Home Categories historical fiction Great Tang Territory Battle 2

Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

Great Tang Territory Battle 2 贺磊 14302Words 2018-03-13
Gao Xianzhi's plan to subjugate the division was officially implemented in late August after the autumn exercise. Prior to this, a steady stream of food, fodder and ordnance were transported and stored by Changxingfang along the way, which cost Anxi tens of millions of silver.In order to hide the front, the main force of the Anxi army set off step by step on schedule, and slowly gathered in the Shouzhuo area of ​​Congling. The Fanbing Battalion was the first batch of divisions to receive orders to set off. After nearly a month of trekking, the entire battalion passed through Jupiluoqi, Gumo Prefecture, and Weitou Prefecture, and arrived safely in Shule, an important town in the west of Anxi, in the snow in early September.The forward troops of the Diaoling Regiment led by Zhao Ling had crossed Qingling and arrived at Congling Shouzhuo (the Tang Dynasty's garrison in the border area).In the document he sent, Zhao Ling reported to Li Tianlang that in order to find out the way to march, he sent a small group of scouts to ride along the line from Bohe Prefecture to Tanjuling, and found many wide river valleys that could be passed through. The scouts are continuing to extend to the Wuhu River Basin.Originally, Feng Changqing had already sent Li Tianlang a detailed marching road map, but Li Tianlang was still worried, he didn't want to lose troops and horses for nothing because of the road.Therefore, he repeatedly asked Zhao Ling, who was going ahead, to do the important task of scouting. It seemed that Zhao Ling had done a good job.Although Gao Xianzhi's order has not been formally received, Feng Changqing's hint is clear to Li Tianlang: in all likelihood, he will send his own troops to serve as the vanguard of this western expedition.Gao Xianzhi really knows how to control people!

Shule, one of the four towns in Anxi, is no stranger to Li Tianlang. This is the first place he settled in Anxi, and it has been eight years. For Li Tianlang, the days in Shule are hard to look back on. Decadent and dejected, he drank his sorrows every day, went to brothels, lived a life of drunkenness, self-destruction, and self-destructiveness, and even almost sold the "Pofeng" sword. ... The five-color jade tablet engraved with the words "Descendants of Jiancheng" was held in a light white hand, and each nail of that hand was painted in a different color, which looked slender and alluring under the obscene light. "What a beautiful jade, give it to me?" The voice was also charming and sweet, like the melodious singing of a lark in the morning.

The owner of the hand is the famous beautiful Orchid in Shule Nursery, everyone calls her Xue Yuer. At this moment, on Ruxue's skin, the flush of passion has not subsided, and the dark blue eyes flow on Li Tianlang's naked chest, and finally ripple on his face.Xue Yu'er's long black hair set off her snow-white skin even more white, which can be broken by blows. "Give it to me, okay?" Xue Yu'er never concealed her extra fondness for Li Tianlang, otherwise, with Li Tianlang as a small military official, how could he have so many opportunities to kiss the beauty of this Shule courtesan?You must know that Shule has always been a place for beautiful orchids, and the folk customs are very unrestrained. Women in brothels are not as lowly as in Central Plains. The Amochi royal family of the royal family is not something ordinary people can see.

"Well, take it if you want!" Li Tianlang hummed inarticulately, still immersed in the vertigo of wine and peace. "Okay! You are so kind! What are the words carved on it! Tell me!" Li Tianlang turned around noncommittally, without answering.Xue Yu'er hugged his neck, and her firm twin peaks pressed against Li Tianlang's shoulder playfully. "Don't sleep, tell me to listen, I like listening to the stories of your Han family the most! Come on, tell me, don't go to sleep!" Xue Yu'er became coquettish. Li Tianlang opened his eyelids helplessly, seeing the jade tablet in Xue Yuer's hand, he couldn't help but be taken aback, "You mean this? Where did you get it?"

"It's in your purse! You just promised to give it to me!" "I told you not to rummage through my things!" The jade tablet shone with dim light, which suddenly made Li Tianlang shudder.Ever since his mentor Fang Tianjing returned the jade plaque to him in Chang'an, he has been carrying it with him all the time, but he never looked at it carefully.I don't know whether it was forgotten intentionally or inadvertently, but today, it suddenly appeared, and it was on such an occasion and such a situation. Seeing Li Tianlang's complexion changed, Xue Yu'er was also quite surprised, "Hmph, what on your body have I not checked? What's the matter with looking through your purse? What's the matter, can't bear it? Then I will give it back to you! My Xue Yu'er You are not a narrow-minded person!" After saying that, he threw the jade plaque at Li Tianlang, Li Tianlang caught it in a hurry, and covered its dazzling reflection with his hand, it was too like his mother's stern eyes, and the teacher scolded him like a steel knife. Eyes, why are they so similar!

Great Tang clan, descendants of Jiancheng, Wanshi Yongze, eldest grandson of the ninth year of Wude. The engraved font is like a sharp arrow, which hit Li Tianlang's heart heavily.Since he was five years old, Li Tianlang was still naive, so his mother made him learn to write and recite these nineteen strange Xianbei characters every day.Li Tianlang thought he had forgotten it until it was engraved in his heart, and he would never forget it forever. Now that he looked at these words, he understood that it was impossible for him to erase them from his memory!Never in a lifetime! Li Tianlang struggled to stand up from the bed, reached out to grab the cup on the table, no matter what it was, and drank it cleanly, the spicy spirit dripped down the corner of his mouth, splashed onto the embroidered quilt, choking him violently Cough.

"What are you drinking from last night's wine!" Xue Yu'er snatched the cup and threw it aside, pulled a piece of ropa to wipe Li Tianlang's face, "Okay! Alright! I don't want your baby anymore !" "Pour me a glass of water!" Li Tianlang coughed and got out of bed with his clothes on. Xue Yu'er sighed and responded softly. When she came back with the water, she saw Li Tianlang sitting in front of the dressing table in a daze with disheveled clothes, and even reached out to caress the huge bronze mirror. There is no one else in the mirror, only Li Tianlang himself.

