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Chapter 5 prologue snow

The flickering light of the three lanterns was enough to illuminate the stark white walls and ceiling of the small room.And Xi'an just stared at the heavy wooden door.She knew that this was illogical, and it was a stupid behavior for a Baizong guardian.Her shari weaving on the door frame allowed her to occasionally hear footsteps far down the corridor, though those footsteps were almost fleeting.This weaving is a simple technique she learned from a friend long ago, when she was a beginner.But now, with this little trick, she can immediately get a warning in advance when someone is coming here.Although almost no one will go to such a deep second basement.

Through her knitting she heard the distant cries of mice.Light!How long ago did Tar Valon have rats?Now there are even rats inside the White Tower?How many of them are the dark emperor's spies?She licked her lips nervously.Logic is useless here.Actually, does logic still exist?She wanted to laugh.She struggled to climb back from the brink of hysteria and began to think about something other than rats.Except... a muffled scream behind her that turned into a hoarse whimper.She wanted to cover her ears.concentrate! She and her companions were brought into this room, as the heads of sects appeared to be meeting in secret.She had just caught a glimpse of Philanne Nihoran and Jusu Pilar whispering in a hidden corner of the library.Jiesu has a very high position in the Brown Sect, perhaps the top position.Xi'anni believed that joining forces with Huang Zong's Suana Dagan would make her position even stronger.She thinks so.But why did Filann and Suana appear in a small corner of the White Tower Garden at the same time, and both of them were wrapped in plain cloaks?Guardians of different denominations still speak to each other in public in icy tones.Others have seen something similar.Of course, they would not name members of their sect, but two mentioned Philann.It's a haunting puzzle.These days, the White Tower is like a seething swamp.The sects vowed not to be at odds with each other, but they secretly formed cliques for personal gain.It is impossible for anyone outside the sect to know who is leading the sect.But it is clear that the sect heads know each other.What do they want to do?Unfortunately, Xi'anne couldn't ask Filann directly. Even if Filann could tolerate such questions, she would not dare to do such a thing rashly.not now.

Despite trying to concentrate, Sianne still couldn't stop herself from thinking about this question.She knew that staring at the door and thinking about these things again was just to make herself forget the urge to look back.She couldn't look at the source of the constant whimpering and moaning. But as if forced by the voice, she turned her head slowly and looked at her companions.As her head turned inch by inch, her breathing also became unstable.Far overhead, snow was falling on Tar Valon, and the room was impossibly hot.She finally looked over! A tawny fringed shawl hung from Serlyn's arm, and she stood with her feet apart, her fingers stroking the Atla's curved dagger in her belt.Cold rage darkened her olive face, and the scar on her chin became a more pronounced white line.Pevilla looked more composed, but she held tightly to the red embroidered skirt with one hand, and the smooth white oath staff with the other, as if it were a short stick that could be used to beat someone.She might actually hit someone with the stick of oath.Pevilla's heart is far tougher than her chubby exterior.Compared with her, Celin also seemed to be a timid person.

On the other side of the chair of remorse, the thin and thin Utiuri hugged her body tightly with her arms, and the pale silver tassels on her shawl trembled slightly with her body.Utiuri licked her lips and glanced worriedly at the man standing beside her.That's Duoxin.She looked more like a pretty boy than a prestigious Aes Sedai of Wong.She showed no emotion about what they were doing now.It is she who directly controls the weave of the Power that extends into this chair.She stared at the ter'angular artifact with intense concentration, beads of sweat oozing from her fair forehead.They were all sect guardians, including the tall woman who was struggling in this chair.

Sweat drenched Taline's body, matting her blonde hair, and her linen shirt clung to her with sweat.The rest of her clothes were piled in a corner of the room.Her closed eyelids kept shaking, and suffocating moans and sobs, as well as vague pleas, came out of her mouth.Sianne felt bad, but she couldn't look away.Taline was her friend, had been her friend. This ter'angular implement was called the Chair of Repentance, but it looked nothing like a chair at all, and more like a block of gray marble.No one knows what it was originally built for, except for the sloping top it is as hard as steel.The handsome Green Aes Sedai sat on it, sinking in a little.And no matter how she twisted her body, the top of the Regret Chair would fit her body together.Doxin's weave flowed into the only gap in the stone, a palm-sized rectangular hole in the side, surrounded by many small, bumpy nicks.Tar Valon's criminals are brought here to be punished in the Chair of Repentance.Depending on the crime, the punishment will be different, but those who have been sentenced will flee the island without exception.There are very few criminals in Tar Valon.Sianne couldn't help but wonder if the stone had the same purpose in the Age of Legends.The thought made her sick.

"What... did she see?" Although Xi'an restrained herself, she still couldn't help whispering this sentence.Talini didn't just see it, for her, everything was as real as it was.Thanks to the light, Talini does not have a guardian, which is almost unique in the green sect.Taline had said that the Guardians of the Cult didn't need Warders, and now, perhaps, she had other reasons to explain why she thought so. "Jesus, the bloody Trollocs are whipping her," Doshin said hoarsely.There was a hint of the Cairhienian accent in her voice, which she seldom did except under extreme stress. "After they finished whipping... she also saw the Trolloc cooking pot boiling over the campfire. A Wardao was staring at her. Talini must have known the Wardao, and the other beside it. One. Burn me, if she can persist this time..." Duoxin wiped the sweat from her forehead angrily, and took a trembling breath, "Stop pushing my hand, I have already started doing this .”

"Three times," Utiuri murmured, "the strongest man will fall at twice! What if she's innocent? Light, it's like stealing a sheep before the shepherd's eyes!" She was trembling, but she tried to look dignified, but her voice always sounded like a village woman's.She glanced at the others around her with a sick look: "The law prohibits the use of this chair on sisters. We will all be expelled from the Council! Maybe it is not enough, we may be exiled. Maybe we will be exiled. Will be flogged before leaving! Burn me, if we're wrong, we'll all be silenced!"

Cianne shuddered.They would avoid such a fate if only their suspicions were proven correct.No, it's not a doubt, it's a sure thing.They must be right!But even if they were right, and Utiuri was right, the White Tower Law rarely tolerates temporary changes, nor does it support so-called emergency changes.But if they are right, at least they can be compensated for this behavior.In the light of the day, may they be right! "Are you blind or deaf?" cried Pevilla, waving the wand of oath at Utila, "she refuses to renew her oath on the wand of oath not to tell the truth. We've done so much, She still refused, it must be not only because of the stupid pride of the Green Sect. When I shielded her, she even wanted to stab me with a knife! Could this be something innocent people do? Will it? We tried to persuade her, She's done talking, what reason does she have to hide?"

