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Chapter 37 Chapter 32 Part of Wisdom

The "Golden Wheel" is a fairly large-scale hotel, which is next to the Ef Hailin Market.Its hall is rectangular, with heavy beams stretching from the ceiling.It was noon now, but there were no more than one-fifth of the small square tables in the hall with guests, and a foreign businessman and a local woman sat on both sides of the square table.The women, all well-dressed, with their hair pulled up or tied behind their necks, were also merchants or bankers.In Famedin, banking and commerce were off-limits to men.All foreigners in the lobby are men, because foreign female businessmen go to the ladies' room.The smell of cooking fish and mutton filled the air.Otherwise, the merchants and bankers kept their voices down.The sound of raindrops hitting the roof almost drowned out all other sounds.

"Are you sure?" Rand asked, putting away the wrinkled sketch of the statue. "I think it should be him." It was a male waiter with a protruding chin who answered.He wiped his hands on the long apron embroidered with yellow wagon wheels, and his tone seemed hesitant. "It looks like him, he should be back soon." He looked behind Rand and sighed. "You'd better buy a drink, or leave, Mrs. Gogo doesn't like us chatting at work, or talking about her guests." Rand glanced back.A thin woman with a high ivory comb and a dark gray bun on her head stood in the yellow arch leading to the ladies' room, and was examining the situation in the hall.Her gaze was half that of a queen inspecting the state of the territory, half that of a farmer gazing at his fields, which was the peculiar gaze of an inn proprietress.When she saw Rand and the waiter with the long chin, her brows immediately frowned.

"Hot mulled wine." Rand handed the valet a stack of coins.Among them were copper coins to buy wine, and a silver coin to reward him for the information, although it was only a very vague information.A week had passed since he had killed Mannay and Zisman had escaped.These days, people whom Rand questioned simply shrugged or shook their heads. There were many empty tables in the hall, and Rand chose a corner table.Here, he can see people coming in from the outside, and at the same time hide himself.As he passed from table to table, the sounds of conversation crept into his ears. A tall fair-skinned woman in a dark green silk dress was shaking her head at a stocky man in a black Tyrian tunic.The woman's hair was ivory gray in a chignon, making her look a little like Cadsuane in profile.The man was as strong as a rock, but worried was written all over his dark, square face. "Don't worry about Andor's situation, Mr. Admera," the woman said in a comforting tone. "Believe me, the Andors will yell at each other and brandish swords, but there will never be a real war between them." .Your best choice is still to maintain the current trade route. Cairhien’s tax is one-fifth heavier than that of Famedin, think about how much this will increase your cost.” The Tyrians frowned, as if is thinking hard about cost, or whether the offer is really the best thing for him.

"I heard that the body was really completely black, and it was horribly swollen," said a thin, white-bearded Irian in a dark blue coat sitting at another table. Order the body to be burned." He raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, and tapped his fingers on the side of the bridge of his nose.His pointed nose made him look a lot like a weasel. "Mr. Azeroth, if there is really a plague in the city, the councilors will definitely make an announcement." Sitting opposite him was a slender woman, her curly long hair covered by two delicate ivory hair. The comb is fixed on top of the head.She was pretty, but her face was a bit foxy and calm as an Aes Sedai, and you could see faint crow's feet in the corners of her brown eyes. "I sincerely suggest that you do not transfer your business to Lugard. Morandi is the most unstable country. The nobles there are firmly opposed to King Rhodes's formation of an army. And I believe you have heard that there are still The Aes Sedai are on the move, and only the Light knows what they're up to there." The Irian shrugged uneasily.These days, no one knew what Aes Sedai was up to, not even those who had trusted Aes Sedai in the past.

A Kandor with a gray-black goatee and a large pearl on his left earlobe was leaning forward to look across at a short, dark-grey silk dress with black hair tightly coiled on top of his head. Fat business woman. "Miss Himel, I heard that the Dragon Reborn has been crowned King of Illian," he frowned, causing a deeper furrow to appear on his forehead, "because of the announcement of the White Tower, I am considering sending my spring caravan along the The River Rainey goes to Tyre. The Strand Road may be a rough walk, but Illian's fur market isn't worth the risk I'm taking."

