Home Categories historical fiction Those things in the Jin Dynasty 2. Two heroes competing for the throne

Chapter 2 Second, seize the throne

During the later Zhao Dynasty in Shile, politics was still relatively clear, advocating frugality, not doing civil engineering easily, recuperating, reducing taxes and taxes, developing production, opening up virtuous paths, and punishing corrupt officials.The surrendered general Zu Yue was beheaded by Shi Le because he occupied the fields of the common people in the local area. Li Yang, Shi Le's neighbor at the time, had fought several times with Shi Le over the retting pond, so he was so scared that he hid.Shi Le asked Li Yang to tell Li Yang that the hatred of retting was just a small festival among the common people, and he was the emperor, so he would never hate a small commoner for this.Because he knew that Li Yang had always been brave, he even rewarded him as a small military officer; Zhang Wunei Shi Fan Tan was robbed by thieves, Shi Le asked, Fan Tan got excited and forgot that Shi Le was also a Jie tribe, and he said that the Jie thief is long and the Jie thief is short. Scolding non-stop.Shi Le said: "Since the Jie thieves are so rude, I will compensate you for them!" Fan Tan finally understood, and was so frightened that he lay down on the ground and pleaded guilty.Shi Le didn't blame Fan Tan, but really gave Fan Tan chariots, clothes and a lot of money.This shows that Shi Le is still very open-minded.

Because the palaces in Xiangguo are all royal palaces left over from the Western Jin Dynasty, and they have gone through wars.Now that Shi Le is the emperor, he feels that this place does not look like a palace, so he plans to repair it.Ting Wei continued to dissuade, saying that it will not be too late to build a unified world.Shi Le originally had ambitions to unify the world but had no confidence in it. Hearing this, he felt annoyed and ordered Xu Xian to be imprisoned in a big prison. Xu Guang hastily persuaded: "I always thought you were a sage like Tang Yu, how could you do something like Jie and Zhou? What Xu Xian said, you can use it if you think it can be used, and if you don't think it's not, it's okay to be tolerant No, how could he be sent to prison just because he said a blunt statement?"

Shi Le said embarrassedly after hearing this: "How could I not know that Xu Xian is a loyal minister. I was just joking with him. However, ordinary people want to build an extra house. After all, I am the king of a country. It’s not appropriate to live in this dilapidated house anyway. The new palace is going to be built after all, but I’m going to stop it for now, as an encouragement to Zhichen!” So ​​he let Xu Xian go, and rewarded him with one hundred bolts of silk and one hundred hu of rice . Not long after this incident, there was heavy rain in the north. This heavy rain lasted for more than ten days. The central part of Taihang Mountains was flooded. River County) was scooped up.Shi Le was overjoyed when he heard about it, and said, "God told me to build a new palace!" So he used this batch of wood to build the new palace, and because there were too many woods, he rebuilt Xiangguo City.

After the completion of the project, Shi Le held a banquet to celebrate.At the banquet, Shi Le suddenly asked everyone: "Which monarch in history can I compare with?" Xu Guangdao: "In terms of strategy, you have to surpass Han Gaozu, and in terms of talent, you have to surpass Emperor Wu of Wei. Since the Three Emperors, no one can match you. If you really want to compare one person with you, that is Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor can be compared with you." Shi Le did not agree with Xu Guang's flattery. He evaluated himself objectively: "You are too famous. If I meet Han Gaozu, I must submit to him and become a famous general like Han Xin and Peng Yue. If I meet Han Guang Emperor Wu, then I will compete with him in the Central Plains to see who wins. When a man acts like a man, he should be upright and upright, like the light of the sun and the moon, bright and clean. After all, he cannot deceive the orphans and widows and steal the world like Cao Mengde and Sima Zhongda. Xuanyuan Huangdi He is an ancient sage, how dare I compare with him?"

After Shi Le proclaimed himself emperor, he appointed his eldest son, Shi Hong, as the crown prince; his second son, Shi Hong, was made a general of hussars, the governor of Chinese and foreign military forces, the great chanyu, and king of Qin; his third son, Shi Hui, was made a general of Fuguo and king of Nanyang.Shi Le's son, Shi Hu, was Taiwei and Shang Shuling, and he was promoted to King of Zhongshan. Shi Hu was very unhappy, thinking that he had contributed the most to Hou Zhao, and that he should be given the position of Da Shan Yu. Shi Le favored his son, and the reward was unfair.Shi Hu is also a ruthless character, so he said to his son: "After Shi Le established his capital in Xiangguo, I did all the work of conquering and establishing the country. He just sat back and enjoyed the success. I have worked hard for Shi Le for more than 20 years. Instead, he gave the seat of the Great Chanyu to a child. I will avenge this hatred. After Shi Le dies, I will kill his whole family!" Of course, although Shi Hu hated Shi Le deeply, he was still in front of Shi Le. Respectful, deliberately restrained.