His face was blue and black, and his eyes were dull. The trembling hands just matched it. The raised jade tablet was rippling in his eyes, Li Tianlang held it tightly with both hands, and suddenly covered it in his heart, curled up into a ball. "Hey, what a sweet baby. Seeing how moved you are, isn't it a token of love from a girl from the Han family?" Xue Yu'er put down the tea tray and leaned on Li Tianlang's shoulder, "I'm not jealous, I'm afraid you think too much ?” "Woo!" Li Tianlang suddenly burst into a sharp cry!Xue Yuer was startled!

Li Tianlang touched his chest with one hand, wept loudly, tears rained down, he beat his chest and stomped his feet!Crying until her heart was broken and her heart was piercing, Xue Yu'er looked at Li Tianlang who was crying out of pain and out of breath, not knowing what to do. This is the last time Li Tianlang cried in his life. The filthy tears washed away not only his decadence, but also awakened his deep desire to fight against fate! From that day on, Li Tianlang never went to Xue Yuer's place again. He left the military mansion, went to the frontier beacon, and started his reborn war career...

until today. This is unfair to Xue Yuer. Not only was it unfair, but Li Tianlang knew that he still owed Xue Yuer.Once the brothel is gone, the Sri Lankan people disappear.Xue Yu'er, who didn't know where he was, once sent people to bring letters to him, and also brought him clothes to keep out the cold, which can be described as affectionate.It is said that Xue Yuer rejected many obsessed suitors because of him; some people even said that Xue Yuer secretly accumulated a lot of money and wanted to ask Li Tianlang to redeem her body. , if Xue Yu'er hadn't pulled out the jade card that day, how long would he have been sunk?Is this also God's arrangement?

"General, general?" Li Tianlang woke up suddenly, it was Ma Lin and Ashimo Ogus. "The general thought he was too tired, so he fell asleep at his desk unconsciously." Ma Lin said with his face flushed from the cold, "This guy Ogus won't let me in to disturb the general even if he dies, he fought me for a long time!" "You come here in a hurry, there must be something important, but is there any new news from Captain Zhao?" Li Tianlang stretched his limbs, "Hurry up!" "Yes!" After the autumn exercise in August, Li Tianlang sent Ma Lin to Zhaoling's Eagle Ling Regiment to work for him in order to hone his talents. According to them, the food and grass prepared by the king for the army were successively intercepted by the Tubo people and the Qishi people, and they suffered heavy losses. Traveling around the area, he often plundered the middle-earth merchants. Lieutenant Zhao felt strange, and led a team of Hummers to search. It was freezing cold, and the captain thought that he would not hide deep in the mountains, but near the towns along the commercial road. Search for ten days , finally intercepted at the north of the Suole River, and made a surprise attack. The thieves actually reunited against the glacier and fought desperately. The captain was furious, swung his army straight, and the arrows rained. After three hours of fierce fighting, he defeated the enemy and returned, beheading seventy Yu level, the rest were injured and captured. Among the captured people, seven or eight died on the way back. In the end, the remaining two had to return and were taken to Congling to be guarded. The two were very tough, and they were tortured by the guards. , You can’t even ask half a word about the military situation, but in less than a day, you can chew your tongue and decide yourself! You can be regarded as a hero!” "It's a waste of war? There are more than a hundred thieves in the district, far away from their country, and what is the intention of entering our territory in the cold winter? Does Captain Zhao have documents?" Li Tianlang was tired, stood up and asked Ma Lin, " To confront the enemy, can you go with me?" "I'm ashamed, I obeyed orders to guard the camp those days and never participated in the battle, but I asked Lieutenant Zhao and the soldiers in the war in detail. Du Changshi repaired military documents for this, and brought the younger one along with him." Ma Lin from the personal He took out the letter paper from his belt, shook it, and handed it to Li Tianlang, "In addition, Lieutenant Zhao ordered me to send you several pairs of the thief's armor and weapons, and hand them over to the general for inspection!" Li Tianlang nodded in satisfaction, Zhao Ling already had the style of a general, and his actions became more and more reassuring. "Submit the letter and equipment together!" Li Tianlang thought for a while, and said again, "There is no hurry, and prepare the horse, take all the items and go to the general in the city with me to report carefully!" Gao Xianzhi held a steaming teacup in his left hand, warmed his hands with the heat, and held Zhao Ling's letterhead in his right hand, carefully reading this long report with an unpredictable expression on his face.Every time he finished reading a page, he passed it to Li Siye next to him, and after Li Siye finished reading it, he passed it on to the following generals one by one. Du