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Chapter 24 Chapter 19 The Law

It didn't take much to get the Clan Guardians on their way, they were as eager to get out of here as Egwene, especially Romanda and Leylane.The two of them were as cold as the current wind, and there were thunderstorm clouds in their eyes. The others also showed the Aes Sedai's calmness and indifference. The solemn atmosphere could even make people feel the heavy pressure, but the speed at which they mounted their horses All very fast.The nobles were thrown into the sunshade tents, their mouths gaped in surprise.Servants in brightly colored garbs frantically loaded various items back onto the pack horses, trying to keep up with the Aes Sedai.

Egwene let Dai Xia stride forward in the snow.Her Ser Brun just used a look and a nod, and the heavy armored guards followed closely behind Egwene.Siwan was riding Bella, and Sheriam was riding Zhanyi, and they also quickly caught up.The horses were walking, almost to a trot, through the snow that covered their hooves.The fire of Tar Valon fluttered in the cold wind.Even when they had to slow down, they pushed their horses to trot as their legs sank into knee-high snow. The Cult Guardians had no choice but to follow, their speed preventing them from talking on the road.In this kind of exhausting rapid march, if you neglect the mount under your crotch, you may break the horse's leg and break your own neck.But even so, Romanda and Leilan still had their henchmen gather around them respectively.The two groups appeared to be having a heated argument as they trudged through the snow and shielded themselves from eavesdropping.Egwene could imagine what the subject of their argument was.Because of this, the guardians of other sects also try to get close together when they are on the road, exchanging a few words in a low voice, and occasionally looking at her with cold eyes, or glance at the sisters wrapped in the barrier. Take a look.Only Delana never joined those short conversations, she just stayed by Halima's side.Now that Halima finally admitted that she was feeling cold, the country girl's face was tense and she pulled her cloak around her body, but she was still comforting Delana, whispering to Delana almost all the time.Delana seemed to be in need of Halima's reassurance too, her brows kept furrowed, adding many lines to her brow, making her look really old.

Delana was not the only one who was deeply worried, and everyone else looked dignified and preoccupied because they wanted to hide their worries.The guardians seemed to be ready to fight the enemy who jumped out of the snow at any time, their eyes kept scanning around, and the cloaks that distorted their sight were only fluttering behind them in the wind because they were not held by their hands.When an Aes Sedai worries, so does her Warder.The sect guardians are now only thinking about their own concerns, and have no time to appease their guardians.Egwene was glad to see this state of affairs, if the Cult Guardians were bothered, that is to say, they hadn't made up their minds about their plans yet.

When Brun left Egwene to contact Uno, Egwene took the opportunity to ask Siuan and Sheriam how much they had heard from the nobles about the Aes Sedai and the Tower Guards of Andor. "Not many," Siuan replied in a strained voice.The shaggy Bella seemed to find no difficulty in such a march, but Siuan, who held the reins tightly with one hand and the pommel of the saddle with the other. "There are a lot of rumors, but I can't judge how many facts there are. Maybe they are just fabricated stories; maybe there are real elements." Bella's front hooves sank into the snow, and she staggered, Siuan exclaimed : "The light burns all the horses!"

Sheriam didn't detect more than Siuan. She shook her head and sighed anxiously: "All I hear is all kinds of nonsense, my mother. There are rumors that sisters are operating secretly. You haven't learned yet." Riding a horse, Siuan?" There was a sudden sneer in her voice. "When you walk tonight, your legs will hurt unbearably!" Sheriam's self-control must have been exhausted to say this suddenly, judging from the way she moved her body in the saddle, Her legs must have been so sore.Siuan's gaze hardened, and she opened her mouth as if to retort.And she didn't care at all about those who were watching them right behind them.

"Be quiet, both of you!" Egwene yelled.She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and she herself lost a little patience.No matter what Erasele thought, any troops Elaida sent out to stop them would not be small enough to operate in secret.Their target, then, was left with the Black Tower, a disaster in the making.Catching chickens in the yard is always more rewarding than going to a tree to catch a bird, especially if that tree is in another country and the tree may not have any birds yet. In clear and unmistakable words, Egwene instructed Sheriam what to do when she reached the camp.She was an Amyr, which meant she was responsible for all Aes Sedai, even those who followed Elaida.Her voice is as steady as a rock.She had caught the wolf's ear, and it was too late to be afraid now.

