Home Categories Internet fantasy Miaojiang Gu Story 16 Finale Part 2

Chapter 27 Chapter 58 Yelang Ancient Battlefield

This is the bottom of the pool near the shore. It stands to reason that there is very little silt in such caves. After all, running water does not rot, and it is difficult for rocks to turn into silt. However, the smelly silt here is as deep as two fingers. He frowned and asked him, saying that you don't want to take the waterway, do you? It’s not like we haven’t gone through similar waterways, but at that time there was Tian Wu Zhu, so there was nothing to worry about, and now Tian Wu Zhu has been handed over to the green-faced high priest in Dongting Lake, although we can breathe in water, but Others can't walk this way at all, let alone know where the waterway here leads to and whether there is an exit.

Miscellaneous Mao Xiaodao shook his head and said no, what is this? He scraped away a large piece of mud. I walked over and looked down. It was a pile of strange but familiar runes, and there were many patterns with simple lines. There were mountains and waters, pictures and words.I immediately thought of the five Yelang temples I had been to, and I had seen many of the same patterns there, and then I remembered that these are the runes of Gu Yelang, and they are also characters inherited from the ancient Wuxian family ——Could it be that this is also a Yelang ruins?I became suspicious in my heart, ignored the others, and concentrated on checking the runes on it.

I don't understand these runes, but subconsciously I feel so familiar.Yang Cao squeezed over, looked around for a while, and told me that this place might be a door. Door?By the way, I feel that this is indeed what I mean. Everyone got excited and tried their best to scrape away the silt and cleared out the whole area. Sure enough, they saw a circular symbol array with a diameter of three meters. In the center of the symbol array was a man with a vague face praying. The villain jumps. We were all very excited, lying on the ground and looking left and right, Zamao Xiaodao raised his head and asked the succubus, did you find such a place before?

The succubus shook his head and said, "I found this place temporarily to house the three-legged golden toad and the devil spider. I just came here two days ago, how do I know about this?" I was a little puzzled, thinking of going down to this cave earlier Come inside, there are still many skeletons under your feet, and it shouldn't be too long.While negotiating, the little demon reminded us that you have to pay attention, the pool is flooding up again, and you are all submerged carefully. Sure enough, the water has already started to rise, and it is slowly soaking to our side. It is estimated that within a few minutes, our feet should be submerged.I was a little nervous. Whether everyone can go out this time is probably the key to this mysterious Yelang circle. How can it be stimulated?

Miscellaneous Mao Xiaodao suggested that I press my hands on the relief, and then stimulate the strength to see if I can get approval.I did so, but remained motionless.Then we used various methods in turn, but to no avail.The soldier next to him looked anxiously and asked him if he had explosives with him, if he wanted some.Thinking of the rocket bomb just now, I disagree in my heart.At this time, Dodo suddenly said: "Brother Lu Zuo, you used to use blood when you opened Zhima's door, why don't you give it a try this time?" One word awakened the dreamer, but I forgot about it, grabbed Duo Duo's cute cheek and kissed it, and then swiped my finger with the ghost sword.Although my blood does not have any blood inheritance, it contains the breath of the king. This is the imprint of the soul, which made the Nayelang Sacrifice Hall open just now.At this moment, the blood dripped on the circle, and the stone relief suddenly shone red. Those characters seemed to come to life, wriggling like earthworms. People who searched in other places in the cave surrounded them. We subconsciously retreated two times. Step by step, carefully watching the talisman circle continuously flow and rotate.The red glow is slightly, not dazzling, nor hot, but it exudes a warm breath, which I am very familiar with.Miscellaneous Mao Xiaodao watched intently from the side. After a few seconds, he swallowed and exclaimed: "The wisdom of the predecessors is really not to be underestimated."

It felt like a long time had passed, but in fact it was very short. The relief stone slab under the mud suddenly disappeared with a "click" sound, and a huge deep pit suddenly appeared, and at the same time, a huge suction force came from it.Compared with the suction power of the three-legged golden toad before, it is simply nothing. Many people watching were caught off guard, and they were all supported by a soft light, sinking towards the bottom of the black hole.Even I, with the visualization method to suppress the mountains, couldn't stop sliding towards the entrance of the cave bit by bit.

This suction is very strange, but any dead body or inanimate matter will not move at all.I was the last one to fall, and at that moment a golden light shot into my chest, and the poison sac essence left by the three-legged golden toad had been completely swallowed by the fat bug.I thought that falling into a deep pit was a scary thing, but I didn't expect that the gentle breath held it, as if I fell into the cotton pile.The darkness lasted only for a moment, and the next second my feet were on the ground, and before I could look at them, a majestic wind blew in front of me, almost blowing me to the ground.After standing firmly on my feet, I found that most of the companions who fell here just now were scattered around me, sitting, standing or lying down, and they seemed to be fine.The place we are in is the edge of a huge platform, and a few dozen steps straight ahead is the dark abyss.

There is a big river a hundred meters away on the left, more than 30 meters wide, turbulent and majestic, flowing downward, forming a huge waterfall, and the deafening sound of water flow.The water splashed and the mist dispersed, making the atmosphere in this space a little wet, making people feel a little moldy in the bottom of their hearts, but there was a swirl of air around them, making the dark place dry.A soldier turned on the strong flashlight and looked around curiously, as if he had arrived at a new world. This place is far more empty than the cave above, and the humid but fresh wind makes people feel more comfortable. The faces of the soldiers painted with camouflage showed smiles, but my mood became a little heavy.

Because here I smell death. At this time, I heard Yang Cao yelling, saying, Lu Zuo, come and have a look. I walked over, and Yang Cao came up to him holding something like a stone sword. I took it and looked at it. It was a bronze sword, half corroded on one side, and wrapped in stone slurry on the other side. I was a little puzzled. Where did you come from? Yang Cao said: "It's everywhere here. Lu Zuo, do you know that I have been studying Gu Yelang's history for these years, and I can tell you with certainty that the style of this bronze sword is Gu Yelang's. It was equipped by the most elite soldiers in Yelang. Look over there, the chariots, ordnance, human and horse skeleton fossils——Lu Zuo, this is an ancient battlefield, do you know?”

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