Home Categories historical fiction Talking about the Spring and Autumn Period No.3 Jin and Chu Competing for Heroes
The ancients said, "Although the length of the whip is not as long as the belly of the horse, the heavens gave it to Chu, and it is invincible to compete with it. Although the Jin is strong, can it defy the sky?"As the proverb says, superiority and inferiority are in mind, rivers and lakes accept filth, hills hide diseases, Jin Yu hides flaws, the monarch has dirt, and the way of heaven is the way of heaven, and the monarch treats it.
"Save, or not?" After receiving the call for help from the special envoy of Song State, Jin Jinggong urgently called an enlarged meeting of the Six Ministers to discuss the matter of saving Song.

"To save, or not to save?" Father Xun Lin asked in turn.He has no idea, or rather, from the bottom of his heart, he is unwilling to save. "Is it to save or not to save?" Everyone was asking.To be honest, the shadow of defeat is still in everyone's heart, and no one wants to fight against the Chu people again at this time. Jin Jinggong was hesitant. Logically speaking, he should definitely be rescued, because Song State is the most staunch ally, and the covenant also mentioned that one side is in trouble and the other side will support it. Now that Song State is in trouble, it is unreasonable for the leader not to act.However, looking at the situation in front of him, no one really wanted to save him.

Finally, someone made an opinion, and this person was Bo Zong.Regarding this person's life experience, the history books only say that he is the son of Sun Boqi.Whose son is Sun Boqi?have no idea.Some say that he is a descendant of the Duke of Song in Jin, while others believe that he is the Duke of Jin.However, after a comprehensive analysis, it seems that he should be from the Duke of Jin.There are two reasons: first, Jin Jinggong is very close to him; second, because of the passage in "Zuo Zhuan" above. What does that passage mean? Bo Zong’s words are very philosophical. Let’s learn it: “The ancients said that although the whip is very long, it can’t hit the horse’s stomach. Now the heaven is favoring Chu, and we can’t compete with them. Although we Jin It is very powerful, but can it go against the will of God? As the saying goes: You must be aware of whether you are bent or stretched. Rivers and lakes must also accommodate some filthy things, and mountains and forests must also hide some poisonous insects. As a monarch, it is also in line with the way of heaven to endure humiliation. So bear with it and bide your time."

The idiom "beyond the whip" comes from here.The original meaning of the idiom is not to say that the whip is not long enough, but to say that the whip also has its shortcomings, which does not mean that it can be hit anywhere if it is long. The idiom "hiding evil people and practices" also comes from here. Turning around, the conclusion of this passage is: no help. "However, it doesn't sound good to say it." Jin Jinggong still hesitated. "Let's send people to Song State, and say that we will send troops to rescue them soon, and let them persist for a while. As long as they persist, the people of Chu State will withdraw their troops by themselves." But Ke came up with an idea. In recent years, the usual method of the Jin people.

Isn't this a person from the Song Dynasty who is fooling people? It was Xie Yang who was sent to fool the Song people. Wasn't Xie Yang captured by the Chu people? Speaking of which, Xie Yang was unlucky enough.Last time, because the horse was frightened, he sent himself to the camp of the Chu army, and he became a prisoner in a daze.Later, thanks to the kindness of King Zhuang of Chu, he was released back to the state of Jin.Now, this unfortunate errand was sent to him again.This job is not only dangerous, but you will also be scolded in the future, because you are going to fool people.

"Xie, we have taken into account that you have lived in Chu State, understand the customs of Chu people, and can also speak Chu State dialect. Therefore, this glorious and arduous task belongs to you. I wish you immediate success and a safe return." Xun Lin's father assigned tasks to Xie Yang in a non-negotiable tone. There is no way, Xie Yang thought he was unlucky, went home and explained his funeral, and set off on the road. To say that a person is unlucky is to clog his teeth after drinking cold water.Think about it, the envoys of the Song Kingdom can come and go freely in the encirclement of the Chu army, so it should be no problem for Xie Yang to go in.But Xie Yang was walking on the word "back", so he was doomed not to complete the task.