After Xue Rui'an heard the order, her phoenix eyes immediately opened wide: "My mother, please allow me to ask, why..." Her voice weakened under Aiwen's stern gaze.She swallowed before she said slowly, "Everything is at your command, mother. It's strange, I remember the day you and Nynaeve came to the White Tower, when you were just two girls, no Knowing whether to be excited or scared. Everything has changed so much since then." "Nothing lasts forever," Egwene told her.Then Egwene gave Siuan a meaningful look, and Siuan avoided her gaze.Siuan looked angry; Sheriam looked weak.

At this time, Sir Brun came back.He must have sensed the unusual atmosphere among the three women, and after reporting that the pace of the march was satisfactory, he kept his mouth shut.What a sensible man. However fast they went, the sun was almost down on the treetops when they crossed the army camp, and the wagons and tents cast long shadows on the snow.Some people are hard at work building more low shacks among the bushes.Even if all the tents here were given to the soldiers, it would not be enough, not to mention that there should be as many saddlers, washerwomen, fletchers, and all those who are necessary for the army as there are tents.The thumping of anvils indicated that farriers, armorers, and blacksmiths were still at work.Cooking fires were burning here and there.The horsemen left the ranks and entered the camp, longing for warm tents and a hot meal, and tending to their weary horses.Surprisingly, when Egwene allowed Brun to leave, Brun still rode beside her.

"With your permission, mother," he said, "I think I can walk with you a little longer." Sheriam turned from the saddle and looked at Brun in amazement.Siuan just stared straight ahead, as if afraid to turn his wide eyes on Brun. What did Brun think he could do?To be her bodyguard?Against the sisters?The boy with the snot hanging from his nose could do just as well.Want to show how completely he's gone over to her?If everything goes well tonight, there will be enough time to do this kind of thing tomorrow, and exposing this kind of thing now may stimulate the council to flee in a direction that Egwene can't even imagine.

"Tonight's only about Aes Sedai," she told Brun firmly.As stupid as Brun's suggestion was, he was taking a risk for her after all.Egwene didn't know why he did it - who could know what men were thinking?But whatever else, at least Egwene owed Brune a favor. "Unless I send Siuan to you tonight, Ser Brune, you will leave tomorrow morning. If I am condemned today, you are to blame. It may be dangerous, even life-threatening, to stay here." Dangerous. I don't think they need much reason." No need to explain who they are. "As I said before," Brune said calmly, patting the traveler on the neck, "I serve Tar Valon now." He paused, and glanced at Siuan, not so much hesitating as saying He is thinking. "No matter what happens tonight," he said finally, "remember, you have thirty thousand soldiers and Gareth Bren behind you. Even for an Aes Sedai, this should count A chip. I will wait for your message tomorrow, my mother." He pulled the rein of the bay horse with a big nose under his crotch, and turned around.Then, he turned his head again: "I want to see you tomorrow too, Siuan, nothing can change this." Siuan stared at Brun's leaving back, her eyes were full of distress.

Egwene couldn't help being stunned for a moment.Never before has Bren expressed himself so openly, or even close to it.Why is he saying such things now? Between the Aes Sedai camp and the surrounding army camps, there was a gap of forty or fifty paces wide.After a dozen or so steps into the area, Egwene nodded to Sheriam.Sheriam reined in the reins, and Egwene and Siuan galloped on.Behind them came Sheriam's voice, whose clarity and steadiness surprised Egwene. "Yuzuo ordered the council to hold a formal meeting and make preparations at full speed." Ai Wen didn't look back. In front of Egwene's tent, a skinny groom kicked at her multi-layered woolen skirt and ran over to take Daisha and Bella by the hand.Her face scrunched up, she barely nodded her head, and ran away as fast as she