The pudgy woman smiled, but the smile didn't stay on her round face for long: "Mr. Persawina, I have reliable information that after wearing the Irian crown, the man was hardly in that place. The state showed up. Anyway, the White Tower will deal with him, maybe he has been controlled by the White Tower. This morning, I received a message that the Rock of Tire is under siege. Can you find a suitable market for furs there ? No, Tire is not a place where you can avoid risks." The furrow on Mr. Persawina's forehead deepened. Rand walked to the small table in the corner, threw the cloak on the back of the chair, sat down with his back against the wall, and turned up his collar again.The long-jawed waiter brought a tin cup of steaming mulled wine.When he put down his wine glass, he thanked Rand hurriedly for the silver coins, and then ran quickly to another guest who called him.At each end of the hall there was a large fireplace, and the strong fires drove the chill out of the air.Someone might have noticed that Rand still had his gloves on, but no one gave him a second look.Rand put the wine glass between his hands, pretending to be staring at the wine glass, but always paying attention to the movement at the door of the hotel.

Most of the talk he heard did not interest him, and there were things he already knew, in more detail and truth, than these people.Elan had the same opinion as the white-skinned woman, but her understanding of the Andoro was far beyond that of a Famedin merchant.However, the siege of the Rock of Tyr was news to him. But Rand isn't worried about that.The Rock of Tyr had never been breached, except by him.He knew Elana was in Tire, and he felt Elana jumping from north of Famedin to the farther north.A day later, she was in the far southeast again.Now there is a considerable distance between her and Rand, which makes it impossible for Rand to determine whether she is in Hardenmork or Tyre, but Elana should be in that area.She was accompanied by four other sisters whom Rand could trust.If Melanna and Refera could get what Rand wanted from the Sea People, they would surely be able to achieve his goals in Tire.Refella is a Tyrian, which should help their actions.Even without him, the world will still be able to hold on for a while.The world must hold on.

A tall man in a long damp cloak with his face hidden in the hood entered the hall from Front Street.Rand's eyes followed him up the stairs at the back of the hall.By this time the man had lifted his hood, revealing a lock of gray hair and a narrow, pale face.He couldn't be who the manservant said he was, and no one with eyes would confuse him with Pelao Tovo. Rand continued to look at his wine, but was beginning to feel annoyed.Min and Nynaeve had refused to wander aimlessly around taverns, and he suspected that Alivia was just holding on to that painting for show.Today, the three of them all went to the hills outside the city, which was inferred by Rand with the help of Ming's bondage.He could still sense Min's excitement.All three believed that Zissman had fled after his failed assassination attempt on Rand, and that the other Dark Tower traitors had either fled with him or hadn't come at all.Over the past few days, they have been persuading him to leave Famaiding.But at least Lan hadn't given up.

Why must those women be wrong?Lews Therin whispered viciously in his mind.This city is scarier than any prison.There is no real source here!Why are they here?Why would sane people stay here?We could ride out of town, beyond the barrier, for a day or a few hours.Light, it only takes a few hours!The voice was laughing maniacally.Oh light, why is there a madman in my head!Why?Why? Rand pinned Lews Therin angrily, turning him into a bug buzzing in his ears.He had thought about going out of town with those women, if only to get a feel for the Source, but only Ming showed great enthusiasm for it, and Nynaeve and Alivia never mentioned their reasons for going out of town.Although it had not rained when they went out in the morning, the sky was already covered with dark clouds.This wasn't the first time they had been out of town, and Rand very much suspected that they could temporarily absorb the Power just to get a feel for the True Source.It didn't matter, he could bear the feeling of not being able to channel, he could bear the emptiness of losing his source.He can endure!He has to endure so that he can kill those who want to kill him.

You are not for this!shouted Lews Therin.He worked hard to break through Rand's suppression.You are afraid!You fear that dreadful sickness will overwhelm you when you use that ter'arn implement.It will kill you and put you in situations worse than death!It will kill us all!He moaned desperately. The liquor spilled onto Rand's wrists, soaking his sleeves.Rand let go of his glass.This wine glass was not perfectly round in the first place, although it is slightly deformed now, it does not attract the attention of others.He is not afraid!He won't let fear touch him.Light, in the end he must die, and he has accepted it.