"Thank you both for making the facts so clear," Celyn interjected coldly. "It's too late to turn back now, Eutieri, so we might as well move on. If I were you, Pervy Well, I won't yell at someone I know I can trust. After all, there are only four of them in the entire White Tower." Youti Rui blushed and straightened her shawl.Pevilla showed a look of embarrassment.They're all sect guardians, but it's clearly Celyn who's in control here.Cianne wasn't sure what to make of the situation.A few hours earlier, she and Pevilla had been two old friends on a dangerous mission, making decisions together, equals; now they had allies.She should be glad to have more company.They are not in the Council, and cannot use the authority of the sect guardians in such a place.The hierarchy of the White Tower has been turned upside down, and all those subtle (or not-so-subtle) distinctions about who should honor whom have lost their meaning.In fact, Celin spent twice as long in the novice and apprentice stage as the other two, but her forty-year career as a guardian of the sect is the longest in the current council, which is of great significance.Cianne wanted Celyn to ask her judgment before making any decisions, not just ask her for advice.Of course, the hope was foolish, but it stuck like a thorn in Sianne's foot.

"The Trollocs are dragging her towards the cooking pot," Doxin said suddenly, as if her teeth were clenching.A shrill howl came from between Talini's clenched teeth. She shook her head desperately, her whole body trembling. "I...I don't know, if I could...damn, let myself..." "Wake her up!" Celin said commandingly.She didn't even glance at the others to see what they were thinking. "Don't be angry, Utiuri, and get ready." The Gray sister gave Celin a haughty, angry look.But when Doxin let go of the knitting and Talini's blue eyes widened suddenly, a halo of saidath immediately enveloped Utiuri.Without saying a word, she shielded the man who fell on the chair of regret.Celin is the one in charge, and everyone knows it.A very sharp thorn.

It seemed that Tallini no longer needed the barrier, her face was like a mask of fear.She was trembling and panting, as if she had just run ten miles at the fastest speed.She was still sinking into the soft top of the stone, but without Doxin's guidance, the stone was no longer clinging to her body.She stared at the ceiling with bulging eyeballs, then closed them tightly, and then opened them suddenly again.The memories lingering behind her eyelids must be ones she would never want to face. Pevilla took two steps, came to the chair of remorse, and pointed the stick of oath at the confused Talini. "Swear to give up all the vows you've ever sworn, and make three new ones, Tarleenne," she snapped.Talinne cowered away from the wand of oath as if it were a poisonous snake.Selline leaned over her, and she immediately ducked the other way. "Next time, Talini, that cooking pot is where you want to be. Or do you prefer the gentle care of Modao?" Celyn's face was expressionless.But compared to her voice, her face was already gentle. "You won't wake up until then. If it doesn't work, you'll have a second, third, fourth... until summer." Doxin opened his mouth as if to protest, but Celin's stare silenced her.Of them, she was the only one who knew how to operate the Chair of Regret, but in this group, she was as low as Cianne.Tallini continued to stare at Selyn, tears filling her large eyes.She began to cry, her shoulders shaking violently, and the tears flowed hopelessly.She stretched out her hand blankly, letting Pevilla stuff the stick of oath into her palm.Pevilla embraced the source, channeling a ray of soul power into the staff of the oath.Tallini grasped the stick of oath as thick as her wrist so hard that her knuckles turned white.But she just lay there and continued to cry. Celin stood up straight, "I'm afraid I have to let her sleep for a while, Duoxin." Tears welled up in Taline's voice, and she said in a muffled voice, "I... swear to renounce... all the vows I made." With the last word out, she began to cry. Sianne shuddered, then swallowed hard.She knew the pain of removing a vow, but how it would feel to remove multiple vows at once, she could only guess.But now, the living facts were before her eyes.Taline screamed until she couldn't breathe any more, and when she could breathe again, she screamed more.In the end, Xi'ani suspected that half of the people in the White Tower would probably be attracted by this scream.The tall Green Aes Sedai twitched and flung his limbs, then suddenly arched, with only his heels and head resting on the chair of remorse.Every muscle in her was tense, and her whole body was convulsing violently. The spasm went away, as suddenly as it had happened, and