Huan's military literature is very detailed, especially his battle formation and the method of using weapons. He even drew a sketch. "...the thieves are heavily armored and long, forming a semi-circular array with their backs in the water, resembling fishfish, to repel our army. The thieves' spears are more than two feet long, and they are held in both hands. Bows and arrows; the school lieutenant then led light cavalry to circle around and shoot quickly. Although the thieves couldn't reach them with long spears, many of them were killed by the arrows. The cavalry rushing to meet me rushed forward, ignoring the rear of the two wings. It was a desperate blow! Our cavalry was caught off guard. Although we could not reach the cavalry, eleven people were shot and fell off the horse. This is the only casualty in this battle. Captain Don't be chaotic in the face of danger, lead the troops to follow the rear road, the bandits stand defeated, or throw away their guns and draw their swords to protect themselves, or crowd and trample on each other..." From Du Huan's description, Li Tianlang could almost imagine the scene of the battle between the two sides at that time: the besieged beasts were still fighting, and the Shishi people showed a high degree of discipline and fighting skills. Standing against the water, trying to rely on heavy armored spears to protect themselves.But the power of the opponent's bows and arrows far exceeded their expectations, so they can only be passively beaten if they stick to it.And its battle formation is the same as Li Tianlang's round formation against the Tubo cavalry, it cannot be moved, even if it moves, the infantry with heavy armor is not as fast as the cavalry anyway, the leader of the division may not know it, but he still launched a straight line Charged to meet the cavalry of the Tang Army who were flying and shooting vigorously, it was obviously a way of fighting to the death.And it did catch Zhao Ling by surprise, but at the same time, he completely exposed his wings and back to the opponent.It is conceivable how the heavy-armored and armed with such a super-long spear roared, braving the feathered arrows of the eagle feather group and rushing straight at the rolling Tang cavalry, and how decisively in Zhao Ling Under the two-wing attack, he could not turn to fight back, and quickly collapsed, and was brutally beheaded... Although defeated, it is strong! It seems that the fighters of the 朅 division are not so easy to deal with. "Is this the thief's armor?" Gao Xianzhi handed the last page of letterhead to Li Siye, walked up to Ma Lin, and looked him up and down.Beforehand, Li Tianlang had ordered him to put on the armor of a master and stand upright with a scorpion. The two-foot-long spear would pierce the roof if it stood upright, so he had to hold it flat and put it in a posture. "How heavy is it?" Gao Xianzhi stretched out his hand to touch the cold armor, and noticed the small hole pierced by the arrow, "Is it flexible?" "This armor is lined with leather and covered with iron armor on the outside. The body armor is the heaviest. It covers the upper chest, lower chest and abdomen. It is made of whole iron, similar to my Mingguang armor. The workmanship is fine. In addition, there are iron helmets, shoulders and greaves. , as well as the leg skirts and necks made of chain mail, the total weight should be more than forty catties." Li Siye and Li Tianlang looked at Ma Lin carefully when he was changing clothes, and at this time he naturally said, "Zhao According to Lingxin, a strong stone bow of the Diaoling Tuan can easily penetrate 30 steps away. Usually, it takes 20 steps to penetrate with a seven-dou cavalry archery bow. Those who are far away will not be able to hurt people even if they penetrate armor. Most of the loopholes in this armor are on the legs. It can be injured fifty paces away." Gao Xianzhi took off the hood on Ma Lin's head, the soft chain mail rattled his neck, and there were protruding triangular armor and nose guards between the brows, and a few sparse feathers on the top of the helmet, which had long since rotted into disrepair , there were bloodstains faintly.Xi Yuanqing, who was next to him, also took the spear of Master Qu and danced twice, cursing: "Damn, it's as long as a flagpole, how can you dance? How can you fight? No wonder Zhao Ling rushed to kill him!" "I wait for a long time, the longest is more than ten feet, and I can dominate the enemy's opportunity first. Isn't this master and barbarian doing so long, isn't it a sensationalist!" Duan Xiushi threw the unfinished letterhead to He Lou Yurun, and He Lou Yurun congratulated him. Lou Yurun frowned and turned it over, then handed it to Ashina Long Zhi. "Holding with both hands, without a solid shield to protect the body, how can I resist my Tang Dynasty's strong bow and crossbow? And if the enemy attacks from the wings or the rear, how can I have time to turn the spear? Bah! The defeat is effortless!" Gao Xianzhi tossed the bag to Li Tianlang, also looked at the two-foot-long spear, turned back and sat down, groaning silently.Li Tianlang felt quite familiar with the flying-wing figure engraved on the pocket, and