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Chapter 30 Chapter 25 Bondage

In the "Head of Mentors" inn, Rand was sitting cross-legged on the bed, with his back against the wall, playing on his silver flute.This flute was given to him by Tom a long time ago. It feels like it was an epoch ago.This room, with its carved walls and a window overlooking the Nesfin Market, was much better than the room at the Crown of Maridol.The pillows around him were stuffed with goose feathers, the bed had embroidered canopies and draperies, no air bubbles could be seen in the mirror on the washstand, and even the stone pedestal of the fireplace had a little simple carving.This was a room for wealthy merchants, and Rand was glad that he had enough gold with him when he left Cairhien. He didn't pay much attention to carrying travel expenses. After all, everything needed by the dragon reborn would be prepared.Still, he could at least earn himself a lodging with the flute.Now he was playing "Elegy for the Long Night," which he'd never heard, but Lews Therin had, like the art of painting.Rand thought he should be scared, or angry, but he just played the flute quietly.Lews Therin couldn't stop crying.

"Light, Rand," Min muttered, "do you just want to sit there and blow that stuff?" She strode up and down the embroidered carpet, her skirt flapping and turning.The bondage of her, Elayne, and Aviendha made Rand feel as if he no longer knew anything else, and no longer had any desires.He was breathing, he was bound to them, it was all natural. "If she said the wrong thing, if she already said that she slipped that... I will never let anyone take you into Elaida's prison!" Elana's bondage would never let Rand have such a It feels like that bondage has never changed.But since that day in Caemlyn, it has only intensified, like an intruder, a stranger spying on his back, a grain of sand in his boot. "Do you have to blow this? It makes me want to cry and make my scalp tingle. If she puts you in danger..." Min pulled a dagger from his loose sleeve and rolled it back and forth between his fingers.

Rand took the flute from his lips and looked at her quietly.Ming's face flushed, and she suddenly yelled and threw the dagger violently.The dagger was stuck in the door frame, trembling non-stop. Rand played absently with his instrument, paying attention to Elana. "She'll be here soon." Elana had been in Famedin yesterday, and Rand couldn't understand why she had waited until now to come to him.In Rand's mind, Elana's emotions were a mess: nervousness, alertness, apprehension, and determination, and above all, intense anger, almost uncontrollable rage. "If you don't want to stay here, you can go—" Ming shook his head vigorously.The emotions Min had in Rand's mind were close to Erana's, and there was worry and anger, too.But love was like a beacon in the fog, shining warmly when she looked at him or when she didn't.There was also fear in it, no matter how Ming tried to hide it.

Rand put the flute back to his lips and began to play "The Drunk Peddler."This tune is enough to make a dead man laugh.Lews Therin was still howling at him. Ming folded his arms on his chest, examined Rand, and then suddenly shook the hem of the skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles one by one.Rand sighed, put down his flute, and waited.When a woman suddenly begins to straighten her clothes, it is like a man tightening the harness of his armor, checking the girth of his saddle.When a woman is about to charge, a man can only be cut down like a dog if he runs away.Min was as determined as Erana, and Rand felt as if two suns were shining in his mind.

"We won't talk about Elana until she's here," Ming said firmly, as if Rand wanted to bring up the subject on purpose.While the fear didn't go away, her determination grew stronger, kept getting overwhelmed and kept bouncing back. "Of course, wife, if you want to," Rand replied, bowing his head in Famedin-like agreement.Ming snorted loudly. "Rand, I like Alivia, even if she bosses Nynaeve, I still like her," Ming stepped forward with one hand on his hip, pointing the other finger at Rand's nose , gritted his teeth and said, "But she's going to kill you."

"You said she would help me die," Rand said quietly. "That's what you said." How did he feel about dying?Sorrow from Min, sorrow from Elayne and Aviendha, mourning for the pain he had caused them.He also wanted to see his father before it was all over.Beyond that, death was almost a relief to him.Death is deliverance, Lews Therin said frantically.I want to die.We should die! "Helping me die is not the same as killing me." Rand was now very good at ignoring Lews Therin's voice, "unless you now think that the vision you saw has another meaning."

