Home Categories Internet fantasy Awakening Day 4

Chapter 4 third quarter

Awakening Day 4 唐缺 3532Words 2018-03-11
Hakim Ahmed, dressed in a traditional white abaya, loitered near the Pyramid of Khufu in the sun.Whenever there are foreign tourists, he will gather around to strike up a conversation, attract tourists to take photos with him, and then collect money.He will also force some worthless broken stones into the hands of tourists, and then say in half-baked English: "Take this, for your mama!" Of course, these stones brought to my mother are certainly not free. The sunshine in Cairo in April was quite warm, and Hakim still felt a little tired after running around and busy all morning.At noon, he hid in the shadow of the pyramid and sat down. Just as he was about to eat a piece of bread he brought, he suddenly found another tourist coming in front of him.Professional habits made him put down the food, picked up the pile of broken stones and went up again.

The person who came was a handsome oriental boy. His face seemed to be quite young, even a bit like a middle school student, but there was an unusual vicissitudes and maturity in his eyes.Hakim came up to him, but before he could speak, the other party asked questions abruptly. "Is your father at home?" the Oriental asked in fluent Arabic. This question made Hakim a little overwhelmed. He was taken aback before answering: "Ah...you should be here. Do you know me? Know my old man?" "It doesn't count, but old man Abdullah must know me," the Easterner replied very strangely. "Take me to meet him. This is considered as compensation for your business."

He handed Hakeem a piece of paper, and Hakim saw it was a fifty-dollar bill.Thank God!He immediately beamed: "May Allah bless you, my friend. Please come with me." You can sell the old man for fifty dollars, Hakim thought. Hakim's home is not far from the Giza pyramids, on the outskirts of Cairo.It was a two-story ordinary residential building. Like most houses of the poor in Egypt, this house did not have whitewashed exterior walls, leaving the bricks glaringly exposed.That's because the Egyptian government stipulates that after the house is repaired, the construction tax must be paid. If the outer wall is not wiped, it means that the house has not been completed and there is no need to pay tax. The poor have used this method to avoid taxes.

"My old man is a very strange person, often crazy, if he is rude, you don't mind." Hakim said to the Oriental. "Believe me, he won't be rude to me." The Oriental said with a smile.It is very strange that although this oriental man is very young, he has a convincing power. Hakeem guessed and guessed, but he couldn't figure out the origin of this man, let alone why he came to find his father. A crazy old man who can neither make money nor die early, and is a big burden at home. "Old man! Come down, someone is looking for you!" Hakeem got out of his messy eighth-hand Volkswagen and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Who? Who is in a hurry to go to hell and dare to come to me?" A rough roar came from the roof platform.Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared on the edge of the platform.This is an old man with gray hair and scars all over his face. Although it is not cold in Egypt in April, his clothes are too cool—nothing, including pants. Hakim was embarrassed, but the Orientals around him didn't mind at all. It seemed that he thought the scene in front of him was very interesting.He raised his head and pronounced eight syllables in a voice that was not loud but very clear. Although Hakim does not understand foreign languages ​​other than English, he chatted with tourists near the pyramid all the year round, and he could barely tell from the pronunciation and intonation that the oriental man spoke Chinese, and the eight syllables were eight Chinese characters.So he was a Chinese, Hakim thought.

What happened next was far beyond Hakim's expectations.After listening to those eight words, the old man's expression suddenly changed. He stared at the young man downstairs from a distance, then turned around suddenly, and left the roof.When the old man came downstairs a few minutes later, Hakim was surprised to find that his father had donned his most expensive robes, white turban and hoop.In Hakim's memory, the old man hadn't dressed formally like this for many years. "Which member of the Lu family are you?" Abdullah Ahmed bowed deeply. "My name is Lu Hanyi." The Chinese also bowed respectfully first, and then replied.

Abdullah welcomed Lu Hanyi into the room respectfully, and at the same time turned to Hakim and said, "Go ahead and make money, and don't come back before the sun goes down." The tone of this sentence is full of majesty, not at all like that old man who has been crazy for more than ten years.At this moment, Abdullah looked like an Arab warrior holding a scimitar, exuding a menacing aura from all over his body. Hakeem was stunned.He watched his father enter the house with Lu Hanyi, scratched his scalp so as not to turn around and walk towards his broken car, while recalling the pronunciation of the eight characters Lu Hanyi said just now: "'Awakening day, All things perish', what the hell does that mean?"

"I really didn't expect that after decades, your family in China would still remember me," Abdullah said. "The guardian world will never forget you," Lu Hanyi's tone was full of respect, "Even if you choose not to work for the guardians anymore, the credit for killing the demon servants and preventing the awakening of the monsters in the Valley of the Kings 40 years ago, will always be remembered." "Yes, I am a great hero, and I have made great achievements," Abdullah said bitterly, "but in that battle, I lost my wife, my son and my daughter. I was a guardian, But I am also an ordinary man, an ordinary man who loves his wife and his children. That's why I choose to live like this. I would rather my only living son despise me than return to that world gone."

