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Chapter 39 Chapter 34 The Hummingbird's Secret

Nynaeve folded the thick green braid back into the large tray in the peddler's hand, and reached inside the cloak, pulling it tight so that it wouldn't blow away in the wind.In fact, her attention had been focused on the alley next to the candle workshop, but she had to try to hide her anxiety as much as possible.The cloak on her was much better than the clothes of people here, but fortunately it was not very gorgeous, so it didn't attract too much attention from others.However, if someone saw her belt, the situation would be different. Women with jewels would not often appear on Blue Carp Street, nor would they buy from street vendors.Nynaeve had picked all the braids from the peddler's plate, and the thin-faced saleswoman's face had grown quite sullen.But Nynaeve had already bought three braids, two ribbons, and a pack of pins from other vendors.Pins were always useful, but she didn't yet know what to do with the rest of them.

Suddenly she heard a commotion from beyond the guard tower, and the bell of the market guard sounded louder and louder.The guards climbed down from the tower.Passers-by near the tower stopped and looked towards Blue Carp Street from the intersection there, and then hurriedly pressed their bodies against the houses on the street to make way for the market guards who were rushing past.Those guards were running, waving wooden police boards above their heads, not just one or two patrols, but a large group of armed soldiers rushing straight along Blue Carp Street, and more market guards continued to come from other streets. join it.Pedestrians who failed to get out of the way in time were pushed aside, and one person was simply stepped on by the guards. When that person fell, none of the guards slowed down.

Half of the tassels from hawker trays spilled onto the street.Nynaeve clung to the street wall as fast as she could. The peddler leaned against her, still screaming with his mouth open.The streets were crowded with soldiers, with poles and maces standing like trees above their heads.Many soldiers bumped into Nynaeve's shoulders, pushing her forward.The braid vendor yelled that her tray was gone, but the soldiers just kept their eyes on their destination. Nynaeve was more than thirty feet from where she had been standing when the last soldier ran past.The braid peddler bellowed angrily, shaking his fists at the soldiers' backs.Nynaeve tidied her messy cloak angrily, but she had no time to shout now, she was still thinking about...

Suddenly, Nynaeve's breath seemed to freeze in her throat, and the city guards gathered there, a hundred of them yelling at each other, as if they suddenly didn't know what to do next.In front of them was the shoemaker's shop.Oh light, Lan, and Rand.Rand, of course, but above all her Lan. Nynaeve regained her breath.a hundred people.She touched the jeweled belt, the well, which was less than half full of saidar, but it should be enough.It must be enough, though she doesn't yet know what enough does.She pulled up the hood of her cloak and walked towards the soldiers in front of the shoemaker's shop, no one was paying attention to her, she could...

Two hands grabbed her, dragged her backwards, and forced her to turn around. She saw Cadsuane hold her by one arm, Alivia held the other, and the two of them dragged her quickly away.Ming walked beside Alivia and kept looking back, his eyes full of worry.Suddenly, Min shivered. "He...he must have fallen from a high place." She whispered, "He lost consciousness and was injured. I don't know how badly he was injured." "We can't help him here, and we're not doing ourselves any good," Cadsuane said calmly.She kept scanning her surroundings, and the gold pendant hanging on her bun appeared and disappeared in her hood as she turned her head.She held Nynaeve with one hand and the hood with the other, her cloak blown back completely by the wind. "The boys will show the faces of the women here soon, and we'll be gone before then. The Aes Sedai found in Blue Carp Street this afternoon will certainly be questioned about that child."

"Let me go!" Nynaeve struggled desperately.Lan!What would happen to Rand if Rand lost consciousness? "I have to save them!" The hands of the two women grabbed her as if they were made of iron.Everyone around them was still looking at the shoemaker's shop. "You've done enough, silly girl," Cadsuane's voice was as cold as iron, "I told you about Famedin's watchdog. Phew! Cause serious confusion, and if they get caught by those guards, it's all because of you." "I thought the shari was okay," Nynaeve said feebly. "It was just a little shari, and it didn't last long. I... I thought they wouldn't notice."