Ming spread his hands angrily: "I have told you clearly what I saw. If what I see is different from what I told you, let the abyss of doom swallow me. I really don't know how you are like this think!" "I'm going to die sooner or later, Ming." Rand said patiently.More than one person had said that to him, and they were all people he had to believe.To live, you must die.He still doesn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but he understands this cold fact.As recorded in the dragon's prophecy, he must die. "I hope it won't be too soon, my plan will take time. I'm sorry, Min, I shouldn't have let you bind me." But he wasn't strong enough to say no, he wasn't strong enough to push her away.There was something he had to do, but he was too weak for it, and he needed to drink in the winter till the heart of winter was like the noonday of the sun.

"If you don't bind me, we'll bind you so this can be done." If they did, Rand didn't know how different they were from Elana.But he decided not to ask the question.Ming is certainly not the same as Elana. Then Ming crawled onto the bed on his knees, holding Rand's face in his hands. "Listen to me, Rand Arthur, I will not let you die. If you dare to defy me, go die, and I will catch up with you and bring you back." The serious emotions in Rand's mind suddenly mixed together. Share pleasure.Ming said in a threatening tone, "I'll bring you here, let your hair grow to your waist, and put a moonstone barrette on you."

Rand smiled at Min, who could still make him laugh. "I've never heard of a fate worse than death, but I think what you're talking about is probably worse than death." There was a knock on the door.Ming's body froze, she didn't say a word, she just read Elana's name with her lips.Rand nodded.To his surprise, Ming pushed him onto the pillow and flung himself on his chest.Then she raised her upper body again, and Rand realized that she was looking at herself in the mirror on the washstand.Finally, Ming found a position she liked, half lying on Rand's body, with one arm around Rand's neck, and the other hand pressed against her own cheek, pressing on Rand's chest, and then she shouted: " Come in."

Cadsuane entered the room, stopped, looked at the dagger nailed to the door frame, and frowned.She wore a long dark green dress of exquisite workmanship and a fur-trimmed cloak fastened at the collar with a silver pin.She looked like a successful businessman or a banker, neither of which had golden birds and stars and moons adorning her iron-gray bun.She didn't wear a giant snake ring, at least from this point of view, she still knew to conceal her identity. "Are the children fighting?" she asked gently. Rand could almost feel Lews Therin falling silent, like a rock cat crouching in the shadows.Lews Therin was almost as wary of this woman as he was.

Ming got up with a flushed face, desperately smoothing the hem of the skirt. "You said it was hers!" Her tone was full of reproach.Only then did Elana enter the room.Cadsuane closed the door. Elana glanced at Ming, then stopped looking at her and focused on Rand.She took off her cloak and threw it on a chair in the room—there were only two chairs here.But her dark eyes never left Rand.She grabbed the dark gray skirt and clenched her hands tightly. She also didn't wear the Aes Sedai's gold ring.From the moment her eyes fell on Rand, joy flowed to Rand along her bondage.Other emotions were there, nervous, angry, but Rand never thought she would be happy! Rand did not change his posture, but began to play with the flute again. "Should I be surprised to see you, Cadsuane? It really doesn't suit my mind that you popped up so suddenly. Who taught you Spirit Walk?" It could only be Spirit Walk.A moment before, Elana had been a vague shadow on the edge of his mind, and then she was a strong idea.Rand thought that Elana had learned the power of God, but when he saw Cadsuane, he immediately understood who had cast the power. Elana tightened her lips, and even Min looked disapproving.The emotions from one bondage are constantly jumping and fluttering, and the other bondage is indeed anger mixed with happiness.Why does Elana feel happy? "Still as rude as a goat," Cadsuane said disapprovingly. "Son, I don't think I need your permission to visit the land of my birth. And as for divine walk, that's none of your business either." She opened her