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Chapter 10 Chapter 5 Banners

He ran across the snow-covered plain, poking his nose into the cold wind, searching for any scent.Every little smell is precious.The falling snow hung on his frozen hair, and it was no longer melting, but the cold could not make him retreat.The soles of his feet were numb, but his fiery, aching legs continued to move forward frantically, carrying him forward, faster and faster, until the world blurred to him too.He has to find her. Suddenly, a gray and white wolf appeared, with its ears missing and its body scarred by countless battles.It appeared from the sky, came to him, and ran with him.Another huge gray wolf, but not as big as him.Whoever snatches her from him, his teeth will tear their throats, his jaws will crush their bones!

She is not here, Feitiao is talking to him, and you are too exhausted here, and you stay here for too long.Your body can't support it.You must go back, calf, or you will die. I had to find her, and even thinking seemed to be straining.He didn't see himself as Perrin Albaya, he was the calf.He had found Falcon here once, and he could find her again.She must be found.Compared with this wish, death has become insignificant. A gray shadow flashed, and another wolf bumped into his side.Although the calf is bigger, he is tired.He fell down heavily, struggled to get up again, let out a long growl, and threw himself at Feitiao's throat.Nothing matters compared to the Falcon.

Scarred wolves flew into the sky like birds.The calf slumped to the ground.Feitiao landed in the snow behind him.Listen to me, calves!Feitiao is still having intense communication with him, your mind is twisted by fear!she is not here.If you continue to stay here, you will die.Find her in the waking world!You can only find her there.Go back and find her! Perrin's eyes snapped open, tiredness penetrated to the marrow of his bones, he felt empty in his stomach, but compared to the emptiness in his heart, hunger was just a meaningless shadow.His body was empty, distant even from himself, as if he were another person watching Perrin Albaya suffer.Above him, the gold-and-blue striped tent roof was shaking in the wind.It was dim in the tent, but the sunlight made the bright canvas glow softly.Yesterday was simply a nightmare, light, he actually wanted to kill Feitiao.In the wolf dream, death is... the end.The air was warm enough, but he was shivering, and he was lying on a feather mattress beneath him in a large bed with thick, intricately carved gilt posts.From the smell of firewood in the brazier, he could distinguish the smell of musk, and thought of the woman who had this smell.Now, it's just the two of them in the tent.

He didn't lift his head from the pillow, but asked directly, "Did you find her, Berelain?" His head was too heavy to lift. A slight creak in one of Berelain's bivouac chairs indicated she was standing up.He used to come here often to discuss various plans with Mayfair.The tent is big enough to house an entire family.Berelain's exquisite furniture can be placed in any palace. These furniture are exquisitely carved and gilded. Whether it is a table, chair, or this bed, they are all fixed with spikes and can be taken apart. , into the cart.But because of this, these furniture are not very strong.

In the scent of the perfume, Berelain still showed surprise, but her voice was very calm: "No, your scouts haven't come back yet, and mine... they haven't come back at sunset, so I A whole company was sent out to find them, and they found my men dead in an ambush, about five or six miles after we set off. I ordered General Betain to keep a close watch around the camp, Grad Also sent a lot of guards, but he didn't listen to my advice and still sent a lot of patrols to the distance. That guy was so stupid, he thought he was the only one who could find Alliandre, he must think that everyone but him didn't take it seriously Looking for it, and those Aiel were playing on him."

Perrin's hands clutched the soft wool blanket that covered him.Goyle would not be caught in an ambush, nor could Jordin, not even an Aiel ambushe him in the forest.They're still searching, which means Faile is still alive.If they found Faile's body, they should have returned long ago, he must have such confidence.He pulled up the blue blanket slightly above his body, under which his body was naked. "Do you have any explanation for that?" Berelain's tone didn't change, but there was a hint of caution in her breath: "If I hadn't gone to you when Hafen Nuriel returned to report the message, you and your guards might have froze to death. No one but me had the guts to bother you, and you seemed to be howling like a wolf at everyone who came near you. When I found you, you were frozen and completely deaf, and The guard around you is about to fall to the ground. Your maid Lini is taking care of him, all he needs is hot soup and a blanket. I brought you here. If it wasn't for Anola, you would have lost at least a few toes She... even after she healed you, she seemed terribly afraid you were going to die. You were in a coma, almost like a real dead person. She said it was as if you had lost your soul, no matter what No matter how many layers of blankets you put on, your body is still cold. I feel the same way when I touch you."

