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Chapter 4 Recap

The wheel of time keeps spinning, the years come and go like the wind, and the replacement of generations leaves only memories.In the third era, a seemingly endless winter, two rivers far away in a place called Emon's Village, three rural teenagers who lived an ordinary life, Rand, Mat and Perrin, were hidden by the legendary dark creatures. Hunted by demons and Trollocs, he escaped from his hometown under the guidance and help of Aes Sedai Moiraine.In the Karma of the Wheel of Time, they are the time axis that can change and save the world. After some adventures, they came to the demon land and found the "Eye of the World" with the help of the Hulk.As the reincarnated true dragon, Rand even fought against the Dark Emperor beside the "Eye of the World".Rand and others brought back from the "Eye of the World" the legendary Horn of Valier, which is said to be able to regenerate the dead heroes of the past dynasties and become the ruler of the world. However, the horn was stolen by the dark friend Paden soon after. So the curtain is drawn.

In the end, Mat blew the horn of Valier in Famei Town, and the dead heroes of all ages were instantly reborn. Perrin raised the true dragon banner, and they charged towards the Seanchan army.Afterwards, Shanar's warriors witnessed the battle between Rand and the Dark Emperor in the sky, and gathered under the banner of the real dragon.According to the scattered prophecy of the true dragon, the acquisition of the "Forbidden Sword" Kailandor and the fall of the Rock of Tire are all signs of the reincarnation of the true dragon.The threads of fate weaved and intersected in the Rock of Tyre, and Rand became the ruler of Tyre.At this time, great changes took place in the White Tower where Aes Sedai who could command the world gathered.The Aes Sedai of the Red Sect, Elaida, staged a coup d'état, which silenced Siwan Sangchen, the Jade Throne, and Lian, the writer of history. Some Aes Sedai were forced to leave Salidar, and the White Tower was split.

Rand led the crowd to the Three Absolute Lands to seek the karmic changes in the wheel of time. When he entered the center of Rudian, dragon-shaped imprints appeared on his arms. The emblem of the man.Later in Cold Rock, Rand was recognized by the leaders of the Aiel tribe.Perrin sneaked back to his hometown to resist the invasion of the Two Rivers by the Children of the Light and the Trollocs, and finally became the lord of the Two Rivers. Before the city of Cairhien, Rand fought a decisive battle with Kuladin, an Aiel who did not submit to him, and Kuladin, who underestimated the enemy, was finally killed by Maite.Rand, who entered the city of Cairhien, quickly balanced the positions of the Tyrians and the Cairhien, and won their compliance.In order to protect Rand, Murray sacrificed his life to push Lan Feier, the Forsaken Demon, into the portal-shaped ter'anga artifact brought by Rudian, and the two disappeared into the unknown world.Rand, who thought Morgase, the mother of Elayne, was dead, led the Aiel people to the palace of Andor through the passage, but was ambushed by Revixin, the Forsaken Demon. Rand used a forbidden trick in the predicament— ——The raging fire completely wiped out Lei Weixin, erasing his track in karma.

The pseudo-dragon Marem Taim built Rand an army of channeling men known as the Martyrs.In the treatment and research of the imprisoned pseudo-dragon Logan, Nynaeve found that the stillness actually cut off the bridge between the power of fire and the power of soul.She thus healed Siuan and Liane.Saying goodbye to the wise men of Aiel, Egwene ventured into the dreamland of Te Yalan Ryod, rushed to Salidar, and was immediately elected as the new Jade Throne. division.The split White Tower started to treat the Reincarnated Dragon with tenderness and games respectively. As a result, Rand was accidentally hijacked by the barrier of thirteen Aes Sedai sent by the White Tower.

After Perrin discovered that Rand was missing, he immediately led the people to follow and rescue him. When they were about to catch up with the Aes Sedai who escorted Rand, the Shaido led by Sevanna appeared, and the scuffle began.At this time, Rand finally broke free. Under the banner of the ancient Aes Sedai, the Aes Sedai of Tar Valon and Salidar were all forced to swear allegiance to the reincarnated dragon Rand.Rand and Perrin led the combined forces of the Two Rivers, the Maine, the Cairhien, and the Aiel, as well as the Aes Sedai and the Martyr, defeated the Shaido and returned to Cairhien.

Egwene Amy decided to lead Salidar's Aes Sedai to Tar Valon.At her request, Mat escorted Nynaeve and Elayne to Aboda, where they finally found a bowl-shaped ter'angreal that could control the weather.At the same time, Haimin admitted that Rand was Kramer in the true prophecy.Rand was cut by Paden Van with a Shadarrogos ruby ​​dagger. At the moment of life and death, Damo, the martyr, used magical techniques to separate the dagger scar and the old circular scar from Rand's body, so that the wounds in the wound Two darknesses fight each other.Sammael gave Sevanna a scepter that could control the Aes Sedai, and drove the Shaido tribe through the passage to fight all over the world.After Rand woke up, he realized what happened to Sammael, and led the Saldaean army to Ilian, and chased Sammael to Shadarrogos alone, and wiped him out with fire.Rand, who conquered Illian, was crowned king and the title of King of the World, and the Illian laurel crown on his head has since been called the "Crown of Swords".

