Home Categories Internet fantasy Miaojiang Gu Stories 13 Finale Part 1

Chapter 57 Chapter Thirty-One

Luo Jinlong looked up and saw a black figure standing alone on the top of the mast. A pair of eyes in the darkness were like lights, emitting a cold light, which made people feel dizzy. Luo Jinlong scolded: "Where did you come from, pretending to be a ghost? If you have the ability, come down and let the men see who you are? You think I will be afraid..." Before he finished speaking, he felt a sudden burst of pain all over his body. Ice-cold, Mochizuki-sama pulled him suddenly and fell to the ground. He felt his left ear was burning. When he reached out to touch it, the ear was gone.

What a fast sword! Luo Jinlong had never encountered this kind of horror in his life.He felt cold all over his body, he didn't know how to cry out in pain, and he didn't know how he got up. He only heard the voice of Master Mochizuki faintly reaching his right ear: "Top ten masters, sneaky, You even bullied a child. Mr. Huang Chenqu, you are not afraid of being laughed at by others!" Mr. Huang Chenqu? Luo Jinlong's chaotic mind finally regained a sliver of clarity, he raised his head in disbelief to see that Zhuo Li's black shadow, and thought of the awe-inspiring sword that day by the Yueyang Tower, he couldn't stop being terrified.

Hearing Mochizuki's ridicule, Yizijian smiled and said, "If I don't hide, how can I see your wonderful performance just now? Mochizuki, are you okay? The Taoist scriptures for so many years are all Cultivated into the dog's belly? Come on, if you haven't made any progress in your cultivation, why don't you learn from me, roam the rivers and lakes, make your home around the world, roll a few rolls and somersaults in the world of mortals, maybe you can still have some success The epiphany, ascension to immortality, hahaha..." Yizijian laughed wantonly, but everyone in Longhushan had a bad expression on their faces.They boarded the ship just now, and saw that apart from the difficult owner of the Ciyuan Pavilion, the other shopkeepers on the ship were only five or five in number with themselves, and their side Wangyue Daoist, turned against the guests, and seized the big ship Come here, it doesn't seem to be difficult.

However, the situation changed abruptly.First me and Zamao Xiaodao appeared, but now Yizijian appeared again—well, now it seems that instead of our own side being able to seize the boat, they made dumplings for Ciyuan Pavilion.Mochizuki looked at Mr. Huang Chenqu on the mast, then at me, Zamao Xiaodao, my uncle, and the four shopkeepers of Ciyuan Pavilion who were coming up, his face became very ugly, looking at the owner of Ciyuan Pavilion, he gritted his teeth Asked: "Fang Hongjin, what do you mean?" The owner of the Ciyuan Pavilion shook his head and said, "It's not interesting? My lord, since you can get on a boat and it's still dark, why don't you go to my room and make a pot of Longjing, and let's wait for the first sunrise together?"

After all, he is a well-known character in the rivers and lakes. After all, Mochizuki still has some sense of shame. He shook his head and said: "No need, there are still many people in our party still struggling in the water, waiting for rescue. Since the lake jiao has been seriously injured, how about it?" If there is a storm, and you refuse to borrow a boat, then we will not stay here soon. Please ask the pavilion master to lend us a small boat, so that we can leave on our own." Fang Hongjin was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "On our ship, there are only three small boats, which are only enough for everyone on board to escape, and there is no surplus. But since the real person has spoken, I dare not hide my secrets, nor will I Dare to refuse, it’s just that the blood debt of the eight people mentioned by the real person just now should be attributed to me, how should I explain to you?”

The pavilion master is not forgiving, he has to give an explanation from Mochizuki.Mochizuki's thick orange-skinned face showed a hint of annoyance—the Pavilion Master of Ciyuan Pavilion wanted to force Mochizuki to slap him in the face, but under such heavy threats, he had no choice but to speak, otherwise the consequences would be terrible. ,Very serious. After a brief silence, a difficult voice came out of his throat: "It was just a joke just now. I am very grateful to the pavilion master for lending a helping hand at the critical moment of Longhushan. Mochizuki will naturally remember this kind of kindness."