But Cheng Xia could see that Shi Hu had two intentions.Cheng Xia is the aforementioned You Changshi who doesn't understand military affairs and persuades Shi Le that he can go back when Liu Yao is tired from fighting.But when it came to internal affairs, Cheng Xia showed his smarter side.He told Shi Le: "Zhongshan Wang Shihu's ability is outstanding among all the ministers, but Shihu's ambition is also very great. Because I found that he turned a blind eye to everyone except you. Shihu and his sons Holding the military power, and Shi Hu's prestige is also very high. He may not dare to do anything when you are alive, but if you are gone. I am afraid that Shi Hu may not be willing to be a courtier of the future prince. I hope you get rid of him as soon as possible!"

Shi Le was very upset: "The world is not stable yet. How could I get rid of such an important minister? Besides, Shi Hu is my elder brother's son, and we are also close relatives. Why is it like you said?" He satirized him and said: "You are the prince's uncle. Are you worried that with Shi Hu in the future, you will not be able to rule? Don't worry, I have already thought about it for you. If I have something to do, I will appoint you as the chief assistant minister. You don't have to worry! " Cheng Xia cried loudly at that time: "I am thinking about your country, but you think I am doing it for your own self-interest. Shi Hu is indeed your nephew, and was brought up by the empress dowager, but he is not you after all. Son, and King Zhongshan has the ambition to be an emperor, if you don't get rid of him now, the country will be in danger!"

Shi Le still refused to listen to Cheng Xia.Cheng Xia knew that Shi Le would listen to what Xu Guang said, so he went to Xu Guang and said, "The king of Zhongshan has always hated the two of us. Once the emperor is gone, not only the country will suffer, but our two families will also be ruined. You can persuade the emperor for me. " Xu Guangsui went to see Shi Le and asked him, "What is the most worrying thing for you now?" Shi Le sighed: "Wu and Shu have not yet settled down. Although I am the emperor now, who knows whether future generations will think that I am orthodox?"

Xu Guang sneered and said, "These are just diseases of the limbs, but you don't know that you have serious problems in your heart." "how do I say this?" Xu Guangdao: "The world is divided into three parts, just like the three families of Wei, Shu and Wu. Sima is in Wu, which is equivalent to Sun Quan; Li's is in Shu, I think it is not as good as Liu Bei. And the place you occupy is like Cao Wei back then. Three Kingdoms It is the north that dominates the world, and the general trend in the future will be the same. So what you are worried about is not an urgent matter at the moment. As for Zhongshan Wang Shihu, his prestige and achievements are second only to yours, but this person's nature is not benevolent He is a man who forgets righteousness when he sees profit. And he often shows an attitude of belittling the crown prince. I think he is Guan Cai Wuyu back then. I fear that after the emperor lives long, this person will make trouble. This is your confidant's trouble." Cai Wuyu refers to the three rebels after the death of King Wu of Zhou.At that time, King Cheng was young, Duke Zhou was in charge, and Uncle Guan, Uncle Cai, and Wu Yu, the son of King Zhou of Shang, rebelled together and were later suppressed.

After hearing this, Shi Le was silent for a long time, but did not express his opinion.Xu Guang knew that Shi Le couldn't make up his mind, so he had to say to the prince again: "The crown prince is a man of benevolence and filial piety, but Zhongshan Wang Xiong is violent and deceitful. If you don't hide it in the future, the prince will definitely not be able to fight Shi Le. The prince should be involved in the government earlier, and establish a Prestige, attack Zhongshan King's authority, and don't create a situation in which the weak and strong will be ruled in the future."