Queen Eisenle of Kandor met with Beta Neziman, King of Erafe, King Esha Torget of Shana, and Queen Tenobi Kazadi, Queen of Saldaea, who were also border countries. Thirteen Aes Sedai joined their ranks, seemingly by accident and separately, before the Earth took the ancient vows and marched south to find Rand in alliance.Vaelin took the opportunity of interrogating the Aes Sedai of the White Tower who were enslaved by the Wise Men, secretly weaving them and issuing secret orders. Elan and others, who found the Bowl of Wind in Eboda, led the family members of the Red Women's Society and the Sea People's Wind Seekers from the palace to a place suitable for using this ter'angral tool.Aviendha opened a passage to let everyone through, at this time, Aviendha found Moridy's peeping.Although she didn't know the identity of the peepers, in order to prevent the remnants of the passage from being discovered and used by others, Aviendha took the initiative to dismantle the weaving of the passage after everyone passed through.This surprised everyone, because undoing the weaving voluntarily was so skillful and dangerous that no Aes Sedai could do it.After arriving at the top of the mountain next to the family's farm, under the leadership of Kairi, the Windseeker, twelve channeling Aes Sedai, family members and the Windseeker connected to guide the weather through the Bowl of Wind Ter'anga.After the induction, they found out that the Seanchan were coming, so organized by the farm manager Alise, Elayne opened the passage to Andor.Just at this time, the Seanchan people made a massive attack, and Yilan also followed Aviendha's method to dismantle the weaving of the tunnel, but failed to trigger a big explosion, which stopped the Seanchan people.After a long journey, Yilan and others finally arrived in Andor, and Yilan was determined to take back the Lion Throne.

When Perrin and Faile arrived at Haidan, they ran into a group of Mogs, whose alias was Maidin, and took them in as servants.The wise men warned Perrin that the fanatical dragon-sage, Mahima Daja, must be slain.Much to the astonishment, Alliandre, queen of Haidan, came to Perrin's camp in person, swearing allegiance to him for refuge against the Prophets and Seanchan. Sevanna forced Aes Sedai Galina to swear obedience with the staff of oath given by Sammael. At the same time, she was also challenged by the wise men headed by Selev.Gulandai learned that Moridi was Naboli, and went to meet Moridi under the order of Saiyita Harang.Cadsuane and Sorilin agreed to teach Rand together.

Egwene led Salidar's Aes Sedai to the vicinity of Andor. Gareth told her that if she continued to advance, she would encounter an Andor army. Egwene decided to meet the Andor nobles who led the army and announced that she would stay for three days.Romanda and Leilan threatened Egwene respectively, and proposed that they must nominate themselves as the representatives of the Jade Throne when they met with the nobles of Andor.Unexpectedly, Egwene used this opportunity of meeting to show her power as the Jade Throne, and declared war on Elaida by citing the law of war in the ensuing council, saying that she would attack Tar Valon a month later.In this case, the Jade Throne will have absolute authority.As for the White Tower, Elaida, under the coercion of Ovalin, signed a document giving the sect the final power to dispose of her sister, which will undoubtedly dismantle the White Tower.When Sianne and Pevilla used the Staff of Oath to search for the Black sect lurking in the White Tower, they discovered the Aes Sedai lurking in Salidar, but they did not report it, but decided to use it for themselves.Their approach unexpectedly won the support of several sect guardians, and at the same time they discovered that the Green sect guardian Talinni was actually a black sect.Toveen, who was sent by Elaida to attack the Black Tower, failed and was captured alive.

Rand gathered a multinational force to attack the Seanchan and the coastal nations occupied by the Seanchan, the Tarabon, Amadisia, and Atla.With the participation of martyrs and slaves, the war became extremely tragic.After paying a heavy price, Rand decided to use the non-sword sword Kai Landor, but Kai Landor had no choice but to attack Rand's coalition forces and the Seanchan, and both sides suffered losses.Cadsuane told Rand that the correct way to use Callandor was to bond with two women, one of whom controlled the energy flow. The Wise Ones freed some of the enslaved Tower Aes Sedai, who swore fealty to Rand.Afterwards, Rand's bedroom was attacked, and the murderers turned out to be the martyrs Daxiwa, Godfein and Rochard.When Perrin found Mashima and was about to take him to see Rand, Faile, Alliandre, and Maidin were captured by the Shaido Aiel who suddenly appeared, disrupting Perrin's deployment.

Egwene finally headed towards the White Tower again.At this time, the effect of the Bowl of Wind began to appear, and there was heavy snow in winter, and rumors abounded. Can Elayne's Lion Throne be reclaimed?Can Matt's delicate situation be changed?When and where will the Daughter of September show up?What kind of mysterious kingdom did the Seanchan come from?How will Rand's emotional world be sorted out?Please see The Wheel of Time Volume 9: The Heart of Winter.
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