Home Categories historical fiction Legend of Chu and Han

Chapter 36 Chapter Thirty-Six

Legend of Chu and Han 汪海林 5770Words 2018-03-13
Inside the Overlord's Palace in Pengcheng, the traces of the war are still there, and the ground is still in a mess. The Overlord and his ministers have begun to discuss government affairs. Ji Bu said: "Your Majesty, I think that the King of Han may not be able to recover after such a defeat. Although our army is powerful, Qi is scattered everywhere, and Tian Heng's traitors occupy the geographical advantage and connections. Confronting and restraining our army is a serious problem for me right now. Please return to the Qi territory quickly, gather the army, wipe out Tian Heng completely, and let the princes understand who is the real co-lord of the world!"

Fan Zeng said: "General Bu's words, the old man thinks it's inappropriate. The only one who can compete with His Majesty today is Liu Bang. It is necessary to recognize this point. Although Tian Heng's rebels are constantly disturbing, they are Gadfly The harm is not worth mentioning. It is Liu Bang who should be eradicated immediately! He proposed to mourn for Emperor Yi, mobilize the army to point the finger at His Majesty, and in an instant he could gather 600,000 people to make waves! If it weren't for His Majesty's invincible martial arts, the world would have almost become This thief is overthrown! Shouldn’t such ambition be wiped out? If it revives, it will be too late to regret! Your Majesty, I believe that the most urgent task is to send envoys to send edicts to King Wei and King Zhao to show them that the princes Minister, etc., anyone who fights against the enemy and joins the king in suppressing Liu's bandits will not be blamed! In addition, if you urgently invite Jiujiang Wang Yingbu to come to see you, you will say that you have something important to discuss. When he arrives, your majesty will immediately keep him by your side , Let his men and horses be the vanguard of my hunt for the thief. Only by smashing the Liu thief as soon as possible in one fell swoop, can the flames of war in the whole land not be extinguished!"

Xiang Yu nodded frequently and said: "Yafu's words are very true. Arrangements should be made as soon as possible. Bu and Ziqi, you two will each lead a team to search for Liu thief's news and find out his location as soon as possible. I must capture this thief alive. ! Never give him any chance to stir up trouble again!" Liu Bang left Xiayi, and on the way to Yu County, he and Zhang Liang walked side by side. Zhang Liang said: "Your Majesty, it is reported that Han Xin is quite stable on the south bank of the Sui River, and many scattered legions have also reported to Han Xin, so that the damage and impact of the Battle of Pengcheng has been minimized. This situation is very beneficial to me. "

Liu Bang said: "Pengcheng suffered a terrible defeat! Zifang, how can I expect that my 600,000 coalition army will be so vulnerable in front of Xiang Ji's 30,000 horses! Zifang, after much deliberation, the land outside the pass , I don’t want it anymore. As long as someone can help me defeat Xiang Yu, I will give these lands to him and let him share the world with me.” Zhang Liang said: "Xiang Yu has always been jealous of those who have meritorious service and is unwilling to give rewards, but at this time, your majesty has the bearing to share the world with heroes. "

Liu Bang laughed and said: "Really? Anyway, those lands and other things are not mine now. Are you talking about giving away the heroes of the world? This is the truth, and the widow will not be stingy! Who do you think can be married now?" What about the allies?" Zhang Liang said: "Your Majesty really thinks this way, and I believe that there are three people who can help His Majesty conquer the world. The first is Jiujiang Wang Yingbu. The second is Daliang Pengyue. As for the third The three... are the great general Han Xin." Liu Bang changed his face and said: "Han Xin was humiliated by me in Pengcheng, so he must have a grudge?"

Zhang Liang said: "Your Majesty, why did you say that? Isn't the general trying his best to resist the Overlord's attack? I don't think he has that kind of intention." Liu Bangdao: "Zifang, you treat people generously, but you don't know the mentality of the world. If he has no grievances, why didn't he send a soldier to report the news? Didn't he send an envoy to pay tribute?" Zhang Liang said: "Although your majesty said so, I still want to excuse the general. Of course Cao Can, Zhou Bo, and Fan Kui are all people trusted by the king. As far as I know, when this crisis is in danger, even they will let go. Prejudice, serving in front of the general's account. Although the princes have rebelled, the main force of the direct army and the Guanzhong army are still intact. With the unity of the ministers, the current situation is only possible. This is the king's luck."

