Home Categories historical fiction Those things in the Jin Dynasty 2. Two heroes competing for the throne

Chapter 12 3. The powerful former Qin Dynasty

Huan Wen had long had the ambition to usurp the Jin Dynasty and become the emperor. He once sighed: "A man can't be famous forever, but he should be stigmatized forever!" According to Huan Wen's plan, he first established prestige through the Northern Expedition, invited people's hearts, and then forced Jin The emperor abdicated, but Chang'an, which attacked the former Qin Dynasty, retreated due to lack of food; Yecheng, which attacked the Yan State, was defeated again in Fangtou.This time Huan Wen regained his strength, and after regaining Shouchun, he asked Xi Chao again: "With my current strength, can I still go to the Northern Expedition again, and I will be ashamed of it?"

Xi Chao replied: "Your strength is not yet reached." Huan Wen was sullen.Xi Chao knew Huan Wen's thoughts, so he said to Huan Wen: "Although you are taking on the important task of the world now, because of the failure of the Northern Expedition, if you can't make immortal achievements, you will not be worthy of the popularity of the townspeople." Huan Wen said: "I'm also worried about this matter, what do you think should I do?" Xi Chao said: "Yiyin exiled Taijia, and Huo Guang deposed Changyi. Minggong wants to establish great prestige and convince the world, so he should learn from them."

"I have this intention for a long time, but the emperor is not at fault, what reason should I find to abolish him?" "There is nothing wrong, let's find out some faults for him. The palace gate is deep and secluded, and the most convincing thing is the bed. You can say that the emperor is impotent, and all his sons are his favorite minister Xianglong, Born of Ji Hao, Zhu Lingbao and other ministers attending the inner chamber. Just because of this one incident, he will definitely be abolished!" Huan Wen was overjoyed and sent people to spread rumors first. When the rumors spread among the government and the public, Huan Wen led troops to Beijing and told Queen Mother Chu that the emperor was going to be abolished because of his impotence.

The queen mother was shocked: "No way, then why did the Tian family and the Meng family have three sons for the emperor?" Huan Wen pretended to be surprised and said, "Haven't you heard? Now the government and the public know that these three children are born to the emperor's favorite ministers Xianglong, Ji Hao, and Zhu Lingbao. These three ministers often stay with the emperor, and even come out at night." Palace, this is very possible." The queen mother was also confused by Huan Wen, and said: "Then it's up to you to deal with it." Huan Wen obtained the Queen Mother's decree from the Queen Mother, so he abolished Sima Yi as the king of the East China Sea, and made Sima Yu, the prime minister, the emperor.All the officials in the court were not without objections, but Huan Wen led the troops into the court with a murderous look, who dared to say no.After Huan Wen abolished Sima Yi, he killed Tian, ​​Meng and their three sons. Xianglong, Ji Hao, and Zhu Lingbao were also beheaded.Sima Yi was forced to leave the capital and moved to live in Xichaili, Wu County.Sima Yi was afraid that Huan Wen would harm him, so he didn't dare to let his wife and concubines become pregnant, and he just drank and slept every day, enduring the humiliation to survive.

After Huan Wen abolished the King of Jin, he returned to Gushu and left Xi Chao in Beijing to control the internal affairs.Sima Yu died of illness in the second year after being promoted to the throne at the age of fifty-two.Sima Yu's dying edict stated: "The Great Sima Huanwen is in charge of the regent according to the Duke of Zhou. The youngest son can be assisted. If not, the king will take it himself." It means that Huan Wen will control the government. If Huan Wen is willing, he can also replace him as emperor. The reason why Sima Yu issued such an edict was because he was afraid that Huan Wen would usurp the throne and harm his descendants in the future, so he simply determined Huan Wen's legitimacy as emperor from the legal situation, so that Huan Wen would not have to harm them.But Wang Tanzhi, the servant, firmly opposed it, and even tore up Sima Yu's edict to pieces.

