Home Categories Internet fantasy Wheel of Time 09 Heart of Winter
Wheel of Time 09 Heart of Winter

Wheel of Time 09 Heart of Winter


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 474717

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Chapter 1 Praise from all walks of life

As soon as it was published, it reached the top of the New York Times bestseller list. The "Wheel of Time" series has not only been affirmed in terms of sales performance, but the magnificent writing style of the author Robert Jordan has made more than 40 million readers around the world crazy about it. "Wheel of Time" is known as the best example of "orthodox fantasy" and "sword and magic". Will take you into a completely different epic world. "The Wheel of Time... in the English-speaking world, there are very few other fantasy tales that can be compared with it, and even fewer that can surpass it."

"Big, awe-inspiring, and colorful storyline reminiscent of Tolkien's work." "Robert Jordan begins to rule the world Tolkien created." "The Wheel of Time series is the only one for which I have the highest respect, and it pales in comparison to almost every other fantasy work I've read... This series has the potential to be the greatest fantasy series ever written. A great work of fantasy, time will tell." "Robert Jordan wrote stark images of light and dark, sometimes with childlike wonder, which, while faintly Tolkien, created a distinctly personal writing style."

"The Wheel of Time has both the beauty of the text and the richness of the plot, which contains the innocence and charm of the Brothers Grimm; the social morality of Huxley's Brave New World. All these, plus flesh and blood characters, Secret and obscure metaphors, interesting adjustments, vivid and beautiful natural scenery, and that fascinating sense of eternity. With the help of one language, the author creates a literary world and all the truth that this world may have. " "Historical facts of omnisense." "A dreamlike sight." "Those who read fantasy can rejoice, this is real art!"

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