Liu Bang still gave a suspicious "Oh". Zhang Liang said: "Please listen to the minister. General Han Xin is capable of managing the world on his own. Such a person is unwilling to stay under others for a long time and let him be sent. Your Majesty should let him independently control an army and develop to the north." , so that we and our Han army are fighting each other. If the king wants to share the world with others, Han Xin must be the first to win. You can't despise him just because he is your courtier. The matter of Pengcheng, Isn’t that a lesson? With the support of these three people, Your Majesty will be able to defeat Xiang Yu!”

Liu Bang said: "Zifang's discussion is good or bad, but our army is newly defeated, and the widow uses Han Xin, which is not enough to convince him. It is a good luck that he does not turn against him at this time. There is also Na Yingbu, who is a minister of Chu. Why? make him mine?" Zhang Liang said: "Although Bu is a minister of Chu, he has recently had a rift with the overlord, and he often has two minds. Moreover, the minister observed that this person is a hesitant person. Although he is brave, he lacks decisiveness. If you make a man who can speak, Go to persuade him and let him return to Han."

Liu Bang said: "Since this is the case, it is necessary to arrange for safe people to go. In your opinion, who is the most suitable?" Zhang Liangdao: "No one is more suitable for this trip than Sui He." Liu Bang moved to Yu County to be stationed. Xiao He sent a large number of soldiers and horses, and Liu Bang was overjoyed.After reading the letter brought by Wei Wuzhi, Liu Bang said happily: "Qingyuan has worked hard, go down and rest first." After Zhang Liang also read the letter, Liu Bang asked, "Is Xiao He's strategy feasible?" Zhang Liang said: "I think the prime minister's strategy is very good. If you enter Xingyang quickly and gain a foothold as soon as possible, then the generals will definitely lead the army to report to Xingyang for assembly. With the prime minister's emergency assistance, the supply of troops will continue, and the defense will become stronger. Xiang Yu must be cautious. In the war on the ground, I dare not attack our army from all fronts. I am afraid that it will not be so easy to drive us away. This strategy of the prime minister has maintained a tie between Chu and Han."

Liu Bang applauded and laughed loudly: "Okay! A tie is good. For us, a tie is a victory!" Zhang Liang looked at Liu Bang, was impressed by his courage, and then said: "However, Lord Xiao He invites the king to enter Xingyang, the above items are not important." Liu Bang smiled and asked, "Oh? What do you think, sir?" Zhang Liang said: "Since it is a tie, there will be a long period of confrontation in the future. When the king returns to Xingyang, he should quickly establish a prince and consolidate the country as soon as possible!" Liu Bang arrived at Xingyang City, and Mrs. Qi led her son Ruyi to follow.Liu Bang asked why they came here without him, and Mrs. Qi put all her brains on the child, saying that the child missed his father.

