Home Categories Internet fantasy Awakening Day 4
Awakening Day 4

Awakening Day 4


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 231037

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Chapter 1 Prologue

Awakening Day 4 唐缺 5110Words 2018-03-11
Satomi Hasegawa has never seen such a terrible explosion. When the explosion happened, she was looking for wild vegetables in a wasteland. Suddenly, the sky behind her was as bright as the spotlight of a camera flashing, and it was dazzling for a moment.She only felt as if someone had hit her back hard with a huge wooden stake, and she couldn't even feel the pain, and she passed out. The pain started after waking up.Satomi only felt pain in every limb, but his skin was itchy.Because other patients had scratched their flesh and even saw the bones, the doctors at the makeshift hospital had to tie her hands up.

There were wailing and groaning sounds everywhere, and the smell of burning and decay filled the air. The few doctors and nurses were exhausted and even fainted from exhaustion. .Every day, countless corpses are carried out for burial. "That's the atomic bomb, the most terrible bomb in the world," a patient told Satomi. "A few days ago, the Americans just dropped one on Hiroshima. Our Nagasaki is the second one. The whole city was destroyed, The empire is over, too." Satomi can't control the first and second, whether the city is destroyed, or whether the empire will end.All she knew was that she was in terrible physical condition, with blurred vision, horrible red blotches on her skin, internal pain, high fever, nausea and vomiting, and barely eating.Perhaps she herself would die before the empire was over.

On the day the emperor announced his surrender, Satomi was lying on the dirty hospital bed in a daze, unable to hear what the emperor said on the radio.The other wounded around her were in similar condition to her, and no one cared about the future of the empire.Only the medical staff can prick up their ears to listen to it when they are busy. The door of the temporary hospital was opened again, and several soldiers walked in with a figure familiar to Satomi.The man struggled all the way, but Satomi's vision made it difficult for her to see who it was.It wasn't until the soldiers grabbed him and walked up to Satomi that she could barely see his face clearly.

"Brother...you...are you not injured?" Satomi asked with difficulty.The man who was struggling was her brother, Yoshio Hasegawa.Yoshio didn't seem to have any scars on his face or body, but his expression looked very frightened. Hearing Satomi's voice, he seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw. "Sister! Tell them, I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy! Tell them!" Yoshio shouted. "What are you talking about?" Satomi was puzzled, "You are not crazy." "I'm not crazy! Let me go! Help me!" Fangxiong was almost hysterical, "I really saw the explosion! I survived from the center of the explosion! I didn't die, he didn't die! That eye didn't die either !"

What the hell is he yelling about?Satomi didn't understand at all, but she didn't bother to think about it.Yoshio is an idle gangster. Even during the war period when people's livelihood was difficult, he never worked hard for the family. He only knew how to sneak around and fight. Satomi had a very close relationship with him.At this moment, he was being arrested as a lunatic, but she felt a little relieved. Fortunately, Satomi did not die in the makeshift hospital, but she knew she would not live long.Her body is still very weak, she often suffers from nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and almost all hair loss, all thanks to the bomb called the "atom bomb".Of course, compared to those who were reduced to ashes in an instant, such as her parents and grandpa, she was finally a little luckier, at least she could lie in a makeshift shack and wait to die.

A few days later, Fangxiong was also sent home, probably because the hospital didn't want to waste food on him anymore.He was much more honest than before the atomic bomb, and he no longer caused troubles in the streets, but he seemed a little abnormal, often lying on the ground alone, chattering nervously. "If you don't go out and find some work, we will all starve to death." Satomi dragged his weak body with difficulty, and put the boiled potatoes on the table. "I didn't lie, I didn't lie..." Yoshio seemed to have not heard what Satomi said, and he was still muttering to himself, "I was really in the center of the explosion, but I didn't die, and neither did that person." Death... and that eye, that eye..."

Satomi is very strange.These days, she also had a general understanding of the power of the atomic bomb. The Americans only dropped one, and the entire Nagasaki was destroyed.She was so far away from the explosion point that she was injured like this, but Yoshio said he was in the center of the explosion, but he was not injured at all.But looking at Fangxiong's appearance, it seems to be different from his usual appearance when he is bragging, especially the fear in his eyes, there is no way to fake it. She suddenly remembered something, stretched out her hand and rolled up Yoshio's sleeves, she couldn't help being dumbfounded after seeing this.Yoshio's arm was smooth and flat without any scars, but Satomi remembered very clearly that just the day before the nuclear explosion, Yoshio had just been hacked on the street. Although it was not life-threatening, there was a deep wound on his arm In such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible for an incision to heal without leaving a scar.

