Home Categories historical fiction Talking about the Spring and Autumn Period No. 6. The True Colors of Sages

Chapter 28 Chapter 227 There is no ghost in the world

In the thirty-first year of Zheng Jiangong (535 BC), that is, the second year after Zichan cast the punishment tripod, Zichan went to Jin to visit. Only when he arrived in Jin State did he know that Jin Pinggong was ill.Han Qi, Marshal of the Chinese Army, personally met Zichan. After the two met Li, Zichan asked about Jin Pinggong's illness. "To tell you the truth, our lord has been ill for three months, and we have not taken less medicine, and we have sacrificed all who should be sacrificed. It stands to reason that ghosts and gods should not bother us, but the illness is not cured at all. Last night, the lord again I dreamed that a yellow bear came to the door of the bedroom, do you know what kind of evil spirit it is?" Han Qi knew that Zichan was knowledgeable, so he asked for advice.

"Hey, with the wise leadership of your country's monarch and your selfless dedication, Marshal, what evil spirits will come? Don't worry, it's fine." Zichan didn't believe in ghosts at all. After saying this, he looked at Han Qi again. , seems to be full of doubts, it seems that this is just Zichan comforting him.Zichan took a look, and it seemed that telling the truth would make people suspicious, so let's fool you. "However, I heard that in ancient times, Yao killed Gun in Yushan, and Gun's soul became a yellow bear. Later, the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties worshiped him. Now that Jin is the leader of the alliance, he should be sacrificed, probably not. Sacrificing to him must have caused the illness of the monarch of your country."

"Hey, it makes sense." Now, Han Qi's eyes lit up, as if he had found the answer. "Then what, you sit down first, I'll excuse you." Han Qi left in a hurry. He went to see Duke Ping of Jin. The next day, the state of Jin offered sacrifices to Gun. In the next few days, Jin Pinggong's condition continued to improve. Therefore, in many cases, the illness is caused by oneself; in many cases, psychological hints can cure one's illness. When Zichan left, Duke Ping of Jin, in order to express his gratitude, presented Zichan with two square tripods from the state of Ju.Han Qi and other six ministers were not far behind, and gave gifts to Zichan one after another.

"Hey, to be honest, no one will believe it, but pretending to be a ghost is a good way to accept it." Zichan couldn't laugh or cry, and returned to Zheng State with a lot of gifts. The relationship between Zichan and Liang Xiao has always been good, and he knows that if it wasn’t for the efforts of Liang Xiao’s grandfather Ziliang back then, the entire Mu clan would have ceased to exist. How can I help a group of Liangxiao's family. After returning from the state of Jin, Zichan suddenly thought of a way.any solution?Ghost way. Because he was more domineering during his lifetime, after Liang Xiao's death, Zheng Guoren often used Liang Xiao's ghost to scare each other.Sometimes everyone chatted and laughed together after nightfall, and someone said "Liangxiao is here", and everyone hurried away for their lives.

In fact, no one has ever seen Liang Xiao's ghost. Last year, Sidai died; at the beginning of this year, Zishi died again.Both of these two were Liang Xiao's enemies, so folklore said that both of them were killed by Liang Xiao's ghost. After returning from the state of Jin, Zichan made Liangzhi, son of Liang Xiao, a doctor, and Gongsun Xie, son of Zikong, as a doctor.In this way, the descendants of all the brothers of the Mu nationality are settled. "We have appointed Liangxiao's son, Liangzhi, as a doctor. Liangxiao has been sacrificed, and he will never come out to make troubles again. Please rest assured." Zichan informed the whole country. Since then, there has been no more I heard that Liangxiao is haunted by ghosts.

There are no ghosts in the world, but there are ghosts in the heart.Sometimes, the way to exorcise ghosts is to pretend to be ghosts. Speaking of which, Zichan is a very affectionate person, and he hopes that all his uncles and brothers will have food to eat.Now, he has done it. Many people have doubts about Zichan's actions, but they don't ask.There is only one person, and if you have any questions, you will definitely ask. "Uncle, why did Liangxiao's ghost stop making trouble after setting up a good order?" You Jilai asked Zichan. He had the best relationship with Zichan, but he never flattered Zichan. He didn't care what he thought. Bring it up face to face.

