Home Categories historical fiction The History of Wu Sangui's Fortune 2

Chapter 80 6. Emperor Yongli was escorted back to Yunnan

When the little eunuch saw that Emperor Yongli said that he was with Camellia, he thought he was confused and became anxious.Because according to his speculation, the Burmese will definitely send people to the Licao Palace to catch them all.But now the emperor is so confused, who will lead him out of the predicament? The little eunuch said to Emperor Yongli: "Your Majesty, this is not a place to stay forever!" Emperor Yongli asked, "Why?" The little eunuch said: "I guess the Burmese will come here soon!" When Emperor Yongli heard this, he panicked and said nervously: "What should I do?"

Seeing that Emperor Yongli was not confused, the little eunuch became happy instead.Then he said: "The emperor leads everyone to flee quickly!" Emperor Yongli asked: "Where did you escape to? This is Burma! You can't go back to Daming?" The little eunuch heard it, too.But he changed his mind and came up with an idea: "Instead of sitting here waiting to die, it's better to run outside. They will have to spend some effort to catch us!" Emperor Yongli thought to himself: This is a way!But what about the empress dowager, queen, concubine and court ladies?He asked, "Where is the woman?"

The little eunuch thought to himself: It's this time, and you still think about women?But he didn't dare to say this, for fear that the emperor would reply to him: You are not a man, of course you don't want a woman!The little eunuch had no choice but to say, "Let's take them along!" Emperor Yongli took the empress dowager, the queen, the concubine, the prince, and some eunuchs to leave the palace of licao in a mighty way, and went to the wilderness.Except for the emperor and the prince, there are very few men in this team who can be called men.And the only man that Emperor Yongli favors is Deng Kai, and the rest are useless characters, at least useless in this situation!

They ran into the Burmese chasing soldiers in the outskirts not far from the Temple of Licao.Thousands of Burmese troops surrounded Emperor Yongli and the others.Suddenly, the group of them panicked, the men panicked, and the women cried and shouted! Emperor Yongli trembled and asked Deng Kai: "What should I do?" Deng Kai thought for a while and said: "The first important thing is to deal with women!" Emperor Yongli asked, "Why?" Deng Kai said: "Most of these women are pretty, and Burmese men will have evil intentions when they see them. Most of them are the emperor's women. If they are defiled by Burmese men, wouldn't they lose the emperor's face? Besides, there will be historical sequelae of."

Emperor Yongli agreed with the loss of face, but he was puzzled by the sequelae.He asked, "What are the side effects?" Deng Kai said: "After this catastrophe, have we formed a deadly enmity with the Burmese?" Emperor Yongli said: "Of course! If I don't take revenge, I will die with peace!" Deng Kai said: "However, if Burmese men leave the seeds on these women, wouldn't it be difficult to give birth to children with both Han and Burmese ancestry? Due to this level of in-law relationship, how can we deal with it? Are they ruthless?" Emperor Yongli admired and said: "Deng Aiqing is still far-sighted!" He ordered the maids to hang themselves to death.Those who refused to hang themselves had the eunuchs help them strangle them.

Because of their own incompetence, these eunuchs have long hated these women who love to show off in front of the emperor.Now, upon hearing the emperor's order, they all descended like tigers and rushed towards the women.So, the maids howled like ghosts and wolves. When the Burmese soldiers saw the Han women fleeing and the men chasing them, they thought they were playing some kind of game, so they all watched the excitement with great interest.Suddenly seeing all the beautiful and coquettish women being strangled to death and laying on the ground, they all feel very sorry.Feel incredible at the same time!

Emperor Yongli, a group of ministers, the empress dowager, and the maids who were not strangled to death lived through two days of grief. On the third day, which was also the 21st day of the seventh month in the fifteenth year of the Yongli calendar, the Burmese envoys came again, saying that the Licao Palace had been restored and they wanted to take Emperor Yongli back to live.Emperor Yongli refused, he said that even if he died, there was no reason to throw himself into the trap!It was really hard for him to accept that he was going to die. Seeing that Emperor Yongli was determined not to follow, the little eunuch enlightened him, "Your Majesty, I ask you, if the Burmese want to kill us, can we escape?"