When they reached the outskirts of Suiyang, the Chu army's siege was not too tight. Xie Yang took a chance and wanted to get under the city of Suiyang. "Who is it?" the officer leading the team asked. "Ah, I went the wrong way, I went the wrong way." Xie Yang said hastily.If it was someone else, it would be fine to say that, but Xie Yang couldn't. "Why is your voice so familiar? Hey, aren't you Xie Yang?" The leading officer even recognized Xie Yang. Xie Yang looked at that person intently. To put it bluntly, that's called: it's just suffering.It turned out that when Xie Yang was in Chu State, this person was in charge of taking care of him, and the relationship between the two got along pretty well afterwards.

There is nothing to say now. "You are Xie Yang? Hey, tell me, what are you doing here?" King Chu Zhuang interrogated himself. "According to the order of our country's monarch, I came to tell the Song people that the Jin army has set off and will arrive soon, so let them persevere." Xie Yang told the truth.However, he did not say that Jin would actually send troops. "Do you think Jin can defeat us?" King Zhuang of Chu then asked. "Of course." "Then why did you lose to us last time?" "It wasn't Chu that defeated us last time, it was internal strife that made us defeat ourselves. Now we are under the wise leadership of our monarch, and the three armies are united under the command of Xun Linfu, so we can defeat Chu."

After a few conversations, King Zhuang of Chu liked Xie Yang very much, and felt that he was straightforward and tough. "Brother, how about taking refuge in me? How about letting you become a doctor?" "not interested." "Not interested in being an official? Are you interested in making a fortune?" King Zhuang of Chu ordered his men to bring a lot of gold and silver treasures and put them in front of Xie Yang. Xie Yang didn't speak. "How about it? As long as you go to the edge of the city and yell to the people of Song State, saying that Jin State will not come to rescue them, all these gold and silver treasures will be yours." Chuzhuang King thought that Xie Yang was moved, so he opened the door condition.

"no." "If you don't agree to me, I'll kill you, and then I will give orders to the army to show the Song people that the special envoy of Jin has been killed by us." "This……" "Do you want to do it?" Xie Yang had a fierce ideological struggle at that moment.He knew that if he followed the words of King Zhuang of Chu, he would betray the motherland, but he was telling the truth.Can you betray your motherland?cannot.However, if he did not agree to the conditions of King Zhuang of Chu, he would be killed, and he would not be able to complete the task of fooling the people of Song State.There is only one way to complete the task of fooling the people of the Song Dynasty: to fool King Zhuang of Chu.

