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Chapter 18 Chapter Thirteen Good News

The sun room of the Sun Palace is thickly carpeted, and there are two fireplaces at each end of the room. The fire is burning brightly, but the room is still very cold.The bright morning sun streams in through the sloping glass roof, completely unaffected by the thin layer of snow that has accumulated on it.It was a suitable place for an audience, and Cadsuane thought it best not to use the Throne Hall.So far, Lord Dobran has remained silent about her detention of Caraline Daotri and Darin Sisnilla.The best way to stop them from continuing to wreak havoc is, of course, to keep them firmly under control.But if her actions exceeded Lord Dobran's acceptable range, Dobran probably wouldn't be so law-abiding.Dobran was too close to the boy, and true to her vows, for her to want violence against him.Looking back on the past years, she has made many mistakes, bitter regrets, and innocent sacrifices, but she can't make any mistakes here, absolutely can't fail.Guangming, she really wants to find someone to bite her hard!

"I demand the return of my Windfinder, Aes Sedai!" cried Halini din Togala.She sat stiffly in front of Cadsuane in a green brocade smock, her full lips tightly pursed.There is no wrinkle on her face, but there are many white strands in her straight black hair.She has been the chief of the waves of the tribe for ten years, and before that, she was already in command of a large ship.Her navigator, Delan Ding Heiran, was much younger than she, and was dressed in blue silk, and her chair was a foot behind the long chair of the waves, as was the custom of the Seamen.The two of them seemed to be the embodiment of anger, and the jewels adorning their faces only made them look more terrifying.They didn't even look at Eben as he bowed to them with silver cups of mulled mulled wine.

Seeing that the two seamen did not take the wine glass away, the boy seemed a little at a loss. He frowned uncertainly and continued to bow until Dai Jian smiled and tugged on his red coat, leading him to the Walk.The Aes Sedai looked like a cheerful puff-breasted pigeon in a dark blue dress with white stripes.Eben was a slender young man with a big nose and big ears, by no means handsome, but Dai Jian always took good care of him.They sat together on an upholstered stool in front of the fireplace and began a game of tumbling rope. "Your sister is helping us understand what's going on in this unfortunate time." Cadsuane's tone was mild, almost absent-minded.She took a sip of mulled wine and waited, ignoring the anxious eyes of the seafolk.For the boy named Rand, Refella and Melanna made an unimaginable contract with the sea people.Dobran had been complaining about the impossibility of fully honoring the pact, but Rand was still able to keep the Sea Folk under control.Cadsuane generally didn't pay much attention to these sea people, and it was for their own good. If she really focused on them, she might have smashed them like a bug.But Yasan Miyar wasn't the real source of her rage.

There were five Aes Sedai in front of the fireplace at the far end of the room.In front of Nai'sun stood a reading shelf, on which was a large wooden book she found from the library of the Sun Palace.Like the other sisters, she wore a simple woolen dress, which made her more of an ordinary merchant than an Aes Sedai.They were out of silk, but they didn't show any distress about it.Sarennie braided her hair into small braids, and embroidered many small beads on the braids. Instead of sitting in a chair, she was busy in front of a large embroidery frame. On the embroidery frame, there were flowers among the flowers. A flower is gradually taking shape under her needles.Brianna and Burdine are playing chess, and Aisa is watching, waiting to play the winner of the two.From the looks of it, they're just passing the morning bored, not caring what's going on in the world.Maybe they knew they were only here because Cadsuane wanted to watch them.Why did they swear allegiance to that boy named Rand?At least Coruna and the others decided to swear to him when they stood in front of Rand.She is willing to admit that no one can stop the influence of the time axis.And the five Aes Sedai were sentenced to penance for attempting to kidnap Rand. Before they were brought before Rand, they decided to swear to Rand.At first Cadsuane was inclined to believe their various explanations, but a few days earlier they had all hit the wall with difficulty, which was disturbing.

"Your authority will have no effect on my Windfinder, Aes Sedai," Harleenne said unquestionably, "Leno must come back to me immediately." Delan nodded slightly in agreement.Cadsuane felt she would have no objection if the wave master ordered her pilot to jump off the cliff.In Asan Miyar's hierarchy, Delan's status is far lower than that of Harleenne.That was all Cadsuane knew of the Sea People.The Sea People might be of great use, or they might not be, and either way, she would find a way to keep them under control. "This is an investigation by the Aes Sedai," she replied mildly. "We must obey the laws of the White Tower." Of course, this was just an excuse. She had always believed that the spirit of the law was far more important than the letter.