suddenly remembered that this picture was similar to the pattern on the gold coins hidden by Amelia, the so-called Gandhara carvings.Could it be that this master has some connection with that Guishuang country? "Chang Qing is thoughtful and thoughtful. He has searched for the army's equipment for a long time, but what he said is inseparable." Gao Xianzhi sipped his tea, "It's really rare, rare! Today I personally saw the division's weapon and heard about his battle formation. This envoy is even more enlightened...the Western Expeditionary Division must never underestimate the enemy, and the weapons in the battle formation, if deployed properly, are extremely powerful and definitely not as weak as you say!" All the generals stopped talking one after another and listened attentively. "A mere dozens of long scorpions can block the enemy for a long time. If tens of thousands of long scorpions are equipped with heavy armor and lined up in a dense phalanx, how can we resist them?" Enlightened, Gao Xianzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, "And this is exactly what Chang Qing said about the Master's method of warfare!" Snowflakes are flying. Large chunks of flying snow leisurely fall from the sky, gently adhere to the coats and hats or eyebrows and beards of passers-by, and quietly turn into cold water drops, bringing a piece of coolness.The hazy lights on both sides of the street swayed in the hot air exhaled by people and horses, reflecting the velvet-like snowflakes bright or dark.Ashimo Ogus's rough sneeze was heard far away on the quiet road with few people... Li Tianlang didn't speak, he definitely wouldn't talk to him.Not long after I came out from the military mansion, the weather turned dark, and the snow fell in a blink of an eye. Fortunately, there was no wind, otherwise it would be really choking. A red lantern suddenly appeared in front of Li Tianlang, whose eyes were dull. The red light was not dazzling, but in such a gloomy and cold weather, a sudden blush would irritate people's pupils no matter what.Besides, what is illuminated by the red lanterns is an exquisite carriage.Although the window of the carriage was hung with a thick blanket curtain, the people inside could not be seen, but the gorgeous flower colors and faint coquettishness clearly showed that the person sitting inside must be a woman, and a very charming woman at that. The carriage was leaning against the side of the road, standing alone, looking lonely and melancholy, as if it was waiting for someone. Li Tianlang reined in his horse, Sa Chi snorted impatiently, "Fenglei" and "Diance" surrounded the carriage from left to right, two pairs of ferocious beasts looked at the moving curtain vigilantly, and the hair under the long fur Nose sniffed guardedly. The barbarian coachman wrapped in a thick fur cloak looked around in panic. Looking at his flat and strange head, he knew that he was a typical Kasha people. recognize.The coachman yelled dryly, as if he was a mute.Ashimo Ogus took a few steps forward, and shouted in a low voice in Hu language: "Get out of the way!" Ma Lin and other relatives at Li Tianlang's side dispersed a little, and divided them in all directions. Putting on their respective knife handles, no one made a sound, and no one acted rashly. "Hula", the curtain was lifted, and a provocative aroma made Ashimo Ogus hold his breath involuntarily, and a ball of emerald green in the carriage poured on him together with the dazzling lights.Ashimo Ogus's right hand grasped the scimitar at his waist like lightning, and even though he closed his eyes, he could cut the enemy attacking in front in half.But at this moment, all he heard was his master's strange voice in a low voice: "Xue Yu'er...it's you..." Xue Yu'er has aged surprisingly, not only aging, but also her physical appearance is not what it used to be.Originally graceful and beautiful, the exquisite and bumpy figure is now quite bloated, only the pair of blue eyes remain unchanged, so Li Tianlang recognized her at a glance. "Are you waiting for me?" In the moist blue eyes, intertwined with unspeakable feelings, the corners of Xue Yu'er's mouth trembled a few times, and finally put on a smile: "It's rare that Mr. Wang still remembers me..." Asmo Ogus let out a short whistle, "Fenglei" and "Diance" looked back at Li Tianlang, shook their heads and relaxed their muscles, restrained their huge sharp teeth, and their followers relaxed a little.Ma Lin signaled everyone to back away, distanced themselves from the carriage and Li Tianlang. "How many years? Five years, five years..." Xue Yu'er murmured as if dreaming, "Five years without even a message... How many five years can a woman have?" "You, are you okay?" Li Tianlang coughed dryly, and said without words, "Where do you live now?" Xue Yu'er seemed to wake up suddenly, with a sophisticated smile on her face: "General Ya Luoshan Li, he is famous, and now Mr. Wang is a famous figure in the Western Regions. I have the courage to invite Mr. Li to the humble house. Appreciation?" Li Tianlang froze, with a look of hesitation on his face. "Oh, today is different from the past. Li Lang doesn't have to worry about it. Although the humble