Sima Yu sighed and said, "The world was originally acquired by my ancestors by accident, so why do you stop it?" Wang Tanzhi retorted: "The world belongs to Emperor Xuan and Emperor Yuan. Why do you want to give it to others, Your Majesty?" At Wang Tanzhi's insistence, Sima Yu changed his edict to read: "Report family and country affairs to Da Sima, just like the stories of Zhuge Wuhou and Wang Chengxiang." That is to say, only Huan Wen was given the same power as Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms.Huan Wen did not have the power to arbitrarily judge the government.

After Sima Yu's death, the courtiers did not dare to establish a new emperor, but went to ask Huan Wen for instructions.Xie An, Wang Biaozhi, and Wang Tanzhi resolutely followed Sima Yu's edict and embraced the crown prince Sima Yao as the emperor. With his own power in the court, Xi Chao couldn't stop the three from establishing a new king, so he went to Huan Wen to sue, "Si Ma Yu didn't have this edict. You can take this opportunity to control the government and even get the throne. But such a good thing Let Xie An, Wang Biaozhi and Wang Tanzhi mess things up." Huan Wen was also very disappointed. After hearing Xi Chao's words, he immediately led the army to the capital in the name of meeting the new emperor.The army arrived at Xinting, twelve miles south of the capital, and then invited Xie An and Wang Tanzhi to come out of the city to meet them, and laid an ambush, intending to kill them if they disagreed, and then led troops into the capital to seize power by force.

Xie An and Wang Tanzhi were two of the three Gu Ming ministers in Sima Yu's edict. If these two were eliminated or won over, Huan Wen could do whatever he wanted in the court.The Queen Mother and all the officials including Wang Tanzhi were very afraid, only Xie An said: "The survival of the Jin Dynasty depends on this trip." When Xie An and Wang Tanzhi arrived at Xinting, they saw the Huan Wen army's barracks being purged, full of murderous intent, and the entourage turned pale with fright.Only Xie An was talking and laughing happily, with a relaxed expression.After meeting Huan Wen, Xie An laughed and said, "I heard that if the princes have the right way, the neighbors will be friends who can help you defend. Why do you hide so many soldiers behind the wall?"

Huan Wen was very embarrassed and immediately withdrew all the ambush soldiers.Xie An first praised Huan Wen greatly, saying: "Let alone Wuhou Zhuge Liang and Prime Minister Wang Dao, even Yi Yin and Duke Zhou in history are still alive, they can't compare with you." Comfortable, and then the two discussed about Sima Yu's posthumous name, temple name, and the date of worshiping the mausoleum. Huan Wen entered Jiankang kindly to deal with Sima Yu's funeral and help establish a new king.Huan Wen suddenly became seriously ill and was bedridden for more than ten days. After recovering from his illness, he did not leave the capital, and made a request to Xie An and Wang Tanzhi: the gift of Jiuxi.

Nine tins are nine kinds of ritual utensils, nine kinds of utensils given by the emperor to princes and ministers with special honors, and they are the expression of the highest courtesy.In the feudal dynasties before Huanwen, only Wang Mang, Cao Cao, Sima Zhao and Sun Quan accepted the Nine-Tin Ritual. Among them, Wang Mang, Cao Cao and Sima Zhao usurped the throne, and Sun Quan was also called the emperor.Therefore, Jia Jiuxi became the paving stone for the powerful officials to build up their prestige and become the emperor. Xie An immediately said: "With your merits, let alone being awarded the title of Jiuxi, it is not impossible for Zen to receive the throne! You just go back, this matter is on my shoulders."