Shi Le immediately agreed to this point, and ordered the crown prince Shi Hong to manage the political affairs of the imperial court, but he couldn't bear to abolish Shi Hu in the end, and still gave Shi Hu great power, and he trusted him very much. In the summer of the third year after he proclaimed himself emperor, Shi Le fell ill, so he called Crown Prince Shi Hong and Zhongshan King Shi Hu into the palace to serve him.But Shi Hu entered the palace first, and then forged Shi Le's edict, lying that Shi Le would not allow Shi Hong to enter, and refused all princes and ministers to visit.So far, the inner palace and the outside world have no news at all.Shi Hu also pretended to recall Shi Hong and Shi Kan, who were leading soldiers outside, back to Xiangguo, and returned all the military power to themselves, just waiting for Shi Le to die. Shi Hong managed to sneak into the palace to meet Shi Le. Shi Le was shocked when he saw his son Shi Hong: "Didn't I ask you to lead a large army outside the capital to prevent changes in the capital after my death? Why did you come back?" Only then did Shi Hong realize that it was Shi Hu who tricked him into coming to Beijing, but when Shi Hu walked in, Shi Hong was very afraid of this uncle, so he didn't dare to speak.Shi Hu hurriedly said: "It's my brother who misses you very much, that's why he came back temporarily. Now I will let him go back." Shi Le didn't pursue it.But when Shi Hong was about to go back, Shi Hu detained him again and put him under house arrest.Shi Hu told Shi Le that Shi Hong had already gone back. More than a month later, Shi Le left a will before his death, not to hold a big funeral, and the body can be buried within three days.Funeral clothes are ordinary clothes, and ordinary cars are used for hearses. All gold, silver, jewelry, and utensils are not allowed to be buried in the graves; people are not allowed to marry, eat meat, drink alcohol, offer sacrifices, and build houses; officials and generals outside Beijing are not allowed to return to Beijing for funerals. .He also said that the lessons of Cao Wei and the Sima family must be used as a lesson for all royal families, and they must be united and not fight among themselves.Especially King Zhongshan, you must be the famous officials Zhou Gong and Huo Guang who assist the young master, and don't become the object of blame for future generations. " In the eighth year of Xianhe (333) on July Wuchen, Shi Le died in the inner hall. He reigned for fifteen years and died at the age of sixty. After Shi Le died, Shi Hu ordered his son Shi Sui to lead troops into the palace, and first captured Shi Hong, then Cheng Xia and Xu Guang.Shi Hong was terrified, saying that I am not the emperor, so you should be.Shi Hu said: "The crown prince is you and not me. I am wrong." Shi Hong knew that Shi Hu had no good intentions, so he cried and refused to succeed, as if he was going to drag him to the slaughterhouse, begging Shi Hu: " I have no talent or virtue, so I am not worthy of this task. You should let me go." Shi Hu glared: "We will talk about it when we find out that you are not worthy of this task. It's too early to talk about it now." Shi Hong was forcibly pushed to the throne by Shi Hu. On the day of his enthronement, Shi Hu beheaded Cheng Xia and Xu Guang.According to Shi Hu's intention, Shi Hong took Shi Hu as the prime minister, Wei Wang, Da Shanyu, and Jiuxi, and divided Wei Jun and other thirteen counties into his country, and took charge of the government. Shi Hong's mother, Empress Dowager Liu, secretly summoned her adopted son, Shi Kan, into the Empress Dowager's palace to discuss with him a coup d'état.The mother and son discussed, and Empress Dowager Liu wrote a blood edict. After Shi Kan left the city, she ordered all states in the world to raise troops, with Shi Hui as the leader, to attack Xiangcheng. But as soon as Shi Kan left Xiangcheng, Shi Hu sent people to chase him back, search for the bleeding order, and then burn him to death with a branding iron.Shi Hu killed Empress Dowager Liu again.Changed Li Shihong's biological mother Cheng Taifei as the queen mother, and ordered Shi Hui to return to Beijing. Shisheng, the king of Hedong, was born in Chang'an, Guanzhong. He learned that Shihu controlled the court and killed the queen mother, so he sent troops to attack Shihu.Pu Hong in Guanzhong and Shi Lang in Luoyang also raised troops to respond.Shi Hu's son, Shi Sui, defended Xiangguo and personally led 80,000 people to attack Luoyang.Before Shi Sheng had time to rescue Luoyang, Shi Hu broke through Luoyang extremely quickly and captured Shi Lang.Shi Hu didn't kill Shi Lang all at once, but cut off Shi Lang's feet and watched him die slowly. When Shihu attacked Luoyang, Shi Sheng's forward force