house is small, it is enough for you, Ya Luoshan, even the great general Gao Xianzhi. Is it hard to refuse this long-awaited heart?" Li Tianlang finally nodded, lifted the reins, stopped suddenly, and said to Ma Lin, "Take all the brothers back to the camp first, and I will hurry back before tomorrow's o'clock." Seeing Ma Lin's hesitant and worried expression, Li Tianlang With a smile, "An old friend from the past should be fine. Besides, this is my Shule Army Town! Go back!" Ma Lin knew that it was useless to talk, so he surrendered his orders and led the people back slowly. Only Ashimo Ugus didn't move.Ma Lin passed by his side and whispered a few words to Asmougus. Asmougus nodded and stepped forward to stand behind Li Tianlang. The Ge Luolu people will not leave him half a step. Seeing Li Tianlang agreeing, Xue Yu'er smiled sweetly, not losing the charm of the past, which made Li Tianlang's eyes flutter.Ashimo Ogus couldn't help grunting, and Li Tianlang understood the Turkic phrase - "Wolves like wolves". The curtain of the carriage was closed, the dumb coachman flicked the reins, and led the way first, Li Tianlang and Ashimo Ogus followed at a stroll. Unexpectedly, the Shule women's restaurant "Lianxianglou" that used to hang around in the past is still the same. If there is a change, the proprietress has become Xue Yu'er. "On weekdays I was looking for some money, and I wanted to use it as a dowry, but it's not interesting to think about getting married, so I might as well spend it all and buy this Lianxiang Building!" Xue Yu'er got out of the car with the help of the coachman, and the servant at the door saw She saluted humbly, "Take good care of the livestock of the two masters!" Someone promised, and came to take Sa Chi away. Even though it was snowing in the cold winter and the sky was getting late, the Lianxiang Tower was still full of people and lively.People of all colors from all over the world wait here to have fun, spend a lot of money, and wash away the bitterness of the long business journey amidst the screams and coquettish calls of the women, and temporarily escape the worldly troubles.Walking through the corridor, from time to time, there were Hu Han people in disheveled clothes, surrounded by orchids who showed their breasts, staggered and smelt of alcohol. Xue Yuer greeted the regular customers all the way, got rid of the entanglement of drunks one by one, and took Li Tianlang and Ashimo Ogus straight to the back hall.Li Tianlang's heart moved: that was the place where he and Xue Yu'er were in ecstasy... No, he paused a little, Xue Yu'er immediately felt it, turned around and smiled meaningfully at Li Tianlang: "Remember you The first time you entered here? At that time...you still blush..." But now, in the same place, Li Tianlang feels out of place and very uncomfortable. Why, is it because of Amelia? Xue Yu'er, who was very different from the one in the hall just now, excitedly dragged Li Tianlang into the back hall. I believe she was also touched by the scene and gave birth to thousands of thoughts.Looking at the radiant Xue Yuer, the shadow of Amelia appeared in Li Tianlang's mind, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how distracted he was, he began to regret agreeing to come here. The back hall has been refurbished, and it is quieter than before, and it also has a lot of makeup. Only by drinking poison to quench thirst can a woman who has passed away her youth retain a few good memories of the past. Naturally, more and more makeup is indispensable. The hall decorated with pink gauze is fermenting temptation and ambiguity in the bright lights.The warm brazier and hot stove make the hall full of spring.Li Tianlang let Xue Yuer take off his boots and helmet, let her wipe his face and wash his hands with a warm towel, and the two silently approached each other, searching, and awake... When Li Tianlang's hand stretched out to the belt that tightly bound the armor, Li Tianlang, who had been closing his eyes, squeezed her hand suddenly, "No!" With great effort, he told Xue Yu'er clearly, "That's it!" "Well, don't you understand the armor?" Xue Yu'er's voice didn't fluctuate much, but the corners of her eyes were clearly moist, "Don't get me wrong, sir, I just want to make you more comfortable..." The hand gradually loosened, but still Resolutely pushed Xue Yuer's hand away gently, "The general never takes off his golden armor at night... Is it Ya Luoshan after all... But I am not the Xue Yuer I used to be..." Tears finally fell down. Come down, stroke the corner of the twitching mouth, but it was quickly wiped off, "That's fine, I will follow the general's wishes! Do you still like sanle pulp? Someone sent a jar of sanle pulp from afar, and asked the slave family to drink it with the general Let's have a few cups, reminiscing about the old days without wine, it's a lot of mood!" Xue Yu'er's voice became high-pitched, and she regained the look of her hostess, "Call a few little girls trained by the slave's family to come, and sing and dance together. Have fun!" Without waiting for Li Tianlang to agree, Xue Yu'er lightly tapped the jade palm, her footsteps were fine behind the light gauze, and