Cadsuane gave her a disgusted look. "This way, Alivia." She pulled Nynaeve around the empty guard tower.There were crowds of people on the street, chattering endlessly.A man is flailing his arms as though he is juggling a fishing rod.A woman shakes her head in surprise, pointing at the empty tower. "Say something, Min," Nynaeve begged, "we can't just leave them like this." She didn't dare to ask Alivia, who looked even more stern than Cadsuane. "Don't take sympathy from me." Min's voice was low, almost as cold as Cadsuane's, and she shot Nynaeve out of the corner of her eye, then turned to look at the street again. "I beg you to help me stop them, but you're just a woolhead like them. Now we're left with Cadsuane."

Nynaeve snorted. "What can she do? Shall I remind you that Lan and Rand are behind us, and getting further away?" "That boy wasn't the only one who needed to learn manners," Cadsuane murmured. "He hasn't apologized to me yet. But he told Vaelin he would, and I thought it acceptable then. Bah! That boy will only give me more trouble. I will do my best, girl, and what I can do is sure to be more useful than you fighting those street guards. From now on, you must do exactly what I say , or I will let Alivia sit on you!" Alivia nodded, and even Ming nodded!

Nynaeve looked angry.It should be this woman who obeys her orders!But in any case, the Chief Mentor's guest could obviously do more than Nynaeve Emira.Even Nynaeve wearing the Serpent Ring might not be able to do much.For Lan, she could only put up with Cadsuane. But when Nynaeve asked Cadsuane how to save the two men, Cadsuane's only answer was: "Maybe I can do something, but it's definitely not what I want to do. It's just that I let the boy make a move." I made my promise, and I'll keep mine, I just hope he remembers that." Her voice was still ice, and it wasn't an answer that Nynaeve could comfort.

Rand awoke in darkness and pain, to find himself lying flat on his face, feeling the rough rocky ground on his back.His gloves and boots were gone, and since they had been removed they must have known who he was.He sits up carefully, his face bruised and every muscle in his body aching as if he'd been beaten, but there doesn't appear to be a broken bone. He stood up slowly, groped forward towards the stone wall, and almost immediately came to the corner, and then he touched a rough wooden door with iron hoops.In the dark, his fingers touched a small iron door on the door panel, but he couldn't open it, and there was no light in the gaps around the small iron door.In his head, Lews Therin gasped.Rand walked on, feeling his surroundings, his bare feet feeling the cold stone floor.After a few steps, he came across another corner, then a third.His toes hit something on the ground, and with one hand on the wall, he bent down and felt for a barrel.Then he continued to walk around the room until he returned to the iron door.He was locked in a black box three paces long and two wide.Then he raised a hand and saw that the stone roof was only a foot above his head.

