Home Categories historical fiction Tang Taizong's 24-hour coup

Chapter 4 Hall of Liangyi (below)

Tang Taizong's 24-hour coup 老克 2105Words 2018-03-13
The atmosphere in the Hall of Liangyi was dignified and solemn. The emperor stood beside the imperial case with his hands behind his back for almost a bag of cigarettes.Feng Lun still knelt under His Highness neither humble nor overbearing, with a calm and composed expression.The water leak in the side hall was ticking, and the cold north wind howling outside the main hall swept across the square, the sky was covered with lead clouds, and the sky was full of snowflakes. Luoyang was called Luoyi in ancient times, and it became the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in the second year of King Ping of Zhou, and it lasted for five hundred and fifteen years.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, all the heroes rose together, and after eight years of melee, the world returned to unity. Han Gaozu established his dynasty in Luoyang, and later moved to Chang'an.Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, Guangwu Zhongxing, and established Luoyang as the capital, which was the beginning of the Later Han Dynasty. At the end of the Later Han Dynasty, He Jin, an eunuch who took power, was punished. Dong Zhuo, governor of Xiliang, went to Beijing, and soon abandoned Luoyang and took the emperor and his officials to Chang'an. In the first year of Wei Wendi Yankang, Cao Pi led Wei Ting to move the capital to Luoyang.Since then, the Wei, Western Jin, and Northern Wei dynasties all used Luoyang as their capital for 138 years.In the first year of Daye of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Yang ascended the throne in Renshou Palace to succeed the emperor. Therefore, in March of the following year, Shang Shuling Yang Su, Nayan Yang Da, and Yu Wenkai, the master craftsman, were ordered to build the Eastern Capital.

In the 14th year of Daye, Yu Wenhua killed Emperor Yang in Yangzhou, Yue Wang Yang Tong ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in Luoyang, and Taiwei Wang Shichong monopolized the government.Next year, Wang Shichong will abolish Yang Tong as the Duke of Lu, and establish himself as the emperor. The country will be named Dazheng, and its capital will be Luoyang.In July of the third year of Wude, Li Shimin, King Qin of the Tang Dynasty, led his troops out of Guzhou and fought in Cijian. Wang Shichong was defeated and defended Luoyang.Li Shimin then sent Shi Wanbao, the marching chief, out of Yiyang to reject Longmen, Liu Dewei encircled Hanoi from the east of Taihang, and Wang Junkuo cut Zheng Jun's food road from Luokou.At the same time, Shimin sent Huang Junhan alone to lead an army to attack Luocheng and sweep up the south bank of the Yellow River.In September, Li Shimin and Wang Shichong fought again in Mangshan Mountain, beheading more than 3,000 people. Zheng Jiang Chen Zhilue was captured, but Wang Shichong escaped with his own life.Later, Yang Qing, the general manager of Junzhou, sent envoys to ask for surrender, and Xing, Bian, Wei, and Henan Jiuzhou also came to surrender one after another.In February of the fourth year of Wude, King Qin led his army into Qingcheng Palace and fought three battles with Wang Shichong in Beimang.Eight thousand people were bound and beheaded, and they entered the camp city.In May, Shimin led an army to break Dou Jiande in Hulao, and bound Jiande to the city of Luoyang. Wang Shichong was terrified, and led more than 2,000 officials and subordinates to the army gate to ask for surrender.

After several generations of emperors' building strategies, Luoyang has a strong city, rich resources and abundant people. It is also located in the Central Plains and adjacent to a big river. It has become a strategic fortress with extremely high military value.The battle between Tang and Zheng was basically centered on Luoyang.This battle is also the battle of the world.The battle of Luoyang lasted for a year, and its tragic and dangerous degree was only seen by the Tang army since the Taiyuan uprising.At the critical moment, if the king of Qin hadn't resisted all opinions and divided his troops to resist the Xia army and won the battle, the Tang army would have almost failed in Luoyang city.

It is precisely because Li Shimin obtained Luoyang City with all his strength and managed it with all his strength for several years, the emperor was cautious about Feng Lun's suggestion.Once Li Shimin is sealed in Luoyang, there will inevitably be a situation in which the eastern and western capitals, one king and one king, will not control each other in the Tang Dynasty.What Li Yuan is most worried about is that the world that has just been unified will cause turmoil again due to the rivalry between his brothers.Once the Tang Dynasty fell into civil war, the Turks would inevitably take the opportunity to go south, and the anti-kings and their remnants who were suppressed by the Tang army would resurface, and the situation would become even more out of control.