"Historically, those who wander around and make troubles are lonely ghosts. If he has a home, he won't make trouble. Liangzhi has become a doctor, and he can offer sacrifices to Liangxiao, which means his ghost has a home. Of course Don't make trouble." Zichan said solemnly, a fool must have a theory. "Then, why do you still want to make Gongsun Xie a doctor?" You Ji asked again. Speaking of which, Zikong is the enemy of all the families. "Hey, no matter how you say it, Zikong is also my uncle and your uncle. If Liangxiao makes trouble, his son will become a doctor; if Zikong doesn't make trouble, his son will be an old farmer. It's not fair. If so, Zikong It’s time for his ghost to come out again. So, let’s just become doctors together.” Zichan said, in fact, he just couldn’t bear to let Zikong’s descendants suffer too much.

The problem of demolition has existed since ancient times. Let's see how Zichan handles the demolition issue. In the thirty-sixth year of Zheng Jiangong (530 BC), Zheng Jiangong passed away. The funeral has been confirmed, and the place of burial is in the ancestral tomb of Zheng Guo.So, there is a problem, how to get from the palace to the cemetery.After determining which way to go, all buildings on this road must be demolished. First of all, the shortest way to go is determined, but the ancestral temple of You Ji's family is on this road. To dismantle, or not to dismantle? On this day, Zichan inspected along the road to see which houses were to be demolished.You Ji ordered the family members to carry tools around his ancestral temple, but not to actually demolish it.

"Whose house is this? Why don't you dismantle it?" Zichan asked when he arrived here. "This is the ancestral temple of You Ji's family. We really don't have the heart to tear it down. But my master said, if you want us to tear it down, we will do it." You Ji's family replied that it was all taught by You Ji. "Then don't demolish it, choose another path." Zichan said.He is unwilling to demolish other people's houses. So, another path was chosen. On this road, we encountered new problems. The home of a doctor in charge of the cemetery is on this road. If his home is demolished, the coffin can be transported to the cemetery in the morning; if there is no detour, it will not arrive until noon.

"Demolish it, otherwise so many foreign guests will have to wait until noon at the cemetery." You Ji suggested demolition, those who are unwilling to demolish their own homes, and those who demolish other people's homes do not hesitate. "Don't tear it down, take a detour." Zichan glared at You Ji, and answered him without hesitation. "Foreign envoys traveled thousands of miles to Zheng State, and they left in a month or two. Why do you care about waiting until noon? Not demolishing this house will have no effect on foreign guests, and it will not harass the people. Why should it be demolished?"