Tallini slumped in the Regret Chair like a lost child, just lying there crying.The staff of the oath fell from her limp grasp and fell to the gray stone.Youti Rui kept mumbling to himself, as if praying fervently.Doxin kept whispering, "O light!" repeating over and over in a trembling voice, "O light! O light!" Pevilla picked up the staff of the oath, put it back into Taline's hand, and closed her fingers.In this matter, Sianne's friend showed no mercy. "Now, make three oaths!" she shouted. For a moment, Talini seemed to refuse, but she slowly repeated the three vows that made them Aes Sedai, that made them one.Never tell falsehoods; never make weapons for people to kill other people; never use the Supreme Power as a weapon, except to protect your own life, the life of the Warden and the lives of other sisters.Finally, she began to sob silently, trembling, without saying a word.Maybe it was the stress of the oath on her.There's always going to be an uncomfortable feeling when making new vows.Maybe. Pevilla made her take another vow.Tarleine shivered, but she still said the words in a desperate voice: "I swear to obey you five." Then, she just stared straight ahead with empty eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks . "Answer me truthfully," Celin said to her, "are you the Black Sect?" "I am." The sharp voice seemed to be squeezed out of a rusty throat. These two words made Xi'an froze in place, she didn't expect that she would have such a reaction.After all, her mission is to capture the Black Sect.But deep down, like many sisters, she did not believe in the existence of the Black Sect.She inflicted violence on a sister, a guardian of the sect, bound Talini with a stream of soul force and walked through the deserted basement corridors.She had broken a dozen of the Tower's laws, committed serious crimes, all in order to hear an answer she was almost certain of.Now, she hears it.The Black Ancestor does exist.Now she was staring at a Black Aes Sedai, a Darkfriend wearing a shawl.When she really faced this fact, her original conviction turned into a pale shadow.She clenched her teeth tightly, almost crushing her teeth. Only in this way, she would not make the sound of the teeth colliding with each other.She tried her best to calm herself down and think rationally, but the nightmare had woken up and was wandering in the White Tower. Someone let out a heavy breath.Shianne realized that she wasn't the only one who felt her inner world was turned upside down.Utiuri shook for a moment, then fixed her eyes on Talini, as if she was using all her willpower to control the barrier to Talini.Duoxin licked his lips and involuntarily stroked the dark golden skirt.Only Celin and Pevilla remained calm. "Well," Sailin said in an almost weak tone, "Hei Zong." She took a deep breath to restore her voice. "Youtire, there is no need to shield her anymore. Tallini, you must not run away, or resist us in any way. You must not touch the source without the permission of one of us. When we hand over your At that time, maybe someone else will be in charge of controlling you, Utiuri?" The barrier on Tallini's body disappeared, but the halo around Utiuri did not fade away.Utiuri didn't seem to trust what the Rod of Oath could do to a Black Aes Sedai. Pevilla frowned. "Selyn, before we hand her over to Elaida, I want to get more out of her. Names, places, everything, everything she knows!" Darkfriend killed Pei All of Vera's family.Celyn believed that Pevilla was impatient to hunt down every Black Aes Sedai herself, even if it cost her exile. Talini curled up in the chair and made a strange sound, half like a wry smile, half like crying. "If you hand me over to Elaida, then we're all dead, dead! Elaida is an Aes Sedai of the Black sect!" "Impossible!" Shianne shouted, "This is an order from Elaida herself." "She must be the Black Sect," Duo Xin said in a low voice, "Tallini has made those vows again, and she just said it herself!" Youti Rui nodded vigorously. "Use your brains," Pevilla shook her head angrily and disgustedly, "you understand as well as I do that if a person believes a lie, then she will tell it as the truth." "Yes." Celyn said firmly, "Tallene, what proof do you have? Have you seen Elaida at your...party?" She gripped the dagger so hard that her knuckles turned white. .In order to stay in the White Tower and to get the shawl, Celin worked harder than other Aes Sedai.For her, the White Tower is not only a home, it is even more important than her own life.If Taline gave a credible answer, perhaps Elaida would not be able to wait for the day of trial. "They don't meet," Taline said darkly. "Maybe they'll be in the Supreme Court, but she must be Black anyway. They know every report she gets, every word that comes