Halini straightened her head like an enraged snake, and she began to state her rights and demands at length again, but Cadsuane only used half of her ear to listen to her, and her mind was thinking of other things matter. Elianne, a fair-skinned, dark-haired Irian, insisted fiercely on being by the boy's side in the final battle.It wasn't long before Bai Daien got the shawl, and she didn't even have a clean and flawless face, but she was determined to fulfill all the responsibilities of the Green Sect.And Aisa, a lovely looking Andor whose eyes light up when she talks about making sure the boy lives to fight the Dark Lord.She also belongs to the Green sect, and is more enthusiastic than other Green sect sisters.Ne'thun was always gazing intently at her tome, looking like a black-eyed bird examining her worms.She belonged to the Brown sect, if she wanted to study a scorpion, she would not hesitate to get into the same box as that scorpion.Sarennie may be stupid, even caring whether others notice her beauty, but the White sisters always insist on their cold logical view-Rand is the dragon reborn, so logically speaking, she Must follow him.Reckless reasons, idiotic reasons, but Cadsuane would probably have accepted them had it not been for something else.

The door to the corridor opened, and Vaelin and Sorilin walked in.The wrinkled, white-haired Aiel woman handed Vaelin a small item, which Vaelin slipped into the pouch at her waist.Vaelin wore a simple bronze-colored dress with a flower-shaped brooch.In Cadsuane's memory, this was the first piece of jewelry on Verin's body other than the Serpent Ring. "It can help you sleep," Sorellin said, "but just remember that you can only add three drops to the water at a time, or add one drop to the wine. Any more, and you may sleep all day. , even longer. Any more and you won't be able to wake up. It doesn't have any smell, so you have to be careful." That said, Verin has a problem with insomnia.Cadsuane hadn't had a good night's sleep since the boy escaped from the Sun Palace, and if she didn't get another good night's sleep, she might actually be going to bite.Nai'thun and the others were looking at Verin with uncertain eyes.The boy had forced them to become apprentices to the Aiel wise men, and they had known that the Aiel women were serious about it.With a snap of Sorilin's bony fingers, the leisurely morning of the Aes Sedai would be over at once.

Harleenne leaned forward, stretched out her fingertips, and flicked Cadsuane hard on the cheek! "You didn't listen to me!" Cadsuane put her hands together and looked over at the woman over her fingertips.No, she still can't ride on the long neck of this Bo Tao, she will not let this woman go back to her room crying, she wants to show the diplomacy that Collen dreamed of, so she used the fastest Time sorted out everything that had just been heard. "You are the mouthpiece of the captains of Azan Miyar, with all her authority, authority beyond my imagination," she said gently, "and if your Windseeker does not come back to you within an hour, Carla Mob will punish me severely. You demanded that we apologize for the detention of your Windfinder, and you demanded that I immediately have Dobran cede the land that Kramer promised you, and I believe that is the whole point of your declaration " Bo Tao also said one more thing, that is, to beat her with a whip!

"Very well," Harleenne leaned back in her chair comfortably, with a disgustingly smug smile on her face, "You know—" "I don't care about your Kramer at all," Cadsuane continued, his voice still gentle.Everyone in the world cares about Dragon Reborn, but no one really cares about Kramer of the Sea People.Her tone never changed at all. "If you touch me again without permission, I'll tie you up, put you in a sack, and throw you back to your room." Diplomacy wasn't her strong suit, after all. "If you bother me about your sister again... Well, I might really be angry." She stood up, and instead of looking at the furious sea dweller who just opened her mouth, she raised her voice, Across the room yelled, "Sarennie!"

The slender Tarabon turned away from the embroidery frame immediately, and the braids at the back of his head were shaken, and the beads collided with each other in a series of rattling sounds.She hurried to Cadsuane's side, and without hesitation, she spread her dark gray skirt and curtseyed.The wise men might have taught the Aes Sedai to salute to them, but the Aes Sedai didn't have to teach them to salute Cadsuane.There are many benefits to being a legend, especially a mysterious legend. "Escort the two of them back to their rooms," Cadsuane ordered, "they need to do some reflection on etiquette, make sure they finish this reflection, and slap them with the palm of your hand if they say any rude words, but Be mindful of your diplomatic etiquette."