He glanced at Lu Hanyi: "But the purpose of your coming to me today is probably to let me go back again? Unfortunately, I can't meet your request. But I can see that you have very powerful power, In today's world, there may not be many people stronger than you. Are you going to kill me?" "No no no, please don't get me wrong, forcing someone to do something is not to my liking." Lu Hanyi waved his hand, "Besides, killing you won't do me any good. I just want to tell you some news, Then I'll ask you a few questions." "News? What news?" asked Abdullah.

"Remember your old friend Daoud Aziz?" Lu Hanyi said. "Daoud? Of course I remember. He was the one who fought side by side with me forty years ago." Abdullah said, "But he is different from me. He will never abandon the responsibility and honor of a guardian. .how is he?" "Just two days ago, he and his family were bloodbathed, the entire army was annihilated, and no one was left alive." Lu Hanyi said. Abdullah stood up from the chair all of a sudden, his eyes widened: "Annihilation? Impossible, his family is almost the strongest in Africa, how could..."

"But that's the truth," Lu Hanyi said, "I came to Egypt just for this matter. Moreover, no one knows who or what killed the Aziz family. There were so many people that none of them escaped alive." Abdullah walked back and forth in the room a few times, and said slowly: "You said...'or something' just now, could it be that it was directly done by demon servants and monsters?" "This possibility cannot be ruled out, because I still can't think of any dark family, or even a few dark families, that can wipe out the Aziz family in one fell swoop without leaving any survivors. It is also very difficult for the four major guardian families in China to join forces. Do this." Lu Hanyi replied. "If there is really a demon servant who did it, then its power is very important," Abdullah said solemnly, "perhaps stronger than the one we killed forty years ago." "Ever since the identity of the new Chosen One was revealed last year, the Dark Family has been on the move, and some demon servants who have been dormant for a long time have also..." "Wait, you mean, another Chosen One has appeared?" Abdullah interrupted Lu Hanyi. Lu Hanyi nodded: "Yes, it's in China." Abdullah sighed: "It's been too long since I left that world, and I don't even know about the appearance of the Chosen One. How about this new Chosen One?" "It's very different," Lu Hanyi said. "The ability to fight is almost non-existent. Any monster of the lowest level can swallow him alive, but he always seems to have some luck to protect him. Moreover, just a few Months ago, he finally awakened his Moth Scar. Even though it was just a rudimentary one, it was enough to surprise people." "You can't fight, but you can surprise the guardian world..." Abdullah thought for a while, with an expression of disbelief on his face, "Creating something out of nothing! Could it really be... really something out of nothing?" "It's just something out of nothing." Lu Hanyi said, "We've only heard of such moth marks in the past, but we've never seen them with our own eyes. Only when it becomes a fact, we have to believe it." Abdullah was silent for a while, then spread out his palm, looking at a deep circular scar in the center of his palm: "Perhaps, it's time for the world to change. So you came to me, hoping that I could Impressed by the news, right?" "Of course I hope so, but if you still refuse to come out of the mountain again, at least I won't kill you or hurt your family," Lu Hanyi said, "The world of guardians may be cruel and ruthless, but at least I won't fight for the sake of killing." kill." "Yes, at least you know that even if I don't help you, I will never fall to the devil's side," Abdullah smiled self-deprecatingly, "Well, I will seriously consider your suggestion. Please give me a little time." Lu Hanyi took out a mobile phone from his body and handed it to Abdullah: "If you change your mind, please call the only number stored in this phone." After leaving Abdullah's house, Lu Hanyi walked for a while and came to the road.After standing for about two minutes, a motorcycle roared over and stopped beside him.The person on the motorcycle is Lu Hanyi's old acquaintance Liang Ye. "It seems that the dried fish in Egypt is really fishy enough," Lu Hanyi smiled, "I thought my speed was fast enough, but I didn't expect you to come here in a hurry." "I just missed my flight," Liang Ye said. "Before departure, I had a fight with Wang Lu, which delayed me for a while." Lu Hanyi raised his head and looked at Liang Ye: "No wonder you feel that you are not full of energy, and you also have scars on the back of your hand. So, the feud between you and Wang Lu is really getting deeper and deeper?" "It's a pity that I still don't have enough strength to kill her." Liang Ye said. "The four of us are the four masters in other people's mouths. How can we be killed so easily?" Lu Hanyi said, "Even if we are as strong as Fan Liangyu, we can't easily kill the remaining three. By the way , hasn't he come?" "Fan Liangyu never likes to get involved in such things," Liang Ye said, "It's not like you don't know his temper." "That's right," Lu Hanyi nodded, "How about giving me a ride? I think we both want to go to the same place." Liang Ye patted the back seat and signaled Lu Hanyi to get in the car: "Maybe there is going to be a fight, it would be nice to have an extra helper."
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