Therefore, Zichan did not demolish the family's house. On the day of the funeral, everyone waited in the cemetery until noon, and no one complained.The foreign guests not only did not express dissatisfaction, but also greatly appreciated Zichan's practice of not harming the interests of the people of the country. In this regard, the gentleman in "Zuo Zhuan" said: Zisheng is almost known.Etiquette, without destroying others, is self-contained. Zichan is a person who knows etiquette, and etiquette does not allow self-interest at the expense of others. In later generations, many rulers of the country harmed the interests of the people of the country in order to please foreigners. Not only the people of the country were indignant, but even foreigners looked down on you.On this issue, we really need to learn from Zichan. Zichan understands a simple truth, the country depends on the people, not foreigners, so pleasing the people is more important than pleasing foreigners. Unfortunately, not all leaders understand this truth. In the second year of Zheng Jiangong's death, Zipi also died. Zichan cried when he heard the news of Zipi's death.Without Zipi's support, he would not be able to be in power of Zheng Guo; without Zipi's support, his ruling policy could not be carried out.So even though Zipi is his nephew, Zichan respects Zipi very much. "It's over, it's over, only Zipi knows me best, you're gone, who will help me?" Zichan cried and said, he was really sad. Without Zipi's trust and unconditional support, Zichan would not have become a celebrity.It is indeed commendable that Zipi can appoint talents and give up power for the benefit of the country. Zichan doesn't believe in ghosts, divination, or astrology. He is a complete atheist. After the death of Zheng Jiangong, Zheng Dinggong succeeded to the throne. In the fifth year of Zheng Dinggong (525 BC), two astronomical phenomena occurred in this year.In summer, there was a solar eclipse; in winter, a comet swept past the Great Mars, and its tail reached the Milky Way. The astronomical phenomenon was abnormal, so several well-known astronomers at that time, that is, astrologers, issued alarms one after another. Shen Xu and Zi Shen from the State of Lu are both famous astronomers, and they had a discussion together. "Hui, so remove the old and bring out the new." Shen Xu spoke first and contributed an idiom for everyone: remove the old and bring forth the new.Shinsu concluded that there will be a fire next year. Zi Shen made further deduction and came to a more accurate conclusion: "The Song, Wei, Zheng and Chen countries are about to break out in fire." Zheng Guoren Bi Zao is also a famous astronomer, and he made a calculation and came to a conclusion. "Xiangguo, I watched the sky at night and found that next year Chen Wei, Zheng and Song Four National Congresses will be on fire on the same day, but if we use 瓘斝 Yuchan to worship the gods, Zheng Guo can escape." Bi Zao told Zichan the result of his prediction Made a report and hoped to be praised. "Hey, what is the relationship between the things in the sky and the things on the earth? Don't talk about it." Unexpectedly, Zichan refused. "Clearly referring to Pingchuan Road, but treating good people as evil people, hum." Pi Zao was dissatisfied, did not dare to speak out, and left. On May 7th of the following year, a strong wind blew up in the Central Plains. Zi Shen gave another prediction: "This wind is blown by the fire god Zhu Rong, and it indicates that a fire will break out in seven days' time." On May 9, the wind became stronger and stronger. On May 14th, the prophecy was fulfilled.The four countries of Song, Wei, Chen, and Zheng were on fire at the same time. On this day, the capital of Zheng State was on fire. "See, don't listen to me, don't listen to me, Vulcan has come, alas." Pi Zao sighed and said everywhere. Zichan didn't believe in Vulcan, so his first reaction at this time was: What if this is sabotage by a hostile country?Who is the hostile country?On the surface, it looks like the state of Song, but it is actually the state of Jin. Based on such concerns, let's take a look at how Zichan responds to the fire. "Pass my order, all Jin people are strictly prohibited from entering the capital." Zichan's first order was like this, strictly guard against Jin people.At the same time, all foreign guests who came to visit Zheng State were sent out of the city, in name to protect them, but actually to guard against them; all foreigners living in Zheng State were not allowed to leave their residences. "Issuing weapons, the whole country has entered a state of emergency." Zichan not only arranged the city defense of the capital, but also sent people to the border to notify the border guards to enter the first level of combat readiness, ready to meet foreign invaders at any time. "Uncle, will this make the Jin people dissatisfied? Will it anger them and attack us?" You Ji questioned again. "Once a small country forgets to defend itself, it will perish, not to mention that we are in a time of disaster. If a small country wants not to be despised, it must be constantly prepared. I won't tell you, the next thing is up to you to do." Zichan explained After a few words, he assigned tasks to You Ji. After the national security affairs were arranged, Zichan ordered You Ji to lead people to inspect the sacrificial places and ancestral temples, and strictly ordered the warehouse management personnel