Ruyi stepped forward and bowed politely: "My son, Ruyi, pay homage to the King of Han." Liu Bang said: "Get up, don't you know that I hate these things the most?" Ruyi looked at Madam Qi, stood up, a little at a loss.Madam Qi hurriedly said: "Usually, there is no need to talk about these etiquettes. But, it is different now." Liu Bang asked: "It's different, what's the difference? Tell me about it." Ruyi listened, hesitated for a moment, bowed to Liu Bang in a regular manner, and said: "I have grown up now, and I can share my worries with my father. Please rest assured that I am a man, my son. I will definitely not dishonor the glory of the Liu family." Liu Bang said: "Okay, why did you say some strange things today. Ruyi, let me ask you, where did you learn these words?" Madam Qi hurriedly said: "This is what he thinks in his heart." Liu Bang said: "Don't talk too much. Ruyi, listen, since you said this, you have to act according to your own words. This is a real man, understand?" Madam Qi hurriedly said again: "Understood, he understands!" Liu Bang said: "What do you understand, I'm talking about him." Madam Qi said: "He understands better. Ruyi, when I came to see my father today, didn't I write a poem? Come, read it to my father." Liu Bang said pleasantly: "Poetry? Well, I, Liu Bang, have never composed poetry, but now my son can. Come, let me listen." Ruyi is trying hard to recall.Seeing this, Mrs. Qi quickly pinched Ruyi and said, "Don't be afraid, the king told you to recite it, so you can recite it boldly. No one laughs at you." Seeing that he still couldn't remember, Madam Qi secretly turned her palm and put In front of Ruyi, there are a few barnyard grains in her palm. Ruyi suddenly remembered: "Bi Mili..." Liu Bang was amused when he heard it: "Oh! It's kind of like that, let's continue reading." Ruyi said: "The millet is lili, the seedling of the millet. The walking is sloppy, and the center is shaking. Those who know me say that I am worried, and those who don't know me say what I want. The heavens! Who is this? Who is this... " Ruyi can't remember again, Madam Qi is anxious. Liu Bang clapped his hands and said, "Okay, very good!" Madam Qi smiled and said, "Please comment, Your Majesty." Liu Bang smiled and said, "Although I don't quite understand your poem, it's amazing! This is a poem written by my son Liu Bang! Xiao He, tell me, how about it?" Xiao He stood aside, but he didn't make a sound as if he didn't hear it. Liu Bang glanced at him again and said, "Xiao He, I asked you something, why didn't you answer?" Xiao He said: "Your Majesty, I don't want to comment on your lack of talent and learning." Liu Bangdao: "There are no outsiders here. I am ignorant and incompetent. Don't you know if others don't know? Comment! Don't hold back!" Xiao He said: "This poem has the feeling of "National Style"." Liu Bang smiled slightly, his expression changed suddenly, and he said, "Xiao He, I don't understand the way of writing poetry. But you are hiding something from me, and I can tell at a glance. Tell the truth!" Xiao He hurriedly lowered his head and said, "There is a poem in "Guofeng" that says, 'The other millet is separated, the ear of the other millet. The walking is sloppy, and the center is drunk.'" Liu Bang said triumphantly, "Ruyi, do you think Xiao He read it right?" Ruyi said unconsciously, "Yes, I read it exactly." Madam Qi became anxious, and said, "Oh, what's the matter, this is indeed a poem written by our own Ruyi." Liu Bang said: "Don't interrupt. Ruyi, let me ask you, since you wrote the poem, why did Xiao He know the following content?" Ruyi glanced at Madam Qi. Liu Bangdao: "Qi Ji, you know my temper, cheating me is not what you should do?" Madam Qi hurriedly knelt down and said, "I think this child is ignorant and stole, secretly copied poems I read elsewhere." Liu Bang asked: "Boy? Is your mother right?" Ruyi raised her head and said, "Mother is talking nonsense! This poem is indeed written by me." Liu Bang was amused: "Look, Xiao He, he said he wrote it. Ruyi, let me ask you, the poem you wrote has never been told to Xiao He, why is it the same as the "Guofeng" he said?" Ruyi said: "Father, this is not surprising. There are many people and places in the world whose names are repeated, not to mention this poem." Liu Bang stared at Ruyi and said, "You've learned well. Your hair hasn't even grown yet, but your mouth is quite stiff. It's so convincing to be exposed face to face, it's just..." Madam Qi hurriedly pulled Ruyi to make him kneel down. Ruyi still said firmly: "I'm not lying. It's fine if you don't believe me, Dad. I wrote it myself anyway!" Liu Bang burst out laughing suddenly, stepped forward and put his arms around Ruyi and said, "It's just like your father when he was a child! He's just like my son!" On the