Huan Wen was very happy, and left Jiankang with the army to go back. Wang Tanzhi was very angry, and asked Xie An: "Nine tins are an unusual gift. Once added, the Jin family will be in danger. How could you promise so easily?" Xie An smiled and said: "If I don't allow it to him, how can he leave the capital? Let me tell you the truth, I know a little bit about medicine, and seeing that Huan Wen's condition is serious, his spirit has returned to light in the past few days. That is to say, he lived It won't be a few days. I don't know if he can wait until the time of adding the gift of Jiuxi." Wang Tanzhi suddenly realized that he had to admire Xie An's resourcefulness as far above him. When Huan Wen returned to Gushu, he fell ill in bed again, getting worse every day.Huan Wen was afraid that he would not be able to wait for Jiuxi's day, so he sent people to the capital from time to time to ask questions.Xie An and Wang Tanzhi postponed today for tomorrow, and postponed tomorrow for the day after tomorrow. They dragged on for more than two months.Yuan Hong was the best writer in the Eastern Jin Dynasty at that time, with brilliant pens and brilliant literary talents.Received the task on the same day, completed it that day, handed it over to Xie An immediately, and waited proudly for Xie An's compliment. Unexpectedly, Xie An glanced at it casually, and asked him to modify it, without saying what to change, only that it was not good.Yuan Hong didn't dare to be careless this time, he thought for three days before he dared to start writing, and the writing was even more colorful, but Xie An was still dissatisfied.So many times, after more than 20 days of revisions, Yuan Hong was basically about to collapse.So he asked Wang Biaozhi for advice.Wang Biaozhi smiled and said: "The articles you wrote are very good, and you can use any of them. But you are so stupid. Now everyone knows that Huan Wen is dying of illness. Mr. Xie is waiting for the news of Huan Wen's death. You What are you in a hurry for?" It was only then that Yuan Hong realized that after returning home, he began to write two random strokes, let Xie An read them, correct them and submit them again after returning home, and so on and on, it took another month before he knew it.In July of the first year of Ningkang (373), Huan Wen's condition suddenly deteriorated. Knowing that he was dying, he asked his younger brother Huan Chong to take his place, and warned Huan Chong and his sons: "With your talents, He is definitely not Xie An's opponent, so from now on, you must not have any disagreements with Jin." Huan Wen died of illness that month at the age of sixty-two. After Huan Wen's death, Xie An was overjoyed and immediately asked Yuan Hong to take out a draft of the imperial edict, and after asking the emperor for approval, he gave Huan Wen the gift of adding nine tins.Huan Wen received this title only after his death. Huan Chong, on the other hand, was named a general of the Chinese army, supervising the military forces of Yang, Yu, and Jiang, governors of Yang, and Yu, and guarding Gushu. This power is still great, but it is much smaller than when Huan Wen was alive; Take Wang Tanzhi as the order of Zhongshu, Wang Biaozhi as the order of Shangshu, and Xie An as the servant of Shangshu and the leader of the Ministry of Officials.The three assist the government together. Xi Chao was not reconciled to losing a chance to make a big deal like this, so he persuaded Huan Chong to lead troops to Beijing, kill Xie An and Wang Tanzhi, and take power in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Huan Chong not only flatly refused, but also resigned from the post of governor of Yangzhou to show his loyalty to the court.The imperial court then took Huanchong as the governor of Xu, Yu, Yan, Qing and Yang, and the governor of Xuzhou to guard Jingkou; Xie An was also the governor of Yangzhou.The situation in the Eastern Jin Dynasty has since stabilized. When Fu Jian heard that Huan Wen had died of illness, he planned to send troops south of the Yangtze River.Wang Meng said: "Although Huan Wen is dead, there is still Xie An! Now it is still difficult to conquer the south of the Yangtze River. However, most of the military