Locked up, Lews Therin was panting hoarsely.Another box.Those women put us in a box and we have to get out!He yelled, we must get out! Ignoring the screams in his head, Rand retreated from the door to the center of the cell, then sat cross-legged on the ground, as far away from the cell walls as possible.In the dark, he tried to imagine that the walls were far away from him.But if he stretched out his hand, without straightening his arm, he could touch those stone walls.He could feel himself shaking, as if it was someone else's body shaking uncontrollably.He had to fight the feeling that the walls and the stone roof were weighing on him, or he would be as mad as Lews Therin when he was taken out of this prison.Sooner or later they would take him out, if only to deliver him whole to Elaida.How many months would it take to send a messenger to Tar Valon and wait for Elaida's messenger to return?If there were Aes Sedai loyal to Elaida around here, time might go faster.He trembled with fear when he realized that he wished with all his heart that there were followers of Elaida in this city, and now all he wanted was to get out of the box. "I will not surrender!" he shouted, "I will be stronger, and my strength will overcome all!" In this small space, his voice resonated like thunder. Moiraine died because he wasn't strong enough, because he didn't do what had to be done.Moiraine Daoutrie, her name was always first on that list, and that list was etched in Rand's mind—women who had died because of him.Each name on the list caused him enough torment to forget the physical pain and the stone walls that were within reach.Claire Seguin, she died because he deprived her of everything she held dear.Lie, Maiden of the Clan of Charin-Aiel Cossaida, died at his hands for following him into Shadaragoth.Jane Dilin, Maiden of the Hanfeng Clan of the Mijakob Horse Tribe, died because she wanted the honor of guarding the gate for him.He must be strong!He recalled the names on that list one by one.That's a long list.In the flames of pain, he patiently forged himself. The preparations took longer than Cadsuane had expected, mostly because she had to make it clear to everyone that a massive rescue like the one in the Walkman story was impossible.So, when she was walking in the corridor illuminated by the lights in the Senior Advisory Hall, the night had already fallen, and she walked calmly, without hurrying or slowing down.Just stepping up a little bit makes people think you're anxious and they can take advantage.If ever there was a moment in her life where she had to be absolutely dominant from the start, it was tonight. At this time, there should be no one to be seen in the corridor of the Senior Advisory Hall, but today's unexpected incident changed all normal patterns.The employees in blue coats were rushing around, and only when they saw this group of people would they stop and take a breath of air.They had most likely never seen the four Aes Sedai walking together.Cadsuane didn't want to admit that Nynaeve was an Aes Sedai too, since she hadn't taken the Three Oaths yet.Today's riots will undoubtedly make them more confused about the presence of this team.The shock effect of the three men at the end of the line was no less than that of the Aes Sedai.These clerks may not understand what their black coats and the pins on their high collars represent, but it is a very rare sight for three men with swords to appear here at the same time.In any case, if they had any luck, no one would have run to report to Ellis that such a group was about to break into an emergency meeting of the councilors.It made Casuan feel a little pity that she could not lead these martyrs alone, and even Dai Jian expressed clear opposition to her suggestion.What was even more regrettable was that none of her companions could be as calm as the four Aes Sedai. "It won't work," Nynaeve muttered, perhaps for the tenth time since she left the Highlands. "We should have struck hard from the start!" "Our speed should be faster," Ming Yin said sullenly, "I can feel him changing. If he was a stone before, he is now a piece of iron! Light, what are they going to do to him?" Just Because Ming was connected with that boy, she kept chattering about the boy's condition, getting worse each time.Cadsuane hadn't told her what Famedin's cell was like, because the girl had broken down once when she heard how Rand was treated by the sisters who kidnapped him. Cadsuane sighed.There was indeed a passable army assembled around her, but even an improvised army required discipline, especially when the battlefield was at hand.If she hadn't forced the seafolk to stay, things could only have gotten worse for this team. "I can send you all back if I have to," she said firmly. "Nynaeve, stop talking. Meris and Chrysler can use your belt too. If you don't stop that Childish whining, I'll let Alivia take you back to the Highlands and get you something really worth crying about." That's the only reason she'd take that weird wildling with her.Alivia can be very docile to those she can't look straight at, but she's stern enough to stare at these two chirping birds. Nynaeve and Min turned their heads to look at the blond woman at the same time, and the two birds were finally quiet, although they were obviously not tame.Cadsuane didn't mind Min gnashing her teeth too much, but Nynaeve's gloomy gaze annoyed her.The girl has great quality, but her training ended way too soon.Her healing abilities were almost miraculous, but she was otherwise fairly mediocre, and she hadn't gone through the training she had to endure, though Cadsuane believed she could hold on to it.In fact, Cadsuane felt a little sympathetic to her, not everyone had the opportunity to train in the White Tower.When she had just accepted the shawl and was so proud of it, so confident in her own strength, she had been taught a lesson by a wild man who had almost lost all his teeth on a farm in the middle of the Black Hills, but the wild man had no chance Can receive education in the White Tower.Oh, what a worrying little army, but one she must lead to put Famedin underfoot. Staff and messengers filled half of the space in the columned vestibule of the Councilor's Chamber, but they were just staff and messengers after all.All the