into her ears." even the most confidential things. Whatever decisions she makes, even if they are days or even weeks before they are announced, they already know. Except when she reveals them to them, What other possibilities are there?" Taline tried to sit up, scanning the people in front of her with focused eyes, eyes full of anxiety. "We have to run, we have to hide somewhere. I will help you and tell you everything I know! But if we don't run now, they will kill us." Seeing Talini's attitude change so quickly, Sianne couldn't help but feel a little strange.Judging from Talini's use of the word "they", she has completely separated herself from those black sects.No, Sianne knew she was running away from real problems, and running away was irrational.When Elaida gave her the order, did she really want her to find the Black Aes Sedai?In fact, Elaida didn't say the name from the beginning to the end.Did she mean something else?It used to make Elaida fly into a rage no matter who mentioned the Black Aes Sedai.Of course, every sister will have such a reaction... "Eleida proved herself to be a fool," Celin said. "I have regretted supporting her more than once, but I don't believe she is a Black Aes Sedai unless there is more evidence." Pevilla closed her eyes tightly. lips, nodded vigorously.As a Red Aes Sedai, she would never believe such words lightly. "Maybe so, Celin," Utiuri said, "but we can't keep Tarinne in captivity for too long. The Greens will soon find out she's missing, let alone the... Blacks. We'd better Decide what to do now, instead of digging wells for water when the rain pours." Taline gave Celyn a weak smile.But under the angry gaze of the brown sect guardian, the obsequious expression disappeared immediately. "Unless we can deal a fatal blow to the Black sect, we can't take the risk of telling Elaida any information," Celin finally said, "Don't argue with me, Pevilla, it's sensible to do so." Vera spread her hands and made a stubborn expression, but she didn't say a word after all. "If Talini is right," Selyn continued, "the Black Mongrel will know about Sianne's actions, or they will soon. So we have to keep her safe first. It won't be easy, After all, there are only five of us. Anyone else is suspicious until they are confirmed! But at least we have Talini, maybe we can get some useful information from her." Talini showed a look of actively cooperating , but no one paid any attention to her.Cianne felt her throat dry. "We may not be alone," Pevilla said reluctantly. "Sianne, tell them about your little plan for Zalai and her friends." "Plan?" Celyn asked. "Who's Zelai? Ci'anne? Ci'anne!" Shianne was taken aback. "What? Oh, Pevilla and I found a small group of rebels in the White Tower," she said panting, "The rebels sent ten sisters back to spread all kinds of rumors and disputes." Celin Want to keep her safe?She hasn't been consulted yet, how dare Celin say that?Sianne was a Guardian of the Order herself, and she had been an Aes Sedai for a hundred and fifty years. What right did Selyn have to say that in front of her? "Pevilla and I are going to put an end to their conspiracy. We have one of their members under control - Zelay Dakan. We made her take the same oath as Talinene, and ordered her to take Bo Neil Gban lured me into my room." Light, any sister outside this room could be a Black Aes Sedai.Any one! "Then we'll use the two of them to lure the next traitor until they all swear their allegiance to us. Of course, we'll question them like we questioned Zelai and Tariny." The Black Ancess may already know her name, Know that she is hunting them.How can Celyn keep her safe? "Those who give the wrong answer will be interrogated, and those who give the right answer will hunt Black Aes Sedai under our direction, a small price for their treason." Light, she How can safety be guaranteed? After Sianne finished speaking, the others began to discuss the matter.There are discussions like this because Celyn herself doesn't know what decision to make.Utiuri insisted that Zelai and her accomplices be dealt with immediately, so as not to expose their and Talini's current situation.Pevilla insisted on using the rebels, though she wasn't too enthusiastic about it.The crux of their conflict was the dire tales of the Red Ancestors and false dragons.Doxin seems to want to kidnap every sister in the White Tower and force them all to take additional vows, but the other three have no interest in doing so. Shianne, who was not involved in the discussion, had only one reaction to the situation—she ran to a corner and vomited loudly. Elayne did her best not to clench her teeth.Outside the window, another storm swept across Caemlyn, completely obscuring the midday sun, leaving the oil lamps embedded in the siding