Home Categories historical fiction Tang Taizong's 24-hour coup

Chapter 28 first warrior

Tang Taizong's 24-hour coup 老克 2234Words 2018-03-13
Tu Jie once again clenched the poison quenching dagger in his arms, and stared at the man who was sleeping like a dead pig on the couch without blinking.This is the goal of his trip. Everyone in the Tang court knows Yu Chigong, who is known as the number one warrior in the empire. Originally thought that this Wei Chigong was also a general, and the confidant of King Qin, the supreme commander of the Tang army, so the defense of the mansion would not go anywhere again.Therefore, before coming, Tu Jie had already conceived several different assassination modes and escape plans, and even made a plan to die together as a last resort.He calculated for a long time, but he never expected to encounter such a shocking and embarrassing scene when he came to Yuchi Gong's residence.

Yu Chigong's mansion is not big, but it has five courtyards and more than 20 rooms.As a general, such a mansion is indeed not luxurious, but no matter how simple it is, it is not so shabby that there is not even a servant!But what Tu Jie saw now was such a scene, all the doors and windows in the entire Yuchi Mansion were open, and all the lanterns and candles were lit, illuminating the General's Mansion almost like it was daytime.However, in such a mansion, apart from General Yuchi who was lying on the bed dreaming of spring and autumn, and the assassin Tu Jie who was awkwardly leaning on the eaves in a dilemma, there was no third person to be found.There are no servants, no housekeepers, no attendants, no grooms, no soldiers, and no maids and maids, not even Mrs. Yuchi, her three sons and one brother who should have been there.It seemed that in such a large mansion, General Yuchi had lived alone in it since ancient times.

The main door of the General's Mansion is wide open, the middle door is wide open, the back door is wide open, the corner door is also wide open, and even the door of the Kulin is wide open.In such an environment where even the most humble thief in Chang'an could come and go freely, Yu Chigong slept peacefully and steadily, and his snoring was quite rhythmic.All the infiltration plans that Tu Jie had originally thought up were useless. It is said that at this moment he could have ended Yu Chigong's life with a single knife, but he felt a big bad thing, as if there was a heavy weight The oppressive pressure hangs above his head, as long as he moves half a step, it will bring disaster.

It's no wonder that he was startled and suspicious, Yu Chigong's sleeping appearance was really weird.He just lay on the couch obliquely, without even taking off the cover of his armor, holding a heavy black iron shovel in his arms, with a length of one foot, and wearing felt boots that he only wore when riding a horse. The "Tai'a" sword is hanging on the curtain beside the couch, and it can be taken off easily.This is not sleeping, it is clearly the appearance of being on guard against someone's assassination at any time. No matter how stupid Tu Jie is, he can tell that something is wrong.General Yuchi was clearly prepared for this, and nine out of ten he was pretending to be asleep at the moment.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he thought about it. He casually took a tile from his side and threw it into the courtyard with his hand. With a "click", the tiles fell to pieces in the courtyard. When I looked at Yu Chigong again, I saw that he seemed to be startled by something, his loud snoring stopped, he turned over lazily on the bed, and muttered in his mouth: "The crown prince sent... gold and silver... ...The King of Qi came to steal the tiles...Grandma's, there are nine types of dragons, and they are all...different! If you break...the house, even if you have King Qi's protection, a...house...will... want you to pay according to the price... ..."

Tu Jie waited on the eaves for a long while in fear, but he didn't see Yu Chigong get up and come out, but the snoring that stopped suddenly started to sound again. Tu Jie sighed, and smiled bitterly in his heart, it seems that today he is bound to return in vain... "It's not that I, the big brother, scolded you. Take a look at the things you have done. Which one can really be put on the table? And which one is really successful? You are the prince, the prince, and the subordinate. The prime minister of the provincial palm seal is not a thieves! Yuchi Gongyong is famous all over the world, and those unrefined assassins you sent can do nothing to get him? Didn’t you just push the imperial historian to hold a book for His Majesty the Emperor? Did you come up with a memorandum slandering him for treason? So what? Didn’t your father send it to Erlang as it is? You, you, when will you come up with some useful ideas and do something useful?” Li Jiancheng said angrily Qi Wang Li Yuanji complained.

Li Yuanji said unconvinced: "Your Highness, my brother has worked so hard to win who? You became the emperor, and my brother and I will still be the prince. If you don't become the emperor, my brother, I will still be the prince. Assassinate Yuchi Jingde, with me What's the benefit? Isn't it all for His Highness? To deal with the Hongyi Hall, there is no way to be upright. You talk about gentleman's morality with others, but they play rogue with you, my good brother, how do you Maybe you can beat others? If you don’t break these rules and regulations, I think you and I will die in Erlang’s hands sooner or later!”

Li Jiancheng sneered and said, "You still have the face to call Erlang a rascal in the market? He didn't think of such ghostly tricks as sending assassins to assassinate and falsely accusing others without evidence!" Li Yuanji snorted coldly: "That year when he slandered Yang Wengan for treason, was it also an aboveboard method?" Li Jiancheng was at a loss for words. Wei Zheng, who was sitting on the side, interjected: "Although King Qi's words are not pleasant to listen to, they also make sense. Your Highness, don't let King Qin act like a benevolent gentleman in front of others. Whether it is Wen Gan's treason case or the East Palace poisoned wine case, the means It can be said that it is not insidious and vicious. Since the establishment of the Dingding, the prince has faced all the officials of the court, political affairs and security, but what the King of Qin has faced is the anti-king of the heroes outside the pass. Relying on magic tricks to defraud one's heart. His Royal Highness King Qin's benevolence and humility are only on the surface, and his ruthlessness and determination are the root of it. Your Highness must be on guard!"

Li Jiancheng smiled slightly: "What you said is all right, but as long as we keep pace, Erlang will never leave Chang'an. In Chang'an City, we have the upper hand in terms of political aid and military power. As long as Erlang stays in Chang'an, he will be nothing more than a There is a brave man in the air, and it is easy to get!" Wei Zheng frowned and said, "Even if the Second Highness stays in the capital, I'm afraid he shouldn't be underestimated. After all, he is a great king who was fought on the battlefield. People who are used to knives may not dare to continue using knives where they should use their tongues and pens. Once the Second Highness goes mad, and a group of people from Tiance Mansion make a mess in the capital, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it."

Li Jiancheng said with a smile: "Teacher Wei, don't worry, if Erlang really starts a rebellion, then God will really help me!" His face became gloomy: "Erlang in Hongyi Palace can mobilize less than three thousand horses, we have six commanders in the East Palace, left and right Changlin, with over ten thousand troops, even if we can't destroy Erlang, it is enough to protect ourselves. What's more, there are 18,000 forbidden troops in Taiji Palace, and tens of thousands of Chang'an City Defense Forces. Furthermore, Erlang's rebellion must be to promote chaos. As long as the father and emperor give a holy decree, the soldiers of Hongyi Palace will be exonerated, and they will not collapse immediately? At that time We are enjoining rebellion, and it is justified! To be honest, what I am most looking forward to at this moment is that Erlang can play a scoundrel with me in Chang'an City, otherwise I really don't know what to do with this good brother!"

As he said that, a very gentle smile appeared on the face of the Crown Prince of the Tang Empire...
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