Sarennie froze for a moment, then opened her mouth slightly, as if to point out Cadsuane's logical error.But she glanced at Cadsuane's face, then turned to the two Athamyars and waved them to their feet.Harleen stood up abruptly, her black face full of angry hard lines.Before she could continue her tirade, Delan touched her arm and leaned over to whisper something in her ear.I don't know what the pilot said, but Harleenne finally closed her mouth, her expression showed no signs of softening, but she just glanced at the Aes Sedai at the other end of the room, and motioned for Sarennie to lead the way up.Boss still pretended she had decided to leave, but Delan followed her as if to drive her forward.Before the door closed, she glanced back into the room again. Cadsuane almost regretted giving such an outrageous order, which Sarennie would definitely carry out meticulously.Those Sea Folks were irritating, and so far, they hadn't played a role, and it was necessary to keep these little annoyances out of her mind so she could focus on the important things.If she finds a use for them, she will have to go to some lengths to trim them, too, to make them useful tools.She was a little tired of these sea people, and she hadn't even thought about it seriously until now.Maybe it's time to think about it now?No, it was the boy who really made her angry, but she couldn't hold the boy in her hands yet. Sorilin snorted loudly, turned his eyes away from Sarenne and Azan Miyar, and stared with a frown at the Aes Sedai gathered at the end of the room.When she adjusted the shawl, the pile of bracelets hanging from her arm clattered loudly, and the woman was clearly not in a good mood.Sea folk have a strange idea of ​​"Aiel wildlings".However, before Cadsuane met Sorilin, she had almost the same views on the Aiel as the Sea People.Of course, the Aiel wise man didn't like the sea folk at all. Cadsuane walked up to Sorilin with a smile, and no one could make Sorilin come to him.Everyone thought they were going to be friends, and to Cadsuane's surprise she seemed to think so herself, but no one knew of their pact yet.Eben appeared beside Cadsuane holding a tray, and Cadsuane put the half-drunk wine glass on the tray.Only then did the boy in the red coat show a relaxed expression, and hurried back to Dai Jian's side. "Last night," Sorilin said, "Qiseen Nubeya asked to serve Kayaken." Her tone showed that she was very disapproving of this. "At Sunrise, Janine Palera made the same request, then Inina Dahold and Vajelle Casa. They never got a chance to talk to each other, it was impossible to plan together Such things, but I accepted their request." Cadsuane snorted angrily, "I believe you've given them enough penance." She said indifferently, while turning her mind quickly.There were nineteen Aes Sedai imprisoned in the Aiel camp, nineteen sisters sent by the foolish Elaida to kidnap the boy's nineteen sisters, and now they were all sworn to follow him!And these last sisters are the least likely to commit their allegiance to a man. "What makes a Red Sister swear allegiance to a man who can channel?" Vaelin said to himself.Suo Ruilin glanced at her, and she returned to silence.Strangely, although Vaelin was also forced to become an apprentice to the Aiel, she looked like a fish in water.Now, she spent most of her day in the Aiel camp. "Not penance, Cadsuane," Sorilin waved his strong hand in denial, and there was another clatter of gold and ivory bracelets, "they are trying to fulfill a righteousness they cannot afford. We call these stupid people They are hiding, but if they are willing to work hard, maybe their crimes can still be redeemed." Sorilin's tone seemed rather reluctant, and she was not only disgusted with the nineteen Aes Sedai.She gave Cadsuane a stiff smile. "We teach them as much as they need to learn whenever possible." She clearly thought that all Aes Sedai should be apprentices to the Wise Ones. "I hope you will continue to keep them under strict supervision," Cadsuane said, "especially the last four." She believed that they would keep this ridiculous vow, but the boy would not necessarily