of the living room as the only source of light.A fierce cold wind beat against the casements of the arched windows, streaks of lightning illuminated the panes, and thunder was deafening.The current blizzard is more violent and more terrifying than the average winter blizzard.It wasn't that cold in the room, but... Elayne spread her fingers in front of the tall marble fireplace, warming herself in the crackling fire of the logs, but she could still feel the biting cold through the layers of the carpet and her Slippers of the thickest velvet, constantly seeping up from the flagstone floor.The thick black fox fur collar and cuff trim on her red and white robe were beautiful, but Elayne doubted how much more heat they would retain in her body.Elayne thought they were like sleeve pearls, only for decoration.Keeping the cold from reaching her sanity the Aes Sedai way didn't mean she didn't know it existed. Where is Nynaeve?And what about Van Dien?The restless mood was whistling in her ears like a gust of wind outside the window.They should have been here long ago!Light!Wish I could learn to live without sleeping.Why are they the only ones who can be so leisurely!No, it's not fair.A few days ago, Elayne had just officially announced her succession to the Lion Throne.For her, everything else was secondary now.But Nynaeve and Van Dien had other considerations, responsibilities they considered more important.Nynaeve's mind was full of plans with Rean and the Reds.They were going to get their entire family out of the Seanchan-held territory, and keep them from falling into the Seanchan's yoke.The family was very good at hiding themselves, but Seanchan wouldn't pass them with just a moment of suspicion the way Aes Sedai did.Van Dien still can't seem to shake the shadow of her sister's violent death. She eats little and gives no advice.Now she spends almost all of her time looking for the murderer.Though she occasionally appears in the corridors with a mournful look, she is actually secretly searching for Darkfriends among them.Three days ago Elayne would have shuddered at the thought, but now it was only one of many dangers.Perhaps more terrifying than the others, but only one of them. Nynaeve and Van Dien are on a very important mission.Although they had Egwene's permission and encouragement, Elayne still wished they would hurry.This thought may be a little selfish.Fan Dien can give her many very good suggestions, which come from her rich experience and long-term research work.And Nynaeve's years of experience dealing with the Emond Village Council and the Women's Council gave her sharp political wisdom.No matter how much Nynaeve denied it, there was no doubt about it.Burn me, I now have a hundred questions, some of which are about this palace.I need them!If Elayne had her way, Nynaeve Emira would now be Aes Sedai to the new queen of Andor.Elayne needed all the help she could find, and it had to be someone she could trust. Elayne calmed herself down and turned away from the fire in the fireplace.Thirteen tall armchairs with simple floral decorations but exquisite carvings form a horseshoe shape around the fireplace.Paradoxically, the most dignified of these chairs, the Queen's Seat, was furthest from the fire.That's the rule.Now Elayne's back felt warm immediately, but her chest was starting to feel cold.Snowflakes were flying outside the window, lightning and thunder were thundering, and it was the same in her mind.Be calm.Calm is as important to a ruler as an Aes Sedai. "It must be the mercenaries," Elayne said.She couldn't completely shut out the regret from her voice.As long as the news spread that she was still alive, the army from the Chuankan family's territory would arrive within a month.But those people hired by Birgitte would take at least half a year to learn to wield a sword on horseback. "And the Horn Hunters. Just don't know if they actually took the oath to hunt the Horn." Because of the weather, these two kinds of people were stranded in Caemlyn in large numbers.The people of Caemlyn are complaining that there are too many of them now.They caroused, fought loudly, and harassed women who did not want to mess with them.At least Elayne can put them to good use, preventing the evil instead of causing it.Elayne wished she would stop trying to convince herself of such things. "The price level is high, but the national treasury can bear it." The national treasury will bear it, and it is best to send the taxes from the Chuankan family's territory as soon as possible. What surprised Yilan the most was that the two women standing in front of her had almost the same reaction as her. Dai Ling snorted angrily.On the high collar of her dark green dress was pinned a large silver round collar button, engraved with the owl