of 20,000 troops had just left Tongguan.Shihu sent his son Shi Ting to fight.Shi Sheng's vanguard General She led an army to defeat Shi Ting, and Shi Ting and the prime minister Zuo Chang Shi Liu Kui both died in the army.Shi Hu had just arrived with his troops, and She took advantage of the victory and went straight into Shi Hu's army.Shi Hu was caught off guard and retreated after the defeat. Shihu fled all the way, and She chased all the way to Mianchi.Someone under Shi Hu came up with an idea to bribe She with a lot of money to let him counterattack Shi Sheng.She's troops probably belong to the category of mercenaries, and whoever pays them will fight for them.She got a lot of money from Shi Hu, and led his 20,000 cavalry back to attack Shi Sheng. Shi Sheng was caught off guard, lost all his main forces, and fled to Chang'an.Because his old background was basically exhausted, knowing that Chang'an would not be able to defend, Shi Sheng simply hid on the mountain.After Shi Hu entered Chang'an, he paid a lot of money again, this time offering a reward for Shi Sheng's capture.Soon, Shi Sheng was killed by the generals and offered to Shi Hu in exchange for a reward.Shi Hu went to fight Pu Hong again. Pu Hong knew that he couldn't beat Shi Hu, so he surrendered, and Yao Yizhong also surrendered Shi Hu.Shi Hu was worried that he would leave, and the two men rebelled again. They named Pu Hong General Longxiang, and then moved his department to Fangtou (now Qimendu, Jun County, Henan); he appointed Yao Yizhong as Fenwu The general and the governor of the Western Qiang Dynasty moved his family to Shitou in Qinghe (now northeast of Zaoqiang County, Hebei). When Shi Hu's class teacher returned to Xiangguo, Shi Hong took the jade seal and ran to say that he was not the emperor and wanted to give way to Shi Hu.Shi Hu frowned and said, "Aren't you upset? Let's talk about this later. Don't bother me, okay?" Shi Hong went back and said to Empress Dowager Cheng: "It seems that I will not survive, and all the brothers in the father's line will die." The mother and son cried. The next day, Shi Hu sent someone to take Shi Hong out of the palace, without looking at him, he said: "Shi Hong, you are stupid and stupid, what right do you have to step aside? You are only worthy of being deposed." So Shi Hong was abolished.A group of ministers of civil and military affairs who had replaced Shi Hu earlier persuaded Shi Hu to ascend the throne. Shi Hu did not directly become emperor, but first became "Zhao Tianwang", that is, the position Shi Le held before becoming emperor.Then the three brothers Shi Hong, Shi Hong, Shi Hui and Queen Mother Cheng were all killed.The Yuan was changed to Jianwu, and the capital was moved to Yecheng. Shi Hu is different from Shi Le. He pursues luxury and enjoyment. After moving his capital to Yecheng, he built a large palace.In the Taiwu Hall he built, all the tiles are decorated with gold, the pillars are decorated with silver, the bead curtains are made of jade, the bed is made of white jade, the tent is made of tassels, and the foundation of the hall is two feet eight feet high, all made of aragonite.Moreover, the carved beams and painted buildings are extremely skillful.He built a total of nine palaces like Taiwu Hall.And there is a general election of beauties, a total of more than 10,000 beauties are selected to enter the palace. All beauties wear gold and silver, silk and satin, and luxurious clothes.He also listened to Shang Shuling Jie Fei's suggestion to build a flying bridge over the river south of Yecheng, which cost hundreds of billions of copper coins but was not completed; large lighting tool.This thing has a diameter of one zhang and a height of more than ten zhang. When the burning core is ignited, the whole hall is as bright as day.Shihu mobilized a large number of people to do these things, and the farming work was affected, and happened to encounter a severe drought. Although Shihu is extremely murderous, he respects Buddhism very much and often rewards eminent monks with property. Monks have a high status in Zhao State.Affected by this, most of the people in Zhao State also advocated Buddhism. The rich competed to build temples, and the poor slashed their fortunes.This also greatly reduced Zhao's military resources and labor force. Zhao Guo also had a civil strife.Prince Shi Sui, like his father Shi Hu, is also very brave and loves to kill.Shi Hu dotes on this son very much, so he can't help being arrogant.After Shi Sui became the prince, he intensified his cruelty. Whenever he saw a beautiful woman, he raped her, killed her, chopped off her head, washed off the blood and put it on a plate for everyone to watch. At the same time, the cook took the beautiful woman After cooking the dead