"Okay." Xie Yang agreed. In order to complete a flick, one has to do a fudge first. Is this the highest level of fudge? Xie Yang boarded the Chu Army's building car, and then pushed it all the way to the edge of the city. On the top of the city, the Song army prepared their bows and crossbows. They thought that the Chu army was going to attack the city. "Brothers of Song State, don't shoot me, I am Xie Yang, special envoy of Jin State." Xie Yang shouted.The people of Song State on the top of the city were a little surprised. Why did the special envoy of Jin State get on the building car of Chu State? "I was caught by the Chu army. I came here to tell everyone that the Jin army has already set off. You must hold on. The victory must be ours, and world peace must be achieved." Xie Yang continued to shout. The Song people were happy and cheered excitedly.They don't know, they have been fooled. At the same time, King Zhuang of Chu was also fooled, he was not excited at all, he wanted to kill someone. "You fool me, you don't keep your promise, I will kill you." King Chu Zhuang said to Xie Yang. "If I keep my promise to you, I must not keep my promise to my king. Although I died, I completed my mission, and my death is worth it. But what about you, my lord? It's not noble for you to bribe me, isn't it? ? Is this the demeanor of the monarch of a great country? Come on, cut me off." Xie Yang played deathly as home, and continued to fool around. King Zhuang of Chu thought about it. Although Xie Yang had fooled himself, he was doing it for the interests of the country, not for himself.Isn't such flickering noble flickering?If it wasn't for trying to bribe others, how could they fool themselves?So, after all, I was wrong. King Zhuang of Chu has this characteristic. He likes to reflect and find his own shortcomings. "Forget it, I respect you for being a good man, you go, I'll let you go." King Zhuang of Chu let Xie Yang go and gave him a gift. This is the story of Xie Yang, who fooled his enemies and friends, completed the mission, and returned alive, as well as gifts. This kind of flickering is reasonable and polite, and there is still a surplus. Flickering has been a science since ancient times. The people of Song Dynasty are spirited again, and the spiritual power after being fooled cannot be underestimated.The Chu army also stepped up the siege because they were worried about the arrival of the Jin army. From February to May, another three months passed in a blink of an eye.During the past three months, the Chu army surrounded Suiyang tightly. The soldiers and civilians of the State of Song looked forward to the stars and the moon, but they couldn't look forward to the reinforcements from the big brother of the State of Jin.There has been no food in the city for a long time, everything that can be eaten has been eaten, and even cannibalism happened.Even so, the Song people are still carrying it to the death, and they have to be more patient than the Chu people. King Zhuang of Chu decided to withdraw his troops. Just like the last time he besieged Zheng, King Zhuang of Chu admitted his defeat. "Your Majesty, credit! My father would rather be killed and go to the country of Qi in order to fulfill his trust. Since Your Majesty has promised to avenge my father, how can he not be trustworthy?" Come to King Zhuang of Chu to argue. King Zhuang of Chu was speechless, he was a person who valued credit very much, otherwise he would not be moved by Xie Yang and let him go.The problem is, Dajun has been here for eight full months, if he stays any longer, everyone will go crazy.Just two days ago, two soldiers rioted in the barracks because of the trivial matter of sleeping and snoring, and they fought violently. In the end, one was killed and the other was injured. The wounded soldier even showed a relieved smile before being executed. "Old Shen, what should we do?" Chu Zhuang Wang was so worried that he asked Uncle Shen for advice. "Your Majesty, this matter is actually quite simple. From now on, it seems that the people of Jin have fooled the people of Song. They will not save the people of Song. The reason why the people of Song don't surrender is that we can't survive them. If we start building houses now To recruit the fleeing peasants back to cultivate the land, to show that we are ready to stay permanently, and the Song people will probably surrender immediately." Uncle Shen really had an idea, and this idea was more serious. "Old Shen, such a good idea, why didn't you say it earlier?" King Zhuang of Chu was overjoyed. "It's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I don't understand the king's plan." Uncle Shen said.He was telling the truth. The Chu-Jin war was completely controlled by King Zhuang of Chu alone. Who knows if he also intentionally refused to take down Song this time? The next day, King Zhuang of Chu ordered his soldiers to build foundations and build houses on the spot, dig pits and fill them with water to raise fish. Does this trick work? It