to stick to their posts and prepare for fire prevention. After that, send people to the palace of the monarch to arrange the concubines and wives of the former monarch to a safe place. "Sima Skou, you lead the army to fight the fire." Finally, arrange to fight the fire. The fire was extinguished that day, and Zichan ordered people to build an altar outside the city to worship the god of water and fire.Although Zichan didn't believe it, he knew that it was a way to appease the people and he must do it. The burned houses were all registered, and all affected families were exempted from taxes, and wood was distributed to each household for reconstruction. Zheng Guo suspended the market for three days, and tried its best to help the affected people. After everything was properly arranged, Zichan sent people to the vassal states to report the fire situation, telling all countries that everything had returned to normal in Zheng State, and reassuring allies. Of course, he also reminded countries with bad intentions not to act rashly. Finally, an investigation into the cause of the fire began.The reason was soon found out that the earliest fire was caused by a group of children playing with fire. Among the disaster-stricken four kingdoms, Wei, Song and Zheng took the same measures, only Chen did not take measures to fight the fire, and Chen's monarchs and ministers protected their own homes. As for the life and death of the people, no one cared at all.Among the other vassal states, only Xu State did not send people to the four disaster-stricken countries to express their condolences.Therefore, in "Zuo Zhuan", the gentleman said: Chen does not put out the fire, Xu does not hang the disaster, so the gentleman knows that Chen Xuzhi died first. Just after the fire passed, something happened again. Pizao came first. "Xiangguo, did you see it, did you see it? The will of God cannot be violated, right? I tell you, hurry up and follow my advice, otherwise there will be a big fire." Pi Zao was very proud because his prediction was accurate. "What should I do? I won't take your suggestion." Zichan pushed back directly. "Hey, my heart was set on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch, alas." Pi Zao was very annoyed, and left with a sigh. After Pi Zao left, You Ji questioned again. "Uncle, the treasures of this country are originally used to protect the people. If there is another fire, the country will be on the verge of destruction. Since someone has proposed a solution, why are you reluctant to part with those treasures?" You Ji was a little dissatisfied. "Hey, you said that treasures are used to protect the people. I like to hear this. But, 'The way of heaven is far away, and the way of humanity is far away. How do you know it?' ("Zuo Zhuan") The laws of nature are far from predictable, The truth in the world is right in front of your eyes, and the two have nothing to do with each other. How can he know that there are children playing with fire when he looks at the stars? Don’t listen to his foolishness.” Zichan laughed, he liked You Ji’s personality very much , Straightforward and kind, but a little too naive. "Then, didn't everyone hit the mark last time?" "What did you say? You talk a lot, of course there are times. Think about it, how many times has he predicted whether you will win more or not? Occasionally, once you win, he will go around talking about it, making it difficult for you." Everyone thought he was smart." You Ji thinks about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case, and Pi Zao's prediction is really time-sensitive. "But, if you follow his instructions, won't you be able to calm people's hearts?" You Ji was still not reconciled. "It depends on the time to stabilize people's hearts. At the time of the fire, people were panic-stricken and needed stability, so they had to sacrifice at that time. Now people's hearts have calmed down, but the weather is still dry, and what needs to be done is to be cautious about fire prevention. At this time, if you follow the Doing what he said will make everyone relax and cause fires more easily." Zichan analyzed. The same thing, under different circumstances, is sometimes done and sometimes not. As a result, Zheng Guo, under the leadership of Zichan, put in place fire prevention measures, and no more fires occurred. "Uncle is better." You Ji admired Zichan from the bottom of his heart. The second person came from Jin. Youji’s worries became a reality. The people of Jin came to ask, saying that everyone is friendly to our neighbors. Why do you always engage in first-level combat preparations and create tension at the border? Are you dissatisfied with our Jin country? ?Do you not trust our Jin country?Please give a convincing explanation from your country. "You suffered a fire, and we are also very concerned. Our monarch personally sacrificed and prayed for you. But what about you? Treat us as enemies and make the people on our border panic. What do you mean?" The tone of the envoy of the Jin Kingdom Tough and looking angry. "Thank you very much, your envoy, you are right. Our disaster is the worry of your country's monarch. We did not do well, so God sent us a disaster. We need to rescue the disaster and prevent criminals from taking advantage of the fire and then crossing the border. Absconding has become a disaster for your country. Besides, we were lucky not to perish, and we still have a chance to defend ourselves