body, invite the guests to taste it together.Many guests trembled with fear.Someone reported this to Shi Hu, but Shi Hu said: "This boy has the charm of my time!" Not only did he not kill him, but he reused him. But Shi Hu has a weird temper, even Shi Sui can't stand him.Sometimes when Shi Xuan had something to report to Shi Hu, Shi Hu would scold him, "Such trivial things bother me too." So Shi Xuan stopped reporting.Shi Hu didn't see Shi Sui to report his work for a few days, and then called Shi Xi to scold him, "Why didn't you report something?" Not only scolded, but also whipped.Shi Sui couldn't escape being beaten and scolded no matter what he did.Later, Shi Sui's heart broke and he was ready to rebel.When Shi Hu got the news first, he killed Shi Sui and twenty-six of his children, and then dug a big pit to bury them.They also killed all the more than 200 officials in the Prince's East Palace, and dug a big pit and buried them all.Relegated Shi Sui's biological mother, Queen Zheng, to Donghai Concubine.Li Shixuan was changed to be the prince, and Du Zhaoyi, Li Shixuan's mother, was made the Queen of Heaven. The country was so unbearable that Hou Zhao's national strength was already very weak, but Shi Hu wanted to mobilize troops to unify the country. He first thought of attacking the Northeast. What is the situation in the Northeast now?In the year Shi Le died of illness, Murong Xin, Duke of Liaodong, also died of illness in Jicheng. His third son and eldest son Murong Hao succeeded to the throne.Because Murongxin became a minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty sent people to Jicheng to hang sacrifices, gave Murongxuan the posthumous title "Wuxuan", and appointed Murongxuan as the general of the town army to supervise his troops. Another son of Murong Han, Murong Han, was guarding Liaodong. He and Murong Hao were very different. After hearing that his father had died, he said to humanity: "Murong Hao thought that my talent would be difficult to control, and it would be bad for me. How can I just sit and wait?" Disaster?" So he left the troops in Liaodong, and took his two sons to the Duan Liao tribe in the west of Liaodong. The former leader of the Duan Liao tribe, Duan Moting, had already died of illness, and was originally succeeded by his younger brother Duan Ya.Duan Ya and his elder brother Duan Moting adopted very different foreign policies. Duan Moting had a close relationship with Hou Zhao, while Duan Ya followed Murong Xing's advice. Later Murong Xing told Duan Ya that your place is not good and you should move the capital to another place. The place.Originally, Lingzhi, the capital of Duan's Xianbei (today's west of Qian'an County, Hebei Province), was at the throat of the Northeast into the Central Plains.But relocating the capital has always hurt the interests of the local tycoons. Duan Liao, the grandson of Duan Jilu's family, gathered these hurt people, launched a coup to kill Duan Ya, and established himself as the Duke of Liaoxi.At that time, the area under the jurisdiction of the Shi family was connected to Yuyang County (now west of Miyun County, Beijing) in the west and Lingshui (now Xiaoling River in the west of Jin County, Liaoning) in the east. The people were mainly Xianbei and Han, with a total of about 30,000 people. There are 50,000 soldiers and horses. When Duan Liao heard that Murong Han was coming to vote, he hurried out of the city to pick him up and be the guest of honor.Murong Han has since become a general of Duan Guo. Murong Hao also has two younger brothers, Murong Ren and Murong Zhao, both born to the same mother, but their relationship is not good.The two of them were also afraid that Murong Hao would be unfavorable to them, so they decided to strike first and attack the city of Thorns, and Murong Hao led the troops to fight.The two armies fought for more than 20 days regardless of the outcome.Murong Ren and Murong Zhao asked Duan Liao for help and presented him with a great gift. Duan Liao sent younger brothers Duan Lan and Murong Han to attack Liucheng with an army of 20,000.The defenders of Liucheng, Shi Cong and Mu Yuni, asked Murong Hao for help. Murong Hao divided his troops into five thousand and sent Murong Han (half younger brother of the concubine) and Jun Zijiu Feng Yi to help. After Murong Khan led his troops away, Sima Tongshou, the general under Murong Hao's tent, was originally Murong Ren's former subordinate, so he led 3,000 soldiers to surrender to Murong Ren.Murong Ren knew that Murong Hao's troops were running low, so he launched a fierce attack with all the troops.Murong Hao was defeated and fled back to Thorn City. On Murong Khan's side, because he thought the infantry were moving too slowly, he wanted to bring a thousand cavalry to help