Home Categories historical fiction Three Kingdoms 5. The Northern Expedition

Chapter 42 Chapter 42 The Dance of the Barbarian

Kong Ming and his party trekked through the boundless deep forest path, as if sneaking in the deep blue sea.Suddenly, a beam of sunlight poured down from the top, and a valley unfolded in front of us.Kongming expected this place to be Wan'an River, so he dismounted from his mount and sent people to look for the hermit's house in Wan'an. "It's that mountain villa." Kong Ming was led to the villa, and he saw that the villa was hidden under lush green pines and cypresses, surrounded by lush bamboos and coconut trees, precious flowers and rare grasses from the south, and the fragrance was so elegant that it made people suddenly feel fascinated. drunk.

A dog barked when it saw Kong Ming and his party. A shirtless boy ran out of the villa in response, repelled the barking dog, stepped forward and asked, "Is uncle the prime minister of Shu? Please come in." Kong Ming followed him into the door and asked, "boy, how do you know that I am the prime minister of Shu?" The boy showed his white teeth and replied with a smile: "The prime minister led an army to this place, and everyone in the Nanman Kingdom knows about it." At this time, the bamboo door of the front hall was opened from the inside to the outside, and an old man with blue eyes and yellow hair scolded the boy, "How can you be frivolous and rude to the guests?" .

I saw him wearing red clothes, a bamboo crown on his head, and golden rings on his fat ears.After sitting down after the ceremony, the hermit asked about Kongming's intentions, he laughed and said: "The old man is far away from the world, and he is already a man of the mountains. I am worried that I will not be able to do my best for the world. I am grateful for the visit of the prime minister. I am overjoyed. The sick and wounded soldiers who were poisoned by the four springs were transported here, and the old man has no power to recover, but with this natural medicine spring, they can be cured quickly."

Kongming was overjoyed and ordered his followers to let Wang Ping and Guan Suo transport all the wounded and sick officers and soldiers to this place one after another. Together with the hermit, the boy and the hermit lead the wounded and sick soldiers to the Anyang Spring, let them bathe in the medicinal spring, and then let them chew scallion leaf rue, or let them eat cypress tea and pine cauliflower. There is no pain at all, and there is laughter in the valley. The hermit also reminded Kong Ming: "There are many poisonous snakes and scorpions in the area of ​​Tulong Cave, please be careful. The most important thing for marching is to drink water. Whenever a peach leaf falls into a stream that will rot soon, it must be highly poisonous. It must not be used to drink horses. Every day In a certain place, only by digging wells to draw ground water for drinking can it be safe.”

After Kongming thanked him, he asked the hermit's name.Unexpectedly, the hermit smiled slightly and said, "Please don't be surprised if I tell you. To tell you the truth, I am Meng Jie, the older brother of Nanman King Meng Huo." "Ah? You belong to Meng Huo..." "Yes. In fact, my parents have three sons together. I am the eldest son, Meng Huo is next, and then Meng You. My parents died early, and my two younger brothers are greedy by nature. Regarding the matter of Taoism, although I have repeatedly advised them, the two of them did not listen at all. I am ashamed to say that I had no choice but to break up with the two of them more than 20 years ago, abandon the royal city, and live in seclusion in this deep valley, and I have never left since then."

"Ah? So that's how it is." Kong Ming sighed, "In ancient times, there were two brothers, Liu Xiahui and Robber Zhi, but today there are also such high-minded people as hermits. After I play the role of the Son of Heaven, I will make you the Barbarian King." Meng Jie waved his hand and declined: "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your kindness. I am fleeing here because I hate fame and fame. How can I be greedy for wealth and honor?" On the way home, Kongming sighed.In this uncivilized barbaric land, people like Meng Jie live in seclusion. He has a deeper understanding of the meaning of "there are many ordinary people and few geniuses, and the barren mountains and wild forests hide true immortals".

In this way, the three armies overcome all difficulties and finally approach the Tulong Cave.The most difficult thing along the way is drinking water.Sometimes it is necessary to dig out more than 20 feet of rock, and sometimes it is even necessary to send death squads to the Qianren Valley to fetch water. On the way to Kongming, the soldiers were also ordered to make more than a thousand buckets to store rainwater and carry them on the backs of cattle and horses in case of emergencies.In addition to drinking water, food shortages also occurred from time to time, and the difficulty of the expedition cannot be expressed in words.

This expeditionary army was indomitable and finally advanced to the Tulong Cave.The Shu army set up camp, replenished clear drinking water for the soldiers and horses, and was not in a hurry to attack. On the surface it seemed that there was no movement, but in fact Guan Suo, Wang Ping, Wei Yan and other troops had already avoided the frontal enemy and began to attack in a roundabout way, capturing several cave masters and barbarians from various caves in adjacent areas.What is the purpose of this kind of battle, Kong Ming kept it a secret from the generals. When the news that Kong Ming's army came to Tulong Cave came, King Dosi and brothers Meng Huo were greatly shocked.