had come running.After entering the tent, the heat from the blazing brazier hit Egwene's face like a fist, and Egwene realized how cold it was outside and how cold she was. Kissa took Egwene's cloak, and when she touched Egwene's hand, she exclaimed, "Oh, you're freezing to the bone, mother." Wen and Siuan's cloaks, smoothed out the neatly folded blankets on Egwene's cot, and touched the large tray on top of a box. "If I was so cold, I'd jump on the bed in no time and put hot bricks around. Then I'd have a good meal, and if it's not warm inside, it's no use being warm outside. While you're eating, I'll eat again." Find a few hot bricks to put under your feet. Of course, find some for Aes Sedai Siuan too. Oh, if I were as hungry as you are now, I'd gobble up my supper, but too fast Always gives me a stomachache." She stopped at the tray, looked at Egwene, and only nodded in satisfaction when Egwene promised to eat slowly.It's not easy to answer any questions calmly these days.Keesa was always so pleasant.However, after what happened today, now that Qisha is preparing to welcome Aiwen, Aiwen almost laughs with joy, and everything will become very simple in Qisha's hands.On the tray were two large white bowls of lentil stew, two large rolls, a tall wine jug of mulled wine, and two silver cups.Kisa seemed to have known for a long time that Siuan would also be eating here.Heat wafts from bowls and jugs.I don't know how often Qisha has to heat these foods in order to keep them warm.Kisa is not the type to trouble others, and she is as meticulous as a mother, or a friend. "I can't go to bed right now, Kisa, I have work to do tonight. Can you get away?" As the tent curtain fell behind the plump maid, Siuan shook her head and murmured, "Are you sure she wasn't the one who took care of you?" Egwene picked up a bowl, a bread roll, and a spoon, sighed, and sat down in a chair, before she hugged the Source, warding off eavesdropping in the tent.Unfortunately, the shari had made her half-frozen hands and feet more sensitive, but the food in her mouth was much warmer.The big bowl was almost too hot to hold, as were the rolls.Oh, if it's really like what Qisha said, it would be great to put a few hot bricks under your feet. "Is there anything else we can do?" Egwene asked, swallowing a spoonful of stew quickly.She hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and was starving, and the lentils and carrots were as good in her mouth as her mother's specialties. "I can't think of anything else, can you think of it?" "All that can be done has been done, and there is nothing left for anyone to do except the intervention of the Creator." Siuan took another bowl and sat down on the low stool, then she just stared at her bowl. Bowl, stirring the food in it with a wooden spoon. "You won't really tell him, will you? You will?" she asked finally. "I can't let him know." "Why exactly?" "He'll take advantage of that," Siuan said morosely. "Oh, no, I don't want to." Siuan was a little too prudish in some matters. "That man will turn my life into an abyss of doom!" Isn't washing his underwear, shoeshine and saddle every day not an abyss of doom? Aiwen sighed, how could such a rational, intelligent, and capable woman become so out of her mind because of this incident?At this time, a vision rose from Egwene's mind like a poisonous snake spitting out letters - she herself was sitting on Gawin's lap, playing a kissing game with Gawin, in a tavern!Egwene pushed the thought away. "Siuan, I need your experience, I need your brains, and I can't let you mess with yours because of Sir Brun. If you don't pull yourself together, I'll pay you back what you owe Brun He, forbid you to meet again, I will." "I said I would pay my debts myself," said Siuan stubbornly. "My honor is no less than that of damned Lord Gareth Brune! More! He kept his oath, and I Obey mine! And, Min told me, I must stay with him, or we shall both die, or something worse will happen." But her pink cheeks betrayed her heart, her honor and Ming's foresight is not the most important thing, the important thing is that she would rather endure anything, as long as she can