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Chapter 82 81. Yuan Shao's united front work is in place

The main forces of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are all stuck in Guandu, but the eyes of the two coaches are not only fixed on here, Cao Cao is focused on the food road of both sides, he is worried about his own, but also ready to destroy the enemy; Yuan Shao is concerned about Cao Cao In the rear of the army, he hoped that Liu Biao could help him and copied Cao Cao's retreat, but also hoped that there would be so many generals in the south of Xudu who rebelled against Cao Cao. Yuan Shao is eyeing Li Tong, the captain of Yang'an who now occupies two counties in Runan County. Li Tong made great contributions in Cao Cao's conquest of Zhangxiu, but he was only appointed to manage two The captain of a county, and the jurisdiction is at the forefront of the fight against Liu Biao, compared to Xu Du, it is located in a remote area.

Yuan Shao analyzed that Li Tong would definitely not be so satisfied with Cao Cao's stinginess, so he sent an envoy to worship Li Tong as the general who conquered the South, that is to say, he could command Jing and Henan and become one of the country's four generals. Not interested? First of all, Li Tong's subordinates and relatives were overwhelmed, and even persuaded Li Tong to abandon Cao Fuyuan with snot and tears: "Now I am alone in danger, there is no hope of great help, and disasters will come at any time. It is better to follow Yuan Shao." Li Tong was furious, and reprimanded him with his sword: "Duke Cao is wise and wise, and the world will be determined. Although Shao is powerful, but he has no way to serve him, he will eventually be captured by him. I will die!" ——Three Kingdoms, Li Tongzhuan.

Li Tong not only sent Yuan Shao's general Yinshou to the south to Cao Cao at Guandu, but also cut off the head of Yuan Shao's envoy and sent them to the Guandu front, but to Yuan Shao's camp. Now Yuan Shao had given up thinking about Li Tong, and it happened that Liu Bei brought the remnants of his headquarters back to the front line of Guandu. For Liu Bei's failure, Yuan Shao himself knew who to blame, and how to continue to use Liu Bei's remaining heat? Liu Bei's suggestion: Take the officers and soldiers of your own headquarters and go to Liu Biao's office in Jingzhou. Based on the face of the family five hundred years ago, persuade Liu Biao to march into Xudu. If Xudu is in danger, how can Cao Cao stick to Guandu?Once the army withdraws, Yuan Jun will cover up and kill from behind, and he will surely win.

Yuan Shao is not confused this time, he knows how much face Liu Bei, the emperor's family, has always had. Liu Biao has always done nothing but thunder and never rained. If Liu Bei goes, it may not mean that the Dragon King who makes rain has arrived. It is better to stop talking empty words and do some practical things. There are thousands of Yellow Turban remnants from Gongdu active, and it is more realistic to organize them to harass Xudu than to wait for Liu Biao to send troops. In fact, Liu Bei's fundamental purpose is just to let Yuan Shao replenish his food and armaments. How about defeating Cao Cao under Yuan Shao's wise command?Liu Bei couldn't see any hope, so he recommended himself as an envoy to Jingzhou just to escape from the shipwreck. Although in the eyes of everyone, Yuan Jun's situation was very good, but Liu Bei knew Cao Cao too well, and asked himself that he was better than Yuan Shao in military command, but He is not Cao Cao's opponent either. If time drags on, who will benefit?Liu Bei is optimistic about Cao Cao.

The goal of replenishing food and armaments has been achieved, and it is impossible for Yuan Shao to increase his troops. Yuan Shao still firmly believes that he will definitely defeat Cao Cao at Guandu, and everything must be focused on the front line at Guandu. The road goes back to Runan. Liu Bei is indeed like a kindling, it turns red wherever it is lit. After hooking up with Gong Du, Liu Bei accepted the lesson from the last time he made noises before training troops. First of all, he helped Gong Du rectify the discipline of the troops, and at the same time practiced the basic formations. In particular, the basic battle gear and equipment for the infantry to restrain the cavalry have been purchased as much as possible.In less than a month, Gong Du's army has taken on a completely new look. As for the actual combat level?Haven't had a chance to try it yet, it doesn't look good and looks like it will cut off its combat power.

When the opportunity came, the news of Liu Bei's large-scale military training in the south of Xudu reached Cao Cao's ears. Shi Guandu's bitter battle lost all meaning! But the current Guandu Cao Cao himself is in a precarious state, how can he have spare energy to take care of Liu Bei? Flying cavalry ordered Cai Yang, the guard currently stationed in Yecheng, to dispatch his army and horses to attack Liu Bei and Gong Du's troops.Cai Yang was overjoyed to receive the order!Why?This Cai Yang was one of the few generals in the Cao camp who were not convinced by Guan Yu. Since Guan Yu had no meritorious service, Cai Yang was very upset. Yang is even more disdainful, thinking that it is nothing more than everyone's star-chasing mentality, a combination of romance and mythology.Guan Yu's old master Liu Bei was Yan Liang's comrade-in-arms, who knows how Guan Yu tricked Yan Liang into plotting against him?Otherwise, how can you get close to the enemy's commander in the army?

He believed that Guan Yu was a capricious villain who first betrayed Liu Bei and fled Cao Ying.Once I, Cai Yang, meet such dirty people, it's just a matter of breaking up! Now that Cao Cao ordered him to attack Liu Bei, the master Guan Yu was about to defect to, why didn't Cai Yang be so excited?First slaughter Guan Yu's master, Cai Yang will be famous all over the world, and I will be famous in history today! So even the infantry didn't bother to move out, and ordered two thousand Qingqi from the headquarters, and killed Liu Bei's mob!Didn’t General Cao Ren use two thousand light cavalry some time ago to kill Liu Bei and Liu Se’s more than ten thousand soldiers and horses, throwing away their helmets and armor?Now it is confirmed that Liu Bei and Gong have no more than five or six thousand soldiers, and no more than a few hundred cavalry. Once General Cai arrives, it will be like destroying the dead!

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