He pondered for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Once the king of Qin is enshrined in Luoyang, how can we ensure that the people of the world will surrender to Jiancheng after a hundred years?" Feng Lun pursed his lips, and said: "Your Majesty only thought that the King of Qin would disobey the new king, but why didn't he think that the new king would tolerate the King of Qin being crowned king in Luoyang's stronghold? It is true that the prince is kind and has always acted prudently. He will never do anything to kill his own brother. However, the king of Qi cannot afford to kill. At that time, who will have more power over the new king than the king of Qi? So I think, Your Majesty has two hidden worries about sealing King Qin in Luoyang."

Li Yuan nodded: "That's right. I'm not only worried that the King of Qin will be Liu Bi of the Tang Dynasty, but also worried that Jian Jiancheng and Yuan Ji will be impatient and rush to attack Luo. The people of the world have experienced military affairs for a long time, and this level goes without saying. So I Only one was mentioned." Feng Lun kowtowed: "Forgive me for being stupid. I think that these two things should be planned in advance. The king of Qin was enshrined in Luoyang. If he raises troops to rebel, he fears that no one in the world will be able to control him. If the crown prince and King Qi send troops to attack Luo, they will come out of nowhere. It must be defeated by the King of Qin. The world is also in the pocket of the King of Qin, so why should His Majesty make such an unnecessary move, just to make the people suffer from the ravages of swords and wars!"

Li Yuan laughed and said: "Obviously it was your idea, but now you are questioning me, De Yi, you are so brave..." Having said that, Li Yuan smiled and didn't really get angry. He waved his hand and ordered Feng Lun to continue. Feng Lun also smiled as if making fun of it: "Your Majesty is a talented person, how can a humble minister escape His Majesty's eyes... I think that if you seal the king of Qin in Luoyang, you should abolish Tiance Admiral's Mansion and restore the prince's regular rule." , to set the number of the prince's guard army, this is the first; add Li Shiji Shandong Dao Xingtai Shangshu Zuo Pushe, and make Lu the Duke of Lu, and after a hundred years of your majesty, the new emperor will add Lu County King and enjoin him to guard the east of the river, this is the second; The king of Qi was in Liangzhou, but he was not given military power, and he appointed Li Daozong, the king of the city, as the minister of Longyou Daoxingtai Zuo Servant. This is the third. With these three strategies, your majesty can ensure that the world will not be chaotic in a hundred years..."

After listening to Li Yuan, he didn't speak for a while.Feng Lun's suggestion is indeed brilliant, sealing the king of Qin in Luoyang cut off the overwhelming authority of Tiance Admiral's Mansion over all officials to independently discuss government affairs and run the army independently, restricting the number of the prince's guards, and Li Shimin's military power was cut off Mostly.Li Shiji was granted full military and political power in the east of Shanxi, he was granted the title of Duke Jin, and the fiefdom of King Qin was sandwiched between Li Jun and Guanzhong. Li Shiji's ability was enough to restrain Li Shimin from moving.The king of Qi was enshrined in Liangzhou, but he was not given military power. Li Daozong, the king of Rencheng who had a good relationship with Su and the king of Qin, was granted full military and political power in the local area. Li Jiancheng exerted influence, bewitched and instigated.The three-pronged approach can ensure that the world will not have swordsmen behind him. As long as the civil war does not prosper, the stable inheritance of the Tang Dynasty will be guaranteed.

However, what he is worried about is that the Tiance Mansion's right to discuss government affairs and deploy troops has been cut off. Once the northern barbarians and Turks invade the south, the benevolent and honest Confucianism will be built because of military affairs.And the King of Qin, who was used to fighting, had no right to deploy troops, so he would restrain each other at that time. Although it avoided the brothers fighting each other, it delayed the plan to fight the enemy.Although Feng Lun's method is more than enough to deal with internal troubles, it is not enough to eliminate external troubles.

He thought for a while, then waved his hand and said: "I understand what you mean, it's a big matter, and I have to think it over carefully, you should step down first!" Feng Lun didn't say any more, he knelt on the ground respectfully and kowtowed three times, stood up and backed away slowly out of the hall...
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