Home Categories Internet fantasy Awakening Day 4

Chapter 8 third quarter

Awakening Day 4 唐缺 3357Words 2018-03-11
Guan Xueying quickly cleaned the pots and pans in the kitchen, wiped off the stains on the stove with a rag, and then cleaned the floor.When all this was done, the time had just reached seven o'clock.She went back to her room, picked up a junior high school biology textbook and looked at it.In the next room, Ning Zhangwen was still fiddling with the computer. In a blink of an eye, Feng Si hadn't shown up for several months, and Guan Xueying missed him very much.It's not entirely because Wen Xiaolan said that Feng Si likes to eat her dishes the most, and Ning Zhangwen is not particularly picky about food, which sometimes makes her feel a little bit like a cow playing the piano.More importantly, for their small group, Fons is like a central axis, closely linking everyone together.With Feng Si around, everyone can get together often, listen to Feng Si bragging, listen to Wen Xiaolan sarcasm Feng Si, and listen to Ning Zhangwen talk about his self-taught experience in making games.And because of Feng Si's existence, sometimes she can see strange guards such as Fan Liangyu, Wang Lu, He Yifan, etc. Although Feng Si repeatedly emphasized that "those people are not my friends, but may become enemies at any time", she still I think those people are quite interesting.

Especially Liang Ye, who took special care of her, and she also had a special sense of closeness to Liang Ye, and often felt that this cold and tough guy was like her brother.However, Feng Si left, Wen Xiaolan seldom came, and the guards even disappeared.Guan Xueying was inevitably a little lonely. Tonight she was reading the chapter on genetics.The textbooks in junior high school are very simple, so Guan Xueying can understand the basic principles.She was just a little distracted, somehow thinking of her mother.In her vague memory, her mother and herself look quite similar, in line with genetics, especially the eyes that are full of exquisite beauty, but she lived the life of a village girl since she was a child, but her mother looked like a city person, bringing There is an elegant temperament that I don't have.

Later, she learned that her mother might be from Japan, and that her mother was also inextricably linked to the world of the devil, so she couldn't help but become more curious about her own life experience.It's a pity that Liang Ye, who might know a little bit of the truth, didn't say anything, and those who tried to kidnap him didn't say anything, only Fan Liangyu confirmed it for her. "There is no brain attached to your brain," Fan Liangyu said, "You are just an ordinary little dumb." I'm just an ordinary little mute, there's nothing wrong with that, Guan Xueying thought, but is my mother as ordinary as me?Why did she come all the way to China?And who killed her?

These mysteries remain unanswered.Fortunately, Guan Xueying is cheerful by nature, so when she thinks of her mother, she will inevitably feel sad for a while, and her mood will soon recover after the sadness is over.She read the biology book for a while, then turned on the laptop that Feng Si specially bought for her, and began to memorize the Japanese fifty-syllabary chart silently following the teaching video.Although she can't speak, she still hopes that one day she can understand and understand the language that may be her mother's mother tongue. After studying intently for a period of time, her neck was a little sore, so she stopped the video to take a rest.At this time, she suddenly noticed a black shadow passing by outside the window at an extremely fast speed, but she couldn't see anything after opening the window.

Here we go again, Guan Xueying thought.She tore off a piece of white paper and wrote a few big words on the paper: "Please come in." Then she pasted the white paper on the window glass and closed the window again.Not long after, the glass was knocked, Guan Xueying raised her head again, and saw a person lying on the window, she could vaguely tell that it was a woman. Since the other party knocked on the glass, it meant that she planned to meet her face to face. Guan Xueying opened the window, and the other party jumped in nimbly. She didn't even touch the table, but when she straightened up, her elbow touched the chair. She almost opened her mouth to scream.Guan Xueying also saw clearly that this was a young woman in her twenties, she was quite pretty, but her eyes were full of slyness.Guan Xueying has seen this kind of look in Wang Lu's and He Yifan's eyes before.For some reason, she didn't like such eyes.

While rubbing her arms, the strange woman looked at Guan Xueying curiously. Guan Xueying typed a few words on the mobile phone screen and handed them to her: "Don't praise me for being bold, everyone who comes to me Say so." The woman laughed: "You are really interesting. But it sounds like there are a lot of people looking for you. Are you really not afraid? Also, haven't you installed a voice reading software? It's so troublesome to read words like this." "The talking software Feng Si pretended for me. I don't like that kind of fake voice." Guan Xueying continued to speak through the phone, "It's useless to be afraid. Anyway, I don't have the energy to resist wherever you want to arrest me. But I say the same thing to you all: I don't know what my mother did, or what she hid, much less where."

"Ah, it seems that you have misunderstood something," the woman said. "I am not one of those who want to catch you, and I am not here to ask you questions. In fact, I probably know you better than you know yourself." Deeper." Guan Xueying made a gesture to express her confusion, the woman lowered her voice and acted mysteriously: "I am your sister." Guan Xueying was stunned, but the woman gave herself a soft mouth: "Oh, I made a mistake, the seniority is messed up! It's not sister, it's sister, it's aunt!" Guan Xueying opened her mouth, but was unable to speak, and the woman immediately said, "I am your aunt, that is, your mother's sister."