stay with that man. "Well, you've lost your mind. If I ask you to avoid him, you can only disobey my orders; or sulk all day, wrapping the rest of your mind in a cloud of gloom. You're going to treat him how?" Siuan frowned angrily and began to mutter what she was going to do with that bloody Gareth Bren.If Siuan's vow came true, it would be hard for Brun, and he might lose his life. "Siuan," Egwene warned her, "you have once again denied something as obvious as your nose. I will tell Brunn about you, and give him his due." Siuan pouted immediately, and she was pouting!I'm showing my temper!Siuan! "I don't have time to be in love, I hardly have time to think about it, I've filled my life with the work you and him have given me. Even if things go well tonight, I've got twice as much work to do, and… ..." Her eyes lowered, and she squirmed a few times on the low stool. "What if he... doesn't respond to my feelings?" she murmured. "He never even thought about kissing me, all he cared about was his shirt being clean." Ai Wen scraped the bottom of the bowl with a spoon, she was surprised that there was nothing in the bowl so quickly, and the bread rolls were only left with a few residues on her skirt, light, her stomach is still empty very.She glanced hopefully at Siuan's bowl, the woman who seemed uninterested in anything but drawing circles on lentils. A thought popped into Egwene's mind: Why did Sir Brune insist that she use her work to pay off the debt even after knowing Siuan's identity?Just because Siuan said she wanted to?It was a ridiculous arrangement, but it was the only way to keep Siuan by Brunn's side.Moreover, Egwene often wondered why Brun agreed to form this army for the Aes Sedai, he knew very well that doing so almost meant putting his head on the beheading block.Why did Brun lead this army in allegiance to her, a girl with no real power and only Siuan as a friend among her sisters?Could the answer to all these complicated questions be...that he loved Siuan?No, most men are flighty and fickle, and that's just ridiculous!However, Egwen told Siuan about these conjectures, she hoped to make Siuan happy, and it would be best to boost her morale. Siuan snorted disapprovingly. It must be strange for such a beauty to snort like this, but no one could mix so many emotions into one snort like her. "He's not a complete idiot," said Siuan grimly. "In fact, he has a good head on his shoulders. Most of the time, he thinks like a woman." "I haven't heard you say you're going to pull yourself together, Siuan," Egwene insisted. "You have to pull yourself together, one way or another." "Well, of course, I will, I don't know what happened to me, I'm not someone who hasn't kissed a man." Her eyes narrowed suddenly, as if thinking that Egwene would question her claim . "I didn't spend my whole life in the White Tower. This is ridiculous! We're talking about men tonight!" She looked at her bowl, as if realizing for the first time that there was still food in it, and then she Scooped up a spoonful of lentils, and pointed at Egwene with the handle of the spoon. "You have to watch your time, now more than ever. If you let Romanda and Leylan hold the tiller, you'll never get it back." Absurd or not, something must have restored Siuan's appetite, and she ate her own food faster than Egwene, not a single crumb remained.Egwene found herself scraping the bottom of the bowl with her fingers, and of course she had no choice but to lick off the last few lentils. There was no real point in discussing what was going to happen tonight, and they re-practiced what Egwene was going to say, which they had done countless times.Egwene was even surprised that she hadn't dreamed these words, and she felt that she could have said them verbatim even in sleep.But Siuan insisted on doing the exercise, and Egwene wanted to beg her for mercy, or curse at her.They repeated the speech over and over again, bringing up possibilities that had already been discussed by them a hundred times.Strangely, Siuan was in a very good mood now, and she even made a few jokes, which she hadn't done much these days, though some of them sounded scary. "You