like the way they fulfilled the vow, but that didn't mean anything. There was no guarantee that there wouldn't be a Black Aes Sedai among them.When she thought that the opportunity to completely eradicate the Black Sect was in front of her eyes, but she could only watch her efforts slip through her fingers like bubbles, Cadsuane would feel a bitter sense of failure in her heart.There was only one failure in her life that could compare to this, and that was when she learned of the operations of Caroline Daoutrey's cousins ​​in the Border States, years after it had happened, and she was completely powerless up.And now, even the Black Ancestors were nothing compared to what really mattered. "We have been strictly monitoring our apprentices," the old Aiel woman replied, "I think I must remind those other people that they should be grateful when they can do as they please like the chief of the clan." No wait. Sorilin walked to the fireplace, and the other four Aes Sedai around the fireplace had already stood up and curtsied deeply to her.Sorilin began to instruct them in a low voice, wagging a finger as she spoke, and the Aes Sedai just listened obediently.Sorilin might have thought she had much to teach them, and they had learned that the Aes Sedai's shawl offered no protection to the Wise One's apprentice.To Cadsuane, righteousness looked a lot like penance. "She's... quite powerful," Vaelin murmured. "Glad she's on our side, and I hope she's all right." Casuan glanced at her sharply: "You seem to have some opinions about someone, but you don't want to say it. Is it Sorellin?" Although she and Sorellin have established an alliance, this alliance relationship It was vague, and she and the Aiel sage probably still had very different goals. "That's not it." sighed the short, buxom Aes Sedai, who, despite her square face, looked like a fat sparrow when she turned her head sideways. "I know it's none of my business, Cadsuane, but Bila and Coruna are going nowhere with our guests, so I had a brief conversation with Leno, and after some gentle questioning, she finally said Tell the whole story. Ariel also confirmed all these things after knowing that I already knew everything. Not long after Haimin arrived here, Ariel found Shaluo and wanted to know what they wanted from Little Rand. What, and Shaluo is also doing her best to collect information from him, trying to get a precise grasp of Rand and the situation here. They met more than once, and thus established a friendship in the bed. I think, the two A woman's relationship is more or less the result of their desire to get rid of solitude, which they are trying to hide anyway. Compared with this, other secrets are not important to them." "In order to hide this secret, they would rather endure continuous interrogation for several days?" Cadsuane asked in disbelief.Bila and Coruna used to make those two wail day and night! There was a slight glint of suppressed pleasure in Verin's eyes. "The Cairhien have a lot of rules and are a clean freak, at least on the surface. Maybe in the closed bed curtain, they are like rabbits in heat, but in front of others, they will not even admit to touching their own. Husband. And the Seamen are as stubborn as the Cairhien in this respect. Sara already has a husband, but that husband is not here, and breaking a marriage vow is a felony among Seamen. If her sisters find out that her crime, Leno would be 'a windseeker in a canoe,' as they say." Cadsuane felt her hair accessories brush her shoulders as she shook her head, and shortly after the attack on the palace, Ariel and Leno were found both tied up with ropes, gagged, and thrown on the grounds of Ai Yi. under Er's bed.Cadsuane suspected that the two of them knew the secret of the attack, and when they refused to answer why they met in secret, Cadsuane was even more convinced of this, and that they might even be involved in the attack.Although this is clearly the work of treasonous martyrdom.Of course, it has not been determined whether these martyrs are traitors.They have wasted too much time and energy.Whether the secret dug out from Ariel and Zara was another