Guan Xueying was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say for a moment.According to the truth, seeing a relative suddenly should be very joyful.But at this moment, she didn't seem to have any emotions other than shock. That may be because she kept her family bullied in the mountain village of her hometown, which made her naturally insensitive to the word "relatives". However, she could also see that this woman did not lie to her.This young face is really similar to my mother's face in memory. "My name is Maiko Uesugi, and your mother's name is Yukiko Uesugi," the woman said, "so there is a word '雪' in your name."

Guan Xueying thought for a while, and then seriously typed three words on the phone: "Hello, Auntie." Uesugi Maiko tilted her head and thought for a while: "Oh, it's not as good as sister. The title of aunt suddenly makes people look a hundred years older...but forget it." "You speak Chinese very well, unlike the Japanese." Guan Xueying said. "Ah, because your grandma, that is, my mother and your mother's mother is a Chinese. We have learned and spoken Chinese since we were young." Uesugi Maiko replied. "Are you a guard too?" Guan Xueying asked again.

Uesugi Maiko shook her head: "If I were a guard, would I still need to climb the window so embarrassingly? I don't have a brain, neither does your mother, nor does your grandpa and grandma. Our whole family is just ordinary people." She made a gesture: "Okay, stop typing, I know you have a lot to ask. Since I found you, I naturally want to tell you, but I can't tell you now. Some things must be done in front of you." Said by the face of the Chosen One." Guan Xueying was startled, and typed the word "Feng Si" on the phone, adding a question mark.Uesugi Maiko nodded: "Yes, it is Feng Si. I want to see him, and I have very important reasons to see him."

Guan Xueying was a little hesitant and didn't answer. Maiko Uesugi saw her thoughts: "I know, you just met me, and you are worried that I have some bad intentions for Feng Si. It doesn't matter, I will give you time, you can think about it slowly, and think about it Here’s my number for texting me. Also, here’s this little thing for you.” She handed Guan Xueying a small thing, Guan Xueying took it over and saw it was a USB flash drive. "Can you let me go out through the gate? I'm not a guard. Climbing up the window sill of your house is really hard work, and it's also very dangerous. If you fall down, you will really die." Maiko Uesugi asked carelessly. Guan Xueying laughed silently.She nodded, and led Maiko Uesugi to the door, Ning Zhangwen closed his room as usual and turned a deaf ear. Opening the door, Uesugi Maiko walked out, looked back at Guan Xueying, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes.She lightly stroked the top of Guan Xueying's head: "You look...really like my sister." At that moment, Guan Xueying, who originally thought that family affection would not have much influence on her, found that her eyes were also moist for no reason. After Uesugi Maiko left, Guan Xueying returned to the room, hesitated for a while, and then inserted the USB drive into the computer.There is only one folder in the USB flash drive. After clicking on it, there are hundreds of photos in it. All are photos of Guan Xueying's mother Uesugi Yuko. These photos are all taken by Yukiko Uesugi when she was young. At that time, there were no digital cameras, so they were all scanned paper photos. Some of them were not very clear, but Guan Xueying still looked at each photo intently. That's right, mother really grew up in Japan, Guan Xueying thought.Because in these photos, many backgrounds have Japanese characters, such as Japanese restaurants, streets of Japanese cities, Japanese airports and so on.There are also some easily recognizable Japanese landmarks without words, such as Mount Fuji, and ancient buildings such as Kyoto and Nara. She also noticed a very beautiful cherry blossom, which was very close to the picture of "Guan Xueying" she found on the Internet. She guessed intuitively that this might be the source of her name. Of course, the biggest focus is still on her mother Yukiko Uesugi.Compared with the mother who was always cold and expressionless in memory, Uesugi Yukiko in the photo is full of youth, talking and laughing, and she is almost two completely different people from the silent woman in the mountain village later. Even so, looking at her mother's youthful appearance, Guan Xueying still couldn't restrain the yearning that surged from the bottom of her heart.She shed tears silently, looked through all the photos, and reconfirmed the relationship between her mother and Maiko Uesugi: the two appeared together in many photos, and they looked close, and the similarity of their faces further explained their blood relationship , even though Maiko Uesugi was just an immature little girl at that time, the sly look in her eyes has not changed after more than ten years. But other than that, Uesugi Maiko never left any other information.She didn't explain the life experiences of the two sisters, why Uesugi Yuko came to China, why their family of "ordinary people" got involved with the world of the devil king, and she didn't explain what Uesugi Yuko, who was coveted by the dark family, kept. secret. Obviously, if I don't see Feng Si, this aunt with sly eyes won't tell me anything, Guan Xueying thought.Of course, I am eager to know everything about my mother right away, but do I really want to contact Feng Si for her?What if this is a trap?What if she hurt Feng Si? Guan Xueying lay on the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and fell into distress.Looks like I won't be able to sleep tonight.
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