collar pin, Pinning the brooch within reach of his belt, he removed the cloak and hung it over one arm, neatly folded, as if this matter were more important than Rand.There was a hint of exasperation in her voice: "It is because of you that I have to take the trouble to send many people here. Erana is crazy to see you again, and only a heart of stone will refuse her." Sorilin said Well, some people who swear allegiance to you will be of no use if they don't come to you with Elana, so I had to bring Nai Suen, Sarenni, Elianne, Berdyne and Aisha. And Halini and her sisters, her swordsman chief, and a few others. When Halini learned that Elana was going to find you, she didn't even know whether to faint, scream, or bite to death One or two to express her excitement. And your three friends in black, I don't know if they are eager to see you, but they are here too. Now that we have found you, I can let the sea people And those sisters came to see you, let you deal with them." Rand cursed and jumped up suddenly: "No! Keep them away from me!" Cadsuane's black eyes narrowed. "I warned you to talk carefully, and I won't warn you again." She frowned, studied Rand for a while, and then nodded, as if believing Rand's words. De had remembered her admonition. "So, what makes you think you can tell me what to do, boy?" Rand was clearly struggling.He couldn't give Cadsuane orders, and he couldn't give Cadsuane orders anywhere.Min had said that he needed this woman, that this woman was going to teach him something he had to learn, but that only made Rand more uncomfortable with this woman.Finally he said: "I just want to finish what I have to do here and leave quietly. If you tell them where I am, at least let them know that I can't let them near me, at least until I'm ready." Not before leaving." Cadsuane raised an eyebrow at him, waiting.Rand took a deep breath, why did she always make everything so difficult? "If you don't tell them where I am, I'll be very grateful." Then, with great reluctance, he said, "Please." Min exhaled heavily, as if she hadn't been breathing all this time. "Very well," Cadsuane said after a while, "as long as you try hard, you can show enough politeness, even if it makes you look like a toothache. I think I can keep this little secret for you for the time being." , they don't all know that you're in this city. Oh yes, I should tell you that Meris has bound Narima, Kelile has Dahmer, and young Eben is now Dagian That's it." Her tone was as if she just thought of it by chance, and said it casually. Before Rand's swear words came out, Cadsuane had already raised his hand and slapped his jaw almost off. His eyes were full of black spots turning around.The other two women in the room gasped. "I told you," Cadsuane said quietly, "there will be no more warnings." Ming Chao Rand took a step.Rand shook his head slightly, which helped to dispel the dark spots in front of his eyes.He wanted to rub his chin very much, but he still pressed his hands to his sides vigorously, and at the same time tried not to crush the flute in his hand.Cadsuane acted like nothing had happened. "Why would Dharma and the others accept being bound?" Rand asked. "If you see them, you can ask them yourself." Cadsuane replied, "Min, I think Elana would like to be alone with him for a while." Before Min could answer, she had turned and walked towards the door , while still saying: "Elana, I'll wait for you in the ladies' room below, don't delay too long, I want to go back to the highlands. Ming?" Min glared at Elana, Erana glared at Rand, and then Min shook his hands and followed Cadsuane, muttering something under his breath as he slammed the door. "I like you more than yourself." Elana folded her arms, examining him.Anger and joy were entwined in her bondage. "I've always hoped that things would be better if I were near you, but you're still a rock in my head. Even standing here, I don't know if your mood is really messed up. Even so, It would be better to be here, I don't like being separated from the Warder for so long." Rand ignored her, and paid no attention to the joy that continued to flow along the bondage. "She never asked me why I came to Farmeding," he whispered, keeping his eyes on the door as though he could see Cadsuane through the panel.Cadsuane must have wanted to know. "Elana, it must have been you who told her I was here. What