know Romanda once tried to proclaim herself the Jade Throne," Siuan said after practicing for a while. I'm forced to retreat like a seagull with its tail feathers clipped. I can bet a silver coin for a fish scale, and Romanda's eyes will be twice as big as Lelan's." After practicing for a while, Siuan said, "I wish I could be there and hear them howl. Before long, one of them will start howling. I hope it's them, not us." I've never been good at singing." And then she actually sang, and the lyrics were about a girl looking at a guy across a river with no boats to get across.Siuan was right, her voice was cheerful, but she always sang it out of tune.After a while, she added, "It's a good thing I have such a sweet face now, and if we fail, they'll dress us both in doll clothes and put us on a shelf as a show." Of course, we may encounter some 'accidents', dolls will always break, and Gareth Bren can only find others to bully." After saying this, she even laughed. Egwene breathed a sigh of relief as the tent curtains bulged inward a little.Someone finally came over, and the person who came here knew not to enter the area where the enchantment had been set up.Egwene really didn't want Siuan's jokes getting out! As soon as she let go of the barrier, Sheriam walked into the tent, and the wind blowing into the tent with her was ten times colder than during the day. "It's time, my mother, everything is ready." Her phoenix eyes were wide open, and she licked her lips with the tip of her tongue. Siuan got up and grabbed her cloak from Egwene's cot, but she paused as she put it on. "You know, I once sailed across Longzhi Bay at night," she said seriously, "and I once caught a lion cape with a net with my father. Those are things that can be done." Sheriam frowned as Siuan hurried out of the tent, letting in more cold wind. "Sometimes, I wonder," she began, but instead of saying what she was thinking, she asked, "Why did you do that, mother? Why did you say those things on the lake? Why did you have a council at night? Why did you make us talk about Logan yesterday to everyone we met? I think you should tell me something, I am your historian, and I have sworn allegiance to you." "I've told you everything you need to know." Egwene swung the cloak over her shoulders.She trusts no one else who is forced to take an oath, even a sister.Of course, such words need not be explained.Bound by vows though, Sheriam might be able to find a reason to let some words flow into ears that shouldn't hear them, after all, Aes Sedai were good at finding loopholes in all constraints.Egwene didn't really believe such a thing would happen, but as with Ser Brune, she couldn't take any chances. "I must tell you," Sheriam said bitterly, "I think Romanda or Leylan will be your historians tomorrow, and I will be sentenced to penance for not warning the council. And I think you might envy me." Egwene nodded, which was likely: "Can we go?" The sun became a red ball hanging on the treetops in the west, and the snow was covered with red.The servants bowed and curtseyed silently to Egwene as she walked on the snow, some with troubled expressions, others with no emotion.Servants can sense their master's mood as quickly as the Wardens. At first, Egwene couldn't see a single sister, and then they all showed up to Egwene.A large sunshade tent was erected on the only wide open space in the camp. It was originally used for the sisters to float back to Salidar, get the eyeliner report from the pigeon coop there, and then walk back. Now the sisters This place has been tightly surrounded by three layers.Aes Sedai's awning was nothing more than a large patch of canvas compared with the splendid one over the lake today.It must have taken a lot of effort to get this thing up.For the past two months, the council has held more or less like it was yesterday morning, or huddled together in a larger tent.Since leaving Salidar, the big tent has only been erected twice, and both times were trials. Noticing the arrival of Egwene and Sheriam, the surrounding sisters started whispering to the sisters inside.The crowd opened a gap to let them in, watching the two of them