There is too much to explain, and not enough to explain.Anger flickered far away, and he suppressed it with all his strength.Faile always felt jealous when he yelled at Berelain.Now, the woman could never hear any roar from him again. "If there is such a need, Juul or Figo can do it," he said coldly, "Even Suned and Masuri almost have this ability." "It was my senior who thought of it first. I didn't realize that there are other people who can channel it until I came back here. But does it matter who performs the treatment?" Plausible answer.If he asked why the Lord of Maine had to watch over him in a dim tent instead of her maids, soldiers, or even Anola, she would give another plausible answer .Palin didn't want to hear that kind of answer.

"Where are my clothes?" Perrin asked, propping himself up on his arms, still without emotion in his voice. On the little table next to Berelain's chair, a single lighted candle was the only source of light in the tent, but it was enough for Perrin's eyes, which were now tired as if stuffed under their eyelids. Sand grains, he can still see everything around him clearly.Berelain was dressed modestly, in a dark green riding dress with a thick lace collar that reached to her chin; and modest dress was to Berelain what sheepskin was to a lynx, There are some shadows on her face, beautiful but unbelievable.She would keep her word, but like an Aes Sedai, there would be a reason and a purpose for everything she did.And the things she didn't promise are likely to stab you in the back like a dagger.

"It's in the box over there." She said, stretching out her finger gracefully, and that hand was almost completely wrapped in white silk satin. "I asked Roseanne and Nana to wash them. But what you need now is rest and food, not clothes. Before we eat and discuss business, I hope you can understand that no one wants Faile to be alive more than I do ’” Her expression was so frank and straightforward that Palin might actually believe it in anyone else.She even lets herself smell very honestly too! "I'm going to get dressed now." Perrin wrapped the blanket around his lower body, then turned and sat up on the edge of the bed.His clothes were neatly folded in a hooped-brass traveling trunk carved and gilded every inch, a fur-trimmed cloak hung at one end, and his ax and boots sat on brightly patterned On the rug.Light, he is so tired, he doesn't know how long he has been in the wolf dream.But time takes its imprint on the flesh, and his belly rumbles loudly. "Give me more food."

Berelain snorted angrily, stood up, smoothed the hem of her skirt, raised her chin with a look of disapproval on her face. "Annola is talking to the Wise Men. When she returns, your actions will displease her," her voice was quite firm. "You can't take the Aes Sedai too lightly, you're not Rand Arthur, The Aes Sedai will show you this sooner or later." But she left the tent anyway, and a cold wind blew in as she raised the curtain.She must have been very upset because she forgot to put on her cloak when she left.Through the raised curtains, Perrin could see that it was still snowing outside.The snow is not as big as last night, but the white snowflakes are still falling on the ground continuously.Even Jordin had trouble finding tracks after last night's snowfall, Perrin tried not to think of it.