They want to kill me, so I want them dead, Rand thought. It will take a little time, yes, maybe by then, the disease will pass.Burn you, I must live to the end of the war.In his mind, Lews Therin was laughing wilder than ever. Another tall man came striding into the inn by the door into the stable yard which adjoined the stairs at the rear of the hall, and shaking the rain off his cloak he made his way to the ladies' door.He had a sharp nose, a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his contemptuous eyes quickly swept across everyone in the hall.He did look a bit like Torvale, but he was twenty years older and thirty pounds heavier.He poked his head into the yellow archway and shouted in a clear and delicate voice: "Mrs. Gogo, I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, so don't count my accommodation expenses tomorrow, remember!" He had a strong Irian accent .Tovo is from Tarabon. Rand picked up his cloak, left the wine glass on the table, and walked out without looking back. The sky at noon was gray and cold, the rain hadn't abated much, and a gust of cold wind was blowing from the lake. No one would be in the mood to go shopping in this weather.Rand gathered the cloak with one hand to hide the sketches in the pocket of his coat, and with the other held the hood to keep it from being blown up by the wind.The raindrops hit his face along the wind, like ice particles.A sedan chair passed by him, and the wet hair of the bearers clung to their backs, and their boots stepped into puddles on the stone pavement from time to time, splashing water in patches.Several people wrapped their bodies tightly in cloaks and walked forward quickly.It's still hours before dark.He passed an inn called "Heart of the Plain" but didn't go in.Then there was another hotel called "Three Ladies of Marido".He told himself that he didn't want to continue wandering in such heavy rain, and there was no need to go from one hotel to another in such weather.But he knew he was lying. A pudgy woman wrapped in a dark cloak came from the other side of the street.She suddenly turned to Rand and walked up to Rand.She raised the cloak, and Rand saw that Verin was facing him. "So you are here," Verin said, raindrops falling on her upturned face, but she didn't seem to notice it at all, "Your landlady thought you wanted to go to Evhelin, I'm afraid Mrs. People going in and out of her hotel don't really pay attention. Now my shoes and socks are soaked. When I was a girl, I really enjoyed walking in the rain, but now this kind of activity seems to be gone to me. Lost its charm." "Cadsuane sent you?" Rand asked.He tried not to sound expectant in his voice.After Elana left, he had been staying at the "Children's Head" hotel, just so that Cadsuane could find him.He was afraid that Cadsuane would lose interest in him if he had to search for him from inn to inn.And until now, Cadsuane had never looked for him again. "Oh no, she won't do that," Verin seemed surprised at Rand's thought. "I just thought you wanted to hear some news. Cadsuane went out of town with the girls. She frowned thoughtfully, turning her head sideways. "But Alivia shouldn't be called a girl, she's a very interesting woman, just too old to be a novice, which is really unfortunate. Oh, yes, very unfortunate. She is voraciously learning. I believe she has mastered all the art of using the One Power for destruction, but she knows next to nothing else." Rand dragged Verin to a stone one-story house on the side of the street, where they could at least get some shelter from the rain under the eaves, though the wind was still strong here.Cadsuane and Ming are they together?There might be nothing special about this, the Aes Sedai had always been very concerned about Nynaeve, and according to Min, Alivia was stronger than Nynaeve. "What news, Vaelin?" he asked in a low voice. The chubby little Aes Sedai blinked, as if forgetting about the news.Then, she suddenly smiled: "Oh, yes, it's the Seanchan, they've reached Illian. Don't worry so much, they haven't reached Illian City yet, but they've crossed the border, settled both on the coast and inland Lots of camps. I don't know much about the military, and every time I read history, I always skip the military stuff. But I can see that, whether or not they made it to Irian City, that's where they were going. You initiated The battles don't seem to slow them down, which is why I don't like to read about them, they rarely change the long-term course of history. Are you all right?" Rand forced himself to keep his eyes open.Vaelin studied him, looking like a fat sparrow.All that killing, all those people who died, and none of that changed anything.anything! She was wrong, Lews Therin muttered in his head.War can change history.His tone seemed unhappy.The biggest problem is that sometimes you don't know how history will change until it's too late. "Valin, if I go to Cadsuane, will she meet me? Will she talk to me about things other than being polite? All she seems to care about is that I'm being rude to her." "Oh my God, I'm afraid Cadsuane is very traditional in some ways, Rand, I've never heard her call anyone too arrogant, but..." She