meaningless matter, Cadsuan was also not sure. "Verin, send Ms. Ariel back to her lodgings and apologize to her for the way she has been treated. Give her some...subtle reassurances to keep her confidence in her future status, but also make her Understand the uncertainty of this guarantee. Make it clear to her that she should let me know all the news about her brother as soon as possible." Coercion is a tool, and she does not like to use it. The martyr used this tool on his body.The rebellion of Thorum Riadin was over, but he might still be causing trouble.In fact, Cadsuane didn't care who would sit on the Sun Throne, but the series of intrigues carried out by those who pretended to be the throne may affect more important things. Verin smiled and nodded slightly: "Yes, I believe this will have a good effect, especially since he doesn't like her brother very much. Should we do the same to Shaluo? Or do you want to see Yasan Mia What will happen in Er? I suspect that even in great danger, she may not really betray Harini." "She'll betray and I need her to betray," Cadsuane said sternly. "Keep her locked up until tomorrow night." Never let Harliny think that her demands will be granted, the seamen are only used Another tool against the boy, nothing more.Anyone and anything can only be judged from this perspective.Behind Weilin, Kelile had already quietly entered the sun room, and closed the door carefully, as if she didn't want to disturb anyone. This is not Kelile's usual style.She was slender as a boy, with bushy black eyebrows and long, thick, glossy black hair, which gave her a rather brutish appearance, no matter how neatly she was dressed.Usually, this Huang Zong sister would rush into the room with a laugh, but now, she rubbed the tip of her nose and looked at Casuan with a hesitant expression, and there was nothing in her blue eyes. The kind of spark that is often seen. Cadsuane gestured to her, and Kelile took a deep breath, picked up the hem of the blue skirt with yellow stripes in both hands, and walked quickly across the room.Then she glanced at the sisters clustered around Suo Ruilin at one end of the room, and Dai Jian who was playing a rope game with Eben at the other end, and then said softly with a Morandi accent: "I will take Very good news, Cadsuane." But from the tone of her voice, she was obviously not sure how good the news was. "You told me to haunt Dahmer and keep him in the palace, but he insisted on visiting the sisters who were still in the Aiel camp. Although he is a mild-tempered man, as long as he makes up his mind , there will never be any wavering, and he never believes that there are incurable wounds in this world, just like he does not believe that the sun will rise from the west. The fact is that he went to heal Irgan, and as a result, Irgan It's as if Gan has never been..." Her voice trailed off because she couldn't utter the word, but it was like a flame that blazed before the eyes of these two ceremonies - stillness. "Good news indeed." Cadsuane's voice showed no emotion.The fear of being cut off from oneself to the One Power is a fear shared by all sisters, and now there is a cure for this once unhealable wound, and it is in the hands of a man.There must be many tears and condemnation before the sisters accept this reality.Of course, every sister, after learning about this incident, would think that this would be a discovery that would shake the world—a miracle created by a man using the Supreme Power!But compared to Rand Arthur, it's just a storm in a teapot. "I suppose she should be whipped by the Aiel like the rest?" "She doesn't have to," Vaelin said absently, frowning as she stared at an ink stain on her finger, but her attention was clearly not on it. "The wise ones apparently thought that what Rand had done to Ilgan and the other two... had given her enough punishment. The Aiel treat the others like useless livestock. And for these three, The Aiel will do what they can to keep them alive. I hear the Aiel are talking about finding a husband for Ronelle." "Irgan knows the oaths made by others," Ke Lile's voice was still amazed by this