power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is concentrated in the east. Xie An is too busy with government affairs to look west. We can take Liang and Yi Er first. State!" Liangzhou and Yizhou not only include the land of Hanzhong, Bashu, but also the entire area from the south of Shaanxi in the north to Yunnan in the south, which is the area under the jurisdiction of Liu Bei, the Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms.To capture this place first and then unify the world is exactly the strategic deployment of Sima Yan in the Western Jin Dynasty to unify the country.Fu Jian then ordered Yizhou governor Wang Tong, Yulin Zuojian Zhu Xun, Longdong prefect Yao Chang to lead 30,000 troops out of Hanchuan; Yang An was the marshal and commander in chief. Yang Liang, the governor of Liangzhou, guarded Hanzhong, and Yang Liang's son Yang Guang guarded Yangping Pass, both of which were more dangerous.Wang Tong knew that a strong attack may not be successful, so he divided his troops into two groups to capture two passes, but when they reached the pass, they did not attack the pass, but beat drums and shouted to kill day and night.Then send people disguised as merchants to the two passes to announce that the other pass will be captured soon.Yang Liang led his troops to save Yangping Pass, and Yang Guang led his troops to rescue Hanzhong.Only after the two armies met did they know they had been fooled.Because there were few soldiers left behind at Yangping Pass, Yang Guang immediately led people to rescue Yangping Pass. On the way, he was ambushed by Wang Tong's generals Zhu Xi and Yao Chang.But Hanzhong had been captured by the Qin army, so Yang Liang had to lead his troops to retreat from Hanshui to Jingxiang.After Wang Tong's army captured Liangzhou, they sent Zhu Xun and Yao Chang to help Mao Dang and Xu Cheng attack Jianmen. Jianmen was guarded by Zhou Yang, the prefect of Zitong. Mao Dang and Xu Cheng attacked for more than 20 days and could not take it.Yao Chang was originally Yao Xiang's younger brother, so he pretended to surrender to the state of Jin in the name of his brother, and made an appointment with Zhou Yang to raise fire at night, and he and Zhou Yang cooperated inside and outside to attack the Qin army's camp.Zhou Yang actually believed Yao Chang's false surrender. At night, he saw fires burning everywhere in the Guanxia Qin army camp, and there was a lot of killing, so he personally led an army to attack the Qin camp.As soon as Zhou Yang entered the camp, he fell into an ambush, suffered heavy losses, and was cut off from the rear, unable to return to the pass, so he had to abandon the pass and lead his troops to retreat to Zitong.Jianmen was captured on the same day because there were too few soldiers left behind. Yang An led troops to attack Zitong again, Zitong had no danger to defend, Zhou Yang had just suffered a big defeat, and he didn't have many troops under him, so he was defeated again and retreated to Fucheng.Zhou Yang was worried that Fucheng would not be able to defend for long, so he ordered his subordinate Liu Ren to take 3,000 cavalry to guard his mother's house and return to Jiangling.But Liu Ren was robbed by the Qin army on the way.Yang An took Zhou Yang's mother, wife, and family to the city of Fu, forcing Zhou Yang to surrender.Zhou Yang had no choice but to sacrifice the city. Zhou Zhongsun, governor of Yizhou, heard that Jianmen and Zitong were lost, so Yang Liang and Yang Guang retreated to Jingxiang.Thinking that his own strength could not compete with the Qin army, he led his troops to retreat to Nanzhong (now Yunnan, Guizhou and southwestern Sichuan), and the other Jin troops retreated to Badong (now east of Kaixian and Wanxian, Sichuan). The Qin State has basically completed the war against Bashu, and it has no military significance to attack southward. If it attacks eastward, it will inevitably have a decisive battle with the main force of the Jin army, and will enter a fairly long period of attrition.The state of Qin was not ready for this, so it stopped advancing. With the help of Wang Meng, Fu Jian managed the Qin State well, the country was strong and the people were well-off.However, Wang Meng became ill from overwork and became critically ill