pressed her fingertips to her lips and thought for a moment , and nod.Raindrops continued to slide down her cheeks. "As long as you can undo the bad impression you made on her, or at least try to make amends, I'm sure she'll hear what you have to say to her. Sisters don't care about titles or crowns, Rand, and Cadsuane is me The most dismissive person I've ever known. She only cares if people are stupid, and if you can show her that you're not an idiot, she'll have a serious talk with you." "Then tell her..." Rand took a deep breath.Light, he really wants to strangle Zisman, Ke Lang, and everyone who betrays him with his own hands! "Tell her that I will leave Famedin tomorrow, and I hope she can go with me and be my senior advisor." The first half of Rand's words made Lews Therin heave a sigh of relief.But if he was more than one voice, Rand would think that when he heard the second half of the sentence, he immediately became stiff. "Tell Cadsuane that I accept her instruction, that I am sorry for my behavior in Cairhien, and that I will do my best to be polite in the future." He didn't even grit his teeth when he said these words.Unless Min was wrong, he needed Cadsuane, and Min's visions were never wrong. "Okay, you've got what you want?" Rand frowned at Verin. Verin smiled and patted his arm: "If you came to Famedin and thought that you could conquer this city just by declaring your identity, then when you find that you can't guide here, you should leave immediately Yes. Looks like you're looking for something, or someone." "Maybe I've found what I need," Rand said, but it wasn't what he wanted. "Then, Rand, go to Basara Palace tonight. It's on the high ground. Anyone can tell you where it is. I believe she will meet you." Verin wrapped her cloak tightly, as if she had just noticed to the dampness on top of that. "Oh, my God, I have to change my clothes, and I suggest you do the same." She turned around, stopped in her tracks, and looked back at Rand without blinking her black eyes.Suddenly, her voice was clear and powerful, without any ambiguity: "You could have made things worse, Rand, but now that you've appointed Cadsuane as your advisor, I doubt you'll be able to do that anymore." Better yet. If she'll accept the appointment, and you're not a real idiot, you'll follow her advice." She walked briskly out into the rain, looking a little like a pudgy swan. Sometimes, this woman scares me, Lews Therin grumbled.Rand nodded.Cadsuane didn't scare him, just alert him.Any Aes Sedai who had not sworn allegiance to him put him on alert, except Nynaeve.But he couldn't quite trust Nynaeve now either. By the time Rand walked the last two miles back to the Mentor's Inn, the rain had stopped, but the wind was picking up.The signboard of the inn swayed and creaked in the wind. It depicted a serious-faced woman wearing the chief minister's jeweled crown.The lobby of this inn is smaller than that of the "Golden Wheel", but the walls here are covered with polished and carved wainscoting, the beams under the ceiling are painted red, and the arrangement of tables and chairs is not like that of the "Golden Wheel" hotel. that crowded.The door-frame leading to the ladies' room was also painted red and carved in imitation of lace, as was the same carving on the browstone of the white marble fireplace. The male waiters of the "Chief Minister" all fixed their long hair with shiny silver hairpins, and now only two male waiters can be seen standing by the door leading to the kitchen in the hall.However, there were only three men sitting at the wine table, all of them were foreign businessmen, sitting far away from each other, just looking intently at the wine glasses in front of them.Maybe they were rivals, because they would both look up and frown at the other two from time to time.One of them was a gray-haired man in a dark gray silk tunic, and the other was a lean fellow with a hard face and a red gem the size of a pigeon's egg in his earlobe. The "Head of Mentors" Hotel entertains wealthy foreign businessmen, but there are not many businessmen like Famedin now. When Rand entered the hall, the clock on the lady's mantelpiece (Min told him it was kept in a silver case) was chiming the time with its little bell.Before Rand could shake the rain off his cloak, Lan walked in, and the Warder shook his head when he saw Rand.But Rand didn't expect him to find those two people, even Timeline shouldn't have such delusions. Before long they were sitting together on a red bench in front of the fireplace, glasses of steaming wine in hand.Rand told Lan his decision and the reasons for making this decision, at least he told Lan part of the reasons, the more important part. "If I could find them now, I'd kill them right away and run away. But killing them won't change anything, at least not enough." He stared at the fire, frowning. "I could have waited another day and hoped to find them tomorrow, or waited a few more weeks, months, but the world wasn't waiting for me. I thought this could be over quickly, but things have turned out beyond my expectations , maybe there are still some things, I still don't know. Light, if I hadn't