Four braziers warmed the air in the tent, but the moment Perrin's feet touched the rug, the cold seeped into his skin.He staggered past the tent as fast as he could, grabbing his clothes.He was so exhausted that he might have collapsed on the rug and fell asleep again.Besides, he felt as weak as a newborn lamb.Perhaps it was indeed because he had become overpowered in the wolf dream, abandoning his physical body; and the healing spells made this worse.He hasn't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday.He had been standing in the snow again last night, so now it was impossible for him to have any physical strength anymore, and even a simple action like putting on his underwear would make his hands tremble.Jordin would find her, or Goyle would find her, and there was nothing more important in this world than finding her alive.He felt numb for a while. There was no way Berelain would be back so soon, but a cold wind did bring her scent, and he was still trying to get his pants on.Her eyes fell on his back like provocative fingers, and he was still dressed calmly, as if he was the only one in the tent.She must never let her see him in a hurry, which would make her feel proud, and he didn't look back at her. "Rosanne brought hot food," Berelain said. "We only have lamb stew now, but I asked her to bring three." She hesitated, and Perrin heard her soft shoes on the carpet. The sound of movement.She sighed softly: "Palin, I know you are searching. Maybe there are some things that you want to say but can't say to another man. I know you can't cry on Lini's shoulder, so I I can give you my shoulder. Until Mayfair is found, there can be a temporary truce between us." "Truce?" Perrin said, carefully bending down to pull on a boot.He had to be careful lest he fall when he stooped.Thick wool stockings and thick leather boots will warm up his feet in no time. "Why do we need a truce?" Berelain remained silent until he had put on the other boot and straightened the boot below the knee.It wasn't until he had fastened his shirt and tucked the bottom of his shirt into his trousers that she finally spoke. "Okay, Palin, if that's what you want." Her voice was firm no matter what she wanted to say.Suddenly, Perrin felt that his nose was wrong, it actually smelled the feeling of being insulted!But when he turned his head to look at her, there was only a slight smile on her face, and a trace of anger flickered in those big eyes. "The Prophet's people were arriving before dawn," she said in a high voice, "but as far as I know, he hasn't come in person, and before you see him again—" "Arriving one after another?" Perrin interrupted her. "Mashima agreed to bring only a ceremonial centurion." "No matter what he promised, I've seen three or four thousand men. It was an army of rogue scoundrels. It seemed that every man within miles who could hold a spear came running, and More people keep coming here from all over." Perrin hurriedly pulled on his coat and belted it, and slung the ax at his waist.Now every time he picks up the ax, it feels extra heavy. "We have to deal with this! Burn me, I won't let those murderous vermin gather around me!" "His vermin is but a nuisance compared to himself, and the danger comes from Mahima." Her voice was cold, but the fear of being bound was still trembling in her breath.Whenever she mentions Mashima, she exudes such breath. "The Aes Sedai and the Wise Ones are right about that. If you need more proof than what you saw, I can tell you that he met the Seanchan." Those words hit Perrin like a sledgehammer, and Perrin immediately recalled Balvor's report of the fighting at Atla. "How do you know?" he asked. "It was your thief-catchers who brought the news?" Berelain brought two thief-catchers from Maine, and she sent them to every town and village to gather all the information.If Berelain had told him everything they found, they would not be half as good at finding it as Balvor was. Berelain shook her head slightly, with a regretful expression on her face: "Fair's... servants found out. Just before the Aiel launched an attack, three servants found us. They heard that someone saw a huge Flying monsters landing nearby." Her trembling was a bit too violent, but judging by her smell, her reaction was genuine.That didn't surprise Perrin, who had seen monsters like that before, perhaps looking more like shadow creatures than Trollocs. "They found the monster with a courier on its back, and they followed the courier all the way to Abira. I don't believe that was the first meeting between the Mashima and the Seanchan, it seemed like a regular meeting format." Suddenly she pursed her lips into a smile that was half teasing, half teasing.This time, her breath finally matched her expression. "You want me to believe that your wizened little secretary can find more information than my two thief catchers? That's not good. I now know that you have more than two dozen other agents, all pretending to be Faye. I must admit that you did fool me once, I always find new surprises in you. Why do you have this surprised expression? Since we already know so much, do you really think that Can Mashima be trusted?" Perrin's surprise had nothing to do with Mashima.Maybe this message was very important, maybe it wasn't of much value, maybe Mashima just thought he