staff are hesitating, everyone is waiting for others to speak first, and the messengers in red coats know that this is not the place for them to speak, and have already retreated to the edge of the blue floor.The clerks parted before Cadsuane to make way for her, still no one dared to say a word.As Cadsuane pushed open a door engraved with the arms and swords, she heard a simultaneous exclamation from the crowd. The councilor's meeting room is not big, and the four standing lamps with mirrors illuminate it quite brightly.The ground was completely covered by a huge gold, blue and red Tricolor carpet. The tall fireplace on one side of the room made the room warm like spring, but the glass door leading to the balcony colonnade could not help but rattle due to the night wind Even the ticking of the gilded Irian tall clock on the mantelpiece was drowned out by it.Thirteen gold-plated carved chairs were arranged in a semicircle facing the door, which looked like thirteen thrones, but the women sitting in these chairs were all frowning. Ellis sat at the top of the semicircle, and when she saw Cadsuane leading her small team into the conference room, she immediately frowned. "Aes Sedai, this meeting is closed to outsiders," her voice was solemn and icy. "We may be listening to you later, but—" "You know who's in your cell," Cadsuane cut her off. No matter how sure Cadsuane's tone was, Ellis still planned to play it perfunctory. "I think a few men should be locked up, people who were drunk in public, some foreigners who were arrested for fighting and stealing, a border countryman was arrested today for allegedly killing three people. But I don't have details at hand. record, Aes Sedai Cadsuane." Nynaeve took a deep breath when the Chief Mentor mentioned the murderous Borderlander.There was a dangerous gleam in her eyes, but at least she was sane enough to keep her mouth shut. "It seems that you are trying to conceal the fact that the reincarnated dragon was detained." Casuan said calmly.She had hoped that Vaelin's painstaking preparations would overwhelm them and force them to give in, but the situation was not optimistic.However, the possibility of resolving this incident as soon as possible remains. "I can receive him from your hands. I have faced more than twenty men who can channel, and he will not scare me." "Thank you for your kindness," Ellis replied in a gentle voice, "but first we need to contact Tar Valon." She was haggling, and of course, what had to be done could not be avoided. "Would you mind telling us how you knew—" Cadsuane interrupted her again: "Perhaps I should introduce the martyrs behind me first." Three men in black walked to the front as if ordered.Cadsuane had to admit that they did exude a dangerous atmosphere.The gray-haired Dahmo looked like a grizzly bear suffering from a toothache; the beautiful Jiaha was like a nimble panther; the young Eben stared at the senior ministers without blinking, his pupils radiating a menacing light.Their appearance brought a strong sense of oppression to those senior ministers, and several senior ministers moved their bodies in the seats, as if they were about to step back.Shipron opened his mouth, revealing jagged teeth.Sebain, gray-haired like Cadsuane, slumped in his chair, fanning himself with his long, thin palms.Camille's lips twisted as if about to spit it out. Ellis looked quite strong, but she also pressed her hands tightly on her abdomen. "I told you once that the Martyrs are free to enter the city, as long as they obey the laws here. Cadsuane, we are not afraid of the Martyrs, but I must admit, it pains me to see you mingling with them." Surprised. Especially after you just made that kind of request." It was clear that Aes Sedai Cadsuane had become an ordinary Cadsuane to Ellis, but Cadsuane was still sorry for what was about to be done to her.Ellis ruled Farmedin effectively, but after tonight, she might never regain her former power. "Have you forgotten what happened today, Elles? Someone guided the city." There was another commotion among the senior advisers, and the worried expressions on their faces became heavier. "It was just an anomaly." The calmness in Ellis' voice was gone, replaced by anger and maybe a little fear.There was a cold light in her eyes. "Maybe the barrier's exploration function went wrong, we interrogated everyone who was there at the time, and no one saw anything that could be—" "Even what we think is perfect may have flaws, Ellis." Cadsuane began drawing saidar from her well.She knew that her little golden hummingbird could hold far less shari than Nynaeve's girdle. "The blemish may exist and remain unknown for many centuries before it is discovered." She wove enough wind that the jeweled diadem on Aerith's head floated and fell to Cadsuane's feet. "But once it's found, then everyone will know where it is." Thirteen pairs of eyes stared at the crown, and the senior ministers seemed to be frozen, and they couldn't even breathe. "That crack doesn't look like a barn door to me," Dahmer said loudly. "I still think it looks better on your head." A halo of saidar suddenly blazed around Nynaeve.The crown flew towards Ellis, and just as it was about to crush the chief minister's head, its speed slowed down, and finally landed firmly on Eles' bloodless face.The light of saidath hadn't faded from the girl.Well, let her use her well. "Then..." Eles swallowed, but her voice was still a little hoarse, "Is it okay if we hand him over to you?" She didn't specify that she wanted to hand Rand over to Cadsuane, Still Martyr, but Cadsuane was more likely to be the target of her words. "I think this is enough." Cadsuane still maintained a calm tone.Ellis' body went limp like a marionette.The other senior ministers were also obviously shocked by the guidance in front of them. They exchanged inquiring looks, and finally, their eyes focused on Eles.The elders looked determined and nodded to her one after another.Cadsuane took a deep breath. She had promised the boy that whatever she did, it would be for the boy, not for the White Tower or anyone else.And now, she's hurt a wise woman badly for that boy. "Elèse, I'm sorry," she said.Boy, you're already in too much debt, she thought to herself.
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