with expressionless eyes, revealing no clues as to whether the sisters knew what was going to happen, how to guess what was going to happen, or what was going on in their hearts.Egwene's heart was pounding.rosebuds.calm down. She walked past the circle of braziers surrounding the large tent, and stepped onto the carpet under the sunshade tent, embroidered with flowers of various colors and a dozen different patterns.Xue Rui'an said, "Here she is, here she is..." It would not be surprising if her voice was a little less solemn and a little more nervous than usual.The polished stools brought back from the lake and the boxes covered with colored cloth are used here again, and they are more neat and dignified than the chairs of different shapes.They are arranged in two columns of nine, divided into three groups.On one side are the Green, Gray and Yellow sects; on the other side are the White, Brown and Blue sects.Directly opposite Egwene is the box covered with variegated cloth and the stool of the jade seat. Sitting there, Egwene will be the focus of every pair of eyes.She faced eighteen people alone.Egwene hasn't changed her clothes yet, and each of the sect guardians is still wearing their lake costumes, but they are all wearing shawls now.rosebuds.calm down. A stool was still available, but only a moment later, Delana came running in just as Sheriam had just finished chanting.Panting and embarrassed, the Guardian of the Gray sect climbed up to the seat between Varilin and Kowamisha, and the usual solemnity and elegance on her body were nowhere to be seen.She smiled weakly and nervously played with the fire drop stone necklace at the bottom of her neck. Anyone would think that she was the one who would be judged.calm down.No one will be judged, not yet. Egwene walked down the path between the two lines of sect guardians, Sheriam following her.At this moment, Kowamisha stood up, and a halo of cathode force suddenly appeared around this slender, dark-skinned woman. She was the youngest among the guardians of the sect.Tonight, there will be no lack of formal decorum. "Things brought before the council of the White Tower are to be considered by the council," Kovamisha announced loudly, "anyone who interferes will be banned. No matter women or men, sisters or outsiders; whether they are calm or Angry. I will make a covenant with the law and face the law. Know that what I say is true and will come true.” This prayer is older than the Three Oaths, and in its day, as many Amyros died from assassination as from all other causes.Egwene kept her pace steady, trying not to touch the scarf at the same time—reminding them that she was the Jade Throne.She just focused on the stool in front of her. Kowa Misha took her seat again, her body still shining with the light of the Supreme Power.Among the guardians of the Baizong, Eiledin stood up, her body also wrapped in the halo of the Supreme Force.Her hair is a rich blonde, and her big light brown eyes make her look cute when she smiles, but tonight, even a rock is more than her expression. "There are people here who do not belong to the Council," she said in a cold Tarabon tone. "The words of the Council of the White Tower can only be heard by the Council, unless the Council decides otherwise. I will prevent the information from leaking out, I will seal words only in our ears." She wove a ward around the tent, and sat down.There was a commotion in the crowd outside the tent, and now those people could only see the council making various actions silently.It was strange that so many Wardens of the sect depended on their age to get into this position, and it was a very bad thing to mention age among the rest of the Aes Sedai.Could Siuan see the change of karma in the age of these sect guardians?No.concentrated.calm down.concentrated. Egwene grabbed the hem of her cloak, stepped onto the box covered in seven-colored cloth, and turned.Leylan was already on her feet, her blue fringed shawl hanging from her arms.Romanda was getting up, and Egwene hadn't sat down yet.Egwene would never dare to let these two hold the tiller. "I questioned before the council," Egwene said in a