——The explosion of the atomic bomb not only didn't hurt Yoshio, but it seemed to heal his injury. "What happened to you?" Satomi couldn't help asking, "Who is 'that person'?" "It's the Chinese who lived in our store before," Fangxiong said in a daze, "We've been eyeing him for a long time..." Yoshio Hasegawa had been paying attention to that strange visitor for a long time. Hasegawa's family runs a hotel, and in July, a strange middle-aged man moved in.He claims to be from Osaka, but when he speaks Japanese, he has a perfect accent without a Kansai accent. Yoshio suspects that he is a foreigner.Once he pretended to help clean the room, looked through the passenger's luggage, and found a book full of Chinese characters.

"That guy must be Chinese!" Yoshio said to his father. "So what if you're Chinese? Don't make trouble!" said the father.Now that China and Japan are at war, if the other party is found to be a Chinese spy, it may cause trouble to the hotel. He hopes that one thing more is worse than one thing less. But Yoshio thinks differently.If this guy is really Chinese, then you can work with your friends on the street, take him to a remote place, loot him, and then kill him.In such a precarious and chaotic situation, no one would notice the disappearance of a strange Chinese.

But this Chinese man is very vigilant, no matter how Fangxiong tricks him, he will not take the bait.He leaves early and returns late every day, and never talks to others. Fangxiong lost his patience.A month later, Yoshio was slashed in the arm during a street fight, which made him even more furious. "Tomorrow, no matter where the Chinese goes, we will follow him!" Yoshio said to his companion Nikaido Masao. "Then find a suitable place and deal with him." "It's long overdue," said the fierce politician. The next morning, the Chinese went out as usual, and Yoshio and Zheng Fu followed him far behind as planned.Without realizing it, the Chinese walked all the way to a location close to the city center and walked into an abandoned house that had been half destroyed by bombing.The two waited outside for a long time, but the Chinese never came out.