surface, Mrs. Qi said that she was a man whose child wanted her father and she wanted to take care of herself, but in fact, she tried her best to find the crown prince for her son. After all, she could not escape Liu Bang's eyes.After her performances were seen through again and again, Liu Bang gave her a death order, and if she brought up the matter of establishing the prince again, she would be killed without mercy. But Mrs. Qi still persevered, and she turned the direction of attack to Liu Bang's ministers.Unable to shirk, Chen Ping had no choice but to accept the bag of gold she gave her.However, when Liu Bang was discussing the candidate for the crown prince with several close officials, Chen Ping recommended the eldest son Liu Ying. Mrs. Qi got the news and went to question her. Chen Ping only said: "Madam, if you trust me, Chen Ping, then don't ask me about this matter. I have my own discretion. But if you don't trust me, I still haven't moved the gift." , give it back at any time." Madam Qi heard this, but she couldn't come up with any other way, so she had to continue to wait. The Han army established a solid base in Xingyang, made Liu Ying the prince, and built a tunnel to connect Aocang and Xingyang, and sent troops to defend it.The king of Han worshiped Guan Ying as the doctor of the middle school, and Guan Ying led the cavalry army, and often fought with the Chu cavalry in the plains east of Xingyang.Xiao He arranged in an orderly manner, using the water transportation of the Yellow River, to completely control the grain in the Aocang area. So far, the Chu and Han have entered a stalemate, preparing for a long-term war. On this day, Zhou Bo and Guan Ying, who were loyal and simple, were very dissatisfied when they heard the rumors among the generals, and came to Liu Bang to remonstrate. Zhou Bo said: "Your Majesty! Although Chen Ping's appearance is as beautiful as a crown of jade, from our point of view, his inner appearance seems suspicious. I heard some rumors, so I can't help worrying about your Majesty." Liu Bang asked, "What did you hear?" Zhou Bo said: "I heard that he had an affair with her sister-in-law when he was at home. When he first served in Wei State, what he did was despised by others. He fled to Chu State, but he was still not qualified for his position. Finally, he had to seek refuge in our Han Dynasty. camp." Liu Bangdao: "He still did some things, such as going to persuade the king of Wei." Guan Ying said: "According to what I saw, even if he didn't go at that time, the king of Wei would have taken refuge in His Majesty." Zhou Bo said: "Your Majesty used him a lot. First, he gave him the position of captain, and then he gave him the important task of guarding the army. But this man didn't know how to repay his kindness. Instead, he accepted donations from his generals according to his situation. The more money he gave, the more benefits he had. If you don’t give much, you will deliberately make things difficult. People like Chen Ping are just rebellious ministers who are indecisive and destroy my foundation. May the king be clear about it.” Liu Banglue thought for a while and said: "You go, I will ask about this matter." Liu Bang called Wei Wuzhi into the hall for questioning, and asked him why he recommended people like Chen Ping at the beginning: "It is said that when this man was in his hometown, he had stolen his wife. Now he is asking for bribes and making trouble in the army. Criticism. Someone asked the widow to deal with it severely. What should I do? Do you want to make the widow embarrassed?" Wei Wuzhi smiled slightly and said: "I recommend Chen Ping because he has special talents, not because he has noble morals. Judging from the current troubled times, even if there is loyalty and virtue like Wei Sheng and Xiaoji, I would like to thank you, Your Majesty. How can it help? Your Majesty may not have a chance to use them. At this time, the battle between Chu and Han is in a life-and-death battle. I recommend a strategist to Your Majesty. I really hope that his strategy will be useful to Your Majesty. It is helpful. As for the small matters such as stealing his wife and accepting money, I really don't know about it, and I don't care about it. Please punish him according to your own will." After hearing this, Liu Bang understood in his heart, and said, "Okay, I will deal with it myself." At the Hanwang Palace in Xingyang, there was a court meeting among the ministers, and Liu Bang named Chen Ping in public. Liu Bang said: "Have you ever owed me a debt to my husband? At first, I was not satisfied in Wei State, and I was not competent in Chu State. After I came here, I didn't make any achievements, but I behaved indiscreetly. Is it appropriate for you to do so?" " Unexpectedly, when Chen Ping heard these allegations