and oak tree crest of the Taraven family.It was the only jewelry she wore, and it was a display of her family's glory.Perhaps this display is a bit too dazzling.The Patriarch of the Talavon family is a proud person, her blond hair is mixed with gray silk, and there are thin crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.But her face was firm and powerful, and her eyes were cold and sharp.Her mind was as sharp as a razor, or perhaps like a sword.She is an outspoken woman who never hides her thoughts.At least in the eyes of others. "Mercenaries know their job," she said dismissively, "but they're hard to control, Elayne. They're more of a swipe of a hammer when you need a feathery stroke. When you need When the hammer strikes, they want to slip away quietly. They are only loyal to gold, without gold, there is no loyalty at all. And as long as more gold, they can buy their loyalty. I believe this time, Ms Birgitte would agree with me." Birgitte stood with her arms folded across her chest, her booted feet splayed.Her face is very bad, like every time someone mentions her new title.As soon as they arrived in Caemlyn, Elayne gave Birgitte a territory, of course, it was only a nominal territory now.Privately, Birgitte has complained more than once about this and other changes in her life.She still wore the same sky-blue trousers, loose at the ankles, but her red jacket now had a high white collar and wide white cuffs embroidered with gold ribbons.She is Lady Birgitay Tahrin, General of the Queen's Guard.She can whine all she wants, as long as she keeps all of them private. "Yes." Bai Jitai reluctantly responded, and gave Dai Ling a cold look.The bondage of the guardian allowed Birgitte to feel Elan's mood throughout the morning: frustration, anger, and determination.Perhaps some of these emotions were a reflection of Birgitte's own.Ever since they got bonded, they've been amazed at how their emotions and other aspects mirror each other.What exactly is going on?Yilan felt that her mood had changed a lot, was it just to adapt to this woman's mood? ! Birgitte didn't like to be outnumbered in an argument, just as she didn't like to agree with Dai Ling. "The horn hunters are much better, damned, Elayne," she murmured. "They take oaths of hunting horn, take risks, and hope to be remembered in history. The law is nothing to them, and among them Half of them are supercilious lords who only know how to look at people from the tip of their damned noses. The others are not only trying to take their chances, they are rushing for them. Just whisper a rumor about the Horn of Valier, and one of them that night About two out of every three people disappear because of cannibalism." Dai Ling gave a faint smile, as if she had just won a point.She and Birgitte are like oil and water, there is no possibility of mixing.Both of them are easy to get other people to like, but the two seem to argue even the color of charcoal.Dai Ling went on to say: "In addition, whether it is the horn hunters or mercenaries, almost all of them are foreigners. This will make the nobles and commoners of Andor very unhappy, very unhappy. The last thing you want to happen is definitely The rebellion of the people of the country." Lightning illuminated the window for an instant, and a particularly loud thunder sounded with Dai Ling's words.Over the course of a millennium, seven Andor queens were overthrown by open rebellion, and two of them survived their downfall, living rather than dying. Elayne suppressed the urge to sigh.A few small inlaid tables lined the walls, and on one of them stood a heavy Jomon silver tray with wine glasses and a jug of mulled mulled wine, though the jug was probably cold by now.Elayne channeled a bit of fire, and a plume of steam rose from the flagon.The reheated mulled wine tasted bitter, but the heat from the glass warmed her hands.Elayne fought back her urge to heat up the room and let go of the Power.除非她一直维持着编织,否则房里的热气很快就会消散。迄今为止,她每一次都能成功地控制住自己,让自己放开至上力,顶多只会在放开前有一点迟疑。但现在,导引更多至上力的欲望在她的心中愈来愈强烈了。当然,每一名姐妹都必须面对这种危险的欲望。伊兰打了个手势,其他人也随之倒满了手中的酒杯。 “你们知道现在的局势,”伊兰说道,“只有傻瓜才会对此掉以轻心,而你们都不是傻瓜。”女王卫兵徒有其表,他们的成员只是几个还有些脑子的男人和更多只知道在酒馆里打架的男人。随着沙戴亚人和艾伊尔人的离开,暴力罪行在凯姆林如同雨后春笋般四处迸发。伊兰本以为大雪能降低犯罪率,但抢劫、纵火和更加可怕的案件与日俱增,而且每天都变得更加严重。“如果这种情况持续下去,我们在一两周之内就会迎来暴乱,甚至更快。如果我不能维持凯姆林的秩序,人们就会将我赶走。”如果她不能维持安多首都的秩序,她就只能向世界宣布,她无法统治这个国家。“我不喜欢这样,这个问题必须解决。”对面的两个人张开嘴,打算争辩,但伊兰没给他们机会。她让自己的声音变得更加坚定:“一定要解决!” 柏姬泰摇着头,齐腰的金发随之微微摆动,但约缚中散发的感情告诉伊兰,她毕竟还是接受了。对于两仪师和护法之间的关系,她的看法完全异于常人,但她已经开始明白,伊兰在什么时候绝不会改变主意,伊兰有着她的责任和名位。而且通过对女王卫兵的指挥和其他几件小事,伊兰已经让柏姬泰看到了她的力量。 戴玲微微弯下脖子,或许还有膝盖,这也许是个屈膝礼,但她的面容如同岩石般坚硬。有许多不想看到伊兰·传坎坐在狮子王座上的人,都希望戴玲能够取而代之。这个女人帮助过伊兰很多,但那都是以前的事了。有时候,一个细碎的声音会在伊兰的耳边响起:戴玲会不会只是在等待自己垮台,然后由她来“拯救”安多?一个足够阴险和谨慎的人会选择这个方法,而且这个方法很有可能成功。 伊兰抬起手,想要揉一揉额角,却只是轻抚了一下头发。怀疑这么多,信任却这么少。她离开安多前往塔瓦隆之后,权力游戏已经污染了这片土地。