about your oath?" Elana took a deep breath, and after a while, she answered with all her strength: "I don't know if Cadsuane cares about you. I keep my vows to the letter, no matter how hard you make it difficult for me to keep them." ’” Her voice grew harsher, and the rage grew more violent in her bondage. "I am loyal to a man who completely abandoned me. How can I be loyal to you? More importantly, what have you done?" She walked towards Rand and stood in front of him, her anger burning in her eyes. Burning in the eyes.Rand was a foot taller than her, but she didn't seem to notice it. "I know, you must have done something. I was in a coma for three days! What did you do?" "I decided that if I'm going to be bonded, it should be whoever I want." He caught Elana's palm just as it was about to slap him in the face. "I've already been slapped today." Elana stared at him, her teeth protruding from her lips, as if she wanted to bite his throat, and only anger and humiliation remained in the bondage, which stung Rand like a dagger. "You let someone bind you?" she bellowed. "How dare you! Whoever she is, I'll charge her in court! I'll whip her! You're mine!" "Elana," Rand's voice was as cold as ice, "if there are more Aes Sedai who know that you bound me, then you will be the one who will be whipped." Ming once told him that Elana was It could be trusted, because Ming had seen this Green Aes Sedai and the other four Aes Sedai "held in his hands".Rand did trust Elana, in an odd way, but he was also held by Elana.He doesn't want this. "Release me, and I will deny that you have ever done this." Before Lan told him about himself and Myrelle, he didn't know it was possible to do so. "Release me, and I will cancel your oath." The boiling anger was reduced in the bondage, but it did not disappear, and Elana's expression also returned to calm.She said in a calm voice, "You hurt my hand." Rand knew that he could feel the pain coming from the binding.He let go, and Elana rubbed her wrists, and Rand knew that she was deliberately showing him how much pain she was in.In this way, while rubbing her wrists, she sat on the empty chair in the room and folded her legs together.It looked like she was thinking about something. "I'm already thinking about letting you go," she finally said. "It's something I've always dreamed of doing." She smiled a little regretfully. "I even asked Cadsuane if I could transfer the bondage to her. You should know how desperate I am. What I know is that only Cadsuane can hold you, but she refused. The request was furious, because I didn't ask you about it first. And she said that even if you agreed, she would still refuse," Elana spread her hands, "So, you are still mine." Her expression did not Changed, but when she said so, the mood of joy came again. "No matter how I got you, you are my guardian. I have a responsibility to you, which I must stick to, just like I want to stick to my oath to obey you. Therefore, I will not let you go, and will You give it to anyone unless I know she can hold you right. Who bound you? If she is capable enough, I will let her have you." The thought of Cadsuane's possibility of accepting his bondage sent a shudder down Rand's spine.Elana had never been able to control him with this bond, and Rand didn't think any other Aes Sedai had this ability, except Cadsuane.Light!Don't let him take that risk!Instead of answering Elana, he asked, "What makes you think she doesn't care about me?" Trusting Elana or not, he didn't intend to let Elana know, nor did he intend to let anyone else know.What Elayne, Ming, and Aviendha did might not offend the Tower's laws, but if their connection to him were leaked, they would have far more to fear than Aes Sedai's punishment.He sat on the edge of the bed and twirled the flute with both hands. "Just because she rejected my bondage? Maybe she wasn't as indifferent to me as you think. She came to me when I was in Cairhien and stayed there for a long time. Besides me, she No other reason. Am I really going to believe that when I happen to be here, she'll want to come back and visit friends? She brought you to Famedin just to find me." Elana replied disapprovingly: "Rand, she wants to know where you are every day. Even a shepherd in Seresin would want to know where you are. The whole world wants to know. I only know that you are far away. and you stay in the same