Liucheng first.Feng Yi said that our troops are small, and it will be even more dangerous if we divide them.Murong Khan didn't listen, Feng Yi had no choice but to say, then you should take the main road, don't take a shortcut to Oxtail Valley.Murong Khan still refused to listen, but Duan Lan was ambushed in Niuwei Valley, the whole army was wiped out, and Murong Khan escaped by chance.Feng Yi joins Murong Khan, and fights with Duan Lan who is chasing him. He loses to Duan Lan and retreats back to Thorn City.Duan Lan didn't chase after him, and returned to attack Liucheng, and quickly captured Liucheng. Shi Cong and Mu Yuni abandoned the city and fled. When Murong Han saw that this was going to destroy Murong Kingdom, he became worried again, and threatened Duan Lan that Murong Hao only used three parts of his strength, and you are going to push him into a hurry. If he exerts all his strength, he will be invincible.We are going deep alone again, I am afraid we will fail. Duan Lan sneered: "I know you are worried that I will destroy your country! Don't worry, if we defeat Murong Hao, we will make you king, and we will never treat you badly, let alone make your country's ancestral temple extinct." Murong Han's mind was broken by Duan Lan, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say big words: "Since I have taken refuge in your country, there is no reason to return it; the survival of the old country, what do I do?" After finishing speaking, he took his troops back up.Duan Lan saw that the friendly army had already left, and she was really alone. She didn't dare to enter the army, so she had to retreat.At this time, Murong Hao had to face three enemies, Duan Liao in the south, Murong Ren in the west, and Yidougui from the Yuwen Department in the north.This situation gave Murong Hao a headache, he had to find an opportunity to change, otherwise it would be a matter of time before he was divided among the three of them. In the first month of the second year of Xiankang (336), the opportunity came.There was an extremely thick layer of ice on the surface of Liaodong Bay, and it was no problem to run a horse on it, so Murong Hao decided to steal Murong Ren's rear route from the sea to sneak attack.Everyone said it was very dangerous to walk this way.But Murong Hao said: "Back then, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty achieved great things because he took the risk of crossing the Hutuo River from the water. This time, God gave me the opportunity to achieve great things." So he ordered Murong Khan and Feng Yi to bring five thousand old men Weak soldiers advanced by land, beating drums and flags along the way, bluffing, and claiming to be the main force.His own rate was 50,000 elite, wearing white armor robes, with no flags and drums, and crossed the sea on ice.After walking for more than three hundred miles, he landed at Lilinkou (now in Yingkou, Liaoning), threw away all the food, grass and luggage, and led the light cavalry to Pingguo (now in Gaiping County, Liaoning, also in Yingkou). When Murong Ren heard that Murong Hao sent troops, he thought that Murong Hao's main force must attack by land, so he only let Murong Jun (also his half-brother) lead 5,000 troops to defend Li Linkou, while he led the main force to meet by land. . When Murong Jun saw Murong Hao attacking with 50,000 elite soldiers, he knew that he would be defeated, so he surrendered before the battle.Murong Hao asked Murong Jun to lead the way and copied Murong Ren's back route. Murong Ren was defenseless and was defeated.At this time, Murong Han and Feng Yi also came from land, attacking back and forth.Murong Ren's whole army broke up and was captured, and Murong Hao ordered him to commit suicide. At this time, Duan Lan in the south marched northward from Liucheng, and Yidougui in the north from the Yuwen Department attacked southward from Anjin (now Liaoyang, Liaoning).Murong Hao then led all the troops to attack Duan Lan in the south first. Duan Lan saw that Murong Hao took Murong Ren with lightning speed, so he had to retreat.But Yidougui in the north insisted on advancing, and Murong Hao led his troops to the north to defend against Yidougui.After the battle between the two sides, Yidougui was defeated and returned.From then on, Murong Hao became the boss of Liaodong.Murong Hao then called himself the King of Yan.It is known as Qianyan in history. Murong Hao became queen and planned to destroy Duan Liao. At this time, Shi Hu also planned to attack Duan Liao north because Duan Liao stopped paying tribute to him.As soon as the two sides contacted, they reached an agreement, one to attack the south and the other to attack the north, to work together to destroy Duan Liao.
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