At first they looked disdainful, thinking it was impossible, but their subordinates sent urgent reports frequently. King Dosi and brothers Meng Huo went up to the mountain to have a look. "The big thing is not good! Where did so many troops come from?" King Dosi suddenly changed color as if he had been struck by a bolt from the blue, and felt terrified.But until now, he can only make up his mind, "The Shu army has stepped into the cave, in order to save the whole cave people from being abused, we have to raise all the soldiers in the cave to fight to the death." He made a blood alliance with Meng Huo and Meng You brothers, vowed to live and die together, and declared it to the whole army.

Meng Huo's confidence was greatly increased, and he uttered a bold statement: "The Shu army has long traveled here, and it is already exhausted and vulnerable. As long as the king is determined, he will win a complete victory. There are tens of thousands of Shu troops, and there is no way for one of them to go back alive!" Horses, put on a banquet, reward the whole army, and boost morale. "The guns, knives, swords and halberds of the Shu army are well-made, and there are countless grains and jewels on the horses and horses. We must fight the enemy bravely. After the enemy army is wiped out, we will reward you for all the captures!" Meng Huo's big words inflamed the hole even more. The brutality of soldiers.

At this time, someone sent a bulletin: "Yang Feng, the master of Yinzhi Cave, led more than 30,000 people to help the battle." After hearing this, King Dosi jumped up and said happily: "If this place is defeated, it will surely bring disaster to the neighboring Yinzhi Cave. Yang Feng knows the advantages and disadvantages, and he came to help the battle. Why is our army invincible?" Yang Feng, his five sons and a large group of family members were immediately welcomed in by King Dosi. Yang Feng said confidently: "Your Majesty, the difficulty in your cave is the difficulty in our cave. Today I am here to help. My five sons are all outstanding in martial arts. Your Majesty, don't worry." The five sons pulled together. When everyone saw it, they were all hulking, majestic, and extremely brave. "Great! Our army will definitely win this time." King Dosi and Meng Huo were so happy that they brought out the wine and animal meat and carnivaled into the night. Accompanied by pretty songs and pretty music, the wine is stronger and the interest is higher.The barbarians drank and caroused, believing that victory was in sight. Yang Feng also had a drink with Meng Huo and Meng You and got very drunk.He suddenly turned to King Dosi and asked: "Among the family members I brought, there are a few young girls, why don't you let them sing and dance lightly to cheer up the wine?" King Dosi applauded, then turned around and asked how Meng Huo and Meng You were doing. Neither of them had any objection: "Of course that's good." Meng You even jumped up and shouted at the generals with grimaces: "Beauty come in and dance immediately, everyone, be careful that excessive salivation will hurt your life." Amid the thunderous applause, Yang Feng whistled and waved his hand. A group of beauties walked into the banquet with their slender waists twisted. It seemed that Yang Feng had made them ready. These barbarian girls have dark skin, glowing like black sandalwood, with flowers in their loose hair, bird feathers and animal teeth around their waists, and a dagger hanging from them.Sometimes they form a circle, and sometimes they spread out to dance solo, twisting their hips and bending their waists, dancing gracefully. The whole audience danced together, clapped and applauded, and there was a lot of noise.Just when the barbarian girls formed a circle around Meng Huo and Meng You again, Yang Feng jumped up suddenly, threw the wine glass in his hand to the sky, and shouted loudly: "Do it!" The barbarian girls drew out their short knives in response, and rushed towards Meng Huo and Meng You together.The two screamed in surprise, kicked the barbarian girl down with a knife, and jumped out of the circle, but was immediately surrounded by Yang Feng's five sons and his clansmen, tied them up with ropes. King Dosi was about to escape when he was tripped by Yang Feng and fell to the ground. Yang Feng's men captured him easily. The savage generals under King Dosi were already drunk, and the charming dance made them even more fascinated. At this time, they didn't resist at all, and they were tied up tightly by Yang Feng's men. At the same time, the beacon smoke of the report rose into the sky, and the loud and clear golden drum and conch horn resounded in the mountains and fields.When the barbarians in Tulong Cave saw Kong Ming's three armies approaching, they fled in all directions in the dark. Meng Huo yelled at Yang Feng viciously: "Yang Feng, you are also the master of the barbarian country, why do you want to deceive your friends and help Kong Ming?" Yang Feng said with a smile: "I was actually captured by Kong Ming before, and I am grateful for his kindness and virtue. I only came here today as a repayment. I advise you to surrender too." "Bastard! You will die!" Just as Meng Huo was furious and yelling, Kong Ming walked in with his staff.Yang Feng's five sons immediately took off their savage clothes, put on their armor again, and lined up to welcome Kong Ming. It turned out that they were also dressed up as warriors from the Shu army. Kong Ming walked up to Meng Huo and asked, "This is the fifth time you have been captured. Meng Huo, are you convinced?" Meng Huo said angrily, "Convinced? What a joke! I was kidnapped by this traitor, not you." "To catch you bastard, why do I have to do it myself? If I catch you myself, are you willing to surrender to Wang Hua?" "You don't need to talk about Wang Hua! I am also the king of the Nanman. Since ancient times, my family has lived in Yinkeng Mountain, relying on the danger of the Three Rivers to defend ourselves. If you can break me there, it will show that you have the means. Today you use this Wouldn't it be ridiculed to win by tricks?" Meng Huo still uttered wild words, but he was not convinced.
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