loud, firm voice, "who should declare war on the usurped Elaida de Avelini Aloyhan?" Then Egwene sat down, throwing back her cloak so that it covered the stool.Sheriam stood on the carpet beside Egwene, her expression calm and restrained, but she let out a faint cry that sounded like a whimper.Egwene didn't think anyone else heard the voice but her.She hoped not. There was a moment of silence in the big tent, and people were frozen in their seats, staring at Egwene with shocked and confused expressions—maybe it was because of the content of Egwene's question, or maybe it was because the girl asked the question first at this time.In the council, no one would directly question the sect guardian without consulting the sect guardian. This is a tradition, and it is also for the convenience of practical operation. Finally, Leilan said: "We will not declare war on individuals." Her voice was a little dry, "Even against traitors like Elaida. Anyway, I ask to put your problem aside and deal with the more difficult ones first. Situation." Leilan has used the time back to the camp to correct her state, and now her face is only stern, not the cloudy look.She brushed off the blue ribbon-trimmed hem of her skirt, as if she'd brushed off Elaida—or Egwene, before turning her attention to the other Guardians of the sect. "The reason we're sitting here tonight... I'm trying to sum it up in a few simple words, but I can't. Open up the roster? There's going to be a grandma asking for a test. Stay here for a month? I hardly need to spell out the difficulty. We'd waste half our gold and never get one step closer to Tar Valon. And without going through Andor..." "My sister Leylan, she is so anxious that she has forgotten who has the right to speak first." Romanda interrupted Leylan gently, and her smile also made Leylan show a happy expression.However, she adjusted her shawl first. "I have two questions to ask at the Council. The second of these issues is also of concern to Leylan. Unfortunately for Leylan, my first question is about her continued membership in the Council Is it appropriate?" Her smile lines deepened, but she didn't release any warmth.Leilan sat down slowly, her face gradually distorted. "Questions about the war cannot be left alone," Egwene said in an oppressive voice. "This one must be settled before everything else is discussed. This is the law." Countless questioning looks immediately passed among the sect guardians. "Is that so?" Jiang Ya said.With thoughtful eyes, she turned around and looked at the sisters beside her. "Tachima, you don't forget all the text you read. I believe I remember you saying that you read the laws of war, does that say so?" Egwene held her breath.In the past thousand years, the White Tower has sent soldiers to participate in every large-scale war, but all of them were sent at the request of a certain monarch, and those wars were always wars among nations.The last time the White Tower declared war was against Artur Hawkwing.Siuan had said that very few librarians now knew the contents of the laws of war. Takima was short in stature, with long black hair hanging down to her waist, and skin the color of ancient ivory.She often reminds people of birds, especially when she's thinking with her head sideways.Now, she shifts in her seat, straightens her shawl, moves her pearl-and-sapphire hat back and forth—like a bird trying to fly away. "Yes." She finally said these two words, and then immediately closed her mouth tightly. In the silence, Egwene began to breathe again. "It seems," said Romanda forcefully, "that Siuan Sanchen taught you well, my mother. So how do you explain such a declaration of war? A declaration of war against a man." Her tone seemed to be To push out something repulsive.Then she sat back in her seat and waited for an answer. Egwene nodded gracefully and stood up. She looked at the guardians of the sect one by one with steady and determined eyes.Takima avoided her gaze.Light, this woman actually knows the content of the law of war!But she hasn't said anything yet.Will she continue to remain silent?It is too late to change plans now. "Today, we found an army standing in