of incompetence and corruption, he was not panicked at all, he was very calm, cupped his hands, and said: "I don't know who said something to His Majesty, but even if I want to plead guilty, I must have a crime." Liu Bang said: "Is there such a thing as accepting donations from subordinates, making false promises, and making empty promises?" Chen Pingdao: "There are donations, there are promises, and there are promises. But it is definitely not empty talk, let alone empty talk." Liu Bang asked: "Then, do you still plan to beg for officials and titles for those people in front of the widow?" Chen Ping said, "Not bad." Everyone was in an uproar, and Liu Bang also laughed: "You are so brave!" Chen Ping said: "Your Majesty! When I served King Wei, I tried my best, but King Jiu of Wei didn't know strategy, so I had to go to King Xiang. Although I have made achievements in the past, King Xiang did not I can't trust people with meritorious deeds, but I was almost killed. Xiang Yu is nepotism, and the trusted ministers around him are either the elders of the Xiang family clan or his own trusted brothers. Therefore, even if there are resourceful and wise men, it is difficult to be reused. Minister I heard that the king of Han made good use of talents, so he took the risk to join the king. At that time, the ministers came almost empty-handed and naked. Because they had no money, it was difficult to even survive. The meager salary in the army was not enough for the ministers to use, so , Then I accepted the donations from the generals. I think it is my duty to help His Majesty find talented people and recommend them to Your Majesty. I will never deceive the King because of accepting those money! With that money, right and wrong are turned upside down and black and white are exchanged! As for making achievements, I did come with a plan to fight for the world, hoping to help the king. If all the strategies can't be used, then I don't bother you to impeach me, All the donations from the generals are in the minister’s house, so please seal them up and enter the official treasury, and the humble minister also asks the king to allow the minister to resign, and the minister will leave the Han camp immediately without any complaints.” Liu Bang looked at Chen Ping and asked, "Where is your long-term strategy?" Chen Ping immediately took out a scroll of brocade from his bosom and said: "I have been compiling every night, and I just finished it recently!" Chen Ping presented the long-term strategy.Liu Bang examined Chen Ping's long-term strategy, handed it to Xia Houying, and said: "Okay, it's good to speak clearly in front of all the lovers today. You are short of money, so ask the widow for it. I don't blame the past, but in the future, Don't accept it anymore. If you also accept him, everyone will follow suit and compare each other, and it will not be a mess! At that time, there will probably be more things that turn black and white, and right and wrong. The widow will be deceived by you sooner or later! Today, the widow promoted Chen Ping to the rank of lieutenant of the guard army, you come to enforce the law to supervise all the generals of the army, and clean up the military discipline! Never let any bullying happen again!" Chen Pingdao: "The minister leads the decree to thank you!" Liu Bang said to everyone: "Let's go back first, Chen Ping stays." Everyone left the hall.Liu Bang approached Chen Ping and said in a low voice, "Madam Qi gave it to you, just take it." Chen Ping was shocked and said: "This... the minister deserves to die." Liu Bang said: "Hey, that's not what you said. You take money from others, but you don't do things for them. It's slippery enough, I like it." Chen Ping said: "Ping is terrified." Liu Bangdao: "It's official business to accept the money from my ministers, and I can't ignore it. It's my family's business to collect money from Qi Ji. From the moment you recommend Liu Ying to the widow, you are innocent." Chen Ping said in fear: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty, for not being able to return the original." Liu Bang asked: "Why?" Chen Ping said: "The minister has already spent almost all of his money." Liu Bang's eyes widened, but after a long while he laughed again, and said, "If you spend it, spend it. Take it as a gift from the widow. Get up, don't lie down there." Chen Ping got up, with a grateful expression on his face, thanking him hurriedly. Liu Bang said: "Don't be too busy thanking me. You owe me this time, and you will pay it back with your head." Chen Ping was startled: "Ah? Head?" Liu Bang smiled and said: "The strategy in my head. Although you are a bit bad, you may be of great use in the future." Liu Bang looked at Chen Ping and smiled strangely.
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