heard the conversations of those businessmen, who knows how bad the situation will be?" "You can never know everything," Lan said quietly, "and what you know can never be completely right. What you think is the most important part may just be wrong. Part of intelligence comes from knowledge, courage Part of that comes from action." Rand stretched his legs toward the fire. "Did Nynaeve tell you that they would go out with Cadsuane? Now they are galloping together." They should be returning here.Rand could feel that Min was getting closer to him, and she would be back soon.She's still getting excited about something, and it's coming and going, and Min seems to be trying to hold her back. Rand smiled.He rarely looked like this now without Nynaeve by his side, but the smile didn't touch his cold eyes. "She forbade me to tell you about it, but now that you know...she and Min have convinced Alivia that if they can get Cadsuane interested, they might be able to convince Cadsuane to help you. So They found Cadsuane and asked her to teach them." The Warder's smile disappeared, leaving only a face carved in stone. "My wife made a sacrifice for you, Shepherd," his voice remained calm, "and I hope you remember that. She didn't say anything about it, but I believe Cadsuane regarded her as a A cadet, maybe even a novice. You know how hard that is for Nynaeve." "Cathuane treats everyone like novices," Rand muttered.arrogant?Bright, how should he deal with this woman?But he had to find a way to deal with her.None of them spoke any more, but watched the fire in silence until white steam rose from their boots that were stretched toward it. There was a warning from the bondage, and Rand turned his head to see Nynaeve standing in the doorway to the stable yard, with Min and Alivia behind her, shaking the rain from their cloaks and tidying their clothes. Riding a skirt, and frowning at the water stains on the clothes.In this weather, do they think that their clothes should still be dry?As usual, Nynaeve wore her ter'ark jewels, girdle and necklace and bracelet and ring, and the odd pair of bracelets and rings attached to the implement. While arranging his clothes, Ming glanced at Rand with a smile. Ming was not very surprised to see him here.Warmth flowed into Rand's body along the bondage, full of Ming's concern, and the excitement she tried to suppress.The other two women spent a little more time examining Lan and Rand before handing over their cloaks to the approaching male waiter, who, walking up to the two men, put their hands in front of the fireplace to warm themselves. "Have you enjoyed riding with Cadsuane?" Rand asked, raising his glass and taking a swig of the rum.Min's eyes snapped to him, a sting of guilt welling up from the bondage, but her expression was pure anger.As a result, the drink almost choked Rand, how could Ming think that it was his fault that he went to see Cadsuane without telling him? "Don't stare at Rand, Nynaeve," he said hastily, after he swallowed his drink. "Velin told me." Nynaeve turned her irritated eyes to him.Rand could only shake his head.He has long heard that no matter what is wrong, it is always the man's fault, and women tend to firmly believe that this is the truth! "I apologize to you for what you have endured with her. I know it is for me, but you don't need to do this anymore. I have asked Cadsuane to be my advisor, and I have asked Vaelin Tell her my request, and we'll meet tonight. With luck, she'll leave with us tomorrow." Rand expected the women to breathe a sigh of relief, but things didn't go his way. "Cathuane is an impressive person," Alivia said, smoothing her gray blonde hair messed up by the hood, her voice long and slightly husky, making it hard to forget, " A strict elder who is good at teaching students." "Sometimes you can at least see the forest, the wool head, as long as someone leads you by the nose and leads you to the front of the forest." Ming folded his arms, and there was a feeling of approval in the binding, of course, Rand didn't think Min was merely approving of his decision to stop looking for those traitors. "Remember, she wants you to apologize to her for what happened to Carrian. You have to treat her as your aunt. She won't tolerate any nonsense from you. Don't make mistakes in front of her." "Cathuane isn't as scary as it looks." Nynaeve frowned at her two companions, her hand flicking to the braids that hung down her shoulders.But Alivia and Ming just looked at her without changing their expressions. "She's not scary! In a little while, we'll be able to iron out our... differences. All we need is a little time." Rand and Rand exchanged a look. Rand shrugged slightly and took another sip of wine.Rand exhaled slowly.Nynaeve and Cadsuane still had their differences, but she thought it would take a while to mend their differences.Min thinks Cadsuane is a strict aunt.Alivia sees her as a strict teacher.From what Rand knew of Nynaeve, there was bound to be plenty of sparks between her and Cadsuane before their differences were ironed out.And Rand didn't want an aunt, and he didn't want a teacher, but either way, he couldn't leave them alone.Thinking of