After saying this, Mochizuki's face turned red.The owner of the pavilion laughed loudly: "The real person is joking. It is not the style of our Ciyuan Pavilion. Opening the door to do business, what we are looking for is safety and stability. After so many years, thanks to the face of friends in the world, We barely survived. Our Ciyuan Pavilion will hold a trade fair in Shanghai in October this year, and the real person must provide some talismans to help support the scene, right?" Mochizuki nodded and said it was natural. Shopkeeper Tian ordered his assistant to put down the boat, and the five Longhushan Taoists did not stop for a second, and rowed towards the depths of the reeds without looking back.

Seeing these people disappear into the mist, shopkeeper Tian asked suspiciously: "Boss shopkeeper, why don't you..." He didn't finish his words, but the aftertaste made it clear: Longhushan and his party already hated us, why didn't they take advantage of the situation and wipe them out, so as to avoid more troubles in the future?To be honest, I was actually ready to make a move just now, but remembering the previous promise, there can only be one voice in this ship, so I didn't express my opinion. Of course, Mochizuki is really powerful. We had a fight with Yang Zhixiu last night, and the old injury is still not healed, so another fight is a bit reluctant.

Hearing the questions from his subordinates, the pavilion master calmly analyzed with us: "If you don't do anything, I have three considerations. First, everyone in Longhu Mountain is not weak, and Mochizuki, except for Mr. Huang Da, has no one who can confidently deal with him. He suppresses and resists, and if he goes crazy, everyone here will not be safe." He paused for a while and said: "Secondly, each sect has a secret method for transmitting information. A master like Mochizuki can transmit the information back even if he dies. Ciyuan Pavilion is open for business, there is no need to communicate with Longhu A top Taoist sect like Shan formed such a beam. In the end, I really couldn't find a reason to fight. There is no benefit, only future troubles, and I am not a child, so I won't draw swords at each other when there is a conflict."

Fang Hongjin made a lot of promises in Ciyuan Pavilion, but these words were actually just explanations for us and Mr. Huang Chenqu. It can be seen that he is a typical businessman and a mature leader from the beginning to the end, and he will never get angry because of the conflict of emotions.Of course, it's also in everyone's best interest.Yizijian jumped down from the mast and landed in front of us lightly like a goose feather, saying: "Your decision is right. I just looked at it, and it seems that the old man Shanyang is also in this Dongting Lake. In a fight, I am no match for him."

Although this guy is arrogant, he speaks with sincerity.Hearing this news, the pavilion master was slightly surprised, turned his eyes, and looked at Zamao Xiaodao, and said: "Xiao Taoist priest, it seems that Master Tao's achievement of earth immortal has indeed put too much pressure on Longhushan .” We all laughed and didn't say much. The storm has passed, and the sky is clear.Shopkeeper Tian ordered his men to salvage the bodies of those innocent fishermen, and dived into the water to see if there was anything usable in the sunken ship.Someone started tidying up the deck, and the pavilion master invited the three of us to drink tea in the roof room with Mr. Huang Chenqu. Drinking tea is not the purpose.Sitting down simply, the pavilion master cleared his throat and asked if we had any conflicts with Longhu Mountain? Zamao Xiaodao nodded, and briefly mentioned the matter between us and Master Mochizuki's proud disciple Qingxu back then.The pavilion master nodded and said: "No wonder. Qingxu was also a prolific talisman maker in the past, but he has not been heard from since then. It is really surprising that he lost his life in connection with the evil spirit sect." Longhushan also has influence For the state agency, this scandal is a scandal. It is expected to cover it up properly so that others don't know about it. However, Ciyuan Pavilion has always been well-informed, but it may not be unaware. The pavilion master talked to us about today's events, and said that once the real dragon came out, the clouds would move everywhere, even the top masters like Shanyang and Wangyue who had lived in the mountains for a long time were dispatched, I am afraid that this trip is quite difficult and dangerous. Yizijian comforted him, saying that the success or failure of a matter depends on fate. Since Master Luo has already said that, you don't need to worry. After chatting for a while, the sky was bright, the sun jumped out from the lake, and it was dyed golden. The winter sun made people feel very relaxed and happy.Everyone stayed up all night, so we took our leave and went back to our room.There was a flutter on the window, the fat hen had returned.
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