could make the Seanchan surrender to Lord Dragon.He was crazy enough to have such an idea, but... Mayfair let those fools be spies?Let them sneak into Abila?Probably only the light knows where they went.Of course, Mayfair always said that spying was a wife's job, but that was a different thing from eavesdropping gossip at court.At least Fei'er should have told him, or did Fei'er hide this matter because these subordinates were not the only ones sticking their noses out?That's just how Mayfair is.She does have the soul of a falcon, and perhaps she would prefer to be a spy herself.No, he shouldn't be mad at her, especially now.Light, she must think it's fun to do this. "I'm glad to know you take things so seriously," murmured Berelain. "I wouldn't think of it if I were you. Deliberation is a good quality, especially now. I'm not Killed by the Aiel, unless the Aiel also wield crossbows and axes." Perrin raised his head abruptly, and glared at Berelain involuntarily: "Why didn't you tell me just now? Is there anything else you forgot to tell me? Is there anything else you left in the corner of your mind?" "How can you question me like this?" Berelain said almost with a smile, "If you think I'm not honest enough, then I'd like to take off my clothes and let you take a good look." She opened her arms like a snake She also twisted her slender waist slightly, as if to show off her beauty. Perrin growled in disgust.Mayfair is missing, and only the light knows if she is still alive.Light, must let her live!And Berelain chose to flirt even more than before at this time?But Berelain was Berelain, and at least she had given him enough time to get dressed, and he should be thankful for that. Berelain gave him a thoughtful look, letting her fingertips slide over her lower lip. "No matter what you've heard, you will be the third person to share my bed with me." Her eyes... were full of ambiguity... Of course, she could also say that Palin was the third person to share my bed with today. Who she spoke to, and her smell... the only thing Perrin could think of was a wolf watching a deer stuck in a thornberry bush. "The other two are just out of political needs, and you will make me happy and give me multiple happiness." When she finished speaking, her tone was surprisingly a little bit painful. At this moment, Roseanne walked into the tent, bringing a fierce cold wind, she threw back her blue cloak, and in her hand was a silver tray covered with white linen.Perrin squeezed his mouth shut, praying inwardly that Roseanne hadn't overheard their conversation.Berelain smiled as if she didn't care what was going on.The stocky maid placed the tray on the largest table in the tent, spread her gold and blue striped skirt, and made a deep curtsey to Berelain and a shallow one to Perrin. Much more curtseys.Her dark eyes looked at Perrin for another moment, then she smiled, as pleased as her master.It wasn't until Berelain made a quick gesture to her that she gathered up her cloak and hurried out of the tent.She must have been eavesdropping just now.The tray smelled of mutton stew and mulled wine, and Perrin's stomach rumbled again, but he wouldn't have stayed here to eat, even with his legs broken. He threw his cloak over his shoulders, and slipped on his gloves as he walked into the soft falling snow.Thick dark clouds enveloped the sun, but judging by the light in the sky, it should have been an hour or two after dawn.Many roads were trodden in the snow, white snowflakes fell from the sky, piled up on the dry branches, and put new clothes on the evergreen trees.This blizzard is not over yet.Light, how could that woman talk to him like that?Why is she still saying this now? "Remember," Berelain shouted brazenly behind him, "be cautious." Perrin shuddered and quickened his pace. After walking a dozen steps, Perrin realized that he forgot to ask where Mashima's men were.All around him were the Wing Guards gathered around the campfire for warmth, all in full armor and cloaks, standing near the saddled horses.Their spears were placed within reach, with the tips of the spears erected into cones, and the red streamers kept flying in the wind.Even though they were camping in the woods, their bonfires were still arranged in neat straight lines, and even the size of each bonfire pile was not much different.All the baggage vehicles they brought from the south were fully loaded, and even the war horses were lined up strictly in a straight line. The trees here don't completely obscure that hill.The Two Rivers people were still stationed there, but the tents on the top of the hill had been brought down, and he could still see the pack horses loaded with stuff, and he still vaguely saw a figure in black there.It was a martyr, but he couldn't see who it was.In the Haidan camp, people were staring at the hill, but they were ready to go anyway, like the Maine.The general arrangement of the two camps was even similar, but Perrin could not see where the thousands of dragon worshipers had gathered, and there were no large groups of people walking across the broad paths that had been trodden in the snow.In fact, there are no footprints between the three camps.If Anola had been with the Wise Ones, she must have lingered on that hill for a considerable time.What are they talking about?Maybe how to kill Mahema