in June of the third year of Ningkang (375).In order to cure Wang Meng, Fu Jian not only sent the best imperial doctor, but also personally went to worship the ancestral temple, offered sacrifices to heaven, prayed to the gods of the Yellow River and the Five Mountains, and pardoned the criminals under death penalty.But Wang Meng died of illness a month later at the age of 51.Before Wang Meng died, he made the last suggestion to Fu Jian: don't attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and concentrate on eliminating the forces of Xianbei and Western Qiang in the country. After Wang Meng's death, Fu Jian cried bitterly to the sky: "This is because God doesn't want me to rule the world!" Fu Jian buried Wang Meng according to the specifications of the Han general Huo Guang, and posthumously named Wang Meng "Marquis Wu", which was originally Zhuge Liang's posthumous posthumous title. No., Fu Jian used this to explain Wang Meng's position in his heart. After Wang Meng's death, Zhang Tianxi of Qianliang began to contact the Eastern Jin Dynasty again, preparing to claim his vassal status to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Fu Jian used this reason to attack Qianliang.He first sent Shang Shulang Yan negative and Liang Shu to invite Zhang Tianxi to enter Chang'an. At the same time, he sent Gou Chang, Mao Sheng, Liang Xi, Yao Chang and others to lead an army of 130,000 to divide Chen Bing into four routes. Li Bian, the governor of Hezhou, and Wang Tong, the governor of Liangzhou, served as the reserve army.If Zhang Tianxi refused to come to Chang'an, he would send troops immediately. Zhang Tianxi was a very stubborn person. He asked the two emissaries of the former Qin Dynasty: "Do you want to go back standing up? Or do you want to go back lying down?" Yan negative and Liang Shu heard that Zhang Tianxi's tone was not friendly, so they asked back: "Do you want to go to Chang'an under the order? Or do you not want to go to Chang'an?" Zhang Tianxi said: "I am originally a minister of the Jin Dynasty, and I have been loyal and righteous for generations. How can I obey the edict of the Qin thief?" When Yan negative and Liang Shu heard this, they guessed that Zhang Tianxi had already made up his mind to let them lie down and go back, and they were very surprised.Yan negative said: "Your Liang Kingdom once served as a minister to Liu Han and Shi Zhao, and later to my Great Qin. Why do you claim to be loyal from generation to generation?" Liang Shu also sighed: "It's a pity that Liangzhou has gone through more than 70 years since the ancestor Wu Gong came to Liang, but now it is going to perish in your hands." No matter how the two persuaded, Zhang Tianxi was determined to turn against the former Qin.He asked the soldiers to tie the two men to the gate of the army, and then recruited soldiers to shoot arrows at the two of them together.Zhang Tianxi said: "Anyone who can't shoot two people must have a different intention." The soldiers went to shoot the two envoys together, but none of the arrows missed.After shooting, the two of them seemed to be covered with thorns all over their bodies. When the former Qin got the news that the second envoy had been shot, he began to attack.Gou Chang first sent General Yangwu Ma Hui and Jianwu General Du Zhou west to Ensu (now south of Yongchang, Gansu) to cut off Zhang Tianxi's escape route, and then sent Yao Chang, Liang Xi, Wang Tong and Li Bian to cross the Yellow River from Shijin in Qing Dynasty. , Attacking Hehui City (where the Yellow River and Huangshui meet).The former Liang Xiaolie general Liang Ji was defeated and surrendered. Gou Chang also led an army to cross the Yellow River from Shichengjin (northwest of Lanzhou today), joined up with Liang Xi and other four tribes, stormed the city of Chanshuo (now south of Yongdeng, Gansu), and quickly captured the city.Although Ma Jian, the chief general of Qianliang, led 50,000 troops, he did not dare to fight, but retreated to Qingsai (now Shilangjing, Gansu Province).At the same time, Zhang Tianxi sent General Zhengdong Changju to lead an army of 30,000 troops to Hongchiling (now south of Wuwei, Gansu), and 50,000 troops to garrison Jinchang (now north of Yongchang, Gansu).The three armies