matter, "As soon as Da Mo cured her, she began to cry for her dead guardian, but she was ready Let’s make an oath. The problem now is that Da Mo still wants to try to treat Ronel and Sasha.” Surprisingly, Ke Lile showed a look of challenge on her face. Huangzong Aes Sedai was just as arrogant, but she had always been aware of her place with Cadsuane. "Cathuane, since I know there is a cure, I can't just sit back and watch my sisters continue to be in such a terrible situation. I want Damo to try to heal them." "Of course, Ke Lile, of course." It seems that Da Mo's insistence also had an impact on the Huang Zong sisters.Cadsuane does not intend to interfere with this for the time being, as long as Ke Lile does not go too far.She's been calling her trusted sisters since she learned of the weird happenings at Shana.Now some of these sisters are gathered around her, and some are sent by her elsewhere.Her eyes had been watching Siuan Sanchen and Moiraine Daoutri for many years, but she had never been able to get any valuable information from them before.Of course she trusts them, but this does not mean that she will let them do whatever they want. Now she has to face too many risks, so she cannot completely let go of such a sister. The door was pushed open abruptly, Jia Ha walked in, and the silver bell tied to his black braid rang loudly.He wore the tailored blue coat that Meris had chosen for him.Everyone in the room turned their attention to him, even Suo Ruilin and Sarenni were no exception.But as soon as they heard the news he brought, everyone immediately forgot about his beautiful face tanned by the sun. "Elana is unconscious, Cadsuane. She collapsed on the ground suddenly. Meris has sent her to the bedroom and sent me to find you." Cadsuane suppressed the urge to cry out and let Sorilin and Kelile follow behind her, knowing that it was impossible to exclude them now.Then she orders Ga-ha to lead the way.Verin followed, and Cadsuane didn't stop her. Verin was very good at noticing things that were overlooked by others.The servants in black uniforms had no idea of ​​Jia Ha's identity, but they all knew to make way for Cadsuan.Casuan really wants Jiaha to go faster, but if that happens, she will have to run to keep up with Jiaha.Before she had gone far, a short man with shaved forehead blocked her way and bowed deeply to her.Facing this little man dressed in black, whose upper body was completely covered by colorful horizontal stripes, Cadsuane also had to stop. "May you be blessed with light, Aes Sedai Cadsuane," he said in a steady tone, "Although I know you are in a hurry, I still want to tell you that Lady Caroline and Lord Darling are no longer with Lady Ariel I am afraid they are now out of your control." "The extent of my control may surprise you, Lord Dobran," Cadsuane said coldly.She was supposed to keep at least one sister in Arielin's palace, but she'd always believed those two were safe. "Are you wise?" She had no doubt that Dobran had done it, but she doubted that Dobran had the guts to admit it.No wonder Dobran had never mentioned these two people to her before. Cadsuane's words didn't seem to have any effect on this person, but he surprised Cadsuane: "The Lord Darling will manage Tyre for Lord Dragon, and it would be wise to let Caraline leave this country deeds, she has renounced deeds of rebellion and claim to the Sun Throne, but there may still be people who will take advantage of her. Perhaps, Aes Sedai Cadsuane, it is not wise to keep them under the supervision of servants. By the Light, You shouldn't detain them as prisoners, they are just our...guests...and those servants can't stand against my soldiers." Jia Ha just wants to leave in a hurry, and Mei Ruisi has always been strict with her wrists.Cadsuane also wanted to get to Elana as soon as possible, so she just said, "I hope you won't regret today's decision." Dobran bowed slightly. Elana was taken to the bedroom closest to where she had fainted. It wasn't a very large room, made even smaller by the Cairhien's preference for dark wall panels.When a group of people walked in, the room immediately became quite