this, Rand also took a sip of wine into his stomach.The merchants at the drinking tables should not have heard them, but Nynaeve lowered her voice and leaned closer to Rand. "Cathuane let me know the purpose of my two ter'angral tools," she said in a low voice, but her face was full of unconcealable excitement, "I bet that those jewelry on her must also be tera'arium tools. As soon as she touched my ter'angral objects, she knew what they were for." Nynaeve smiled, thumbing one of the three rings on her right hand, which contained a light green gemstone. "I know that once it's set up, it can detect people who channel the saidar within three miles, but Cadsuane says it can also detect the saidar, and she seems to think the ring can tell me The direction of the channeler, we just don't know how to use it." Alivia turned around from the stove and snorted heavily, but she also lowered her voice: "When she said that she didn't know how to use this function, you actually had a satisfied expression. I saw it on your face. Arrived. How can you be satisfied with ignorance?" "I'm just glad she doesn't know everything," Nynaeve muttered, glancing back at the much taller woman, but her smile soon returned to her face. "Rand, the most important thing is this," she pressed her hands on the thin gemstone belt around her waist, "she calls this 'well'." Rand froze for a moment.Nynaeve giggled, and she really giggled! "It's a well," she put her hand over her mouth, and continued to laugh, "or a bucket filled with saidar force. The total amount is not large, but I can fill it up just by embracing the saidar force through it." , just like using a talisman. Isn't it great?" "Great." Rand responded dully.The ornaments on Cadsuane's hair turned out to be ter'arreal implements, and there was a good chance that one of them was also a well, otherwise she would not have been able to recognize Nynaeve's well.Light, he'd always thought that no one could find two ter'angars that did the same thing.Now that Rand knew Cadsuane could channel even here, it only made him more worried about his meeting with her tonight. Rand wanted Min to go with him, but before he could speak, Mrs. Kienne walked over quickly.Her white hair was tightly tied on the top of her head, as if to tighten her face.She gave Rand and Lan a suspicious and reproachful look, and bit her lip, as if wondering what they had done wrong.Rand knew that the proprietress looked at every merchant in her hotel that way, at least the male merchants.If the rooms weren't so comfortable and the food wasn't so good, Kieni might not have found a guest at all. "Ms. Fasavi, someone asked me to give this letter to your husband this morning." She handed a hastily sealed letter with wax to Ming, and then raised her chin, "There is another woman who wants to find him .” "It's Verin," Rand said hastily.He knew that this problem must be explained as soon as possible, and he also hoped that the proprietress could go away earlier.Does anyone know where he is?Casuan?A martyr following Cadsuane?The other Aes Sedai?He frowned at the letter paper folded into a small square in Ming's hand, and waited eagerly for Mrs. Kienney to leave. Ming twisted his lips and tried not to look at Rand, which let Rand know that she wanted to laugh, and that it was Rand himself who made her laugh.Pleasant emotions danced in the bondage. "Thank you, Mrs. Kieny, Verin is my friend." The proprietress raised her pointed chin even higher. "Ms. Fasavi, listen to me, if you have a beautiful husband, you need to watch your friends closely." Seeing Mrs. Kienney striding towards the red doorway, Ming's eyes flashed the same smile that came from the bondage, and she pressed her lips tightly to keep herself from laughing out loud.The letter hadn't been handed to Rand, and Min pried the wax seal open with her thumb and opened the letter herself, as if she had lived in this crazy city since she was a child. Min frowned slightly as he read the letter, but the only warning in the bondage was a fleeting spark.She crumpled up the letter and turned to the fireplace.Rand jumped over and snatched the letter before Min threw it into the fire. "Don't do stupid things," Ming grabbed his wrist and stared at him firmly, his big black eyes flashed with a terrible serious expression, only strong attention remained in the bondage, "please don't do stupid things." "I promised Verin that I would try not to do anything stupid," Rand said.But there was no smile on Ming's face. Rand smoothed the letter against his chest.The spider-like handwriting on the letter was very strange to him, and the end of the letter was not signed: I know who you are and I wish you well, but I also wish you to leave Famedin.Dragon Reborn can only bring death and destruction.Now I know why you are here.You killed Mannay, and Zisman died too.Toval and Godfein live near the Illian Gate, on the top floor of a shoemaker's house on Blue Carp Street. The shoemaker's name is Zerum.Kill them, and leave, leaving peace to Famedin. The clock in the ladies' room is chiming.It was hours before dark, and he would not meet Cadsuane until then.
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