place for days on end, that's all. I know when she and Verin are coming here, I have to beg her, I have to kneel to her! Just because of this, she promised to take me with you. But I didn't feel you were here until I left the passage and stood on the hill beside the city. I thought I'd have to go to Tyre to find you. When we came here, Cadsuane taught me the magic trick. So, don't abandon me so easily in the future." Cadsuane taught Elana the magic trick?This doesn't tell Rand who taught Cadsuan the magic, but Rand doesn't think it matters. "Did the three of Dahmer take the bond voluntarily? Or did the Aes Sedai do to them what you did to me?" Elana's cheeks were slightly flushed, but her voice was still steady: "I know, Meris made a request to Jiaha, Jiaha thought for two days, and then accepted. As far as I know, Meiris never forced Good ha. I didn't witness what happened to the others, but like Cadsuane said, you can ask them yourself. Rand, you must understand that they are afraid to go back to your 'Dark Tower' Go." Elana's lips twisted in disgust at the mention of the Black Tower. "They are afraid they will be punished for the attack you suffered. If they flee, they will be hunted deserters. I believe this is an order from you. Who else can they go to but the Aes Sedai? They should too. Do this." Elana smiled, as if seeing something very wonderful, and her voice became excited: "Rand, Damo has discovered a cure for stillness! Light, now I say The tongue doesn't feel stiff anymore when you say that word. He healed Irgan, Ronel, and Sashale. They've all sworn fealty to you, just like everyone else." "What do you mean? Everyone else?" "I'm talking about all the sisters who are guarded by the Aiel, even the sisters of the Red Sect." Judging from her tone, she seemed to be in disbelief, and the emotion of surprise also appeared in her appointment. tie in.She planted her feet on the ground and leaned over to Rand, her eyes fixed on him. "All swore, and accepted the penance you sentenced Na'thun to them. You know, I'm talking about the five sisters who swore to you first. Cadsuane didn't trust them, she didn't Let them bring their Warders. I admit I was skeptical of them at first, but I believe now that you can trust them. They swore to you, and you know what that means to an Aes Sedai. Rand , we cannot break our oath, it is impossible." Even Hongzong is no exception.Rand had been amazed when the five Aes Sedai captives had sworn oaths to him, and Elaida had sent them to kidnap him, which they had done.Rand had believed that the Aes Sedai took that vow simply because he was the Time Axis, but the Axis works only once in a million chances, making random changes to karma.And, anyway, Rand found it hard to believe that a Red Aes Sedai would swear allegiance to a man who could channel. "You need us, Rand." Elana stood up, as if she was going to walk towards Rand, but she just stood there, looking at Rand without blinking, her hands seemed to be stroking the hem of her skirt subconsciously. "You need the support of the Aes Sedai, or you'll have to conquer each country one by one. And so far, you haven't done a good job at that. The Cairhien Rebellion may be over in your opinion, but it's not All would be glad to see Dobran appointed as your surrogate. If Thorum Riadin reappears, many will fall for him. We hear that Lord Darin, huddled in the Rock of Tyr, calls himself I was your agent in Tire, but the rebels there didn't come out of Harden Mork to join him. As for Andor, Ilan Trancan may announce that she will support you when she ascends the throne, But she has driven your army out of Caemlyn. Once she takes control of Andor, I doubt your army will have a foothold in that country. Aes Sedai can help you. Elayne will obey us Suggestion. Cairhien and Tyr's rebels will listen to us. In three thousand years, the White Tower has prevented countless wars and quelled countless rebellions. Maybe you won't like Refella and Melanna and Halene Treaty signed, but they got everything you asked for. Light, you man, let us help you!" Rand nodded slowly.The Aes Sedai pledged their allegiance to him, which should show the world his strength.He was afraid that the Aes Sedai would manipulate him into a puppet, but that fear blinded him too.He didn't like to admit it, but he had been a fool. People who only know how to trust are fools, said Lews