crowded.Mei Ruisi snapped her fingers and pointed, and Jia Ha retreated to a corner immediately, but this did not improve the crowded situation much. Elana was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and Ivan, her guardian, knelt by the bed and stroked one of her hands. "It looked like she was afraid of waking up," said the tall, thin guardian. "I believe there is nothing wrong with her body, but she seemed very scared." Kelile pushed Ivan aside, and stretched out her hands to hold Elana's face.A halo of saidar power enveloped the Yellow Aes Sedai, healing weaves seeped into Elana's body, but the slender Green sister didn't even shudder.Ke Lile shook her head and stepped back. "My healing ability may not be comparable to yours, Kelile," Merris said without expression, "but I have tried." After spending a long time in the White Tower, the voice in her voice Tarabon's voice was still very thick, but her long black hair was neatly brushed back, revealing a rather stern face. "What should we do now, Cadsuane?" Among these people, Cadsuane should be the one who trusted her the most. Sorellin stared at the Aes Sedai lying flat on the bed, her thin, tightly pressed lips unchanged, and Cadsuane wondered if she was reassessing their alliance.Verin was also staring at Elana, with undisguised fear in his expression.Cadsuane had never imagined that anything could scare Vaelin so much, but she felt a chill of fear herself.If she loses this connection with that boy now... "Let's sit down and wait for her to wake up by herself!" she said in a calm tone.There's nothing else to do now, nothing more. "Where is he?" Demande asked fiercely, clenching his fists behind his back.He stood with his feet apart, knowing that he was the ruler of the room, and always had been.Still, he hoped Semerhag or Meshana would be here.Their alliance was tenuous, little more than an agreement that they would not turn against each other until the other Forsaken had been wiped out, but it had lasted until now.Together they have crushed one opponent after another, sending their enemies to death or worse.But it was not easy for Semohagrid to attend such a meeting, and recently Meshana had become timid.If she wants to end their alliance..." Since those blind fools, those idiots failed in Cairhien, Rand has appeared in five cities, including the cursed city in the desert. Twelve other cities His whereabouts have also appeared in the town. This is only the report we have now! Only the Dark Lord will know what other reports those barbarians will send us with horses, sheep, or other things that only crawl slowly As soon as Grande arrived here, she turned it into what it is now: the phantom wall made the striped wooden floor under their feet seem to be surrounded by a forest full of bright flowers and vines and colorful birds. The chirping of the birds filled the air, the illusion of beauty broken only by the arched door, which disgusted Demande.Why did she want to remember what had been lost?They should be making Shockspears and Shuttlewings, not Walls of Illusion, which Shayao Valley needs.Moreover, Demande remembered that Grande used to be dismissive of things related to nature. Osenga frowned at the words "blind fool" and "idiot," but immediately smoothed out the ordinary, wrinkled face, which was so different from the original him. face.No matter what his name was, he always knew who he could challenge and who he couldn't. "It's just his luck," he said quietly, but he couldn't help rubbing his hands together, which was an old habit of his.In this era, he dresses like a full regal, his tunic covered with gold embroidery that almost completely hides the red background of his clothes, and his boots are decorated with gold silk tassels.There was almost enough white ribbon around his neck and wrists to make clothes for a child.He never knew temperance, and he could never have been an apostle if it were not for his special skill.Sensing the movement of his hands, Orsenga hastily picked up the Kundaya stone wine glass from the round table next to the seat, and took a deep breath into the rich and fragrant dark liquor. "Simple coincidence," he tried to say in a relaxed voice, "next time, he will be killed or captured. Luck cannot protect him forever." "Do you also want to rely on luck?" Yalanga stretched out on a streamlined bench, as if it were a couch.