front of us, and the people who led them were suspicious of us. Otherwise, that army would not be there." Egwene wanted to put passion into her voice, let it explode , but Siuan advised her to remain absolutely calm.In the end, she agreed with Siuan's suggestion that they needed to see a woman who could control herself, not an emotional girl, though those words were Egwene's own. "You heard Ella Thaler say she didn't want to be involved in Aes Sedai business. But they'd rather drive an army into Morandi and stand in our way because they're not sure who we are, What are we going to do. Do you think any of them actually believe you are the guardians of the sect?" The round-faced, fiery-eyed Marende shifted on the green bench;任何表情,但她的双手在绞拧着黄色流苏的披肩;贝拉娜是另一名在沙力达被选出的宗派守护者,她若有所思地皱起了眉头。艾雯没有提到那些贵族对她这位玉座的反应,她不想让这些人分神去想其他事情。 “我们已经向无数贵族列出了爱莉达的罪行,”艾雯继续说道,“我们已经告诉他们,我们要除掉爱莉达,但他们在怀疑,他们认为也许——也许——我们才是我们口中所指控的那种人。也许我们的话里暗藏陷阱,也许我们只是爱莉达的一只手,在编织某种狡诈的罗网。怀疑让人们做出错误的行动,怀疑让佩利瓦和爱拉瑟勒有胆量挡在两仪师面前说'你们不能再向前走了'。还有谁会挡在我们面前,或者对我们造成妨碍,只因为他们不相信我们?对我们的不信任让他们乱作一团。我们只有一个办法能消除他们的困惑,我们已经做了其他所有努力,一旦我们向爱莉达宣战,就再也不会有疑虑了。我不是说只要我们这样做,爱拉瑟勒、佩利瓦和娅姆林就立刻会离开,但他们和其他所有人都会知道我们是谁。当你们宣称你们是白塔评议会的时候,将不会再有人敢于公开表示怀疑,没有人再敢挡住我们的路,因为无知和怀疑干扰白塔的事务。我们已经走到门口,将手放在门闩上。如果你们害怕走进去,那么你们就只是在请求全世界相信,你们只不过是爱莉达的玩偶。” 艾雯坐了下去,她很惊讶于自己的平静。在两列宗派守护者周边,帐外的姊妹们发生了骚动,她们正在彼此交头接耳。艾雯能想象被爱莱丁的结界挡住的那些窃窃私语。现在,只要塔其玛能继续将嘴闭上一段时间就行。 罗曼妲不耐烦地嘟囔着,站起身说了一句:“有谁会向爱莉达宣战?”她的目光转回到蕾兰身上,那种冰冷、得意的微笑又回到了她的脸上。很显然,她还在设想,一旦这个女孩的胡言乱语被处理掉之后,评议会就要回到她所认为真正重要的议题上来。 姜雅立刻站起身,披肩的褐色长流苏不停地晃动着。“我们也许应该这样。”她说道。按次序,她并不应该在这时发言,但她坚毅的下巴,和锐利的目光让所有人都不敢阻止她。平常她并非如此强势,但就像平时那样,她的语速快得惊人,无法打断。“现在是时候修正这个世界的误解了,不是吗?不是吗?我看不出还有任何等待下去的必要。”在塔其玛的另一边,爱卡拉点点头,站了起来。莫芮阿几乎是跳起了身,同时皱起眉头看着莱罗勒。莱罗勒拢起裙摆,仿佛是要站起来,却又犹豫了一下,带着询问的眼神向蕾兰看过去。蕾兰只是紧皱眉头盯着对面的罗曼妲,并没有注意到莱罗勒的举动。 在绿宗守护者里,萨马琳和玛玲德同时站了起来。菲丝勒猛地抬起头,她是一名方脸、身材壮实、古铜色皮肤的阿拉多曼人,很少因为什么事情而吃惊,但现在,她的确是吃惊了,一双睁大的眼睛不停地在萨马琳和玛玲德之间来回移动。 赛丽塔站起了身,一边仔细地调整着披肩的黄色流苏,一边谨慎地避开了罗曼妲双眉紧锁的面孔。珂娃米纱站了起来,然后是爱莱丁,贝拉娜也被爱莱丁拉着袖子站了起来。黛兰娜在凳子上扭过身,向结界外的姊妹们望过去。虽然听不到外面的声音,但那些攒动的人头,游移在宗派守护者身上的视线都表明了姊妹们兴奋的心情。黛兰娜缓慢地站起身,她将双手捂在肚子上,看上去就好像是要吐的样子。塔其玛面孔扭曲着,死死地盯着放在膝盖上的双手。萨洛娅审视着另外两名白宗守护者,捻着耳朵——她在努力思考的时候总是这样。但没有人再站起来了。 艾雯感觉到胆汁就要涌进她的喉头了。十个人,只有十个人。她曾经那样信心十足,史汪曾经那样信心十足。只要单单是洛根就应该已经足够了,更何况还有她们对律法的无知。佩利瓦的军队和爱拉瑟勒拒绝承认她们是宗派守护者,这本应该像水泵一样把她们压起来。 “为了光明之爱啊!”莫芮阿突然喊道。她绕到莱罗勒和蕾兰面前,将双拳叉在腰间,如果说刚才姜雅的发言冒犯了传统,那么莫芮阿现在的行为简直是已经置传统于不顾,在评议会上显露愤怒是绝对禁止的。但莫芮阿的眼睛里闪耀着火焰,她浓重的伊利安腔调更增强了声音的激烈程度:“为什么你们还要等待?爱莉达偷走了圣巾和令牌!爱莉达的宗派将洛根变成伪龙。只有光明知道她们还这样改变多少个男人!历史上,白塔没有任何人比她更应该受到惩罚!站起来,或者从此彻底闭上嘴,再不要提什么推翻她的决心!” 蕾兰没有显露出很吃惊的表情,她的样子就好像是正在遭到一只麻雀的进攻。“这不值得表决,莫芮阿,”她用紧绷的声音说,“我们稍后会谈一谈礼貌的问题,你和我。不过,如果你需要看到决心的明证……”她猛吸一口气,站起身,同时向莱罗勒一转头。莱罗勒立刻站了起来,就好像被一根弦拉起来一样。蕾兰似乎很惊讶菲丝勒和塔其玛没有一同站起来。 塔其玛不像是要站起来的样子,她低声嘟囔着,就像是遭受了严重的打击,难以置信的神情充塞在她的脸上。她的目光逐一掠过那些站起来的人,很显然,她是在点数。然后,她又数了一遍。塔其玛不会忘记她读到过的一切内容。 艾雯和缓地深吸了一口气。it's over.她几乎难以相信。过了一会儿,她清清喉咙,雪瑞安被她的声音吓了一跳。 撰史者的绿眼睛瞪得像茶杯一样大,她也清了清喉咙。“多数人已经起立,我们向爱莉达·德·艾佛林尼·亚洛伊汉宣战。”她的声音不算很稳定,但也足够有力了。“为了证明我们的团结如一,我要求所有人起立。” 菲丝勒挪动了一下,又用双手紧紧抓住了大腿。萨洛娅张开嘴,却什么话都没有说就闭上了,她的表情显得很困扰。除此以外,再没有人有任何动作了。 “这个要求无法满足。”罗曼妲不带任何情绪地说道。她朝对面蕾兰露出的冷笑,至少明确地表示了她为什么不会站起来。“现在,这桩小事已经结束了,我们可以继续……” “我不认为我们可以,”艾雯打断了她,“塔其玛,战争律法中对于玉座的条例是如何陈述的。”罗曼妲空张着嘴,愣在原地。 塔其玛的嘴唇扭动着,这名娇小的褐宗姊妹看上去更像是一只想要飞走的小鸟了。“律法……”她支支吾吾地开口了。费了很大力气之后,她才继续说道:“……因应战争对于一致性的要求,她们应该并且必须赞同玉座的任何指令。” 大帐内又一次陷入长久的寂静,每一双眼睛都瞪大了。黛兰娜突然转过身去,在凳子后面的地毯上呕吐起来。珂娃米纱和赛丽塔急忙跳下箱子,向黛兰娜走过去,但黛兰娜挥手示意她们不必过去,然后从袖子里抽出一块手帕,抹了抹嘴。玛格拉、萨洛娅和其他几名仍然坐着的人,仿佛也都有要吐的欲望,但那些在沙力达被选出的宗派守护者,则没有出现这种情况。只是罗曼妲的样子就像是要咬断一根钉子。 “非常聪明。”蕾兰终于用清晰的话音说道。她故意停顿了一下。“吾母。你是否能告诉我们,你伟大的智慧和丰富的阅历告诉你该怎样做?我是说,关于这场战争。我想要明白一下状况。” “那么也让我明白一下吧,”艾雯冷冷地说道,她向前俯过身,严厉地盯着那名蓝宗守护者,“对于玉座,应当有一定程度的尊敬,从现在开始,我要求你们这样做,吾女。现在我没有时间将你撤换掉,并安排一场苦修。”蕾兰的眼睛在震惊中睁得愈来愈大。这个女人真的相信一切都会像以前那样?确实,艾雯在这么长的时间里只表露过最低限度的强硬。难道蕾兰因此就相信她软弱可欺?艾雯的确不想撤换掉蕾兰,因为蓝宗一定会重新推举她。即使有了对爱莉达战争的压力,艾雯仍然不得不与评议会继续缠斗下去。 蕾兰被斥退的同时,艾雯从眼角看见罗曼妲的唇边掠过一丝微笑。如果罗曼妲因此而得势,那么艾雯今晚的收获就要大打折扣了。“这对于所有人都是一样的,罗曼妲,”艾雯说道,“如果有需要,提亚娜找到两把桦树条并不比找到一把更困难。”罗曼妲的微笑突兀地消失了。 “请容许我说一句,吾母,”塔其玛缓缓地站起身,她试着想要微笑,但看上去依旧是一副衰弱的样子,“我认为您做得很好。停留在这里一个月或者更长时间对我们是有利的。”罗曼妲猛转过头去盯着她,但这一次,塔其玛仿佛完全没有注意到罗曼妲。“冬天已经到了,我们可以在这里避免北方更加恶劣的天气,同时仔细筹划……” “任何耽搁从此时此刻已告终结,吾女,”艾雯打断了她,“不会再有任何事拖慢我们的脚步。”她会是另一个格拉,还是另一个伸恩?她仍然有可能面临那样的结局。“一个月之后,我们会从这里穿行前往塔瓦隆。”不,她是艾雯·艾威尔,无论白塔的秘密史籍将如何印证她的失误或者明智,光明在上,所有这些事都是她做的,而不是以前某一个人的翻版。“一个月后,我们将展开对塔瓦隆的攻击。” 这一次,只有塔其玛的啜泣声打破了帐中的寂静。
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