她很庆幸自己在两仪师中间不止是学会了操纵至上力。达斯戴马对姐妹们而言,如同空气和面包一样不可缺少。她也很感激汤姆的教导。没有这两份人生经历,她甚至有可能活不到现在。但愿光明保佑汤姆平安无事,愿他、麦特和其他人都能逃过霄辰人的魔爪,正在返回凯姆林的路上。离开艾博达之后的每一天,她都在为他们的平安而祈祷。现在她能为他们做的,只有这种短暂的祈祷了。 伊兰在排列成弧形的椅子里选了中间那一把坐了上去,这是女王的位子。她挺直脊背,不拿酒杯的手轻轻放在雕花扶手上,竭力让自己看起来像是一位女王。母亲经常告诉她,只有外表像个女王是不够的,如果人们不将你当成是一位女王,那么灵活的头脑、对局势的准确把握和勇敢的心,都将毫无用处。柏姬泰正专注地看着她,眼神中甚至流露出怀疑的神色。有时候,伊兰实在是很痛恨这个会泄露自己情绪的约缚!戴玲则只是将酒杯举到了唇边。 伊兰深吸一口气,她已经思考过这个问题许多次,却一直想不出还有什么其他的办法。“柏姬泰,等到春天,我希望女王卫兵能够成为一支规模可以匹敌任何十个家族的军队。”这是不可能完成的任务,但这么做至少可以搜罗到更多的佣兵,一定要把每一个可能的人选都搜罗过来。真是一团糟! 戴玲咳了一声,瞪大眼睛,深红色的酒浆从唇边溅了出来。她继续咳嗽着,匆忙地从袖里抽出一块花边手绢,擦了擦下巴。 一阵慌乱的情绪从柏姬泰的约缚中流溢出来。“哦,烧了我吧,伊兰,你不会是……!我是弓箭手,不是将军!我不能指挥军队,你不明白吗?我只能做我必须做的事,这是现实强迫我去做的!我并不是她,我只是我,而且……”她的声音低了下去。是的,她察觉到自己已经说得太多,这种事情已经发生了不止一次。当戴玲带着好奇的眼神望向她的时候,她的脸涨得通红。 现在人们都以为柏姬泰来自坎多,那里乡村女子的衣饰风格和她的穿着很像,但戴玲显然对此保有高度的怀疑,而柏姬泰已经愈来愈管不住自己的舌头了。伊兰看了柏姬泰一眼,她们一定要好好谈一谈。柏姬泰的脸红到了极点,现在约缚中只剩下羞惭的情绪,甚至让伊兰自己也觉得脸有些红了。伊兰急忙装出一副强硬的表情,希望自己脸颊上的红晕会被认为是愤怒或其他什么情绪的结果。约缚带来的麻烦实在是太多了! 戴玲没有在柏姬泰身上多花什么心思,她收起手绢,小心地将酒杯放回托盘里,然后将双手叉在腰间。一团乌云立刻聚集在她的脸上:“女王卫兵一直都是安多军队的核心,伊兰,而现在……光明在上,这太疯狂了!你会让从艾瑞尼河到迷雾山脉之间的所有人都反对你!” 伊兰竭力让自己镇定下来。如果她错了,安多就会成为另一个凯瑞安,另一片被鲜血浸染的混乱之地。当然,她会付出生命的代价,但这也无法弥补她造成的灾祸。但什么都不做同样是无法想象的,灾祸一样会降临在安多。冷静、镇定,保持钢铁般的清醒。一位女王不能流露出畏惧的神情,即使她心中已经充满畏惧;或者说,当她恐惧的时候,她就应该更加刚强。母亲总是告诉她,不要向别人解释自己的决定,做出一个解释,就要做出更多的解释,直到你能做的只有做出解释。加雷斯·布伦则说,如果可以,就要做出解释,接受命令的人只有在真正了解情况之后才能做得更好。今天,伊兰决定听从加雷斯的指导,毕竟他曾多次赢得胜利。 “现在已经有三个人正式宣布反对我。”也许还有一个没有公开宣布的。伊兰让自己直视戴玲的眼睛,她没有愤怒,只是平静地望着。或者戴玲将此当成伊兰愤怒的表现,所以她绷紧了下巴,脸颊泛红。伊兰对此并不在意。“亚瑞米拉一个人并不足惧,但奈西恩已经率领卡伦家族投向了她,这让亚瑞米拉成为一股相当强大的力量。娜埃安和爱伦娜已经被囚禁,娜埃安的军队在得到新的统帅之前只能待在原地发抖,但爱伦娜的丈夫贾瑞德现在成为撒安德家族的家主,他随时都有可能为了实现妻子的野心而展开行动。巴瑞恩家族和安沙尔家族在那两股势力之间摇摆不定,我能希望的最好情况就是他们一个倒向撒安德,一个倒向阿劳恩。安多有十九个大家族,而诸多小家族会追随他们而行动。现在已经有六个大家族与我为敌,有两个大家族支持我。”光明在上,敌人有六个,支持者却只有两个!伊兰还没提到有三个大家族支持戴玲登上王位,至少艾雯暂时把他们困在莫兰迪了。 伊兰向身边的一把椅子点点头,戴玲坐下来,小心地整理好裙摆。乌云离开了这位女性长辈的面孔,她审视着伊兰,丝毫没有流露出对伊兰的话有什么疑问或评判。“我像你一样清楚这些事情,伊兰,但鲁安和艾络琳会率领他们的家族向你效忠,我相信埃布尔莱也会这么做。”她的语气显得相当谨慎,但伊兰同样能够感受到火气正在她的话语中凝聚。“其他家族同样会逐渐看清形势,只要你不让他们因恐惧而失去理智。光明啊,伊兰,你的王位并不是继承来的,传坎家族的人只能继承传坎家族,而不是对其他家族的操控权。不能让你的这种继承演变为公开的战争!如果将女王卫兵扩充为一支军队,你就要冒极大的风险。” 伊兰扬起头,她的笑声里没有任何愉快的成分,倒很像是正在她们头顶响起的阵阵雷鸣。“我在回家的那一天就已经冒了极大的风险,戴玲。你说诺维林和塔梅恩家族会效忠我,还有潘达家族?很好,那我就有五个家族可以去对抗六个家族了。我不认为其他家族能'看清形势',如果在我得到玫瑰王冠之前他们有所行动,那一定是在对抗我,而不是支持我。”如果运气好的话,那些家主们会不屑于和加贝瑞的走狗们联合,但伊兰并不想靠运气,她不是疯狂的麦特。光明啊,人们都相信兰德杀死了她的母亲,却没有人相信“加贝瑞大人”是弃光魔使。即使她能活得像家人一样长久,修补雷威辛对安多造成的伤害也可能要用去她一生的时间!有一些家族不会支持她,因为加贝瑞是以摩格丝的名义施行暴行的。还有一些家族疏离她,是因为兰德说过,他决定将王座“给予”她。伊兰全心地爱着那个男人,但想到他竟然会留下那样的话,伊兰又觉得他该死透顶!即使有戴玲的压制,安多最下等的农夫也会扛起镰刀,将转生真龙安置在狮子王座上的傀儡给拖下来! “我要极力避免安多人杀戮安多人,戴玲。但不管我能继承什么,贾瑞德已经挑起了战争,他甚至不在乎自己的妻子还在我手中,而娜埃安也做好了开战的准备。”最好那两个女人尽快被带到凯姆林来。如果她们离开亚林吉尔后泄露了任何信息或命令,那就太可怕了。“亚瑞米拉在得到奈西恩的支持后,也做好了开战的准备,她们也想继承这个王位,而且她们认为战争是必须的手段。现在唯一能阻止战争的办法,就是让我们强大到她们不敢轻举妄动的程度。如果柏姬泰能在春天时将女王卫兵扩充为一支军队,那会是一件好事,那时我肯定需要一支军队。如果那些家族还不够,那就再想一想霄辰人,得到坦其克和艾博达并不会让他们满意,他们不会放过任何一个国家。戴玲,我不会让他们得到安多,正如同我不会让亚瑞米拉得到安多。”又一阵雷声在她们头顶隆隆而过。 戴玲稍稍回过头,看了柏姬泰一眼,舔了舔嘴唇,手指下意识地拉了一下裙摆。没有什么东西能够让戴玲感到畏惧,但霄辰人的传说是一个例外。戴玲仿佛是自言自语地嘟囔了一句:“我曾经希望避免内战。”这句话也许没什么意义,也许有很多含义。或许应该稍稍刺激她一下,好得到更多讯息。 “盖温,”柏姬泰突然喊道,她的脸上闪耀着光彩,从约缚中散发出兴奋而宽慰的情绪,“等他回来,他就能接过指挥权。他将是你的剑之第一王子。” “喝你娘的奶!”伊兰喊道。闪电从窗口抛下耀眼的白光。为什么这个女人一定要现在改变话题?戴玲愣了一下。伊兰立刻感到脸上一阵滚烫。看着那名年长女子张开的嘴,伊兰知道自己这句话有多么粗俗。毕竟戴玲是伊兰母亲的朋友,所以伊兰尤其感到困窘。她下意识地喝了一大口酒,差点被苦涩的酒液呛到。然后她迅速压抑下脑海中的想象——莉妮要洗干净她的嘴,让她明白,她是一个将要成为女王的女孩。母亲肯定不会像她一样做出这么愚蠢的事情。 “是的,他会的,柏姬泰,”伊兰镇定下来,“当他回来的时候。”现在正有三名使者前往塔瓦隆。即使爱莉达有可能不赞同她的行动,盖温终究会知道,她已经继承了王位。他一定会回来的。伊兰迫切需要盖温,她从不曾幻想过自己能够统领军队。而柏姬泰完全没有信心能够成为传说中的那个英雄,很多时候,她甚至连尝试一下都不敢。与一支军队作战,可以;但统率一支军队,想都别想!柏姬泰很清楚自己心中的这个死结,现在,她的面孔如同冰块一样僵硬,她的情绪中充满愤怒和窘迫,其中愤怒正在迅速增多。伊兰带着一点气恼张开口,想要对戴玲关于内战的看法进行辩驳。柏姬泰的情绪已经在影响她了。 还没等伊兰说出一个字,红色大门突然被推开来。伊兰希望看到奈妮薇或者范迪恩走进来,却只是失望地看见两名海民女子。虽然天气寒冷,但她们还是赤着双足,一团浓重的麝香味环绕在她们身周。她们的身上穿着锦缎制成的宽松裤子和上衣,镶嵌宝石的匕首、黄金、象牙项链以及其他各式珠宝装饰着她们身体的各个部位。除了鬓角斑白,蕾耐勒·丁·考隆十个粗大的黄金耳环几乎完全被黑色直发遮住。悬在耳朵与鼻翼间的黄金细链上坠满徽章,映衬着她黑眸中高傲的神色。她的面容刚硬如铁,尽管她行走的身姿仪态万千,但那股气势仿佛能撞倒任何一道墙壁。翟妲·丁·帕瑞德·黑翼比她的同伴几乎矮了一拳,皮肤仿佛比木炭更黑,悬挂在她左侧脸颊上的黄金徽章比另一名海民多了一半。她的神态不算傲慢,但自然有一种掌控一切的风范,一种可以让任何人服从的自信。她的黑色卷发中已经出现了一片片灰斑,但容貌依然相当迷人。她是那种愈年长就愈有风韵的女子。 戴玲在看到她们的时候打了个哆嗦,并下意识地伸手想要掩住嘴巴,对于不熟悉亚桑米亚尔的人来说,有这种反应是很正常的。伊兰皱了皱眉头。这并不是因为她不喜欢她们的鼻环,实际上,伊兰的脑子里又蹦出一句更加……辛辣的咒骂。除了弃光魔使之外,伊兰现在最不想见到的就是这两个人。莉恩耐应该把她们挡在门外的! “请原谅,”伊兰迅速站了起来,“我现在很忙,你们也知道,我有许多日常事务要处理,所以才没能向你们致以问候。”海民对于礼节和仪式相当重视,不过仅限于她们自己的礼节。她们很可能根本没有告知首席侍女她们想要见伊兰,但如果伊兰在得到王冠之前坐着向她们说话,她们很可能会觉得遭到了冒犯。愿光明烧了她们,伊兰现在已经无法再承受任何敌意了。柏姬泰出现在伊兰身边,恭谨地弯下身,取走她的杯子。护法的约缚中散发着警告的气息,她一直都对海民没什么好感,甚至从不掩饰自己对她们的看法。“今天晚些时候我会安排和你们见面,”伊兰继续说道,“愿光明保佑我们。”海民很擅长繁文缛节,不过这样的言辞大概也能让她们满意了。 蕾耐勒一直走到伊兰面前,甚至让伊兰感觉她距离自己有些太近了。她伸出一只带着刺青的手,微微打了个手势——那是在允许伊兰坐下。“你一直在躲避我。”对于一名女子而言,她的声音显得过于浑厚,而她的语气却如同窗外的冰雪一般寒冷。“请记住,我是亚桑米亚尔诸船长耐丝塔·丁·瑞埃斯·双月的寻风手,关于你代表白塔和我们签订的契约,你仍然未能完全履行。”海民知道白塔的分裂,现在所有人都已经知道这件事了。不过伊兰并不急于在这时公布自己将支持哪一方,这样只会为她增添更多的困难。此时,蕾耐勒以不容辩驳的语气说道:“你现在就要给我答复!”这就是海民的礼仪。 “她一直在躲避我,但我想她躲不过你,寻风手。”翟妲的语气和蕾耐勒完全相反,仿佛只是在不疾不徐地闲聊。她以悠闲的步伐走过房间,停下脚步,摸了摸一只高大的绿色薄瓷花瓶,又踮起脚尖,朝一只放在搁架高处的四柱万花筒中望了望。在瞥向伊兰和蕾耐勒的目光中,她的黑眸里甚至流露出一点愉快的笑容。“毕竟这个契约是诸船长耐丝塔·丁·瑞埃斯签的。”翟妲是凯特莱部族的波涛长,同时也是海民诸船长的使者,本来她要进行谈判的目标不是安多,而是兰德,但她有权力代替耐丝塔做出决定。她从一个又一个雕金桶旁边走过,又踮起脚看了一眼那只万花筒。