Therin, and people who don't know how to trust are also fools.As long as we live long enough, we'll all be fools.His voice sounded a little rational. "Go back to Cairhien," Rand ordered, "tell Refera and Melanna that I want them to meet Hardenmork's rebels, and let them take Bila and Coruna with them." Four were the Aes Sedai that Min had said he could trust besides Elana.How did Min judge the five other Aes Sedai that Cadsuane had brought?They would serve him in their own ways, but that would not be enough, not yet. "I want Darin Sisnilla to be my agent in Tyre, and the laws I make in Tyre are to be enforced. I will not limit them to what conditions they put in the treaty, as long as the rebellion there is quelled. Then ……What's wrong?" Elana's face fell.She sat back in the chair. "I just came here, and you are going to drive me away again. Since that girl is here, I think it's fine." She sighed, "You don't know what I went through in Cairhien, I have to hide Stay in this bond, otherwise what you two are doing will keep me up at night. But I can't completely cover it up, because I don't like to be completely cut off from my guardian, it is too difficult. Just thinking To go back to Cairhien frightens me." Rand cleared his throat. "That's what I want you to do." Now that he knew, women were more open to talking about some things than men, but it still shocked him.He hoped that Elayne and Aviendha would also cover the bonds when he made love to Min.When the two of them shared the bed, there was never room for a third person, just like when he and Elayne were together.Of course he didn't want to talk about such things with Elana. "By the time your mission in Cairhien is complete, my work here may also be finished. If I haven't... If I haven't finished, you can come back here, but you must keep your distance from me until I give other orders." The joy was suppressed, but it jumped up again. "You won't tell me who bound you?" Seeing that Rand just shook his head, Elana sighed. "I'd better go." She stood up, draping the cloak in her arms. "Cathuane doesn't have much patience. Sorellin told her to watch over us like a hen over her chicks, and that's exactly what she did, but in her own way." Arana stopped at the door. Come down, ask one last question: "Why did you come here, Rand? Cadsuane may not care, but I do. I'll keep it a secret if you want. I can't spend days in the settlement myself. Why do you Are you willing to stay here, in this place where you can’t feel the true source at all?” "Maybe it's not so bad for me," Rand lied.Rand thought he could tell her that he trusted Elana to keep his secret, but Elana saw him as her Warder, and she was a Green Aes Sedai.There was no explanation for Elana leaving him in such circumstances.But in Famedin, Elana was no better able to protect herself than Ming, and she might even be worse than Ming. "Come on, Elana, I've wasted a lot of time." After Erana left, Rand leaned back against the wall and continued to play with his flute, but he didn't want to play it now.Min had said that he needed Cadsuane, and Cadsuane was indifferent to him, with nothing more than a modest curiosity and a very bad attitude.He had to make Cadsuane more interested in him.In the light of the day, what should he do? On the square in front of Elles Palace, Villin struggled to squeeze out of the sedan chair. Her body structure was not suitable for such a small space, but the sedan chair was the fastest means of transportation for Famedin.Sooner or later the carriage would be blocked by the crowd, and it would not be able to go where Vaelin wanted to go.The moist wind blowing from the lake was getting colder, and the last twilight of the sun was receding, but Vaelin did not pull up the cloak that was blown away by the wind.She took out two silver dimes from her purse and handed them to the bearers. Of course she shouldn't have done this. These bearers are all servants of Eleuse.But Edwina didn't understand the rules here.The bearers would not accept her money either.But the two silver coins disappeared in their pockets immediately.The younger of the two bearers, a rather handsome middle-aged man, even bowed deeply to her.Then, they picked up the sedan chair and ran towards a low stable in the corner of the palace.Verin sighed.A boy who has entered middle age.It hasn't been long since she's been back in Famedin, and