can be said: immediate results. "Old Hua, what should we do? It seems that the Chu people are going to exhaust us to the end." Song Wengong asked Hua Yuan.Up to now, there is no food in the palace, everyone is gnawing on the bark, and they don't even have the strength to make love. Seeing so many women is annoying. "I think so too." Hua Yuan regretted it very much at this moment, thinking that it would have been nice if he had just endured it back then, why is this so?But now, it's too late to regret. "Is it okay to surrender? How about meat?" Song Wengong asked.He was already mentally prepared to run naked. "It's been eight months. Is it okay to surrender at this time? Don't be upset by the King of Chu and throw you directly into the pot." "Then, then, what should we do?" Song Wengong was dumbfounded. After thinking for a long time, Hua Yuan came up with a very strange trick. "My lord, I am quite familiar with Zifan of Chu State, so I will go out to find him in the middle of the night and beg him to make peace with the King of Chu and resolve this issue peacefully," Hua Yuan said.That's his idea. "Is it okay?" Song Wengong thought this idea was very strange. Hua Yuan and Zifan were just acquaintances, not even friends. The war between the two countries could be resolved by acquaintances? "If you can't do it, you have to do it." Hua Yuan had no other choice. In the middle of the night, with a small half moon, the stars are dotted.This is a favorite night for thieves, because on this night they can see the road but not the people. A rope was quietly lowered from the top of the city, and a person slipped down along the rope.who?Hua Yuan, the second most important figure in Song Dynasty. Slipping down the top of the city, Hua Yuan stepped across the moat.Why did you step over?Because the moat has long been filled by the Chu army.Fortunately, no one found out. Hua Yuan moved forward cautiously, thinking that if he was caught by the Chu army, it would be embarrassing. Maybe tomorrow morning only his body would be left, and his head would be exhibited at the edge of the city. Fortunately, no one found him until Chuying.It has been eight months, and the people of Chu State have lost their vigilance for a long time. They dig holes and build houses during the day, and they are too tired to be woken up by thunder. Hua Yuan slipped into Chu camp, where is Zifan's tent?While worrying, a peeing soldier came out, ignorant. "Hey, brother, where is General Zifan's tent?" Hua Yuan was anxious, so he simply asked the soldier. "Over there, the one with the light on." The soldier pointed it out to him, and after pointing it out, he asked, "Why do you have a Song accent?" Hua Yuan ignored him and walked away. The soldier urinated and went back to sleep. He never dreamed that the person who asked the way just now was Hua Yuan, the Right Master of Song Dynasty. Otherwise, if Hua Yuan was caught, he would be promoted and rich. So, when it's time for you to get rich, getting up in the middle of the night to pee is an opportunity.When you shouldn't get rich, you can't seize the opportunities you can get by urinating. Hua Yuan came to Zifan's tent along the light, opened the slit to see, only Zifan was lying on the bed sleeping inside, it was hot in May, and Zifan was naked, with a uniform mask in his mouth. Huh, the guards didn't know where they went. Hua Yuan opened the curtain of the tent, and tiptoed to Zifan's bed. "Zi Fan, Zi Fan." Hua Yuan whispered. Zifan didn’t respond at all, the weather was hot, and after finally cooling down, he just fell asleep and was fast asleep. "Zi Fan, Zi Fan." Hua Yuan patted Zi Fan's stomach. The child turned around and went back to sleep. Hua Yuan was in a bit of trouble, didn't he enter the bridal chamber but couldn't hold the bride?He wanted to shout loudly or slap Zifan twice, but he was afraid that his voice would be too loud and people would find out. "Hey, that's a good idea." Hua Yuan said to himself, he felt that scratching the soles of his feet was very effective. Zifan's feet are very smelly, there is no way not to smell, the whole Chuying is full of poop, it would be an accident if he didn't step on it every day.Hua Yuan didn't care about that much, he stretched out his little finger, and used his nails to gently stroke the soles of Zi Fan's feet back and forth. The son snorted twice, moved his buttocks, and went back to sleep. Hua Yuan was in a hurry, he felt very shameless, he couldn't even wake up a single person, was he too incompetent? Thinking of this, Hua Yuan pulled out the knife with a "crack", and chopped it off with the knife if he couldn't wake up. "Papa." Hua Yuan patted Zifan's stomach twice with the side of the knife. Probably because he was a soldier, Zi felt differently against the knife, so he sat up abruptly.As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a person standing beside his bed with a gleaming knife in his hand. "Ah." Zi Fan screamed instinctively in a low voice. Anyone who wakes up in the middle of