky', only Master Yi Fangxun can compare. It is boundless and boundless, and Xiaomin can't tell what it is called. In the end, the light Radiant, only Master Yi Fangxun has made so many contributions and has such a beautiful character."

It is a plain Confucian classic, and Mr. Kong Qiu is a sophisticated old man—an old man is not necessarily worldly, nor is worldly old, and worldly is not necessarily cunning.The older Mr. Bo Yang is, the more he can't stand the products of sauce jars: Xiangyuan, larvae, maggots in sauce jars, carrots in sauce, amoebas, smooth molecules, and gentle and honest Pharisees.When I saw this kind of thing, I became furious and smoked from my nostrils.As a result, the Sauce Vat gang fought back one after another, giving me the titles of "Lao Sanba", "Thirteen Points" and "Crazy", as well as some political titles and a large number of iron hats. Can make people's brain burst.Mr. Kong Qiu is honest and honest. He never said a word of passion. Even if he swears and swears, he is gentle and gentle: "The sky hates it, the sky hates it." Unlike my old man, swear words come out when he moves.However, as soon as Mr. Kong Qiu met Mr. Yi Fangxun and Mr. Yao Chonghua, he couldn't help losing his mind. In "Confucius' Family Talk", when Mr. Zai Wo asked him about Mr. Yi Fangxun's life experience, Mr. Kong Qiu was enthusiastic and said: "His benevolence is like heaven, and his wisdom is like a god."Just like the sun, look like the clouds.Rich but not arrogant, expensive but able to lower.

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