a few beautiful orchids floated in, all holding musical instruments in the back hands, and the front ones fluttered with long skirts, obviously they were dancers.The leader Hu Ji in red had a very slender waist. She first bowed to Li Tianlang Yingying, raised her arms high, bent her wrists, raised her little finger, and the music suddenly started.The music of Shule is one of the ten pieces of music in the Tang Dynasty. "Fire Phoenix" and "Qing Cup Song" were all the rage. "Li Lang, I haven't seen you for many years. I hereby offer you a toast." The aroma of sanle jelly is always so alluring. Li Tianlang avoided Xue Yu'er's piercing eyes, glanced at the door from the corner of his eye, through the palm-width gap, The faithful Ashimo Ogus sat cross-legged in the corridor, with a small altar of fire and a few boiled sheep heads in front of him. He would never let his master out of his sight.Ashimo Ogus was thoughtful, and Xue Yuer was obviously also thoughtful.Li Tianlang nodded to meet Ashimo Ogus' gaze, picked up the cup and touched Xue Yu'er, and drank it dry with his head raised.With the acquiescence of his master, Ashimo Ogus took out his short knife and stretched it towards the steaming sheep's head on the plate... "Where did Li Lang find this person? He's determined, why didn't he let the door be closed just now, he insisted on leaving a gap... isn't it cold?" Xue Yu'er had long noticed Ashmowugu standing outside the door like an iron tower Si, the other party's ugly and weird appearance is enough to impress anyone. "Oh, he was originally Tuojie among the Turkic people, and his archery skills are superb... Later, I played a solo performance with me in the army, and he was also regarded as an entourage. Ge Luolu people are all stubborn..." Li Tianlang had a match. He replied that Xue Yuer's title of "Li Lang" made him very uncomfortable, why, didn't he always call himself this way before?Why is this intimate name so embarrassing today?I understand, Amelia, in the past five years, only Amelia has called me that, and I am almost completely used to her soft calling, no one can replace me... Amid the sound of singing and dancing, the two drank a few cups, Xue Yu'er's hair was loose and her blouse was loose, which was in stark contrast to Li Tianlang who was neatly dressed. "I'm old and changed. I'm not as beautiful as before, am I?" Xue Yu'er, with flowing eyes, put her arms around the neck of Li Tianlang, who was sitting upright, and whispered in his ear, "It was my most charming snow-like skin before. I like it, it’s getting old too, it’s no longer as smooth as silk, and it’s as clear as suet... If you don’t believe me, touch it..." Suddenly, Ashimo Ogus shouted orders from outside the door, followed by the sound of bowstrings, someone screamed in surprise, and occasionally someone groaned.The noisy music did not fascinate Li Tianlang, he protected Xue Yu'er with one hand, and held the weapon with the other, just offsetting the embarrassment of the skin-to-skin date. "Who is it?" He whispered to Xue Yuer who was limp in his arms. Xue Yu'er didn't answer for a while, she seemed to rest her head on Li Tianlang's chest weakly, hummed, and murmured a few words in nonsense, which were curse words.At this time, the music had stopped, and Huyu's shout came from outside the door, calling Xue Yu'er's name. "Is it looking for you?" Li Tianlang asked again.There was a mole on the back of Xue Yuer's white neck, like a provocative eye, blinking at Li Tianlang's gaze. "I'll go take a look..." Xue Yu'er straightened up as if she had just woken up, quickly gathered her clothes, and asked loudly in nonsense, but there was a faint answer from outside. "I'm an old acquaintance. Do you still remember the Sogdian merchant Hu Lak?" Li Tianlang nodded. You don't need to know anyone in Shule, but you will definitely recognize this Hu Lak.It's just, why did he come here suddenly?Is it purely a coincidence?I'm afraid it's not that simple. Hu Lak and his family are well-known merchants on the Silk Road. Their footsteps reached Datang Guangzhou in the east and the vast areas of Fushu and Dashi in the west.On the backs of thousands of camels, there is a lot of wealth. In the city of Shule, his house is bigger than the military mansion. Even the Amozhi royal family of the Kasha royal family exchanged felt blankets produced in Shule with him. Luxury goods from all over the world. The door opened, and the first thing that came into view was the dark back of Asmougus. He held a bow in his left hand and three arrows ready to be fired in his right hand, staring at him.At the gate of the small courtyard in front of him, four people were tensely confronting each other, each with a feathered arrow sticking out of their feet! "Hulak, what's your name!" Xue Yuer scolded with a smile, completely recovering the look of the brothel proprietress, "Have you hit a bad luck?" "When did you have such a vicious door god here?" Hulak breathed a sigh of relief, helped the gorgeous mink hat on his head, and waved his hands to signal the people around him to put away their weapons. Ashimo Ogus glanced at Li Tianlang with a calm demeanor from the corner of his eye, slowly lowered his hard bow, glared at him again, and walked away.Xue Yu'er stood under the corridor and chatted with Hu Lak who was slowly walking in, then turned to Li Tianlang and said: "Hu Lak wants to make friends with you, and said that there is something else to ask. You..." "Let him in." Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in this Hulak gourd, but at least he could get rid of the predicament of being alone with Xue Yu'er, Li Tianlang agreed without thinking.Besides, as a businessman, making friends with people in the government is almost a hobby they never tire of.Seeing that Li Tianlang agreed so simply, Xue Yu'er's eyes flashed with disappointment, "Don't think this is my deliberate plan, Hu Lak is the actual owner of this women's tavern..." She lowered her voice and said quickly, obviously not wanting to let Hu Lak and the others I heard, "He...he's dead!" Xue Yu'er coyly called out, stretched out her hand to slap her buttocks away, and Hu Lak took advantage of the opportunity to touch her chest again, and walked into the room laughing loudly. . "General Ya Luoshan Li!" Hu Lak's voice was as loud as a copper bell, "I have long admired you! I have long admired you! I saw you today, Hu is lucky! I have witnessed the fierceness of the general's warriors capturing the flag in Qiuci a few months ago. , As the name really lives up to its name, a strong general has no weak soldiers! Powerful! Powerful! Wonderful! Wonderful!" "Thank you!" Li Tianlang nodded with a smile, watching the entourage behind Hulak being stopped by the aggressive Asmo Ogus.Hu Lak also noticed it, and he didn't think it was disobedient at all, and continued to open his arms, first with the etiquette of the Han family, and then with the etiquette of the Sogdian family to greet Li Tianlang affectionately.Such enthusiasm and sincerity had to make people feel kind. Li Tianlang stood up and returned the salute. Hu Lak lifted his robe and sat down beside him naturally with a smile. "Mr. Hu's Chinese is very authentic, and there is almost no Hu accent. If you don't see anyone, no one will think you are a Hu." "Hey, we do business all over the world, and we can't speak a few words of the local dialect, so how do we do business? Come on! Let's drink three glasses first! I'll do it first as a respect!" Hu Lak poured down three glasses of wine. Xue Yu'er poured out the wine for him immediately. "Since last year, I have heard that General Li defeated a thousand cavalry of Tubo with 300 troops, and broke through the dangerous mountain. His reputation spread far and wide. Ya Luoshan was like a thunderbolt, and Hu admired him very much. I always wanted to make friends with the general, but unfortunately I never had the chance. A few days ago When I learned that the general moved to Shule, Hu was overjoyed, and even though he was far away in Tocharo, he rushed back day and night, and today he can be counted as seeing the general! Come, come, let’s drink three more cups for today’s sake!” After drinking for three rounds, the guests and the host had a good time, and Hu Lak talked and laughed happily, unrestrained and bold, and he really had a heroic demeanor. Even Li Tianlang couldn't help being infected by his enthusiasm and gradually relaxed.The music sounded again, singing and dancing with strong feelings, and the room was filled with joy and warmth.If you don't know the inside story, you will think that Hu Lak and Li Tianlang are old friends when you see their enthusiasm. "I'm really happy tonight! Xue Yu'er! Take out all the good things from the bottom of the box to entertain our Ya Luoshan!" He said, "I also prepared some small gifts for General Li! Hehe! Don't refuse! Don't refuse! Although we Sogdians are businessmen, we are never mercenary. Otherwise, how could we make friends and go to the world!" In response, two tall attendants walked in, carrying a large and exquisite wooden box.One of the attendants put down the box and bowed out, while the other lifted the lid of the box silently.Li Tianlang noticed that this person's hands were already red from the cold outside, but the skin was very tender, not like a servant doing rough work.Li Tianlang's heart moved, and he secretly kept an eye out, maybe this is the beginning of tonight's good show. A box of gold, silver and jewelry caught everyone's eyes, and Xue Yu'er even let out a soft breath. "Hehe, it's not worth a lot!" Hu Lak rubbed his hands proudly, "It happened to be a big deal with the Tocharians. Don't laugh at General Li. These are less than half of what Hu made this time!" "How can Tianlang afford such a generous gift!" Li Tianlang said while observing the attendant carefully. The attendant was obviously not used to keeping his head down like this, and subconsciously stroked the back of his neck with his hands. A huge ruby ​​ring on his right hand was very garish.Xue Yu'er also noticed it, a look of surprise appeared on her face, she opened her mouth to say something, and finally covered it up by pouring wine. "It's the so-called not being rewarded for meritorious deeds. If Tian Lang took Mr. Hu's money, wouldn't he be a villain?" "Where did the general come from? Hu knows that the general has never