formed a three-legged trend. Soon, Yao Chang and Ma Jian had a decisive battle.Although Ma Jian still had a certain strength after his defeat, he had no intention of fighting again, and led more than 10,000 soldiers to surrender. The remaining Liang soldiers were unwilling to surrender and all fled.Gou Chang attacked Hongchi, Changju did not want to surrender after being defeated and committed suicide. Zhang Tianxi sent another soldier, Zhao Chongzhe, to lead the last military force to fight the former Qin army in Chi'an (southeast of Wuwei, Gansu today), and fought for two days.The Liang army was defeated again, only 1,000 of the 40,000 remained, and Zhao Chongzhe died in battle.At this time, Zhang Tianxi only had more than 10,000 people, but he still insisted and prepared to stick to Jinchang City.At this time, a rebellion broke out in Jinchang City, and Zhang Tianxi had to flee back to Guzang (now Wuwei, Gansu) with 3,000 cavalry.Soon the former Qin army chased Guzang again. Zhang Tianxi knew that he was powerless to fight again, so he had to surrender, and Qianliang perished.It was in August of the first year of Jin Taiyuan (376).Fu Jian took Liang Xi as the governor of Liangzhou and stayed behind in Guzang.Moved more than 7,000 powerful families from Liangzhou to Guanzhong, granted Zhang Tianxi the title of Marquis of Guiyi, and worshiped the northern minister. When the former Qin destroyed Liang, Huan Chong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty sent troops to attack Qin to disperse the strength of the Qin army.Zhu Xu, governor of Yanzhou, Huan Shixiu, governor of Jiangzhou, and Huan Yu, governor of Jingzhou, attacked the Han River Basin. Huan Yi, governor of Yuzhou, marched northward from Shouyang. No substantial progress has been made.After Qianliang was destroyed, all the troops of the Eastern Jin Dynasty withdrew to the defense line. By this time, only Dai was left among the northern states that had not been annexed by the former Qin Dynasty. After the death of Dai Wang Yilu, there were continuous civil strife in Dai, and the throne of Dai Wang changed hands several times in a short period of time, and finally fell to Tuoba Hexie.He Yu's mother was Weishi, Tuoba Yilu's younger brother-in-law.The Wei clan remained in power until 324, when he died of illness, before He Yu had the chance to govern himself.He Yu died of illness after only one year in power, and his younger brother Tuoba Hena succeeded to the throne. Tuoba Hena was quite different from his elder brother's weak and cowardly personality. He was fierce and easy to use soldiers, and soon unified the various ministries.But in 327, Hena fought a battle with Shihu, and Hena was defeated, so he had to move the capital to Daning (now Zhangjiakou, Hebei). In 329, Tuoba Yihuai, the son of Tuoba Yulu, the nephew of Hena, was crowned king by the chiefs of the Helan tribe and other tribes.Hena led troops to suppress, and fled to the Yuwen Department in Liaodong after the defeat.Tuoba Yihuai became the acting king. In 335 A.D., Yihuai had a conflict with Helan Aitou, the chief of the Helan tribe who supported him at that time, and a war broke out.Hena took the opportunity to return from the Yuwen Ministry and was once again proclaimed the Daiwang, while Yihuai fled to Hou Zhao.In 337 A.D., Yihuai came to Daning under the protection of Li Mu, the general of Later Zhao, and regained the throne.Hena fled to Qianyan, but he didn't know where he ended up. In October of the fourth year of Xiankang in the Jin Dynasty, Yihuai died, and he ordered his half-brother Tuoba Shiyiqian to be the acting king.Tuoba Shiyijian was 19 years old when he succeeded to the throne. During his reign, he carried out large-scale reforms that were beneficial to the country, and did not participate in the war in the Central Plains. Ji (now the Nenjiang River Basin in Heilongjiang), west to Poluona (now the Fergana Basin in Central Asia), south to Yinshan (central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to northwestern Hebei Province), north to the desert, with a population of nearly one million. After Fu Jian destroyed Liang, he took Fu Luo, governor of Youzhou and Duke Xingtang, as the governor of the north, and led 100,000 troops to