the night and sees a person holding a knife in front of his bed will be terrified.What's more, he was still naked, so he couldn't even grab a weapon. "Shh, Zifan, don't be afraid, I'm Hua Yuan." Hua Yuan said, thinking that he finally woke you up. "Hua Yuan? Ah, yes, Hua Yuan. You, what are you doing here? Have you eaten?" Zi Fan didn't know what to say, but he still recognized Hua Yuan. "Eat? What are you eating? What else is there to eat? What time is it, and you can still sleep so deeply? Are you still thinking about snoring?" Hua Yuan became nervous and forgot what he had prepared when he came. , Say a few bold words first. "Ah, this, I'm sorry. You, you, what are you doing?" Zifan was even more frightened. "Our city changes sons and eats them, and dissects their remains with rice cookers. Even though the alliance under the city has been destroyed by the country, you can't follow it. Go to me for 30 miles, and you have to obey." ("Zuo Zhuan") Hua Yuan finally remembered that he wanted to said the words.The general idea is: We have nothing to eat inside, so we have to exchange our children for food, and use the leftover bones as firewood.But even so, we are unwilling to sign an alliance under the city, and would rather live and die with the country.However, if your army can retreat 30 miles, everything can be negotiated, and everything is at your disposal. The two idioms "changing children and eating" and "obedience to orders" (obedience to orders) were invented by Hua Yuan.It’s not easy to invent two idioms when you have nothing to eat, right? Zifan was already very sober at this time, and he briefly judged the situation in front of him.From a large point of view, Hua Yuan surrendered on behalf of Song Guo, but he wanted to surrender with a little face, so Hua Yuan had something to ask of himself; from a small point of view, he was naked and others held knives, which was very disadvantageous for him. of.Anyway, save your own life first. "Lao Hua, I admire you for your backbone. Can you tell me how much food is left in the city?" Zi asked back. "To tell you the truth, there is no food for a long time, and I have eaten all the food that can be eaten. That is to say, I will stick to tomorrow." Hua Yuan said.He is telling the truth. "You are too real, let me tell you, the Chu army is not having a good time, digging pits and farming is fooling you, and we only have two days of food." Zi Fan was moved by Hua Yuan's honesty, and said voluntarily told the truth. "Zifan, I knew that you are a real person and have enough loyalty. How about, retreat thirty miles?" Hua Yuan was also quite moved. "Okay, I promise you. However, it is useless for me to promise you. I will take you to find the king." Zi Fan said.After getting dressed, he took Hua Yuan to find King Zhuang of Chu. The tent of King Zhuang of Chu was not far away, and the guards saw Zifan approaching and said that the king was still sleeping. "Report quickly, it's an emergency." Zifan didn't care so much, and asked the guards to get King Chuzhuang up. After King Zhuang of Chu got up, he washed his face, and Zifan went in with Hua Yuan. King Zhuang of Chu vaguely recognized Hua Yuan, and after Zifan reported the process of the matter, he knew that this person was indeed Hua Yuan. "Why did you tell him our military secrets?" King Zhuang of Chu asked Zifan. "Your Majesty, Song is a small country, so they don't lie to us; we are a big country, so don't we still lie to small countries? Didn't you always teach us to be honest? Do we have to behave like a big country?" Zifan pushed back at that time. King Zhuang of Chu thought about it, and Zifan was right. "Well, it makes sense." King Zhuang of Chu criticized himself. "They are so honest and sincere, so I agreed to them first." Zifan struck while the iron was hot. "Okay, retreat thirty miles tomorrow." King Zhuang of Chu ordered. Hua Yuan still climbed the wall to go back, but this time Zifan personally sent him to the bottom of the city. The next day, the Chu army retreated 30 li. Hua Yuan went to Chu camp again, but this time he did not climb over the wall, but walked through the city gate. King Zhuang of Chu warmly received Hua Yuan, and after a cordial conversation, the two parties decided to sign a treaty of friendship, which was called a covenant at that time.The covenant was signed by Zifan and Huayuan, and there were only eight big characters on it: I have no deceit, and I have no fear.It means: don't lie to me, and I don't want to lie to you. "Intrigue", this famous idiom comes from here. Song Guo dug Shen Wuwei's body from the mass grave outside the city, put it in a coffin of Shangqing level, sent it to the Chu army camp, and made compensation and apologized to Shen Xi. The next day, the Chu army withdrew, and Hua Yuan went to Chu as a hostage. The eight-month war ended in such a hasty way. "I hate war." King Zhuang of Chu said.After he largely spared Song State, he decided not to go to war again.
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