Emperor Yongli could only nod his head and said, "No!" The little eunuch said: "Since you die here, you will die when you go back. It's better to go back!" Emperor Yongli asked, "Why?" The little eunuch said: "You can still live comfortably for a few days when you go back. It is better to die in the palace than to throw the corpse in the wild! Even though it is a palace in another country." After hearing this, Emperor Yongli felt that it was reasonable, and he acquiesced in his heart, but he wanted to save face, and felt that the Burmese should criticize him, so he asked the envoy: "Why did you kill my ministers?"

The envoy said: "This matter has nothing to do with our country, because your subordinates Li Dingguo and Bai Wenxuan harassed and killed my people, causing public anger!" After hearing this, Emperor Yongli was much happier.He thought: Li Dingguo and Bai Wenxuan have not forgotten me, this is better than anything else! It turned out that the king of Burma felt that the Qing Dynasty was powerful, so he planned to kill the ministers of Emperor Yongli, and then sent him back to the Qing Dynasty.Unexpectedly, when Li Dingguo and the others got the news, they stormed Burma and asked them for the emperor.The Burmese king was afraid, weighed the pros and cons, and felt that it would be better to keep Emperor Yongli in his own hands, which could be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the Qing Dynasty or Li Dingguo.

Therefore, Emperor Yongli brought everyone back to the Hall of Licao. In a flash, several months passed.The empress dowager fell ill after several tosses.Emperor Yongli was worried because of this, and he sighed all day long. The little eunuch couldn't bear to see that Emperor Yongli was always frowning, so he comforted him and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. As the saying goes, as long as the green hills are there, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Your Majesty will protect the dragon's body well, and don't worry that there won't be a comeback in the future." !"

After hearing this, Emperor Yongli's mood not only did not improve, but became even more melancholy.He said to the little eunuch: "Let the governor and the acquaintance Deng Kai enter the palace." The little eunuch did as he said. Deng Kai rushed over in a hurry, knelt down in front of the emperor and said: "My subject Deng Kai pays homage to the emperor, long live my emperor!" Emperor Yongli waved his hand impatiently.In the past, when he heard the minister shouting "Long live the emperor", his spirit would be lifted.But today, he felt that the sound was very harsh.He suppressed his emotions as much as possible, then sighed and said, "The Empress Dowager has been ill for many days, and I don't know if her bones can return to her hometown?" Deng Kai immediately comforted and said: "Auspicious people have their own celestial features! I guess the emperor will return to China soon and restore my Ming Dynasty!" Emperor Yongli didn't speak.He was not in the mood to try to figure out how authentic Deng Kai's words were.He had a hunch that this was hard to come true. Seeing that Emperor Yongli did not speak, Deng Kai had no choice but to accompany him silently.He was thinking: what is the emperor thinking now?Having been an official for many years, it has become a habit to ponder the emperor's mind.Therefore, even in this case, don't forget to think about it. Emperor Yongli suddenly said: "It is my fault that Bai Wenxuan was not crowned prince and Ma Bao was not crowned king of the county!" Deng Kai was startled, and thought: The emperor knows that he has regretted it at this time, but it is too late!As the emperor, you are more than these mistakes?But he had to pretend to comfort the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, don't blame yourself too deeply!" Emperor Yongli didn't seem to hear Deng Kai's words, and said: "When I was in Yunnan and Guizhou, I brought disaster to the Li people. I don't know how they are doing now?" Deng Kai laughed inwardly: "Only when you lose it will you know its preciousness! The people are like this, so is the emperor! If the emperor has not forgotten the people, how can the people abandon the emperor! Deng Kai has no way to comfort the emperor's words, so he can only Accompanied silently. December 13th, the fifteenth year of Emperor Yongli, that is, AD 1661. Burmese envoys came to Licao Temple again.The envoy said to the depressed Emperor Yongli: "Our king thought that Emperor Daming was not comfortable living here, so he built a palace in a place with good geomantic omen, and ordered us to come and pick you up!" Emperor Yongli asked, "Where is the geomantic omen?" The envoy said: "The emperor will know when he is up." Therefore, the Emperor Yongli, the Empress Dowager, the Empress, and the Prince were escorted by the Burmese and sent to Yunnan.
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