already it feels as if she's never been away, but she has to be careful.This kind of thinking may be dangerous for her, and Ellis or others can't reveal her disguised identity. The sentence of exiling Verin Matherwen is still valid.Falmadin had always been silent about Aes Sedai's violations of the law, but the Mentors had no reason to be afraid of Aes Sedai.And for its own reasons, the White Tower also kept silent on the rare cases of sisters being detained and whipped. She didn't want to be the latest case that the White Tower kept silent about. Ellis's palace is of course not comparable to the Sun Palace and Andor Palace, nor the palaces of other kingdoms. This is Eles' own mansion, which has nothing to do with her position as chief minister.Other large or small palaces are lined up on both sides of it, and each palace is surrounded by high walls, leaving only the side where the high ground and the lake meet.There are steep cliffs, and this is the only high ground on the entire island.But Eleuse's palace was still a magnificent building.Back when the city was known as Fermorena, the women of the House of Basera had been running trade and politics here.Tall columns surround the Basara Palace and support the upper and lower walkways. Most of the walls of the palace are covered with white marble. Verin found Cadsuane in a living room.Flames danced in the expansive marble fireplace, which overlooked the lake were it not for the thick drapes drawn for warmth.Beside Cadsuane's chair, her sewing basket sat on a small marquetry table, and she was fiddling with needlework and embroidery frames in the silence.She was not alone in the room.Vaelin hung his cloak over the back of an upholstered chair and seated himself in another. Aisa didn't even glance at Verin, the normally smiling Green sister standing in front of Cadsuane, her eyes wide open, her face flushed and excited.Aisa always cared about the relationship between her and other sisters, maybe a little too much, so she ignored Verin so much.Her emotions must have been quite confused. "How did you let her go?" she asked Cadsuane. "How would we find that man without her?" Ah, so it was. Cadsuane still lowered her head, concentrating on the embroidery in her hands, and her embroidery needle kept going up and down between the patterns. "You can wait for her to come back." Aisa clenches her hands into fists and puts them on her waist. "How can you be so nonchalant? He's the Dragon Reborn! This place could be a death trap for him! You must..." Seeing Cadsuane lift a finger, she snapped her mouth shut.It was Cadsuane's only movement, but it was enough for her. "I've had enough of your noise, Aisha, you can go, now!" Aisa hesitated, but she really had no choice, so she still blushed, grabbed the dark green skirt, and curtseyed.Although she strode out of the room with anger still on her face, she did not delay any further. Cadsuane put the embroidery frame on her lap and leaned back in her chair. "Could you pour me a cup of tea, Vaelin?" Verin shuddered slightly involuntarily, and Cadsuane didn't even glance in her direction. "Of course, Cadsuane." A heavy carved silver teapot sat on a four-legged table on a side table, and the tea was thankfully still hot. "Was it wise to let Elana go?" Vaelin asked. "If I stop her, then it'll be hard to hide something from that boy, won't it?" Cadsuane replied nonchalantly. Verin poured the tea into a thin blue porcelain teacup unhurriedly. This is not Haimin porcelain, but it is already very delicate. "Do you know why he came to Famedin? I almost swallowed my tongue when I deduced that he wasn't running around anymore just because he might be here. Maybe there's a danger in that and we should try to stop him .” "Valin, he can do whatever his heart desires, as long as he lives to meet the end of the war. As long as I can be with him long enough to make him learn to laugh and cry again." Cadsuane closed his eyes , rubbed his forehead with his fingertips, and sighed. “他正在变成一块石头,维林,如果他不能重新学会做一个人,那么即使赢得最后战争,结果也不会比失败更好。年轻的明告诉他,他需要我,我从明口中得知了这件事。当然,我没有引起她的怀疑,但我只能等待他来找我。你也看到了他对埃拉娜和其他姐妹的铁石心肠。教导他是困难的,即使是他主动向我求教。他会和导师对抗,他认为他必须把每一件事都做好,自己学会一切。而如果我不让他明白,他将什么都学不会。”她的双手落在膝头的刺绣框上。 “今晚我做刺绣的状态似乎很好,这对我来说并不常见。你倒好茶了吗?我也许还要再做一会儿。” “哦,是的,当然。”维林匆匆倒满第二只茶杯,并将小瓶子原封不动地收回到口袋里。能够确认凯苏安的目的,这点很不错。“你要蜂蜜吗?”她用自己最含混的声音问道,“这件事我总是记不住。”
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