“你答应过,要向亚桑米亚尔派出二十名教师,而现在,你只派出了一个。” 此时的伊兰,却只是惊讶地看着茉瑞莉走进房间,关上门。这名灰宗两仪师的个子比翟妲还要矮。她身着一袭典雅的深蓝色羊毛裙装,以银色的皮毛镶边,胸前镶缀着小块的月长石。她对寻风手的教导时间刚刚超过两个星期,但这已经对她造成很大的影响。那些寻风手大多是相当强大的女人,她们渴望知识,如同压榨酿酒器中的葡萄般压榨着茉瑞莉,而且绝对不放过任何一滴汁液。伊兰曾经以为没有任何事情能够打破茉瑞莉的镇定从容,但现在,瞪大眼睛、张嘴惊呼已经成为茉瑞莉常有的表情。她已经不止一次不知所措,而且以后肯定还会更频繁地出现这种状况。她现在将双手交叠在腰间,停在门口,似乎很满意自己没有成为其他人注意的目标。 戴玲重重地喷了一声鼻息,站起身,紧皱双眉盯着翟妲和蕾耐勒:“注意你们的言谈,现在你们是在安多,而不是你们的船上。伊兰·传坎将成为安多女王!等时候到了,你们自然会得到契约上规定的东西,现在,我们还有更重要的事情需要处理。” “光明在上,没有任何事比这个更重要,”蕾耐勒以同样严厉的声音响应道,“你说契约会得到履行?那么就由你来担保吧。你最好弄清楚,在缠绕的帆索间乱走是不明智的——” 翟妲打了个响指,并不响亮的声音却让蕾耐勒打了个哆嗦。她捉住项链上的一只金香盒,将它放到鼻前深吸一口气。她的身份是诸船长的寻风手,在亚桑米亚尔之中拥有崇高的地位和巨大的权力,但在翟妲眼中,她只是……一名寻风手而已,这对蕾耐勒的自尊心肯定是相当大的打击。伊兰相信,她可以利用这两名海民间微妙的关系来对抗她们,但她至今还没找到利用的办法。唉,不管怎样,权力游戏现在已经渗入了她的骨髓。 伊兰缓步走过正怒火中烧的蕾耐勒身旁,如同绕过房间里的一根柱子,但她的目标并不是翟妲。在这个房间里,她才是最有权力从容自在的,她不能给翟妲任何一点机会,否则这名波涛长会把她的头发剃下来卖给假发商。她走到壁炉前,用炉火温暖着自己的双手。 “耐丝塔·丁·瑞埃斯相信我们会履行契约,否则她就绝对不会接受这份契约,”她平静地说道,“你们已经得到了风之碗。但我还需要更多时间才能为你们召集其余的十九名姐妹。我知道你们在为艾博达的海民船只担忧,害怕霄辰人会对它们不利。但如果蕾耐勒打开通道,去一趟提尔,她就能找到停泊在那里的数百艘海民船只。”确实,伊兰得到的所有情报都是这么说的。“你们可以从那里的海民口中得到更多讯息,并可以整合你们的族人。为了对抗霄辰人,他们需要你们的帮助。”这样她也可以摆脱她们。“等我聚齐了其他姐妹,会立刻派她们去找你们。”茉瑞莉依旧站在门口,脸上出现一点慌乱的神情,她大概是想到自己有可能会被孤身一人留在海民中间。 翟妲将目光从万花筒上移开,斜着眼望向伊兰,一丝笑意抽动着她非常丰满的嘴唇。“我必须留在这里,我要等到兰德·亚瑟回来,如果他肯回来的话。”说到兰德的名字时,翟妲的脸上闪过一丝戾气,但愉快的笑容转瞬间又布满了她的脸孔。兰德在她面前可要吃些苦头了。“而蕾耐勒和她的同伴暂时也要和我在一起。几名寻风手在与霄辰人的战争中起不了什么作用,但在这里,光明会保佑她们学习到非常有用的知识。”蕾耐勒轻轻哼了一声。翟妲微一皱眉,又开始向高处那只万花筒中望进去。“连你在内,你们这里一共有五名两仪师,”她若有所思地说道,“也许你们之中有人可以教导我们的寻风手。”她仿佛是刚刚想到这一点。当然,伊兰宁可相信自己一只手能提起两个海民,也不会相信她真的是刚刚才有了这个念头! “哦,是的,这样很好。”茉瑞莉突然说道。她向前迈出一步,又瞥了蕾耐勒一眼,急忙停住脚步,她苍白的面孔泛起红晕。她再一次将双手交叠在腰间,让柔顺的气息包裹住全身,仿佛那是她的第二层皮肤。戴玲紧紧地盯着她看,仿佛以前从没见过这位两仪师。 “如光明所愿,也许我还能找到其他姐妹。”伊兰谨慎地说着,同时努力不让自己的双手去揉搓额角。她的头痛也许是因为窗外愈来愈响的雷声。奈妮薇听到这样的要求一定会暴跳如雷,范迪恩也许会对此置若罔闻,但伊兰做不到。也许凯瑞妮和赛芮萨是可以的。“但你要知道,她们每天教导你们的时间顶多只能有一两个小时,她们没什么多余的时间。”伊兰尽量不去看茉瑞莉。如果被扔进这个酿酒器里,即使是凯瑞妮和赛芮萨大概也会造反。 翟妲用右手手指碰了碰嘴唇:“光明在上,就这样吧!” 伊兰眨眨眼。在这名波涛长眼里闪烁的显然不是什么好兆头。她们刚刚又订下了一份契约。根据伊兰对付亚桑米亚尔的有限经验来判断,想要得到海民契约中属于你的那一份,并全身而退,就必须有极好的运气。这一次,情况更是有所不同。两仪师们能够从这样的契约中得到什么好处?契约必须是对双方都有好处才对。翟妲微笑着,仿佛她知道伊兰的心思,并且对此感到有趣。这时房门再一次被打开,这几乎让伊兰松了一口气,至少她有了一个机会将注意力从海民身上转移开来。 莉恩耐·哈芙尔带着尊重却不谦卑的神情快步走进房间。她行了一个极为标准的屈膝礼,完全像是一名强大家族的家主向她的女王致敬。实际上,任何一个稍微有点地位的家主都知道,要对这位宫廷首席侍女保持足够的敬意。她穿着一件红白两色的长裙,长裙外罩着一袭猩红色的披风,灰色的发髻盘在头顶,如同一顶王冠。在她高耸的胸前,一颗安多白狮头清晰可见。莉恩耐从没公开谈论过谁应该坐上王位,但从伊兰回到安多的那一天开始,她就一直穿着正式的宫廷礼服,仿佛女王正在王宫内居住一样。当她看见两名亚桑米亚尔挡在面前,圆脸上立刻显露出刚毅的表情,但她的目光很快就从这两名海民身上扫了过去。她们迟早会明白挡在首席侍女面前会招致怎样的后果,但现在还不是对付她们两个的时候。 “马瑞姆·泰姆终于来了,殿下,”莉恩耐的口气更像是在说“女王”,“我是否应该让他等候。” 终于来了!伊兰在心中嘟囔了一句。她两天前就向那个人发出召唤了!“好的,哈芙尔大妈,给他葡萄酒,我想,第三等的就可以了。告诉他,只要我有——” 马瑞姆大步走进房间,仿佛这是他的宫殿。不需要别人通报,伊兰一眼就确认他是马瑞姆。在他的黑色外衣上,两臂从臂肘到袖口的位置各绣着一条盘卷蜿蜒的蓝金色游龙,这大概是为了模仿兰德手臂上的龙纹,不过伊兰怀疑他并不会因为这两条龙纹而感到自豪。他的个子很高,几乎和兰德差不多,高高的鹰钩鼻子和一双黑眸,仿佛是一名会预言的巫师。他是个强健有力的人,步履身姿有着类似护法的致命优雅,但他的身周似乎总是围绕着一团阴影,当他进来时,房里半数的油灯仿佛都熄灭了。事实证明,那是一种几乎能吸收光明的暴力气息。 又有两名穿着黑色外衣的人紧随马瑞姆走了进来。其中一人是个秃子,留着灰白的长胡子,一双蓝眼睛里闪着凶光;另一个人要年轻许多,身材如同蛇一般苗条灵巧,发色乌黑,脸上是一副未经世事的傲慢表情。他们的高领子上全都佩戴着银色的剑徽和红珐琅龙徽。三人都没有佩剑,因为他们已经不需要钢铁的利剑了。突然间,这间起居室显得非常狭小,非常拥挤。 伊兰下意识地拥抱了阴极力,并向房里的其他人寻求连结。茉瑞莉迅速进入连结。让伊兰感到惊讶的是,蕾耐勒也进入了连结。伊兰瞥了那名寻风手一眼,便对她的行动有了些理解。现在这名寻风手脸色灰白,一只手紧紧握住腰带里的匕首,伊兰甚至能够透过连结感觉到她紧握的指节上传来的痛楚。滞留在凯姆林的海民们现在已经知道殉道使都是些什么人了。 这些男人当然知道房里有人拥抱了阴极力,只不过他们无法看见环绕在这三个女人身周的阴极力光晕而已。那个秃头男人哼了一声,年轻男子则握紧了拳头,他们的眼里全都显露出愤怒的神情。伊兰有些后悔没有对自己的导引加以掩饰,但她现在并不打算离开真源。马瑞姆身上散发的危险气息能够让火焰也失去热力。伊兰竭尽全力从连结中汲取至上力,直到强大的能量让她的生命感官变得清晰无比,让她感到一阵阵危险的刺痛。但即使是这样的刺痛……也令人感到快慰。如此强大的至上力,她甚至能摧毁这座宫殿,但这样的能量可能还不足以匹敌马瑞姆和他的两名随从。伊兰非常渴望自己的手中能握着她们在艾博达找到的三件法器之一。现在,它们正和其他宝物一起被安全地封锁着,直到伊兰有机会再次对它们进行研究。 马瑞姆轻蔑地摇摇头,一丝冰冷的笑意掠过他的嘴唇。“好好看一看,”他的声音非常平静,但语气刚硬且充满嘲讽,“这里有两位两仪师。你们会害怕两位两仪师吗?而且,你们不该吓到未来的安多女王。”他的随从们立刻放松下来,同时开始仿效起马瑞姆从容不迫的样子。 莉恩耐对于阴极力和阳极力一无所知。当那三个男人走进房间时,她立刻紧皱眉头挡在他们面前,她相信所有人都应该按照礼仪行事,就算是殉道使也不例外。她低声嘟囔了些什么,尽管她刻意压低声音,众人还是听到了“脏老鼠”这个词。 首席侍女察觉到房里众人听到她说了什么,脸颊立刻变得通红,而伊兰也终于有机会看到莉恩耐脸红的样子。不过转眼间,她已经恢复镇定,以能够让任何统治者羡慕的优雅和威严说道:“请原谅,伊兰殿下,我刚刚得到报告,储藏室里有许多老鼠肆虐。在一年的这个时刻出现这么多老鼠,是非常不寻常的事情。请原谅,我必须去确认我招募捕鼠匠和施放毒饵的命令已经得到执行。” “先等一等,”伊兰冷静地对她说,“害虫早晚都会得到处置的。”两名两仪师。马瑞姆没察觉到蕾耐勒也能导引。而从他特意向部下强调这里两仪师的数量是两名的语气听来,难道三个能导引的女人会对他们产生某种威胁?很显然,除了十三人的连结之外,殉道使还知道一些女性导引者通过数量能够取得的优势。而他们打算就这样彻底压倒她吗? “等我和这些好人谈完之后,你可以带他们出去。”马瑞姆的同伴听到自己被称为“好人”,不由得皱了一下眉头,但马瑞姆脸上只是又一次闪过那种似有若无的微笑。他知道伊兰口中的“害虫”指的是谁。Light!也许兰德曾经需要过这个人,但为什么现在还要让他活着,而且还拥有如此巨大的权力?当然,他的权力在安多王宫一文不值。 伊兰不疾不徐地再次入座,还调整了一下裙摆。这些男人在她面前不能炫耀任何威严,否则她将不给他们任何发言的机会。片刻之间,伊兰想要将这个小连结的主导权转移出去,毕竟殉道使的注意力肯定是集中在她身上。蕾耐勒仍然是脸色铁青,愤怒和恐惧在她心中激荡不已,如果由她控制连结,可能会立刻发动攻击。茉瑞莉心中有些恐惧,但还算能控制,但她心中主要的情绪是强烈的……痴呆感。这时她已经瞪大眼睛,大张着嘴,只有光明知道她能控制连结时会做些什么。 戴玲退到伊兰的椅子旁,仿佛是要挡住那些殉道使,好保护伊兰。无论这位塔拉文的家主在想什么,她的面孔仍然保持着刚毅和无畏。其他女子也竭尽全力表现出她们自认为最合适的模样。翟妲在那只万花筒旁一动也不动地站着,尽量显出一副无足轻重、安全无害的样子,但她将双手背在身后,腰间的匕首也不见了。柏姬泰懒散地站在壁炉旁,左手撑住一根柱子,仿佛有点无聊,但她腰间的匕首鞘同样是空的。她的右手隐在身侧,大概随时都有可能将这把匕首抛出来,约缚中散发出来……全神贯注的情绪。箭已在弦上,随时都可能离弦而出。 伊兰并没有刻意绕过戴玲去看那三个男人。“马瑞姆先生,在我发出诏命之后,你们却迟迟没来见我。”光明啊,他有没有握持阳极力?伊兰知道,除了屏障一名男性之外,还有其他办法可以干扰他们的导引,但这是一种难度很高的技巧,非常不安全,而且伊兰也只是知道这种技巧的理论而已。 马瑞姆一直走到距离伊兰只有几步的地方,他的神态根本就不像是一个前来谒见国家统治者的人。马瑞姆知道自己是什么人,有着怎样的价值,但他显然认为自己的能耐比天还大。闪电划过窗口,在他脸上印下古怪的纹路,即使没有穿着这身古怪的制服,他的模样大概也能吓倒许多人。但伊兰不是这样的人,绝对
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