without letting him find any evidence that they did it.He glanced again at Berelain's tent, but the thought of going back made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. In addition to Berelain's big tent, there was another tent not far away that had not been brought down. The smaller striped tent belonged to Berelain's two maids.Although the snow kept falling, Roseanne and Nana sat on stools in front of the small tent, hooded and cloaked tightly, warming their hands over a small fire.They are like two peas in a pea field, neither of them are pretty, but now they have someone by their side to accompany them.Perhaps it was for this reason that they did not hide by the brazier in the tent.There was no doubt that Berelain had far stricter standards of etiquette with her servants than she had with herself.Her two thief catchers usually didn't speak more than three words, at least that's what Perrin remembered, but now when they were with Roseanne and Nana, they talked and laughed.These two were very plainly dressed and featureless looking, the kind of people you wouldn't notice if you bumped into them on the street.Perrin was still not sure which of the two of them was called Sentus and which was called Genda.A small pot stood beside the fire, and it smelled of lamb stew. Perrin tried to ignore the smell, but his stomach was rumbling louder. Their conversation ceased as Perrin approached.Before he could reach the bonfire, Sentus and Genda glanced at him, then at Berelain's tent, their faces expressionless.Then they put on their cloaks and hurried away, avoiding Perrin's eyes the whole time.Roseni and Nana also shifted their gazes from Perrin to the tent, and then covered their mouths with their hands and snickered.Perrin didn't know whether to blush or growl. "Do you know where the Prophet's men are?" he asked.It is really difficult to keep serious in front of these laughing women. "Your master forgot to tell me their exact location." Under the cover of the hood, the two secretly exchanged a look, covered their mouths with their hands and laughed again.Perrin wondered if they had any brains.But Berelain probably wouldn't keep a brainless person around. The two women laughed for a long while, exchanging glances over and over again at Perrin and Berelain's tent.Then Nana said that they were not too clear, and then pointed to the southwest, vaguely saying that it was probably in that direction.Roseanne heard from her master that the place was no more than two or three miles away from here.They were still laughing as Palin strode away, and maybe they really had no brains. Perrin circled the hill wearily, thinking about what he must do.After leaving the Maine's camp, the deep snow made it difficult for him to walk, which made his mood worse.He couldn't make any decisions.When he reached his own camp, he was almost in the worst mood. Everything is carried out according to his order.Cloaked Cairhienians sat in wagons laden with supplies, the reins of their animals tied to their wrists and girdles.There are also many short figures busy among the rows of horses, constantly comforting the harnessed horses.The Two Rivers people who were not on guard at the top of the mountain gathered around dozens of small bonfires scattered in the woods.They were all dressed to ride horses and held the reins in their hands.Unlike the other camps, they were not distributed in any order, but they had fought Trollocs and Aiel once.Everyone wears a longbow on their back, a quiver full of feathered arrows on their waist, and some people also wear a long sword and a short sword on the other side of their waist.Surprisingly, Juul was also around a campfire, and the two martyrs often kept a certain distance from others.No one is talking here, everyone is just focused on keeping warm.Those sullen faces told Perrin that Jordin, Goyle, and Ellis hadn't returned yet.There is still a possibility that they can bring Faile back, or at least find out where Faile was taken, and those hopes seem to be the only good things going on today.The Manetheran Red Eagle and his own Wolfhead hung limply in the falling snow, their flagpoles leaning on a wagon. Perrin had intended to use the flags the same way he had traveled with Mashima—using them to conceal his identity and intentions.If a man is mad enough to restore the ancient honor of Manetheran, and he is leading a small army, then whatever his motives, it is best to keep him at arm's length.As long as he doesn't stay in one place for too long, the ruler of any place will be happy to watch this madman leave his territory without sending troops to stop him.There is enough unrest and disaster of all kinds now that no one wants trouble.There has been much war and bloodshed, and every ruler desperately needs more subjects to prepare for the coming spring plowing.The frontiers of Manetheran extend to where Morandi is now.With any luck, Palin can enter Andor without incident.Rand already had control of that country, where he didn't need such a disguise.But now, his plans have changed.Palin knew what it would cost to make this change, and it was a heavy one, but he had made up his mind.However, he would not be the only one who swallowed the bitter fruit, and this would be a terrible nightmare for him.
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