attack Daiguo; The former general Zhu Xun, the former forbidden general Zhang Hao, and the right forbidden general Guo Qing led a total of 200,000 troops, and joined forces with Fu Luo to attack Daiguo. Although the country of Dai was rejuvenated, its strength was still not comparable to that of the former Qin Dynasty. The king of Dai, Shi Yiqian, was also seriously ill.The Dai army suffered repeated defeats in repeated battles, and Dai Wang Shi Yiqian had no choice but to proclaim himself a vassal to Qin.Fu Jian then withdrew his troops.It was December of the first year of Taiyuan (376). After the Qin soldiers retreated, a rebellion broke out in Dai State immediately. When Tuoba Yihuai died, he ordered Shi Yiqian to be established.But at that time Shi Yiqian was being held hostage in Hou Zhao.The tribal chiefs thought it was difficult for Shiyijian to return, so they prepared to support Shiyijian's younger brother Tuobagu, but Tuobagu refused, and voluntarily went to Houzhao as a hostage in exchange for Shiyijian.Later Zhao Tianwang Shihu was moved by his friendship, so he simply sent both of them back to China.Shi Yiqian was also very grateful to his younger brother, so after succeeding to the throne, he granted half of the country to Tuobagu.But after Tuoba Gu's death, the Dai Wang did not let Tuoba Gu's son Tuoba Jin inherit this huge fiefdom.So Tuoba Jin developed hatred for Shi Yiqian, and has been waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.At this time, Shiyijianlian suffered a big defeat and was seriously ill. Tuobajin thought that the opportunity had come. Shi Yiqian originally made his eldest son Tuobashi the crown prince, but later Changsun Jin launched a mutiny, Tuobashi fought with him, killed his eldest son Jin, and died of serious injuries.Shi Yiqian liked his son very much, but because his son died defending himself, he never had an heir.Shi Yiqian's other sons have been coveting the position of the crown prince.Tuobajin expressed to the eldest son of Dai Wang Shu, Tuoba Shijun, that he was willing to support him as Dai Wang, and said that Dai Wang would make the son of Concubine Murong his heir, so that he could start early.In order to seize the throne, King Tuobashi launched a coup with Tuoba Jin, killed his father Shi Yiqian, and killed all his younger brothers. Only the youngest brother Tuoba Kudu escaped. General Li Ruan and Zhang Hao of the Qin Army who were guarding the border took advantage of the situation and led troops to break through Yunzhong and captured Tuoba Jin and Tuoba Shijun.After Fu Jian learned the reason for the civil turmoil in the Dai Dynasty, he took Lord Tuoba Shi and Tuoba Jin to Chang'an, and then killed them by torture.Fu Jian sent people to search for Shi Yiqian's descendants. Only Shi Yiqian's youngest son Tuoba Kudu and Shi Yiqian's grandson Tuoba Gui were still alive.Fu Jian then ordered the two men and their families to be sent to Chang'an.In fact, it is taking the royal family with status in the country as hostages. Yanfeng, an old minister of Dai State, worried that Dai State would never have a chance to restore the state, so he said that Tuobagui staying in Dai State would help contain Liu Weichen.Liu Weichen belonged to the tribe of the Huns, and Fu Jian used him to rule the ethnic groups west of the Yellow River in the north.But Liu Weichen had rebellious bones in his head, sometimes he rebelled against Qin and turned to Qin, and sometimes he rebelled against Qin and turned to Qin. Fu Jian was also very troubled by this person, but he had to use his prestige to stabilize the north.That's why Fu Jian obeyed Yanfeng's words, and asked Liu Kuren, the old general of Daiguo, to take care of Tuobagui's mother and son, and moved Tuoba Kudu to Chang'an, where he was sent to study in the Taixue.Tuobagui was five years old at the time, and later became the founding emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty. So far, Qin State has completely unified the north and also occupied the southwest land, which is much larger than the territory of Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms period, but the ambition of the former Qin Dynasty has not yet been realized.
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