他向奥森加露出一个朦胧的笑容,弯起一条腿,在长椅上踮起赤裸的足尖,让亮红色的裙摆一直落到大腿上。她丰满的胸部随着呼吸一起一伏,仿佛时刻都有可能撑破那一抹红缎胸兜。自从她变成女人之后,她的一切风格都改变了,但那颗装在女人躯体内的核心没有丝毫变化。狄芒德并不蔑视肉体的欲望,但迟早有一天,她的欲望会给她带来死亡,就像他们曾经历过的那样。当然,如果下一次死亡会是她的最后一次,他也不会有什么哀伤。 “你负责监视他,奥森加,”她口中的每一个音节都散发撩人的意味,“这是你和狄芒德的任务。”奥森加打了个哆嗦,飞快地舔舔嘴唇。亚兰加发出充满磁性的笑声。 “我要做的则是……”她将拇指按在椅子边缘,仿佛是要碾碎什么,然后她又笑了笑。 “我觉得,比起他们,你更应该担心自己。”古兰黛端起酒杯,喃喃说道。她只穿着一袭薄雾般轻柔的斯台瑟裙衫,成熟肉体的曲线清晰可见,而她声音中的轻蔑比她的肌肤更加显露无遗。“你、奥森加、狄芒德,还有莫瑞笛,无论他在哪里,你们对此都有责任。也许你应该害怕的不止是兰德的失败,还有他的成功。” 亚兰加笑着,握住古兰黛的一只手,她的绿眸闪烁着火花。“也许在只有我们两个的时候,你能向我解释一下你的话?” 古兰黛的长裙变成密不透风的黑色,她狠狠地骂了一句,用力抽出手,从亚兰加的长椅旁走开。亚兰加则发出吃吃的笑声。 “你是什么意思?”奥森加厉声说道,猛地从椅子里站起来,露出一副演讲者的姿态。他的双手捏住自己的翻领,语调变得庄重肃穆。“首先,我亲爱的古兰黛,我怀疑即使是我也没办法除去暗主在阳极力中留下的阴影。兰德对力量的掌握非常粗糙,他所尝试的一切最终证明都是无效的,我不相信他知道该如何开始,那完全超出他的想象。而且,只要暗主下命令,我们随时都会制止他的努力。我能明白,如果我们失败了,暗主的不悦将是多么可怕,那也许会超出我们的想象。但除此以外,被你点名的我们还有什么特别的事情需要去害怕?” “像过去一样盲目,也像过去一样无聊。”古兰黛依旧喃喃地说着,她已经恢复了镇定,她的裙子又变成像薄雾般透明的细纱,只不过这次细纱的色泽变得鲜红如血。也许她的内心并不像表面上那样镇定,或者,也许这种激动才是她伪装出来的。除了这身斯台瑟的衣服,她身上的一切饰品都来自这个纪元:她的金色发丝中缀着火滴石,一块硕大的红宝石躺在她的双乳之间,一双赤金手镯挂在她的手腕上。不过有一个奇怪的地方,狄芒德不知道其他人是否也注意到了,在她左手的小指上套着一枚朴素的金戒指。古兰黛的身上从不会有任何朴素的东西。“如果那个年轻人真的除去暗主的影子,那么……你们这些导引阳极力的人将不再需要暗主的特别保护。那么,暗主还会……信任你们吗?”她微笑着,啜了一口酒。 奥森加没有笑,他面色苍白,手指滑过嘴唇。亚兰加在长椅边缘坐起身,一切妖冶的味道都从她身上消失了。她的双手按在膝上,如同一双鸟爪,双眼瞪视着古兰黛,仿佛正想掐断古兰黛的喉咙。 狄芒德松开了紧握的双拳,最终,他摊开双手。他一直都希望能让兰德去死,即使无法做到这一点,至少也能俘虏兰德,但古兰黛的话很可能改变了他的想法。在至上力之战中,有十几名中选使徒都因为暗主的怀疑而丢掉了性命。 “暗主相信你们所有人的忠诚。”莫瑞笛一边高声说着,一边大步走进房间,那种样子就好像他是暗主本尊——他似乎经常是这样认为的。现在他戴着一副男孩的面孔,但这丝毫没有减弱他的威严与高傲。也许他的话是要安抚房里的众人,但他的表情却相当严厉。在古语中,“莫瑞笛”的意思是死亡,现在他一身纯黑色的衣着让他非常符合这个名字。“只要他还信任你们的忠心,你们就不必为自己担心。”那个叫辛黛恩的银发女孩穿着一身红黑色衣裙,紧跟在他身后,就如同挺着一对丰满乳房的小宠物。不知为什么,莫瑞笛的肩上趴着一只老鼠,那只老鼠的白鼻子不停抽动着,嗅着这里的空气,一双黑眼则警戒地审视着房里的一切。也许这只老鼠的出现并没有什么特殊的原因。戴着一副年轻面孔的莫瑞笛仍然像以前一样,眼里看不到任何理智的火星。 “为什么你要把我们召集到这里来?”狄芒德问道,“我还有很多事要做,没时间闲聊。”他在无意中挺直了身子,好让自己的眼睛和莫瑞笛平齐。 莫瑞笛没有回答狄芒德,反而问道:“麦煞那又缺席了?真可惜,她应该听听我要说的话。”他捏住那只老鼠的尾巴,将它从肩膀上提起来,看着它舞动四肢,拼命挣扎,仿佛房间里只剩下这只老鼠。“看上去并不重要的小事,最后很可能会变得至关重要。”他喃喃说道,“比如说,这只老鼠。比如说,伊沙姆是否成功找到并杀死另一只老鼠——帕登·范。比如说一句话落进错误的耳朵里,或者是没有落入正确的耳朵。一只扇动翅膀的蝴蝶可能会导致世界另一边山脉的崩塌。”那只老鼠突然扭动身体,想要咬住莫瑞笛的手腕。莫瑞笛随意地将老鼠扔到一旁,老鼠在半空中变成一团火焰,一团比火焰更炽热的东西。莫瑞笛则微微笑了笑。 狄芒德不禁打了个哆嗦,这一定是至上力的作用,但他却什么都没感觉到。一个黑点从莫瑞笛的蓝眼睛上飘过,然后又是一个黑点。它们以稳定的速度不断出现,又不断滑走。上次狄芒德和莫瑞笛见面时,他的眼里还没有如此频繁的萨埃出现。他一定在不断地使用真力。除非万不得已,狄芒德绝对不会碰触真力。当然,现在只有莫瑞笛有这样的特权,因为他……已经受到了膏礼。这个肆意滥用真力的家伙真的是疯了,那比阳极力更容易上瘾,比烈毒更致命。 莫瑞笛走过条纹地板,伸手按住奥森加的肩膀,他脸上的微笑在萨埃的映衬下变得更加阴险。被他俯视的奥森加咽了口口水,也在脸上堆出一个不稳定的微笑。莫瑞笛平静地对他说道:“你从没有考虑过该如何移除暗主的影子,这样很好。”他刚才在房间外面偷听了多久?奥森加的微笑变得更加虚弱了。“兰德就不像你这么明智,告诉他们,辛黛恩。” 那名小个儿女子挺直身子,她的面容和身材都堪称一流,就好像一颗甜美的浆果,正等待采摘,但她蓝色的大眼睛却像一对冰块。谁也不知道,这颗浆果中会不会隐藏剧毒。“你们应该不会忘记珂丹卡,”她那低沉、美丽的声音中永远都蕴含着狂躁的放荡,而现在,这个声音中又多了一重嘲讽的意味,“路斯·瑟林有两把连接它们的钥匙。他也认识一个人,有足够力量使用珂丹卡中女性的一半,他计划使用珂丹卡。” 房间里的所有人几乎都同时开始说话。 “我还以为那些钥匙全都被摧毁了!”亚兰加一边喊,一边跳起身,她睁大的眼睛里流露出恐惧。“单纯使用珂丹卡就足以摧毁世界!” “如果你阅读过除了历史书以外的任何东西,你就会知道,它们几乎是不可能被摧毁的!”奥森加不屑地对亚兰加说,但他也拉了拉衣领,仿佛是觉得呼吸有些不顺畅,瞪大的眼睛更是仿佛要跳出眼眶。“但这个女孩怎么会知道他有钥匙?她怎么会知道?” 辛黛恩的话刚一说完,古兰黛的酒杯就从手中掉落下来,在地板上弹跳了几下,她的长裙变得像血一样鲜红。她的嘴唇扭曲着,仿佛要呕吐一样。“你还想要与他正面对抗吗?!”她向狄芒德尖叫着,“你还希望有人为你找到他吗?!愚蠢!愚蠢!” 狄芒德知道古兰黛的性情反复不定,但他觉得古兰黛的反应还是有些过于激烈。他敢打赌,辛黛恩的这段声明并没有让古兰黛有丝毫惊讶,看样子,古兰黛终于厌倦了作壁上观,打算有所行动了。自始至终,狄芒德没有说一个字。 莫瑞笛一手捂住心口,另一只手用指尖挑起辛黛恩的下巴,就如同辛黛恩是他最亲密的爱人。辛黛恩的眼里燃烧着憎恨,但她的面容就如同一具精美的玩偶,没有任何变化,她只是柔软的玩偶,毫无抗拒地接受莫瑞笛的一切关心。“辛黛恩知道许多事情,”莫瑞笛轻声说道,“她会把她知道的一切告诉我,一切。”这个小女子的表情仍然没有变化,但她明显地抖动了一下。 对狄芒德来说,这个女人是个谜。一开始,他以为辛黛恩是兰飞儿的转生,直到麦煞那告诉他,这个女孩比兰飞儿弱小很多,他才知道自己错了。用来进行轮回的躯体应该选择与接受者本身条件最为吻合的,但奥森加和亚兰加却充分地表现了暗主残忍的幽默感。麦煞那和其余的人都认为这个女孩本身就是属于这个纪元的,不过她在提到兰德时也称他为路斯·瑟林,就像兰飞儿一样。她说到珂丹卡时,仿佛也很熟悉它们在至上力之战中造成的恐怖,那是仅次于烈火的恐怖。也许这些都是莫瑞笛教她的,出于某种只有莫瑞笛自己才知道的目的?或者只是为了制造更多的混乱?或者只是因为莫瑞笛是个彻头彻尾的疯子。 “看样子,他必须被杀死。”狄芒德说道,想要藏起满意的心情对他来说并不是件容易的事情。无论是兰德·亚瑟,还是路斯·瑟林·特拉蒙,只有那家伙死掉,他才能感到安心。“如果对他放任不管,他很快就会摧毁这个世界,还有我们,所以我们必须尽快找到他。” “杀死?”莫瑞笛的双手振动了两下,仿佛在掂量某个东西的轻重。“这一点并没有错,”最后他说道,“但要找到他的确是个问题。当他碰触珂丹卡时,你们将会知道他在哪里,找到他,捉住他,或者如有必要,就杀死他。耐博力已经这样说了。” “服从耐博力的命令。”辛黛恩的声音中充满了渴望。她低下头,房里回荡着众人对她的应和。但亚兰加显得闷闷不乐,奥森加露出绝望的神情,古兰黛则是一副怪异的、若有所思的样子。 弯下脖子和说出这句话同样令狄芒德感到痛楚。他们要捉住兰德,在他使用珂丹卡时,仅此而已。在那个时候,兰德应该正和某个女人一同操纵能够熔化大陆的至上力!看样子,莫瑞笛完全无意加入这个行动,他的两个宠物——魔格丁和辛黛恩当然也不会参加。现在他是耐博力,但因缘际会,下次当他死掉时,也许他将不会再得到一副新的躯体。也许这样的因缘很快就会到来。
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