today; if we perish, even if your country’s monarch is worried about us, it will be of no avail. There are many countries around Zheng State , we don't have time to distinguish who is more dangerous and who should be on guard, but we know one thing, once Zheng is attacked, the only one we can go to is Jin. Since we have made Jin the leader, how can we betray Jin? What?" Zichan said so much that the envoy had nothing to say, so he had to say some things to pay attention to in the future, and left. For big countries, a lot of things are spread out, but they can get their respect and understanding. In the second year, Si Dai's son, Si Yan, died.Siyan's wife was from the Fan family of Jin, and she gave birth to a son named Sisi.When Siyan died, Sisi was still very young, and the people of the Si family discussed it, saying that if such a little kid became the head of the family, the family would definitely be doomed.Therefore, the Si family unanimously decided to let Si Yan's younger brother Si Qi take over. According to the rules, after the successor is determined, it is necessary to report to Xiangguo and ask for approval.The Si family then submitted a report to Zichan. Zichan has always hated Siqi, but the Si family has made such a decision, and it seems that it is not easy for him to intervene.Therefore, Zichan simply pretended to be deaf and dumb, suppressed the report, and neither approved nor disapproved. My family saw it, and it's fine if you don't approve it, anyway, that's how we are. The Si family is not too afraid of Zichan's disapproval, after all, Zichan didn't say no. However, Si Si's old lady quit and sent someone to her natal family to ask her family to stand up for her.Then, people from the Fan family came from the state of Jin.The person who came was Fan Tong, Sisi's uncle. "What's the matter? How did you dispose of my nephew? Huh? Are you fat? Don't want to live a life anymore? Don't piss to take care of yourself." Fan Tong was very arrogant, and when he arrived at Si's house, he scolded Si Qi. Siqi was scolded so badly, but he couldn't offend the people of Jin, what should he do?Go into exile. Siqi sent someone to deliver a message to Zichan, saying that he was going into exile, so the parent should give Sisi. "Exile? Exile for what? Call him here." Zichan was furious at that time, and sent someone to find Siqi. Siqi came trembling and panicking, he didn't know how Zichan would treat him.I inherited my brother's property without going through the organizational procedures. Should I be held accountable by the organization? "Xiangguo, what are you looking for?" Siqi asked weakly. "I hear you're going into exile, isn't it?" "Yes, yes, then, Jin people—" "Stop it, speaking of it, you are now the Minister of Zheng Guo, and it is up to the people of Zheng Guo to decide whether you go into exile or not." Zichan said to him angrily. "Then, the Jin people are here, we, we can't afford to offend them." "I can't afford it, why don't you come to me?" Zichan scolded him, and then told his subordinates: "Go, get Fan Tong for me." After a while, Fan Tong came. "Xiangguo, are you looking for me?" Fan Tong became more honest when he saw Zichan, because Jin people admire Zichan very much. "Guests, please sit down." Zichan was also very polite to him.After he sat down, Zichan went on to say: "Our country of Zheng has not been going well these years. Liuqing has passed away one after another. No, Siyan has also left. Because his son is still young, so a few uncles discussed it. He couldn't bear the burden of the family, which led to the downfall of the family, so he let his uncle Siqi inherit the position of Siyan. Our king discussed this matter with several of our veterans, and felt that this was God's intention to destroy the inheritance. The rules, since it is God's will, don't rely on manpower to stop it. As the saying goes: There is no chaos. If any house is in chaos, everyone should try to stay as far away as possible. If there is a fight, everyone will avoid it. Nowadays You come to ask what is going on with the Si family. Our monarch dare not say who is right and who is wrong. How can we say so. So I have never cared about this matter, because it should not be. During the Pingqiu League, the monarch of your country He also said, 'Don't give up your responsibilities, and don't interfere in other people's affairs'. If a doctor in our country dies, and the Jin people will interfere with the successor, are we still an independent country?" Zichan Yiyi The words were watertight, Fan Tong was speechless and speechless. Think about it, Zhao Wu, Han Qi and Shu Xiang were all speechless by Zichan's words, let alone Fan Tong? "Okay, Siqi, speaking of it, you are also relatives. Go back and treat your relatives well, and take your relatives around the streets. From now on, you will often walk around. When you go to the Jin Kingdom, there will be a relative who can visit you." Zichan Send Siqi and Fan Tong away. Fan Tong had no choice but to stay in the state of Zheng for a few days, and then persuaded his sister to return to the state of Jin. This matter quickly spread throughout the world, and the whole world praised in unison: Zichan, Niu. With the domineering and domineering of the people of Jin, the whole world felt headaches, only Zichan did not give them face several times, and convinced them that he was indeed not an ordinary cow.
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