"Let's go in and have a look," said the official. "Could it... be dangerous?" Fangxiong hesitated, "Look at this house, it's full of ghosts." "What are you afraid of?" The official narrowed his triangular eyes, "Where did the ghost come from? This house was blown up, and no one would go in normally, so we just happened to do it." Fangxiong touched the dagger on his body, feeling a little more courageous.The two walked into the house together, only to see that more than half of the house had been blown up in the air raid, and the rest was dilapidated and crumbling, and weeds were growing wildly in the yard.Among the weeds was a pile of bones, which seemed to be watchdogs that had been bombed to death. Across the courtyard, Zhengfu found Chinese footprints in the dirt outside a room that had not been bombed.The two looked at each other, Zheng Fu pulled out his nunchaku, and Yoshio pulled out his dagger.They entered the room cautiously, but found that the room was empty, and although the ground was covered with dust, there were no footprints. "What's going on here? Where's the person?" The official was a little puzzled. "Oops, we were fooled!" Fangxiong reacted abruptly, grabbing Zhengfu's wrist.But before he had time to pull the official back out, he was hit hard on the back of the head, his vision went dark, and he passed out. After waking up, he found that he and the government official were tightly tied up and placed on the floor of a dusty room. The Chinese were standing in front of the two of them, looking at them with interest. "Let us go!" the official yelled, "or we'll report you to the police!" "If I were you, in this situation, I would beg for mercy instead of making such pointless threats." The Chinese said with a smile. "Then... we beg for mercy, will you let us go?" Fangxiong asked with a glimmer of hope. "It depends on your luck," said the Chinese. "It's not for me to decide." "Then who decides?" Yoshio asked. The Chinese didn't answer.He took a few steps back, crouched down, and slowly lifted a piece of floorboard to reveal a large hole beneath it.Yoshio heard a strange sound coming from the cave, like some huge creature breathing heavily.Is it a tiger?His heart trembled. "Under... what's under there?" Fangxiong asked tremblingly, "Aren't you going to feed it with us?" "You may not be so lucky," the Chinese shrugged. "It depends on whether it likes you or not." After saying this, he pushed aside and stood quietly without speaking or issuing any orders.Fangxiong suddenly felt his head start to hurt, as if an invisible awl had been inserted into his brain, and then stirred vigorously. "It hurts!" Fangxiong yelled, and the government man beside him also screamed. It sounded like the pain was worse than him. "Monster! Monster!" Zheng Fu's voice was piercing, "The monster is eating my brain! It is eating my brain!" "It seems that this gentleman is more sensitive." The Chinese thought for a while, and walked up to the official, "You said that the monster is eating your brain, so, can you see this monster in your mind, and tell me What is its shape?" "It's so big... a big guy..." Blood was pouring out of Zhengfu's nose, and he seemed to be in a daze. "It's like...a human brain...with eyes on it..." "Zhengfu, are you crazy?" Fangxiong couldn't help shouting, "There is nothing in front of you? Where is there any human brain? Where is there any monster?" "Yes, right in front of me." The official's eyes protruded, and blood began to bleed from their eye sockets.The Chinese walked up to Fangxiong and patted him gently on the cheek: "Don't be afraid. You can't see it because your spirit is not sensitive enough, but I can help you." He took out something from his bosom, and Fangxiong took a closer look, and it was a scalpel with a cold light.He couldn't help but yelled in panic: "What are you going to do?" "Just adjust your brain a little bit, don't worry, you won't die." The Chinese still had a gentle smile.Fangxiong struggled desperately, but he still couldn't break free from the rope. He could only watch helplessly as the Chinese raised the scalpel and slashed his forehead with the knife with a rock-like steady movement. Because his mind was receiving the inexplicable pain, the trauma caused by the scalpel did not make Yoshio feel pain.But he was still trembling with fear, and even a little incontinent, regretting in his heart: If he had known earlier, he would not have thought of this Chinese lunatic. He closed his eyes in despair. At this moment, he felt an unspeakable violent shock, like an earthquake, but it was countless times stronger than an earthquake.Immediately afterwards, the walls and roof of the entire house were overturned, and a terrifying shock wave surrounded him with tremendous heat. At that moment, Yoshio felt that he could feel how his body was turned into ashes . what happened?Are the Yankees bombing again?Fangxiong thought, it's okay, it's better to be killed by the bomb all at once than to be tortured to death by a scalpel little by little.But soon, he realized that something was wrong: shouldn't the death from the bombing come in an instant?Why am I still conscious? Could it be that I have died and become a ghost? Fangxiong opened his eyes tentatively, but when he opened his eyes, he was stunned. His entire body was wrapped in an orange halo, suspended in mid-air.Not only him, the government officials and the Chinese are also in this soft yellow light.The political man's expression was bewildered, as if the severe pain that engulfed his brain had disappeared, replaced by a strange euphoria, as if he had taken opium. The Chinese looked very surprised, but there was some joy in the surprise.He was muttering something, but his voice was very low, Yoshio could only faintly hear some fragments, and they were all in Chinese, so he couldn't distinguish them at all.However, it can be heard from the tone that the Chinese are very excited, as if they have made some important discovery. Yoshio gradually felt a strange reaction from his body, as if his whole body was being stretched by some strange force, but nothing unusual could be seen from the outside.At the same time, his eyes scanned the world beyond the orange halo, and he was surprised to find that everything had stopped. Debris splashed from destroyed houses stagnated in midair.A few tens of meters away, an iron pillar was half vaporized.Near the iron pillar, more than half of a passerby's body had been reduced to ashes, but his legs were still standing there.A car tumbled in the air, and the scattered tires were like dotted flowers. Farther away, a huge black cloud shaped like a mushroom is rising, but it has stopped in the sky. What's wrong?Yoshio was stunned.It seemed that the time of the whole world had stopped, and only the three of them could move.It was as if they had been pulled out of the world they had been living in, and fell into an unexplainable alien space. No, not just the three of them!At the bottom of the halo, at the exit of the tunnel opened by the Chinese, a bunch of soft wrinkled things are crawling out bit by bit.Since only a small corner was exposed, Yoshio couldn't see its whole picture. However, he could clearly see that there was an eye on the top of that thing. A huge eye, bigger than a human fist, glowing with dark green light, full of evil eyes. Yoshio felt his heart tightening suddenly, and this eye that did not belong to the human world caused his nerves to collapse instantly.He passed out again. "And after I woke up, I was taken away from the explosion point," Yoshio murmured to Satomi, "The political husband is gone, maybe he was taken away by the Chinese, maybe he was eaten by a monster And I found out that the wounds on my body were all healed for no reason, and even the deep knife wounds that were cut the day before disappeared. I don’t know what happened, but I know I’m not crazy, I’m definitely not crazy , you have seen the knife wound on my arm, and you gave me the medicine, right?" Yoshio's tone was almost begging.Satomi was at a loss for a moment.The knife wound on Fangxiong's body was indeed handled by her herself, and it was impossible for her to become scarless in such a short period of time.However, the stories Yoshio told were too bizarre, such monsters with wrinkled eyes and huge eyes, Chinese people who could control monsters and cut people’s heads with a scalpel, and time suddenly stopped when the atomic bomb exploded , has completely exceeded Satomi's understanding of the world. "Maybe you're crazy, maybe I'm crazy," Satomi sighed, "or the world has gone crazy together." Two months later, Satomi Hasegawa passed away, and she finally failed to escape the sequelae of the atomic bomb.But her brother Yoshio Hasegawa, who was in good health, died earlier than her.Just a week before Satomi's death, Yoshio committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea without leaving any suicide note.The police notified Satomi to claim the body, but Satomi was too sick to get out of bed and had to refuse. "Just burn him like a bum," Satomi said, "and throw his ashes into the sea, the sea is the best place for him."
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