been greedy for money. The money is just my little idea. The general led me to defeat the heroes in the autumn exercises, which made us very happy and encouraged. Isn't that mere How can tens of thousands of taels of silver be bought? A certain man saw that there was a shortage of weapons and weapons in the Fanbing camp, and horses and livestock were scarce, so he wanted to help. A certain man who had nothing else to offer was a merchant, and the most abundant thing was money and silk, except for a little Adu. Hu can't bring out anything decent! I hope the general won't think the smell of copper is good." A few words of nonsense suddenly came from the entourage, and Hulak, who was eloquent, was taken aback for a moment, and stopped talking. "This, this, if the general really feels embarrassed, why not do a small business with Hu! Cough, this is the virtue of a businessman, always thinking about business..." "I am a soldier of the Tang Dynasty. Do Mr. Hu do business by himself, or for others? Don't make it difficult for me." 胡拉克双手乱摆:“哪里话!哪里话!某家怎么会让将军为难!” 方才说话的胡人立起身,抬起了头,正好和李天郎四目相对!两人瞳孔同时收缩…… 李天郎黑色的瞳孔和对方蓝色的瞳孔密切相交,像两颗正面碰击的流星,骤然交接出炫目的光,旁边的胡拉克和雪玉儿对望一眼,心眼忽地提了起来…… 挺直的鼻梁,隼鹰般的眼神,坚韧的下巴犹如被一刀削出,根根直立的胡须修剪得整整齐齐,略略卷曲的头发间隐隐沁出波斯香料的气息……整张脸仿佛是由一块洁白的大理石雕刻而出,衬出一种高贵和王者的威严。 像什么呢,像什么?嗯,像贵霜帝国金币上的铸像,对,要加个王冠,简直一模一样! “这位仁兄器宇非凡,非凡人也!敢问尊姓大名?”李天郎保持着微笑,关键人物到底出场了。 来者轻轻取下头巾,将整张脸都显露出来,是一个四十多岁的壮年汉子。他缓缓挺起了腰,眼光没有离开对面的李天郎。“胡拉克……”李天郎只听得懂他开头的三个音节,显然是在招呼胡拉克,后面是一大串听不懂的语言。 神色略显尴尬的胡拉克清了清嗓子,强笑着说:“将军的眼睛好厉害!还是被将军看出来了,咳咳,这位是……”胡拉克恭恭敬敬地冲假随从躬腰行礼,“朅师国王勃特没之兄素迦亲王殿下……” 素迦?就是那个宁可四处征战也不愿意当国王的素迦?听说整个朅师都尊他为军神!it is good!it is good!今日也算又见了一个英雄人物!李天郎哈哈一笑,端起了酒杯,说道:“我当是谁!原来是大名鼎鼎的朅师军神!好胆色!好汉子!先不说其他,且共饮一杯!” 素迦嘴角也挂上笑容,哇哇说了一通,胡拉克赶紧传译道:“殿下说,他以为你知道他是谁后,会跳起来拔剑……他说你也是英雄,雅罗珊名不虚传!要与你喝一杯!” "it is good!" “叮……”两个酒杯一碰,两人干净利落地仰首饮光,抛杯哈哈大笑。 三杯酒毕,李天郎道:“我虽叹素迦殿下勇谋过人,但现你我非友为敌,以我大唐将领,本该与你拼个死活,但我中土古人云:两军交战,不斩来使。今日当殿下为使者,我以礼相待,今晚既过,自敌我分明也!” 素迦微笑着点点头,通过胡拉克说道:“早闻大唐军中有称雅罗珊者,今日得见将军,果然英雄了得,不枉我冒险一遭。方才在门外连发连珠四箭者可是将军亲随?”见李天郎点头,素迦若有所思,“快若闪电,准若隼鹰,确实堪当神箭手!这样的勇士居然甘做将军亲随,更可见将军过人之处。我曾听闻不少将军丰功伟绩,原当百姓讹传,今日亲眼所见,虽寥寥数面,但却不由我不信……不知如将军者大唐有几人?如将军亲随者又有几人?” “大唐疆域万里,雄兵百万,在我李天郎之上者如过江之鲫,安西军中,当是高仙芝大将军第一,此外还有李嗣业将军、席元庆将军、田珍将军等猛将,皆勇冠三军,此外还有封常清、刘单、岑参等足智多谋之士,皆才略过人,英雄豪杰可谓不可胜数也;就是在下营中,如门口亲随般善射者不下数百之众!”李天郎笑道,“殿下如不信,可问胡拉克,再多的情势,恕在下不便多言。” “大唐,你们的高大将军真的要攻打我们朅师么?”素迦蓝色的眼睛炯炯闪亮,“我朅师与大唐素来无甚龌龊,为何刀兵相见?” 李天郎心里一滞,低头饮口酒,只得套用封常清的原话:“朅师勾结大食、吐蕃,断我大唐西域之要道,且不尊我天朝号令,藐视我大唐天威……” “将军所言,不过是泛泛之借口,所谓欲加之罪,何患无辞而已!”素迦的声音激昂起来,洁白的脸庞泛起了血红,“朅师交好大食、吐蕃是为国之安泰,免生战端,怎么轻言勾结而不利于千里之外的大唐?至于沿商路征敛赋税,乃我邦自理之事,你们在境内不也如此,怎的又有阻塞商路之说?朅师国虽小,但绵延数百年,不逊大唐,与大唐可称兄弟之邦,为何非得尊奉大唐号令?” “殿下,天郎一介武夫,朝廷命官,只知效命沙场,统兵征战,其他之事,我自难理,且或战或和,也由不得我等。”李天郎知道争论下去没有任何意义,就像每次和阿米丽雅一谈及此,往往不欢而散一样,“只是想到要和殿下这样的英雄对阵,实在可惜!” 素迦目不转睛地紧盯着李天郎,将胡拉克的传译一字字听完,轻叹一口气,脸上出现莫大的怜悯和遗憾的神色,“我也一样!不过,战场拼杀,你死我活,也是从军者的归宿,我倒很荣幸成为雅罗珊的对手!我朅师虽无雄兵百万,但历来尚武剽悍,弱冠男儿皆可战。且保家卫国,占尽天时地利人和之优,大唐劳师袭远,未必能够如愿!嘿!嘿!就是那千年万年的冰山雪海,就可以拖垮你们!到时候我们来收殓你们的尸骨便是!”不管胡拉克怎么“文饰”素迦的话,但那种桀骜不驯,挑战强势的意味用不着太多的语言就能使人强烈地感受到。 李天郎大唐男儿的血液骤然沸腾起来,当即正色肃然道:“两军交战,鹿死谁手,自难预料。自古便无常胜之军,胜败也乃兵家常事,说说也无妨。殿下如对西域略知一二便可察,大唐雄师每战几皆不占天时地利人和,然仍攻城略地,所向披靡。朅师虽远,却也在我大唐兵锋之内,殿下御敌,不可轻敌为好。” “哼,安西倾城之兵不过两万,而我全国持矛儿郎不下五万,且尽据天险。当年,我们一个叫亚历山大的祖先仅率四万人便横扫了整个天下,是安提柯王国、孔雀王朝、塞琉古王国、托勒密王国之始作俑者,如今的天竺、呼罗珊、波斯、大食,哪个不是我们的天下!嘿嘿,要不是高山和士卒厌战阻止了他高贵的步伐,恐怕现在也没有了大唐!一个朅师虽然只秉承了祖先气势之万一,但经历数百年沧桑不败,威震乌浒河流域,岂是那么好欺负的,只怕将军真的是进得来出不去啊!”素迦握紧了拳头,手指上的宝石戒指血一样红,“自由是我们朅师人最神圣的东西,每个朅师人都会为之战斗到底!若外敌胆敢来犯,达丽罗川将会埋葬他们!” “兵贵精不贵多,殿下祖先之武功也谙此理。李某倒真的希望殿下有祖先气势之万一,免得败得太轻巧!” 胡拉克迟迟疑疑地不知道该怎么传译,素迦不耐烦地催促他,唉,要不是需要仰仗这位朅师亲王疏通商道,鬼才来趟这趟浑水! 一听完胡拉克的传译,素迦先是勃然变色,下意识地按住了剑柄,随即却笑了起来。李天郎暗暗吃惊对方的定力,慢慢松了握刀把的手。头上沁汗的胡拉克暗地冲雪玉儿丢个眼色,雪玉儿会意笑道:“你们男人一见面就知道打打杀杀,有甚趣味?不如多和几杯?来,我来给你们斟满!你们是英雄惜英雄,这里就是一个英雄会啊!” “是啊!是啊!害得我生意也没法做!”胡拉克也帮衬道,“和气生财么!是不是?来来!干杯!” 原本紧张的气氛骤然松弛下来,素迦神色很快恢复如常:“那我素迦就在朅师恭候李将军大驾了!” “一定到!本将所部旗帜为红色鹖鸟旗,殿下战场如见,必为在下!” 几人又饮了几杯,李天郎欠身说道:“今日已尽兴,天郎军务在身,先自告辞。殿下还是赶紧归国备战的好,跨出此门,你我即是生死相拼……” “且慢!”胡拉克扯住李天郎衣袖,“这些薄礼,一定请将军收下!”见李天郎剑眉一竖,意欲坚拒,胡拉克急道:“也不是白收,小的想用这个买几个人的命!” 他想赎被赵陵擒获的那几个朅师战士,这显然是素迦的意愿。能重金来救几个似乎微不足道的部属小卒,可见这个素迦不仅爱兵如子,也必威望甚高。但李天郎不知道的是,被赵陵一举歼灭的那支不过百人的朅师小部队,是素迦训练有素的贴身卫队,都是最精锐的“费兰吉提斯”(重甲步兵)重甲武士。素迦怎么也想不明白自己以一当百的卫队怎么会在顷刻之间就全军覆灭了,他必须弄个明白,否则何言击败唐军?因此他不惜重金也要赎回被俘之人,也毅然决定亲自潜入疏勒打探虚实。 “可惜,被俘之人甚为刚烈,尽嚼舌自尽了!”李天郎站起身来,眼角瞟见雪玉儿一脸凄苦落寞之色,“真是好汉!雪玉儿,”李天郎再也没有将目光转向她,“咱们……感谢款待,后会有期!” 李天郎穿上外袍,冲众人一施礼:“李某先走一步!”胡拉克张张嘴,又急急地冲雪玉儿使眼色,而雪玉儿却神色恍惚,似乎根本没有看见。“殿下放心,李某说话算话,今夜之会,我自会绝口不提,但今夜之后,李某职责所在,当无私情可言!” 门口突然传来呕吐声,素迦张目一看,是他的两个卫士正在扶柱呕吐,不由眉头一皱,出言询问。其中一个卫士断断续续说:“野蛮人!野蛮人!”一旁大笑的阿史摩乌古斯见主上出来,立刻收拾停当跟随在后,在院门处狠狠一瞪眼睛,嘿地低喝一声,冲站在廊下的素迦胡拉克等一干人龇龇牙,虎虎而去。当李天郎主仆二人消失在院门外时,素迦冷哼一声,自言自语道:“野蛮和智谋,哼,好一支虎狼之师!怪不得……” 胡拉克咝咝地吸着冷气,咕哝道:“天可真冷……”回头看见雪玉儿猛然端起桌上的酒壶,劈头盖脸地灌了几大口,晶亮的酒浆飞珠溅玉般在她红红的唇边散落…… 回廊上散落着两个啃得精光的羊头,还有……还有一只冻得硬邦邦的死耗子,上面还有撕咬的齿痕,那只老鼠是阿史摩乌古斯顺手在墙角射中的,当他将这个还在抽动的活物提起来血淋淋地剥皮生吃时,一直紧盯着他的两个朅师人终于忍不住呕吐起来…… 浑身雪花的阿史摩乌古斯带着激灵的寒气掀帘而进,一言不发地单膝跪下。 “没有跟上?”李天郎看到扑面而来的是凄厉的暴风雪,这样的天气,能找到路回来已经不错,怎么还能跟踪,“雪大风烈,对手又非同一般,怪不得你!” “奸细乘马车,再换快马,星夜出了城,往葱岭去,小的在离城三十里的山窝失了踪迹……”阿史摩乌古斯龇着牙说,“在暴风雪里居然冒死夜行,想是心急,或是畏将军击杀,溜得好快!小的无能,在那里转了一个多时辰也未找到蛛丝马迹!” 在西域这块地方,不能太相信承诺。李天郎前脚一迈出莲香楼,便嘱令阿史摩乌古斯跟踪素迦,并飞马告之疏勒各门严加把守。没想到素迦还是设法逃脱了,胡拉克自然帮了忙,一旦有人问起,这个商人也会推个干净。 “起来吧,先喝杯热茶,”李天郎将火盆翻动一下,顺手给阿史摩乌古斯倒了一杯热气腾腾的奶茶。“再厉害的猎人,也不是老天爷的对手!那家伙这次逃走,下次就没有这么走运了,也许我们很快就会和他在碰面的……” 也不管烫不烫,阿史摩乌古斯咕咕地仰首喝完茶,嘿嘿哈了两口气,叩首离开。 他不会走远,就裹着斑驳的毛皮大氅坐在李天郎的帐门边,旁边是席地而卧的“风雷”“电策”。 朅师…… 真的如这个素迦说的那样么? 他们会是下一个小勃律么? 李天郎望着摇曳的烛火,陷入莫名的恍惚中……
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