Home Categories historical fiction The Bloodthirsty Crown Finale

Chapter 2 The second quarter involves Dachuan

The Bloodthirsty Crown Finale 曹昇 1632Words 2018-03-13
"Yi", "Need" hexagram: "Youfu, Guangheng, Zhenji. Benefits involving Dachuan." October is coming to an end, and everything is bleak.At the Mengjin Ferry, the two-leaf boat slowly rowed into the Yellow River, facing the waves, and rowed hard to the opposite bank.Liu Xiu sat in the leading boat, her clothes facing the wind, her whole body was so hot that she had to dip her hands in the river water to seek cooling.Hands are like knives, cutting the river, dividing and reuniting. Happiness, unparalleled happiness, almost surpassed the limit of what his body could bear, and wanted to blow him to pieces.

Being with Liu Xiuyi with another person, not only would he not be happy, but he had every reason to feel depressed.The reason why Zhu Tuan agreed with Liu Xiu to go to Hebei was because he listened to Cao Jing's advice, and secondly, it was a compromise after careful consideration. What Zhu Tuan is most afraid of is that Liu Xiu will avenge his elder brother Liu Yan in the future, but think about it carefully, Zhu Tuan is certainly the culprit in Liu Yan's death, but the emperor Liu Xuan also has blood on his hands, so Liu Yanzhi Death is already an iron case, as long as Emperor Liu Xuan is in power, no one will dare to overturn the case.Since there is no way to reverse the case, Liu Xiu has no way to take revenge.What if Liu Xiu arrives in Hebei, becomes powerful and begins to plot rebellion?In this regard, Zhu Tuan was also prepared for a long time. You Liu Xiu can go to Hebei, but the court will not give soldiers, money, or food.When you get to Hebei, hey, you can just fend for yourself.

Since Liu Xiu started the army, he has fought in the south and the north, and has also gathered many direct subordinates.However, it was these so-called direct descendants who heard that Liu Xiu wanted money but no money, food but no food, and soldiers but no soldiers, yet he still had to go to Hebei to go through fire and water to start a second business. refused to travel.Looking around, the direct descendants who followed Liu Xiu to Hebei without abandoning were only Feng Yi, Yao Qi, Wang Ba, Ji Zun, Zang Gong, Jian Tan and other twenty people in front of them. It seems more than enough.

Except for Feng Yi and others, Liu Xiu's capital is only authorized by the imperial court-doing the affairs of the great Sima and holding the festival.Authorization sounds very arrogant, but it is all false.There is not a single soldier under his command, so where does the matter of Da Sima start?As for the "section", it is just a bamboo stick with an eight-foot handle and a triple yak tail tied on the head.Those who know it know that it is the scepter representing the emperor's visit, but those who don't know it think it is the dog-beating stick of the beggar gang. And the destination of this trip, Hebei, is far from the promised land flowing with milk and honey, but full of refugees, heroes, careerists, separatists and armed forces, dangers and thorns.From Luoyang to Hebei, Liu Xiu can be said to have escaped from the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den.

Nevertheless, Liu Xiu's happiness is still unstoppable.Although the road ahead is difficult, he no longer has to endure humiliation and rely on others for his life. He has already tasted the hell of others. No matter whether he succeeds or fails in this trip, whether he lives or dies, at least this time, his fate is in his own hands hand. When the boat first entered the water, Liu Xiu was so anxious that she wished she could have wings and fly directly to the other side of the river.After the boat reached the center of the Yellow River, Liu Xiu gradually calmed down. His escape was finally a foregone conclusion. Even if Zhu Yu suddenly repented, there was no way to chase him back now.

Liu Xiu watched leisurely as the old boatman rowed his oars rhythmically. Every time he rowed a row, he was one foot away from Luoyang.A group of wild geese flew past, Liu Xiu watched the geese fly away, and smiled uncontrollably at the corner of her mouth.Wild geese fly south, I will go north, each finds his own place, each lives in peace. Until now, Liu Xiu was in the mood to appreciate the scenery in front of him.This was the first time he saw the Yellow River. It was wider than he had imagined, and the water stretched almost all the way to the horizon. The mist gradually lifted, and the two banks were blurred.Like Liu Xiu, most of the accompanying generals saw the Yellow River for the first time, and they were full of praise.

Liu Xiu looked around at the generals, and said with a big laugh, "Thinking back in the past, when King Wu defeated Zhou, it was from then on that he crossed the north of the river and destroyed the merchants in the battle of Muye. Now, we are walking on the old road of King Wu." When all the generals saw Liu Xiu comparing himself with King Wu of Zhou, they were all secretly happy. The boat arrived on the other side safely, and Liu Xiu rewarded the boatman heavily.The boatman rejoiced and said: "On the day when the general returns to the south, I will carry the general across the river again." Liu Xiu laughed and said, "If I return to the south, I will lead thousands of troops. I'm afraid the old man's small boat will not be able to carry it." .”

Thanks a lot for the boatman, he returned in a small boat.Feng Yi and others felt at a loss as strangers in a foreign land, and looked at Liu Xiu one after another.Although Liu Xiu is only twenty-nine years old, he is already their undisputed leader. They believe in him like believers believe in the leader, and depend on him like a child depends on an adult. Liu Xiu stomped the solid ground under his feet, and shouted to the crowd: "Hebei is under our feet. Yingchuan will die from me, and you will stay alone. The wind knows the strength of the grass. Work hard!" Shout in unison: "Work hard!"

Liu Xiu looked at Luoyang on the other side, and remained silent for a long time, like a solidified statue.Suddenly, Liu Xiu raised his head, raised his head to the sky and howled.He vented all his previous grievances, anger, and sadness in this howl.Liu Xuan, Zhu Yu and others in Luoyang naturally couldn't hear his screams, even if they could, Liu Xiu didn't care at all. Everyone was so bored, they followed Liu Xiu and howled wantonly towards the opposite bank.They were like a group of wild beasts that had escaped from their cages, laughing while shouting.Their voices resounded through the ancient Yellow River on this day.

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